Addict’s Recovery Journal

Chapter 42

15 # Dreaming Boy (2)


“Do you know where Amiel lives? ”

I gave a few coins to the villagers of the Slum and asked them where a person was. As a result, I was able to get to the house where the recruitment target lives.

“· · · This house is collapsing. Can anyone live in a place like this? ”

Chesha gives you a typical noblewoman’s impression.

Utland territory was generally wealthy, so she was quite shocked after entering this slum.

There is no door in front of the house, but a rag block the outside wind. I got rid of it and went inside.

“· · Who. ”

Inside, there was a boy with a stark impression.

Common brown hair, early teenagers.

Once the appearance is consistent with the description of the novel.

Character Sheet.

[Level: 8/56]

[Health: 06] [Strength: 05] [Agility: 10]

[Magic Power: 02] [Mind: 06] [Sense: 06]

[Holy: 00]

[Characteristics: Mild (S), Staging Genius (A), Stealth (B), Hand dexterity (B) and 2 others]

[Skill: Street Pickpocket Skill · Ultimate (C), Central Basic Sword (D), Central Mercenary Skill (D), Basic Self-Defense Skill (D)]

[Description: 13 years old, human. A favela boy performing swordsmanship aimed at killing a thousand people.]

Current level 8 without much education.

There are a dozen levels of potential there.

He is also a talented person who will awaken future class U skills. I’m not sure if I can understand the same abilities until I’m on a different path from the original.

“· · · Ah. ”

But I had to take a closer look at the sheet and throw up a sigh.

Did you start practicing swordplay already?

Amiel’s Shin (S) is a trait that allows users to move very quickly and quietly. It is also a helpful feature in learning the rapid sword family, but according to the RPG classification of roles, it is an assassin or thief. The “Weapon Genius (A)”, which can be expected to evolve into a later title trait, also calibrates many weapons more evenly than one sword.

He is an assassin of some character. As you can see from the description box, he listened to the reputation of a thousand kills and wanted to test him.

This caused him to sell swordsmanship without knowing his talents, and the character sheets were spread with warrior technology, even though he had vibrant bandit traits.

The level itself was strong, close to 50, but I remember that the comments became a laughingstock because the characteristics and skills were not so harmonious.

“I’m sorry to barge in. Is your name Amiel? Are you a rabid nickname in the Slum? ”

“· · · But? ”

Amiel unexpectedly noticed the luxury of my trespassing in the residence, and he politely corrected his attitude. I’m curious about the gaze that I used to be alert to.

“I am Aiden, the eldest of the Duke of Stroke family. I need you to come with me. ”

“· · I know you are a great nobleman. But I’ve heard that the country of the Duke of Stroke is a long way from here, so what can I believe and follow you around? ”

I don’t like it much. But it must be joyful inside.

In the beginning, he was a ‘rabid’, so he went running around in the Slum to impress his talent as a fighter so that he could see the prestigious unmanned.

It is not uncommon for a child to learn skills under their command because of his talents such as martial arts and mercenary clans. However, there are also quite a few who follow irresponsible practices such as hearing rumors and bringing children randomly, then abandoning them if they don’t meet their expectations. Amiel is clearly wary of this.

I could just beat him up and take him to where he can answer to the nobles, but that’s why I only care about him. It’s simple to prove that I’m not the bad kind Amiel thinks I am.

“Take it. It’s a down payment. ”


I threw down a little sack.

Inside is 20 gold coins.

It’s not that big a deal for me.

But for Amiel, it was money I had never touched in my life.

“Yi, are you sure about this? ”

“Do you think it’s fake? ”

“No, I’d be happy to follow. Nari · · · No, Duke? What can I call you? ”

“Call me by my name. ”

“Yes, Aiden. ”

Look at how fast he’s shifting.

Money is sometimes more effective than a hundred words. Though I’m sure everyone will laugh if I tell them I’ve just captured twelve talented people from the next continent with 20 gold coins.

I’ve entrusted Rinfred with Amiel’s basic sword training.

And then a few days later.

“A monster.”

“How did you come to know this thing was rotting in the Slum? It’s the best talent among the apprentices of our knights · ·”

The first time I brought a lad full of soup, they were elite knights who tilted their heads, but after a while, they all lifted their hands and feet.

I said with a smile.

“Actually, he’s more talented on the other side than the sword. I don’t know yet. ”

“Is that true? ”

Even that Rinfred opened his eyes.

Once Amiel takes off his basic sword, I will teach him the bandit skills. Then you’ll actually be much more useful than the original Mankatree.

He has a similar trait now from Linnia, “The Yellow Alarm (B)” (I taught her separately. A), and I taught the breath of Traquil Mindset (A).

If it’s hard to fight, or if it’s Amiel’s talent, by the time this chapter starts, he’ll have acquired the “Myeonghong Index (A)” trait.

When the time comes, I’ll roll over for you.

I laughed myself to death.

Amiel, who was obsessed with the training, trembles in a panic.


Southern Bastille, Free Neutral City of Elano.

We have finally set foot on our destination.

“Aiden. Then why have you come so far without setting up a clan within a kingdom or a kingdom? ”

Chesha asked me.

That’s a reasonable question.

It is said that even a dung dog eats half of it in the front yard of the house. If I had created a clan on the side of the Kingdom of Croa, I would have been able to quickly grow on my back the immense influence of the Duke of Utland and the Duke of Stroke. She wonders why I gave up that advantage and came all the way here.

The reason I’ve come so far is, in fact, simple.

Geographical conditions around the Republic are poor.

I’m not talking about transportation, economic requirements, or anything like that. It means that every time something big happens, you have to go far away.

And to complete the painting · · · personally, I had to come here.


It is a well-known word for modern people through online gaming, etc.

So if you ask what the Clan of the World Congress specifically does, it’s hard to summarize in one word.

Clans are groups that are licensed by a large religion called the “Public Church,” which protects or is commissioned by residents of different parts of the world. In terms of receiving quests, it often reminds me of the Adventurers’ Guild or the Mercenaries’ Guild in medieval fantasy novels, and it feels a bit like the gateways in the nonconfrontation because it protects the residents of its district.

However, if there is a difference from the punctuality of a similar gangland, the clan is a recognized organization in the religion of the continental oyster. Because of this, people’s perception is relatively good and authority is high.

With such reasoning and practical power, some large clans boast more influence than any messy country. In fact, the Kluber-Lo clan has secured sovereign bonds in one kingdom and is wielding immense influence in the political world, so no further explanation is needed.

I told Chesha.

“Actually, I’m not going to start without any basis at all. They want to devour a small clan and raise it. ”

“Why? You could be an invited clan master now. ”

Only after the Clan has been approved by the Public Church can the Clan be established.

The benefits of being under the authority of religion are considerable, given that many bugs are attracted to it, and the Public Works Church allows the establishment of a clan after careful screening to oppose such continuing members.

Therefore, a person who wants to become an early clan master must have a high reputation, performance, or something comparable to it.

I, the successor of the Struggle Seal, have met the minimum requirements.

But as long as the weapon of Regenshaw is in our hands, we don’t have to start with a zero-base.

I lead the group to the outskirts of Elano.

The place where it arrived was an old building. The letters are so blurry that it’s hard to tell exactly · · On the ground, it seems to say ’Clan Blissful’.

I opened the door and went inside.

The interior of the building is quite spacious, but quietly, in contrast to him, is extremely quiet.

A woman with long braided hair tied down in a single braid stands alone in front of the register, and she finds us and approaches.

“Are you a cow or a guest? Sorry, my clan is not eligible for a referral right now · ·”

[Level: 8/21]

[Description: 26 years old, human race. Daughter of current Clan Master Arent Lindal of Blisspeel.]

This girl who speaks in the spirit of her death is a figure passed by in an original novel.

I told her.

“I’d like to speak to the Clan Master. ”

“That’s possible · · · · What brings you here? ”

She tilts her head at the elite knights, standing behind me like a cage. The young master who seems to be delayed in coming to this graceful Clan stronghold has something to be curious about.

Keeping her mouth shut, she carefully guides me inside.

“Father! You have a visitor! ”

“· · · To me? It’s rare.”

A middle-aged man appeared between the stars.

The Clan Master of Blisspeel, Arent Lindal, was a man with quite a cake rack. However, blurry, cloudy eyes blur its strong impression.

Arent Lindal

[Level: 42/44]

[Description: 49 years old, human. The current Clan Master of Blisshiel. In the Royal Year, he was an exceptional warrior who spread his name throughout the empire.]

I was a bit curious about how Arent’s character sheet was personally since it wasn’t in the original novel’s review. Based on direct reports and analysis, it appears to have a standard Junction-two combat strength.

He took me into the reception room, wondering about the sudden visit.

“It’s been a long time since anyone’s come looking for me. You look like an exotic noble.What brings you to this place? ”

“I heard there once was a man in this clan named Regenschaur Cranz. ”

“· · · That’s a story I miss. ”

Hearing my words, light came back into his dazed eyes.

The Blissful Clan is a clan that was operated by the former owner of the Urea, Regenschau Kranz.

The man before him is a close friend of Regenshaw and one of the founding members of the Blisspeel Clan.

Arent’s eyes, wet with emotion, see reality again.

“So · · · young master came to this dreary place to hear the old heroic tale of a thousand years old? ”

“No way. ”

I smiled, Pic.

If history runs according to the timeline, Blispeel will soon be completely destroyed. Arent then goes on a trip to find Regenshaw and disappears. In the original novel, a big problem arises from this incident, which is why I came here to prevent it in advance.

“I’m here to join the Blissful Clan. ”

“· · This is ridiculous. Do you not know what my clan is like after seeing that silly waiting room? ”

Not at all likely.

Rather, I have a thorough understanding.

If you know the details of sitting on a huge debt because of a neighbouring clan’s handiwork called Karakol, you’re done.

I have to go to shock therapy because I only have doubts about this.

I took the thunder from my arms, a lover of Regenschaur.

“Do you recognize what this is? ”



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