Addict’s Recovery Journal

Chapter 85

85. Artisan (2)

Soon, Bailey kicks his tongue.

“Tsk! Hey, Aiden. I thought I told you to bring me the blacksmith. Do you think a squishy little boy can handle a hammer? ”

“I beg your pardon?”

Kurt is a stickler.

He is also a promising figure among the struggling artisans of the Grand Valley.

I’m really swelling up in hope by expressing up to “The Dynamic Mixer (U)” lately, but it’s worth my pride to hear that sound in front of me.

“All craftsmen are like wines, so the longer you stick to it, the better it will get. It’s obvious the kid who doesn’t have blood on his head is a failure. ”

“What a great craftsman you are. ”

Kurt’s taunt.

Bailey snorts.

“Ha, you wild boy. You don’t think there’s a single craftsman out there from the Grand Valley? If you really think that, all you can think of is frogs in wells. ”

Bailey Mills once rocked the vagina of the Prima continent with the nickname “National Auxiliary.” Among the struggling artisans in the Grand Valley, there is only one skilled artisan who would miss him with a comprehensive skill and only one of the world’s most famous‘ bitterness’.

He can’t be shaken by a bloody 13-year-old provocation.

I shook my head in excitement and intervened between the two.

“I guarantee Kurt’s talents. ”

“Aiden, what makes you so sure? ”

“It would be quicker to show them to them yourself than a horse. Let’s test his ability. ”

I explained that Kurt has excellent analytical skills. After hearing this, Bailey pulls out some unusually colorful metal weapons from the warehouse.

“Let’s see what level of snow you have. Kid, how do you think these weapons are made? ”

“Hmm · · ·. ”

Kurt’s expression became more serious.

The three armor Bailey brought were spears, swords, and sickles, respectively. Kurt, who was touching three weapons with his hands, opens his mouth.

“Made using Black Alchemy using a 1: 3 ratio of ‘Silk Iron’ and ‘Yellow Green Stone’. The spear is made of pure cast material using only ‘Cutting Season’, and the sickle seems to have fused ‘Black Platinum’, ‘Crimson Steel’ and ‘Hard Steel’ in the same way as the sword. ”

“ · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Am I right? ”

Vailia stares in horror at the unstoppable response.

In fact, if you are an experienced blacksmith who has spent decades in the workshop, it is simple to understand the materials and manufacturing process of the tools.

But it takes a lot of time.

It’ll take almost a few hours.

Sweeping a little bit like Kurt did a while ago and understanding the structure and manufacturing of the tools, there is no other way to describe it than curiosity.

His “Super-precise Structural Analysis (S)” trait is a talent for understanding Melkina’s structure as well. It was a perfect complement to Bailey’s Structural Analysis (A) characteristics.

Grade A is a national value.

And Class S is of continental value.

They were only one step apart, but if they differed in perspective, one step was the difference between heaven and earth.

“Nu, the sledges are quite useful. ”

Bailey said that with a trembling voice.

It seems to be trying to disguise calmness.

It’s time to hit the crystal.

“Kurt, show me that. ”

“I tried not to tell you. ”

Kurt smiles forward.

Dynamometer (U), a confusion between metal and mechanical systems, is very versatile.

The functions of this unique technique are divided into two main sections, respectively, Dismantling and Assembling.

First of all, decomposition is a very useful capability in combat as well as production activities.

No, actually, it’s beyond useful and deceptive.

It has already been explained to the Gentiles that they have natural abilities, but that is not the end. For example, suppose you use Dissolving on a piece of metal armor held by an enemy while being hit hard. Can disarm the opponent without a single blow.

Although there are conditions to pierce the ‘Longsword’ surrounded by the opponent’s armor, this is a natural constraint given the level of return after using degradation.

Of course, Kurt himself, who is a user, feels that fraud is somewhat deteriorating due to his non-combat experience.




There was a commotion.

And after a while.

“This · · · ·! ”

Bailey notices that his eyes are wide open. He will, too, separate the swords made with alchemy in exactly a 1: 3 ratio.

With Silent Season and Yellow Stone.

“Oh, how did you do that?! Magic or Alchemy? ”

“Neither. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but it’s a unique ability to be confused. It’s a force only Kurt can use in this world. ”

“ · · ·! ”

Open your mouth, Bailey.

There are endless uses for decomposition.

You can filter the desired ingredient from ore without having to use metallurgy. It is also very easy to remove impurities after completing the equipment.

Every craftsman has the ability to dream!

Kurt himself, who showed such tremendous skill, is firming his expression.

The Starling Man asks Bailey.

“Did you make this equipment yourself? ”

“· · · Yes. It’s not a bust, but I didn’t like it, so I put it in the closet. ”

“Not a success? This quality is not uncommon in the Grand Valley. ”

It seems that the structural analysis before disassembling seems to be very surprised at the completeness of the armor. Bailey is a three-handed craftsman in the current Prima continent. Even his skills as the lowest field were super-class.

“Okay, that’s it for today. I think you know enough about their skills and their possibilities. Well, Mr. Bailey, we have some business to attend to. ”

Bailey shouted before I could finish.



“Did you say Kurt? I’m sorry I insulted you just now! It turns out it wasn’t blood, it was treasure, treasure! ”

Kurt laughs at the rapid transition.

“I didn’t know there was someone like you outside the Grand Valley. Honestly, when I first came out, I was underestimating the other craftsmen, but I have to reflect. ”

“Haha! What’s wrong with the world! You could do that! ”

The atmosphere that seemed to be going on right away evaporated completely, and the warm air surrounded the crunchy shop.

I don’t think I need to worry about the relationship.


Bailey wanted to take advantage of the decomposition ability of the Dynamic Mixer (U) immediately, but Kurt and I went out of our way to ignore his gaze.

Soon we made our way to the largest forge inside Elano. Soon, the workshop’s pottery welcomed us.

“The Karakol Clan’s orders are currently being pushed, so other guests are not taking any orders. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not like that · · · He’s a blacksmith and wants to see armor made in the workshop. ”

I pointed to Kurt and said,

The pottery shrugged my clothes to perfection, went inside the forge, talked to the artisans, and returned.

“Hmm · · · He says it’s okay. ”

It’s a shame I was wearing glossy nobleman’s clothing.If I was wearing leather armor, I’m sure I’d have been kicked out by now.

“This sword was handcrafted by David, Madame of our workshop, who is the foremost in Elano. ”

“Can I touch it? ”

“Of course.”

Kurt strokes David’s sword shortly after his permission. I looked at him for a moment and said to the Emperor:

“I’d like to take a look at some other weapons. ”

“It’s been less than 10 seconds since I pulled out my sword, but · · Anyway, I get it. ”

The pottery seemed to have a peculiar eye.

Kurt continued to analyze the structure.


“Excuse me. Are you a submaster of the Blissful Clan?” ”

“ · · ·? ”

The person who suddenly spoke was a young man with a bright height and soft blonde hair.

Adelio Altus

[Level: 46/49]

[Health: 14] [Strength: 16] [Agility: 13]

[Magic Power: 14] [Mind: 07] [Sense: 12]

[Holy: 02]

[Characteristics: Rock (S +), Immortal (B) and two others]

[Technology: Tului Shield Technology · Ultimate (A), Visellio Blunt Technology · Ultimate (A), Altus Vision Technique (B +) and 3 others]

[Description: 35 years old, human race. He is one of the chief executives of the Karakol Clan, the next in Citrio Altus.]

Oh, I see.

They’re annoying.

Adelio is a talented man within three fingers, including Citrio, in the Karakol Clan. In addition, in the episode ‘Le Daeyeon’, he appeared as a sub-master of Karakol.

“I heard your sister made a big mistake. In the name of Adelio Altus, executive of the Karakol Clan, I apologize on your behalf. ”

“· · Never mind. ”

“Haha, you have a big distribution. More importantly, why did the stroke ball come to this place? I’m sure you’re not receiving any visitors right now. ”

Adelio watches Kurt carefully looking at the armor in the Workshop. But I soon lost interest.

I wiped my heart out.

Fortunately, I don’t think I’m interested.

“That child is a promising member of the clan who has been introduced and acquired by acquaintances. ”

“I see. Have a safe trip. ”

That was the end of the conversation with Adelio. Somehow, he passed me and Kurt into the workshop.

The way back to Clan House.

I asked Kurt.

“How was it?”

“Unlike what Old Bailey made, it’s all about quality produce. The level of craftsmanship in the workshop did not seem to conceal the merchandise on purpose. ”

In fact, none of the equipment today was rated B or higher.

In fact, even Class B is the most affectionate quality of nobles in the territory, so it can’t be easily found in a neighborhood workshop.

“When will ‘Yang San’ be available? ”

“At this rate, I think you’ll be able to produce in a few months. much better than the equipment we saw today. ”

“You’re much faster than I expected. ”

“After eating the elixir you stole the other day, the dynamometer’s skills are growing strangely fast. ”

The value of the dynamometer U is in Assembly, not Decomposition.

Using Assembly with enough material, it was also possible to fabricate equipment in a snap, following the blueprints in Kurt’s head.

However, the original Kurt spent a lot of time to be able to “assemble” properly. It was encouraging that there were no handicraft traits, but the only weaknesses disappeared after obtaining the “Magical Hand (A)” attribute not long ago.


He is a Clan Master of the famous Karakol in the Central Continent and is a member of dozens ─ Citrio Altus.

He asked my son.

“What about the trends of the clans around Elano? ”

“Fifteen of the twenty-seven clans want to come in under Mt. Karakol. Half of the remaining 12 clans also want an alliance. ”

Citrio spilled his snide words.

“Alliance”? Idiots. ’

Once Karakol has swallowed up the Kingdom of Gleasia, it will expand its influence. The fate of the other clans around you is doomed.

The only choices that remain for them are to crawl under Karakol and become part of it, move the battlefield elsewhere, or dry up slowly at the end of the final battle, or one of the three.

“Or do you think we, the kings of Elano, will have mercy on you? ”

“Maybe so. ”

Adelio Altus, the most likely candidate to succeed Citrio at this point, smiled and responded.

Citrio usually intended to frame itself as a “good hog,” so it wasn’t that strange, even if other clan masters thought so.

“Some clans feel the warmth of the air in the Kingdom of Gleasia, but it’s useless to start preparing later. We’ve already occupied the workshops around us. If they participate in civil war, there will be a huge difference in supply. ”

Citrio laughed satisfactorily at the report. Then he suddenly remembers something and slightly narrows his eyebrows.

“What about the Blissful? ”

“I don’t see any movement. Obviously, they didn’t even feel the signs of a civil war. ”

The Blissful Clan.

It was a frightening force that the Witches of the Thousand Slaughters and the Rust possessed, but it was all glory in the past. Even shortly before the Karakol Clan’s extinction, a boy appeared and cleared his debts, and that was the only way to continue.

The boy’s name is Aiden Stroke.

This continent, like Citrio, was a child placed in the bloodline with Ebel Stroke.

“Stroke dynasty. ”

Quite a nuisance.

Even though Iden had come a few years earlier, the game was likely to change · · · regrettably, it was too late to be on the starting line. That’s why even though we have been walking impressively lately, we only sent one spy.

“You even recently brought a weepy little boy from a village. You don’t have to be so vigilant when you walk around looking relaxed. ”

Adelio said that · · · In fact, Aiden and Camille leaked false information.

Alerting employees, including Agent Luca, that they had left their way to make connections with the nobles of a certain kingdom and that they were headed for the Grand Valley.

They had not yet realised that the inadequate detection of the movement of the Blissful Clan would serve as a huge variable in the civil war to come.

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