Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 471 Earthsea

Everyone looked at the doctor's body and the human body embedded in the ugly monster body, and they were stunned for a while.

"That's how I survived." The doctor continued in a deep voice.
"After I survived, I returned to the sea."

"In this sea."

"Where is the sea here?" Haixin asked bluntly.

"Underground." Chen Zeyan explained to the doctor succinctly,
"In the depths of the earth, isn't it a 'Sea of ​​Earth' that is wider than the sky?"

"Is this okay?" Hui was shocked, but then he understood.

"You relied on this new body and the Yuan Qi deep underground to survive, right?"

As a former big fat snake, Hui naturally understands that for the demon clan, as the Taoism improves, they can gradually get rid of the shackles of their race and adapt to a completely different environment.

And the doctor has merged into that weird appearance, so it is not incomprehensible that he can survive underground.

The doctor naturally nodded in agreement.
"The underground is very similar to the bottom of the sea. Except for being very noisy, everything else is very similar."

"There are almost no living things in the depths of the earth. No one will come to hunt me anymore. Yuan Qi is also abundant. After all, I am the only one who has it."

"As long as I 'float' up from time to time to eat some microorganisms, other times I can survive on Yuan Qi alone."

"Those things in my body, especially the bodies of those human monks, although the soul has been annihilated, the specialness of the body and the magic power of the soul have survived and can be used by me."

"Oh, that's not right." As long as the anemone doesn't eat, he can be said to be very clever.
"You are deep underground and your Yuan Qi is so abundant, won't heaven and earth eat you?"

You must know that the reason why the scorpion wanted to hide in the ink bucket that lacked everything and starved for hundreds of years was to avoid the targeted erosion of heaven and earth.

"I couldn't figure it out at first, but later I understood that it was because of the humans in me."

The doctor didn't know what he had done, but his body gradually glowed slightly behind him.

"Zhenren Chen has a very discerning eye, so I won't do any tricks."

Chen Ze nodded immediately,
"So that's what happened, I understand."

"What? What do you know? Why don't I understand?" Hui shouted dissatisfied.

"Its current body, in the eyes of heaven and earth, already has the characteristics of the human race." Chen Ze explained simply.

Huixie opened his eyes and thought for a while, but he understood what Chen Ze meant, and mentioned it to Xu Guifeng by the way.

As mentioned before, heaven and earth are against any monster race, but they pay special attention to the human race.

After the decline of heaven and earth, the demon clan was treated without mercy, but the human race was different.

Not to mention the mortals who stay out of the matter, even for monks, in most cases, heaven and earth will not be swallowed directly, but will rely more on the subtle influence of the environment to cut off the extraordinary path.

Therefore, throughout the ages, there have been so many human monks who have been able to demonstrate their magical powers and struggle to survive.

Although most of them cannot escape due to the lack of Yuan Qi, their lifespan is greatly reduced, their body dies and their soul disappears, and finally their body and soul disintegrate and return to heaven and earth, but at least they can still struggle.

The doctor's body is an alien creature born through countless accidents. The human characteristics make it immune to the attacks of heaven and earth, while the demon characteristics and racial talents make it extremely tenacious and able to survive underground and feed on Yuan Qi.

Maybe it's not quite right to say it's a blessing in disguise, but seriously it's just a BUG, ​​a loophole in the rules.

The reason why the doctor can perform the secret technique of clone and control many magic weapons is also derived from this.

Otherwise, according to Hui, in addition to being able to eat and grow taller, all monsters have at most some racial talents, but cannot master any magical powers similar to those of human monks.

That's why they were so surprised when they encountered Qiongqi, who was like a human being.

A special case like the Doctor's who was created by the right time, place and people may not even be able to be repeated.

"So you were really fishing just now." The snake fluttered its long eyelashes and lowered its eyes to look at the ground.

At this time, the doctor seemed to remember something and laughed to himself,

"I thought I hid it deeply enough, but I didn't want everything to be planned by Chen Zhenren. It was true."

"Hey!" At this time, the snake suddenly exclaimed,
"Something's not right down there!"

She stamped her feet vigorously with surprise on her face.

"Of course something is wrong here." At this time, Xu Guifeng also wanted to understand the cause and effect, and then smiled bitterly,

"I'm afraid that the underground for several miles around has been hollowed out by Chen Zhenren, right?"

"How is it possible to hollow them all out?" Chen Ze corrected with a relaxed expression.
"It's just a thin layer, just digging out a few more formation holes on the outside."

It is precisely with the cooperation of countless talismans arranged in advance that Chen Ze can so smoothly make the underworld appear and inform the world.

After the dojo was designated, the land here was infiltrated by the underworld, including the depths of the underground. Therefore, it was easy for Chen Ze to "catch" the doctorate from the underground without causing damage to the geology and landforms.

"You actually..." Hui was even more shocked than the two members of the Hidden Immortal Society present.
"When did you do it! Why didn't I know!"

"While you are eating my barbecue." Chen Ze replied immediately.

"." The base of the snake's ears, which had finally cooled down, were immediately burned red again.
"How are you talking!"

"How can a scholar's thing be called stealing? That's called borrowing!"

"Oh." Chen Ze suddenly looked into the distance with his hands on his hands.
"The guests I'm waiting for have arrived. Why don't we talk while we walk?"


Whose territory is this?
The doctor and Xu Guifeng felt uncomfortable, but they did not dare to correct them.

Naturally, Chen Ze, who already considered himself the master, would not ask for advice. He snapped his fingers, and in an instant, countless shining light spots lit up from all directions.

And the source of those lights is underground.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be in a starry sky falling to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xu Guifeng was trembling. He finally understood how deep the plan was behind this seemingly sudden attack.

The doctor also recalled for a moment the reports of abnormally rising water levels that he had received from time to time.

It turned out that all the removed earth was scattered and thrown into the river bed.
The doctor regretted it for a moment.

But who would think that the base has been "penetrated" in a physical sense because of the rising water level in the nearby river?


A high-pitched and loud cry brought them back from their regrets.

There were no falcons high in the sky, only spots of light gradually extinguishing all over the place.

That's right, the thousands of talismans that Chen Ze quietly arranged under the soil of the base are the source of the Light Eagle that has troubled the Yinxian Society from beginning to end.

At this time, the overall situation was decided, and Chen Ze stopped the spell, leaving only the most basic support function so that the hollow ground could be stable and not sink.

However, as Chen Ze said, for the sake of confidentiality, there are still many places that he deliberately avoided and did not arrange the formation eye charms, so the power is relatively weak.

For example, near the core warehouse of the Hidden Immortal Society, as well as where many relics of extraordinary origins are placed, and of course, the most conspicuous green cow.

It was the green bull that stood up at some point and protected many members of the Hidden Immortal Society from being controlled.


Chen Ze blew out a breath of fresh air, which turned into clouds and mist, lifted several people up, and flew towards the green bull together.

So it wasn't until this moment that the anemone yelled and pointed out the strangeness of the green bull.As for the doctor and Xu Guifeng, although they had noticed it for a long time, they did not know what Chen Ze meant and did not dare to ask rashly.

Chen Ze smiled and said nothing and let the doctor continue to tell his story.

So these lines of sight from the clouds passed by Qingniu and stopped paying attention. However, they were not the only ones who focused their attention on Qingniu at this time.

There is also Liu Hui, a senior spy inserted into the Yinxian Society by Xuanhu Palace.

At the edge of the base, Liu Hui stared at the green bull as tall as a mountain in the distance and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

There was smoke in front of him, but he still saw the approaching cloud and the several figures supported on it.

It's almost there.

Liu Hui was certain in his heart, threw away the cigarette butt with a sneer on his face, and stamped it out with all his strength.

Talking back to Chen Ze and his party, at this time, on the clouds flying not much faster than a snail, the doctor was narrating the past in green and white colors.

Perhaps it was too far away from his true body, so his clone was unstable and was moving around in various colors.

"I have lived like this underground for hundreds of years."

Only the doctor's tone of voice remained calm,
"I was already disheartened. I just wanted to hide underground and live as long as I could."

"But I didn't expect that a human monk would still find me later."

"Then did you escape?" Hearing this, his heart twitched.

"Escape? How could you escape?" The doctor glanced at Chen Ze with a meaning.
"Monsters like us, no matter how good they are for the moment, no matter how proud they are, they will still be like nothing when they meet the mighty human race."

"Even if it was underground where I was familiar with the place, that human monk pulled me out without any effort."

"However, he is different from the monks I have met before."

"Obviously I was born so ugly, but he didn't kill me indiscriminately. Instead, he asked me about my past."

"I told him everything about me."

"After he heard this, he lamented that I was struggling to survive, so he let me go and let me go back underground. He just defined the area for me, which is considered to be under house arrest."

"He actually apologized to me and said that he knew I was right, but he could only keep me under care for the sake of the overall situation."

"This is a good person." Hui also thought of the kind-hearted Zhang Tianshi he met.

"But why did he have to lock you up?"

Hui asked this carelessly, but he really got to the point.

"He is a descendant of the Yinxian Sect." The doctor briefly mentioned,
"When he met me, he was already very old and could not stand up straight, but he was still alive."

"The Hidden Immortal Sect?" The tiger stabbed Chen Ze with the tip of his elbow without looking back.

The Yinxian Sect is an ancient alchemy sect of Taoism that has a long history and can be traced back to Laozi, even before Zhengyi and Quanzhen.

The Yinxian Sect, as its name suggests, pays attention to the word "hidden". Not only does it have no mountain gate, its traces are vague, it is only inherited through the Dharma lineage, and its descendants are few and far between, making it quite mysterious.

To be honest, the most famous figures among them are Zhang Sanfeng, and Zhang Guolao, one of the "Eight Immortals" who had just dealt with Chen Ze.

Chen Ze briefly explained this in two sentences, and then the doctor continued,

"It was already the Ming Dynasty, and the monks were nowhere to be seen. Many people had forgotten that there used to be a group of real immortals in the world."

"On the contrary, their Yinxian Sect may have a unique method, but it is still spread in the world."

"Although...he is the only one left."

"So I always feel that he kept me here because he wanted to talk to someone from his past."

"What's his name?" Hui asked curiously.

"His name is Doctor." The Doctor replied.

"Huh?" Hui looked like he had heard something wrong.

"Doctor." The doctor repeated again,
"He asked me to call him Doctor."

"Is this his real name?" Hui also realized at this time that this was probably the origin of the name "Doctor".

"No." The doctor shook his head.

"This is his official position."

"The small hermit hides in the wild, and the big hermit hides in the city."

"As the last descendant of the Yinxian Sect, his official position is Doctor Qin Tianjian."

"And secretly he was one of the supporters of the establishment of the Ming Dynasty."

"But by then, he was the last one left."

"He is always busy, running around to deal with strange things that happen in various places."

"There were no other monks at that time?" Hui asked again. According to the timeline, she was still sleeping soundly somewhere in the Qinling Mountains at that time.

"At least I haven't heard him mention it." The doctor sighed,

"He always complains that the past has been buried. The monks who used to fight for each other are gone, which makes him very busy."

"I asked him why, why should he care about those mortals who can't live more than a few decades."

"He said that he saw countless new possibilities in mortals."

"He designated the place where I was hiding as his dojo, but while it was said to be a dojo, it was actually just him."

"Oh, and me."

"So he came to chat with me whenever he had time, told me what he saw and heard, and told me what amazing inventions those mortals had made."

"Gunpowder, paper, printing, looms, ships, laws, institutions."

"Obviously he could lift a mountain with a wave of his hand, but he was so shocked, shocked by the meager achievements achieved by those mortals with their short life span and clumsy hands."

"In the end, he always kept saying that without the monks, it seemed that the mortals would live better."

"It's not only good for mortals, but also good for all races."

"It sounds reasonable to me. After all, how many of those lofty gods and gods in the past really cared about what the world would become like?"

"It's a pity that some people don't think so."

"Who?" Only Hui was the most curious.

"Emperor." The doctor said slowly,

"Only princes and nobles who enjoy all the glory and wealth have the ambition and ability to pursue more."

"Every time he comes back, he complains to me that the emperor is not doing his job properly, especially Jiajing, who is obsessed with alchemy and Taoism, but he doesn't know that it is in vain."

"And later Tianqi, I don't know where he collected the inheritance of Mohist organ skills, and he was immersed in it all day long. As a result, he failed to cultivate Taoism and became a carpenter."

"Ah" Hui had another opinion,
"But since that doctor is so powerful, why not just replace the emperor who doesn't like it?" (End of Chapter)

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