Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Growing Pains


(General P.O.V) (1 day into Aden's Seclusion)

Lightning…an agent of destruction. Destruction and speed. He was yet to decipher any of these aspects of the Cold Fire but the strides he had already made were astonishing. He already had an intuitive understanding of what it was, essence wise and how it interacted with his body. How quickly he could hurt himself just as easily as he could someone else. In that respect, Lightning was the most dangerous sub skill he had ever wielded.

His position above the mountain peak had been bombarded by the streaks of blue lightning charging in the sky. The natural energy had entered a cycle of continuous attacks upon his form, likely attracted by the comprehension he was under. And they hadn't ceased. Every few minutes the sky would roil and numerous lightning strikes would fall down on his body.

(Elsewhere) (The Watchtower)

Connor could remember the feeling of taking a back seat as someone no… something else took control of his body. His. Body! And just when Connor had been awash with guilt at his stupidity, guilt because there was no way Aden could win this, things had changed. The first clash had happened and although he was caught in a back foot, the other boy had proved him wrong. The battle had been intense and at a level he knew he wouldn't have reached were it not for the D.N.A patches in his pants pocket.

Then the demon had shocked him by simply using magic to restrain his human side and Connor had felt a rush of power run through his body, that he had never felt before. A rush of power that cooled his anger…somewhat. A rush of power that made him feel like Superman. Then he'd been disgusted at enjoying it! But even as he lost the fight, even as he fell back into the abyss of unconsciousness, Connor wished nothing more than to retain that power. That strength.

He woke up in the infirmary at The Watchtower and felt something missing. The power…it was gone. Connor's heart was broken. Miss Martian and the team had tried to get him to open up over the week. But Connor had shut them out, worried what they would think when they read his mind and found out that nothing… nothing was enough anymore.

"…At this point, the search for Red Tornado has hit a wall. I think we should reroute our resources into something else. Something more urgent."
Green Arrow's voice reached Connor's ears through the walls of the Watchtower's meeting hall.
"Lemme guess… you mean reroute into finding out Aden's location, correct?"
Stewart's voice responded.

"No," Green Arrow shot back. Connor was sure he wasn't the only one to notice the aggrieved note in his voice. If it were up to Oliver, that was probably what would have happened.
"The Apokaliptian tech smuggling ring, Intergang has started spreading it's influence out into other states and cities. A Star city gang had access to force projectors. Weapons that send a shockwave strong enough to compare to one of Wonder Woman's punches."

"Green Arrow is right. I was there…this particular issue is getting out of hand. I move to propose we exclusively focus our attention on Intergang. At least until we halt if not outright uproot Manheim's whole operation."
Black Canary seconded Green Arrow's proposal.
"I've had a few run-ins with goons using Intergang tech as well. I have the Central City Star Labs branch looking into the workings of the devices, I confiscated. Hopefully we should have a way to source them out using their unique energy signature the minute any shipments arrive on earth."
The Flash informed them.

"But that is treating the symptoms more than the disease. Darkseid's people could simply make another Intergang." Superman's words cooled the mood somewhat in the room. Connor was only able to tell it through the loud sigh given of by Wonder woman.
"By Hera…this whole month has been a series of unexpected twists and turns. Hal, is there anything the Guardians can do about Apokalips? I believe we have gathered sufficient evidence to show them breaking many interplanetary violations."

"Sorry. Apokalips is…a touchy subject for the Guardians. Barring a direct attack, there is little I or any of the Lanterns can do. We stay out of the fight between New Genesis and Apokalips." Hal Jordan answered.
"Mmmh. Hey, by the way did you get ring checked up? What was wrong with it?"
The Flash wondered out loud, referencing to what had happened almost 2 days ago when Jordan's and Gardner's rings had started acting up.

Inside the meeting hall, everyone paid close attention to Hal's next words. The Lantern in question shook his head
"Not really. Apparently neither of us have the required clearance to access that information. That said, I was able to talk to one of the older Lanterns and what I got was this, the ring checked out briefly because of a unique energy pulse called Apotheosis. A phenomenon that happens when a mortal's essence or truth of being, enters a metamorphosis into a divine being."

Diana sucked in a breath.
"That does not sound good. The last apotheosis or ascension of a mortal to a god happened eons ago. Long before our time. Dionysus. The God of wines and ecstasy."
She explained in a grim tone.
"I will need to commune with the gods and see if I can find out anything else. J'onn, could Mars have leads on this information? Your people have existed longer than humans."
Wonder Woman asked him.

Before J'onn could answer, Zatara suddenly stiffened in his seat.
"By our father, the son and the holy spirit."
He chanted while doing the cross. Then he quickly stood up from his seat, surprising the rest.
Wonder Woman asked, her and the others getting up from their seats as well.
"No time to explain…I shall inform you all, later."
Saying that, the resident magic practitioner headed towards the Zeta tube.
"Recognized Zatara 11."

"Well. That was… unexpected."
Hal commented, saying what was on everyone's mind.
Manhunter added.
"His mind was suddenly hit with a Maelstrom of emotions. He sensed something. Perhaps, it would be wise to shelf this discussion for another time."
J'onn advised.
"No," Wonder Woman shook her head.
"There is never going to be a right time. Not when we have no control of what happens out there in the world. Zatara is not one to overestimate his capabilities. Should he need help, he will not hesitate to ask for it."
She looked around the room and stated.

"Please, everyone let us sit and finish this meeting."
Following Superman's words they all got back to their seats.
"Now, Batman and I have been talking to Adam Strange, the League associate tasked with maintaining the Zeta tech we use, we believe there is a way we can shield the planet from outside Zeta tube transmissions."
The Flash's words were met with a surge of interest. Finally they had a shining ray of hope cutting through the darkness.

"It's not enough to restrict the Use of Boom Tube portalling but I believe it's a step in the right direction."
He concluded. Supes steepled his hands together and hummed in interest.
"I will allow access to the Fortress of Solitude's data banks. Maybe you can find something in there that might help us."
He offered. An offer Barry was going to take advantage of. The Kryptonian race had had a very advanced technological level. He was sure that their would definitely be something there.

"I believe we have concluded that matter. As Chairman, I propose we move on to something else, barring there are no questions."
Wonder Woman said that and looked around. After making sure that everyone was satisfied, she turned to Manhunter.
"Call them in."
Manhunter gave a brief nod and then opened his mind to link with Miss Martian and the others.
"M'gann you can all come in."
Superman on the other hand muttered something. Yet, no actual words came out. The volume of his words were set to a frequency only a Kryptonian could hear.
"I know you've been eavesdropping the entire conversation Connor, after this, you and I need to talk."

Connor growled and got up from his seat.
"They are ready for us. Let's get this is over with so I can get back to punching something."
He told them before Miss Martian could and stormed his way towards the door leading to the meeting hall. Miss Martian, Artemis, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Robin all looked at each other.
"Is it just me or does he seem to be even madder than usual?"

Robin narrowed his eyes at Connor's back.
"Let's go. The League is waiting for us."
The rest of the team walked in and stopped to stand next to Connor who had his hands crossed and looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than there.
"Right. You're all here." Wonder Woman looked around at the rest of the Leaguers, particularly Captain Atom, who was the League's Overseer and who nodded at her in a show of support.
"I know that it has been incredibly hard, not going out to the field. You have the power, needed to do more yet we have had you stuck doing Solo missions with your mentors in your respective cities. Part of that has been a failure on our side. The team needs a base of operations and with everything that has happened recently, I will be honest and tell you that our focus has been elsewhere." She stopped to see if they were listening.

"And in light of…new developments, The team's suspension from hero work had been extended for another month."
Wonder Woman said and just like she was expecting, none of them were pleased.
"You can't do that!"
The three comments came from, Artemis, Kid Flash and Connor. The rest were in different emotional states. Robin looked thoughtful because Aqualad looked guilty yet helpless while M'gann was desperately wishing that all this was a nightmare.
She gently cussed.

"Wait. Guys, shut up." Robin hissed at the others, then rounded up at Aqualad.
"Kaldur…what is going on? She said 'in light if new developments' What are you hiding?"
Robin questioned, his tone growing hard. Aqualad sighed and looked up at the rest.
"I am going back to Atlantis…and I don't know when I'll be back."

The rest looked as if they had been slapped into astonishment.
"Dude… what?"
Kid Flash asked.
"You're leaving. Abandoning us?"
Artemis asked, feeling a little betrayed.
"No, not abandoning you. Aden showed me, showed all of us…that if we're going to do this right, we need to be better prepared. To be stronger and more skilled. I am going back to the Conservatory of magic to finish my studies. To get better so that what happened before does not happen ever again."

"What about us! The team we created!?"
Kid Flash shouted back.

Connor on the other hand started feeling a ringing inside his head as the words 'Conservatory of magic' ran around his mind like a Mantra. Magic…from Atlantis. Maybe that was exactly what he needed to get that power back. To get that strength that he had felt so… deserving of. He couldn't keep using the D.N.A patches. Sooner or later, they would ran out. So it wasn't a surprise to him when his lips opened and he announced,
"I am coming with you."

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