Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 459 People

Xu Guifeng suddenly felt as if he was drowning and suffocating, unable to breathe, unable to move, but his five senses were amplified to the extreme, and he almost fainted from the sound of his own heartbeat.

He could even hear the sound of blood flowing in his body, but he couldn't make any reaction, as if he was imprisoned in his body.

Unspeakable panic and helplessness swallowed him up instantly.

And just when Xu Guifeng was slowly sinking into the abyss of despair, a soft glimmer of light pulled him out.

Only then did Xu Guifeng realize that it was the big black pot tied to his head that was glowing.

[Zaojun Iron Cauldron]

The "auspicious" level retained objects can turn misfortune into good luck, present good luck in times of disaster, protect against insults, soothe the spirit and soothe the soul.

The shimmering light was soft and warm, blocking out the obscure black air.


Suddenly a hoarse voice came from behind him. Xu Guifeng turned around and saw that it was his old subordinate who had been with him for many years.

"Lao Zhang?" Xu Guifeng found that the cloth strips tied to the other party's arms were also glowing, resisting the erosion of the black air.

"Go quickly." It was also light, but the light on Lao Zhang's arm was so weak that it swayed like a candle in the wind under the bite of black air.


Lao Zhang staggered and fell into Xu Guifeng's arms. His hands, which had been soaked in black air, were covered with blood vessels that were raised like earthworms, but he was still trying hard to push Xu Guifeng away.

Xu Guifeng raised his head in confusion, only to realize that wherever he looked, everything around him was surrounded by a seemingly non-existent black mist.

And none of the reinforcements he brought were left standing.

completely annihilated.

Xu Guifeng couldn't accept it for a while, and he was stunned.

"Instructor." Someone at his feet tugged at his trouser leg. Xu Guifeng looked down and saw that it was Xiao Xu who had only been in the job for a few years.

Since the two of them have the same surname, Xu Guifeng takes great care of his younger brother.

But now, Xiao Xu, who was always full of energy in the past and shouted "Fuck him", has been covered with black energy, leaving only one pair of bloodshot eyes staring at him.

"Come on."

Xu Guifeng watched numbly as the other party took off the soft and shimmering hairpin on his body and stuck it into the edge of his trouser legs.

The glimmer of protection then transferred to Xu Guifeng, dissipating a lot of the black energy around him.

As a price, Xiao Xu was quickly filled with black energy, his eyes were dark and dull, and his young head that should have been full of vitality drooped, without any warmth.

Xu Guifeng's numb and stiff heart was in turmoil again.

It was only at this moment that he discovered that he had many miscellaneous items on his body, including a writing brush, apron, paperweight, jade bracelet, and dagger.
All are "auspicious" or "half-auspicious" remnants.

The remnants that were supposed to be worn on his subordinates to protect them from the erosion of strange forces were all stuffed onto him at this moment.

A bad suspicion took shape in an instant.

Xu Guifeng wanted to escape, but his eyes had already glanced at the "people" lying on the ground around him.

"Xiao Xu!" Xu Guifeng squatted down in collapse, holding on to Xiao Xu who was no longer alive at all and rocking him back and forth.

"Lao Zhang! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Old Liu!"

"Aji, Xiao Wang, Fatty, Cockscomb, and Ding'er"

"What happen to you guys!"

"Wake up!"

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!".
No one responded.

It wasn't until he touched the already cold barrel that Xu Guifeng realized that a long time had passed since his flash of consciousness.

Long enough for the barrel to cool down, long enough for his subordinates to come to him one by one, stuffing themselves with the remnants of life they depended on.


Xu Guifeng beat his chest and stamped his feet, and finally fell to his knees on the ground, looking up to the sky and roaring. It was so sad and desolate that everyone who heard it felt sad.

Of course, at this moment, the only "hearer" didn't have many mood swings.

"Ah, it's such a tear-jerking friendship." Chen Ze, who appeared as a normal person, sighed, but walked up to Xu Guifeng expressionlessly.

Xu Guifeng seemed to have not seen him until Chen Ze reached out and made a move, and a figure flew through the air like an arrow from a string.


Chen Ze steadily caught the doctor who was photographed from the air, which also made Xu Guifeng suddenly change his expression.

At this time, the doctor is somewhere between human form and fleshy plasticine, and his shape is constantly changing, which seems to be quite painful.

By now, Xu Guifeng naturally recognized that this was the doctor.

"Let go of Bo."

Xu Guifeng was only halfway through his words when the strong black energy in Chen Ze's hand completely overwhelmed the doctor, causing him to quickly dry up and shrink until he turned into a cluster of charcoal-like black ash and disappeared with the wind.

The ashes were carried by the breeze to Xu Guifeng's face, like dark tears.

So he finally stopped screaming, his throat was rolling several times, and he seemed to want to question something, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only stare at Chen Ze with a look of extreme hatred.

After a while, he finally spoke,

"Why didn't you kill me?"

"Do you want to die?" Chen Zeshi clapped his hands and brushed away the black dust, and summoned back the black energy around Xu Guifeng, which was like gangrene on the bones.
"Worth it?"

"Look at them, tsk tsk tsk."

"This scene makes me seem like a villain."

"Aren't you?" Xu Guifeng asked.

"Who knows?" Chen Ze stepped forward with his hands behind his back, walking comfortably among his "masterpieces" all over the floor with a leisurely attitude like taking a walk after a meal.

“It’s been a long time since I paid attention to what other people think of me.”

"I promised them." Xu Guifeng lowered his gaze and gently arranged Xiao Xu, Lao Zhang and other bodies neatly.

"I won't let them die in front of me."

"Since you pull the trigger, you must be aware that you will also be shot." Chen Ze criticized mercilessly.

"Yes." Xu Guifeng stood up slowly,

"But it seems like you are the attacker who came to provoke us, right?"

"I have tried my best." Chen Ze pointed to the light eagle that was still maintaining in the sky.
"Minimize casualties."

"Besides, if it comes down to it, you were the ones who provoked me first."

"How? Is that enough?"

"What did you say?" Xu Guifeng looked at Chen Ze.

"Have I said enough?" Chen Ze stopped and looked at him,
"These people are all trying to save you. Your status is not low, right?"

"I've always been very tolerant of talent."

"How about it, surrender to me, and everything can get back on track."

"Let's just forget about everything that happened before and I won't care about it with you anymore."

"Consider it? It's not too late now."

After Xu Guifeng finished listening, he stared at Chen Ze for a few seconds, and then said word by word,

"I almost laughed at you, but I couldn't even laugh."

"You broke into my house, killed all my family members, and then said you had nothing to do with me and canceled it all." "Do I still have to thank you for your magnanimity?"

"That's not necessary." Chen Ze turned his head and looked in a certain direction, his eyes suddenly became deep.

"Win-win cooperation. And many things are not as simple as they seem."

"Fart!" Xu Guifeng suddenly changed his face and roared,

"What do you think you are!"

"You think that because you have big fists and you are superior, you can do whatever you want, and you can play with other people's lives!"

"Oh?" Chen Ze turned his head back,
"Can't I?"

"Could it be that the reality of the jungle that I showed has stimulated your fragile and sensitive self-esteem?"

"I don't think you are such a naive person."

"I've seen too many people like you." Xu Guifeng's whole body was trembling.

"Because of your extraordinary strength, you think you are superior to others, and you kill others at every turn."

"Implementing a set of self-righteous ideas, using great principles, plundering violently, and treating human lives with indifference."

"Stop thinking of yourself as God!"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if someone stronger than you treated you like this?"

"Even basic humanity has been lost, so what's the difference between you and a monster!"

Chen Ze listened quietly to Xu Guifeng's words, but the answer he gave was far beyond the latter's expectations.
"It sounds like you have quite a misunderstanding about me."

"I agree with your idea. Ordinary people also have the right to live well. I don't want to be a demon king."

"This situation is not my original intention." Chen Ze looked around and shrugged.

"To be honest, I quite appreciate what you are doing."

"So, we can cooperate and win-win, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Guifeng was a little stunned, obviously he didn't expect Chen Ze to be so easy to talk to.

But looking at the dilapidated ruins around him and the cold bodies everywhere, Xu Guifeng couldn't be happy at all.

"Whoa~~ho—" Xu Guifeng closed his eyes and took a deep breath, gradually stopping his trembling body.

"Is it almost done?" Chen Ze suddenly said.

Xu Guifeng opened his eyes and cast an unclear look.

"Is it almost done?" Chen Ze repeated again,
"You talked so much nonsense, didn't you just want to delay the attack on me?"

"Is it the blood vessel hidden in your hand?"

"What is that? I haven't seen it in the warehouse."

Xu Guifeng's eyes instantly turned to shock. For a moment, he felt deeply puzzled by Chen Ze's calmness.

But soon, Xu Guifeng understood why Chen Ze made his words clear.

He doesn't care.

Just like pedestrians passing by in a hurry will not look down at the ants carrying broken leaves at their feet, let alone worry that these ants want to assassinate them.

This shock quickly turned into anger, and extreme anger began to fill Xu Guifeng's body.

“It’s this attitude of not caring about anything.”

Xu Guifeng gritted his teeth, no longer trying to hide anything, and pulled out the [Body Blood Heir] from his back, which was the thick and ferocious hose wrapped around his forearm.
"Make me so angry"

The originally pale hose was gradually immersed in blood, swelling and shrinking as if alive.
"Surrender? Ha, you think... you can scare us like this?"

Xu Guifeng approached Chen Ze little by little with difficult steps.

"I'm telling you, you can kill me, kill us all! Kill everyone!"

Every time he took a step forward, the black fog blocking the road that gathered like a mountain in front of him became thicker.
"But it's impossible for you to ask us all to surrender! Pfft—"

Xu Guifeng vomited blood, and the glimmer of light from dozens of "auspicious" and "half-auspicious" relics on his body kept shaking.
"We humans are fragile and small, but we will never give in!"

Xu Guifeng was bleeding from all his orifices, and the dense black mist like mosquitoes around him had broken through the auspicious light and contaminated his body.
"It has been like this from ancient times to the present, and it will be like this from now on!"

Xu Guifeng fell to the ground with a thud, only one step away from Chen Ze who remained indifferent.

He raised his head, which was dyed with black air and became like a corpse, and looked up at Chen Ze.
"You monsters will never, ugh-never, try to conquer us."

Xu Guifeng wanted to stand up, but he couldn't. He was so tired.

He really wanted to give up, but as soon as he thought about it, the comrades around him who seemed to be sleeping forever would have their souls leave their bodies, and their souls would gather around him, and countless words would be squeezed into his mind one after another.

"Instructor, are you lying down now? I told you that you, an old man, should have retired!"

"Xiao Xu."

"Boss! Have you applied for the bonus yet?"

"Bean Dinger"

"Old Xu, why are you working overtime again this month? My grandson can walk and I haven't even hugged him a few times."

"Old Zhang"

"Instructor Xu, don't give up."

"Instructor, you can set an example."

"Instructor. Instructor, instructor."


In an instant, countless pasts, countless souls, all the people Xu Guifeng had met in his decades of long years, those who had passed away and those who had not passed away, seemed to be thrown into his body, giving him the strength to sing from his throat again. A word came out of his eyes,

"this is us."

Xu Guifeng roared the last word from the bottom of his heart,


At this moment, Xu Guifeng's seemingly exhausted body suddenly erupted with great force, and he kicked towards the ground. His whole body exploded like a cannonball, tearing apart the thick black fog barrier in an instant, and he rushed towards him with an angry look. To Chen Ze.

"Human?" Chen Ze whispered a word, and invisible power circulated, causing Xu Guifeng's movements to slow down and lengthen infinitely, even to the point where he was suspended in the air with his feet off the ground.

"Look at yourself and see what you look like now."

Xu Guifeng couldn't help but look at Chen Ze. He felt that the other person's magical eyes were enlarging and enlarging infinitely, until they turned into a mirror as wide as the sky.

Xu Guifeng's reflection was reflected in the mirror.

Thick and twisted blood vessels crawled all over the body, the limbs swelled more than twice, and the blood-colored demonic light lingering throughout the body continued to rise and fall like a tide.

"You now." Chen Ze, who was close at hand, spoke again,
"Can I still be considered a human being?"

"No -" Xu Guifeng fell to the ground like crazy, groping around his monster-like body in shock, and curse-like words kept ringing in his mind.
"Can you still be considered a human being now? Can you still be considered a human being now?".
"No, no, no, it's not like this." Xu Guifeng truly collapsed at this moment.

"I'm human, I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster"

"It's this blood vessel!"

He suddenly roared angrily and looked at Chen Ze as if he was debating.
"It's just the effect of this remnant!"

"It's it!"

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Xu Guifeng pointed to the thick and protruding blood vessels on his arm and said firmly,

"Body blood heir!"

"It's the one doing the trick."

"You see clearly." Chen Ze's voice was like a bell, knocking Xu Guifeng awake.
"This blood vessel is your own!" (End of Chapter)

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