Addict’s Recovery Journal

Chapter 38

14 # Lightning Stones


There is no distinction between the nobles of the Republic of Lalanta, often referred to as the ‘white man’.

The country is divided into seven regions, each with its own lord and lord. However, they are elected by citizens.

Of course, it is not a complete free election.

The Republic has a privilege class called ‘Toho’, which accounts for about 1% of all citizens. Only the leopards will be able to run for lordship, and the elected lords will vote again to elect ‘Chairman’, the head of the country.

It is a vague mix of medieval identity styles, but it is still worth the name of the republic.

Frank, the great lord of Herus, was not worthy of such a glorious battle. I didn’t have the heart to say hello to Frank.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, my lord. ”

“In the name of Lord Herus, I welcome the son of the king who rules the stroke, and the successor of the fighting man, Aiden Stroke. So what brings you here? ”

Although he was a lord, he was quite polite, not a tax apprentice. Of course, there is a background called a struggle seal.

I got straight to the point.

“I heard a year ago that there was a village that was struck by lightning regularly. ”

“I see you’ve heard the rumors. ”

When Frank heard me, he sighed and said, “Get lost.” And they continue to grumble.

“I don’t know if the Confucian knows this, but · · The place where the lightning hasn’t stopped all year is called ‘Mirsen’. And all of this is because of a small meteor that fell into the village one day. ”

“Meteor · · · · · ·? ”

I already know the facts, but I pretended to be surprised.

“Yes. A stone the size of a child’s fist was left where the meteor fell. Though the disaster that the stone brought is not cute enough for its size. ”

Frank coughs and talks.

“It’s been more than a few casualties for the citizens. Shortly after the meteor first fell, I heard that the lightning wouldn’t stop, and I just said one thing to the Yellow Tower nearby because I wanted everything to be okay. I need you to send me wizards who are knowledgeable for lightning magic. But · · ·”

The following story was really interesting.

The wizards who were dispatched from the Yellow Tower died from an unfortunate thunderbolt shortly after stepping foot in the village. Treasure Hunters who were trained in electroencephalological respiration heard rumors and were about to pick up a stone are suddenly ashen. Some crazy alchemist stayed in town and was researching the cause of the thunderbolt.

“Phew. Other villages are already oversaturated, so the process is complicated to evacuate Mirsen’s inhabitants. It’s a pity that the guy who studied the stones in the village scattered the lightning using a strange number · ·”

After vomiting a lot of tears, Frank sat down with a slight tinge of regrets. And he coughs and looks at me.

“I can’t seem to see this. ”

“That’s okay. I have a better offer than that, but if I solve the lightning bolt, can I take the stone that caused the incident?” ”

Frank spills his guts out.

“Haha, you just heard that story, and you’re very good at it. Looks like you’re pretty good at farming. ”

“This is a genuine offer. ”

“· · Take as much of this mass of disaster as you can. Rather, the villagers will welcome us as well. ”

Okay. Okay.

I got your permission.

But this is a very important issue.

We should write a contract just in case.

Having said that, Frank looked at me with the same look as any psychopath.

But when he said he wanted to put a fight seal on the sign of the contract, he became quite serious.

“· · · Is there really a way to stop lightning? ”

“Of course. I swear on my great-grandfather’s honor, not my grandfather’s. ”

I almost said the line that triggered the murder.

Anyway, the contract with the fight seal is notarized by the fight church. Therefore, this was a demonstration that I was coming to the contract with a very serious attitude.

“Good. You can count on it and believe it. ”

The two of us immediately signed the contract, and then sealed each other.

I took a copy of the contract and clenched my fist. As a result, the possibility of a stone ownership problem has disappeared.


I’m an avid reader of “Le Daeyeon.”

Since we created the timeline that recorded the history of the world view and memorized it as a whole, we also know the whereabouts of all kinds of Elixirs and performances, even though there are differences in accuracy.

Perhaps there are those who question this.

─ If you eat it all by yourself, you can beat the devil and whatnot.

No, no, no, no.

Grade S elixir is not universal.

If I had just been stubborn and swallowed, I would have been strong again and again by recruiting potential colleagues.

You can see it by looking at the example of Cesha.

She consistently consumed Processed Tongue Tea (A) for a long time, but her potential only increased by 1, as opposed to 8 in a year.

The higher the potential level, the harder it is to raise. Just by eating elixirs, it means you can’t increase your potential indefinitely.

In addition, when consuming the elixir with contradictory energy, there are adverse effects such as drinking more and causing side effects.

In the original article, one of the continentally famous underlings obtained several grades of S elixirs and almost died.

This is why I withheld my intake of “The Heart of Fire (S).”

Basically, it was the judges that this object played a very important role in improving the ability of the original epic, but if it weren’t for that reason, I wouldn’t have eaten it. The effect was too intense and sparkly, so I had a bad relationship with other elixirs.

On the other hand, the elixir · · · Infinite Brainstone (S) , which will be obtained in this thundering village, has excellent compatibility. After digesting this, I could see the angle to take three or four more grades of S elixirs.

In addition, the one who swallowed this infinite brain stone in its original history is a one-sided evil. Even if I have the butterfly effect, I am not afraid to weaken the original role or do anything.

That’s why the first elixir can’t be better than this · ·

Rrrrgh! Kwa-wang!

“Oh, my God, you scared me. ”

“That kind of lightning hits you dozens and dozens of times every day. It’s a real challenge for us. Thank God for lightning without the rain. · ·”

A young man in Mirsen put out his tongue.

He was Frank’s guide post.

“· · A yard literally thundering in the dry sky. ”

I shook my head.

I was going to do that in setting, but it feels great to see the residents who continue their hard lives in places like this.

I’m living moderately now, but I also know that lightning is increasingly frequent. There are a few residents left, but at this point, they have come out as ghosts.

“· · · But the Aiden Confucius. How are you going to stop the lightning even if you have to pick up the mysterious stone and use it for a second time? ”

It was the Wolfgang, an elite knight, who quietly asked me that question.

“Lord Yberg’s questions are reasonable. I heard from the villagers that even when I approached the stone, I felt a strange sensation. I was warned that if I ignored it, it would immediately become ashes. ”

Maximilian’s words this time.

In the course of this escort mission, if anything happens to my well-being, they will have to return to their families and hear the glory of Poden. It was natural to express such concern.

“I have a plan. ”

I answered dry and kept walking.

Soon I arrived at the town square.

“That damn rock is in that fountain over there. ”

The village youth points to the central fountain as if it were offensive.


A fountain that evaporates without a trace of water. There is an intense brain flow that is visible around it.

It’s the Infinite Brainstone (S) in there.

However, if you go to pick it up right now, you will need some preparation to make it into an electric vent.

I looked away.

Right next to the square is the tallest building in the town. The identity of the building was the branch of the Life Church, the most important religion on the continent of Prima.

And on that roof is a big stick of metal.

Two elite knights, apart from Rinfred, saw a curiously shaped stick and scratched their heads.

“What’s that pointy thing? ”

“Hot, isn’t it obvious? The priests of the Church love the outcropping, so it’s just a decoration. ”

Seeing the knights without anything in their heads, Chesha opened her mouth, while I was shaking her head, looking carefully on the roof in a calm manner.

“Looks like that stick on the rooftop was a lightning bolt. Looks like a lightning rod made of · · · Mine Season. At that size, we should be able to protect the entire town. ”

As expected, he is intelligently conscious of drinking water from the tower.

As Cesha explained, the material of the stick is a metal called Rapid Steel. Rapture iron is a virtual substance in a novel that does not exist in the modern world, and has a strong pull on the surrounding brain. Therefore, a lightning rod made of Mine Iron must also be very high performance.

When I heard the word “minefield,” Maximilian and Wolfgang opened their eyes wide.

“Grenade season? It’s an expensive piece of metal. How could you make such a big stick out of it · ·”

“The alchemist the lord mentioned must be really mad. I can’t believe you spent all that money studying a rock. ”

I lost my place because I said it was just a stone. Given the value of limitless brainstones, it is not a waste at all.

The village youth said.

“It looked amazing, but you shouldn’t go up there and watch it. It is very dangerous as it is a device that pulls lightning that will fall all over the town. ”

“Indeed. When the lightning strikes, there’s an enormous current that threatens life. ”

“Yes. No one’s gone mad enough to go that close, even knowing that.” ”

I climbed up to the roof on the outer wall of the Life Church branch. The young man who was staring at my ride suddenly woke up and jumped.

“Ear, nobleman! What the hell are you doing? ”

“I’m curious about the lightning rod. Give me a minute. ”

Not only young people, but the villagers around me are very surprised to see my sudden behavior.

But the astonishment they felt would certainly not reach the shocking footsteps of the Wolfgang or Maximilian. I glanced down and saw their faces covered in blue.

“Gong, Gong-ju! Come any closer and you’re risking your life! Get down here now!”

“Rinfred, why are you so calm? Let Miss Lina or the Youtland baby try to stop her too! If we let it go, we’ll be in trouble! ”

“I believe in the Aiden Confederacy. ”

“If you’re a young master, you’ll be fine. ”

“Aiden will take care of himself. ”

“ “ · · · · · · · · · ” ”

After the unimaginable reaction of the group, I arrive safely to the rooftop.

“It’s huge. It should be three meters. ”

I was so tired of looking at the big minefield, I pulled something out of my starry arms. It was a magical armor that looked like a toy.

Cough · · ·

It’s the forefront of lightning.

My face was stiff.

I got as close to the lightning rod as I could.

And he raises his thunder.


The flash blinks my eyes.



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