Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Justice League Interlude part 1

(General P.O.V)

Green Arrow was on console duty. This part of the job was something that the billionaire both hated and loved with equal measure. Whenever Dinah decided to stick around, his shift seemed to go very fast but whenever he was alone or god forbid stuck with the more anti-social members of the League…the whole thing seemed to drag…

The veteran archer swept a gaze on the satellite feeds, along with the surveillance footage installed in the hall of justice. The whole Watchtower was monitored by an A.I but having on scene members to make sure the whole thing ran smoothly and to act as a first responder to unforeseen situations was mandatory. If any of their enemies accessed the Watchtower, with the sort of technology installed in the base…the League and the world would be in big trouble.

Green Arrow sighed and leaned back on his chair, contemplating calling Black Canary. He was so bored he could even welcome a distraction from Barry. Green Arrow chuckled, especially Barry. They just understood each other better than most of the other leaguers. A beeping sound pulled Green Arrow from his thoughts.

He sat up straighter, seeing it was a reminder, to expect a call up from the junior team. A new measure that had been implemented by Captain Atom, with the purpose of giving the league an update on how every mission went. In case of a situation requiring radio silence, for example during contact with the enemy, Aqualad and his team knew what guidelines to follow. 2 successive beeps to show they were pre occupied with an enemy, followed by 2 more to show they were done or 1 to show it was an enemy they couldn't handle and were entertaining a withdrawal to come up with different strategies. Lastly was the less likely, press and hold to request for League Back-up.

None of that happened. The designated time to make the call up passed and Green Arrow frowned. They could have forgotten about it but something told the Star city resident, things were not that simple.
"Watchtower, pull up the current location of the bio-ship."
Green Arrow got up, while ordering the A.I.

A map of Africa appeared on the projected screen, the image was magnified to show a section in East Africa. A green blinking light appeared on a non-descript valley located in the northern part of Kenya. Green Arrow narrowed his eyes.
"How long has it been there?"

"30 minutes."
Came the answer from the computer. Green Arrow hummed. Something was up. His hand went for the comms.
"Watchtower to Aqualad…"
He waited for a response but got silence instead.
"Watchtower to Bio-ship. Can anyone hear me?"
Arrow tried some of the other members and after receiving no response, he changed the call,
"Watchtower to Captain Atom. We have a problem."

(The Batcave)

"Before you say anything, Alfred invited me to stay over for dinner."
Superman announced, taking the stairs leading from the elevator down towards Batman. He glanced at the relics, memorabilia and souvenirs lining up the wall of the cave. Trophies from Batman's numerous exploits.

Batman hummed in annoyance. The Kryptonian's unwelcome surprise, was well… unwelcome but necessary. Batman had a lot of things to do but there was something he'd been putting off that needed to be addressed.
"What do you want, Clark?"
The Dark Knight grumbled. In response, Superman tilted his head curiously.
"Alfred's wondering if he should bring down some refreshments for us before dinner."
The red and blue clad hero stated.

Batman looked up from the files he was reading through and narrowed his eyes at Superman, through the reflection of the Bat-computer's screen. The alien scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
He explained.
"I know, Clark. And you're stalling. What do you and J'onn want?"
The Gothamite replied testily.

A figure shimmered into being through the walls of the bat cave. Manhunter spared a look at Superman with something akin to satisfaction.
"I told you he wouldn't fall for it."
The Martian pointed out to Superman who sighed and took a seat.
"Yes. You're right Bruce. I am stalling. But that's only because I don't know how to approach this issue with you."
Supes admitted, making The Billionaire playboy philanthropist hum.
"Speak your mind. Nothing has ever stopped you before."
He responded seemingly going back to studying the files on his table.

Superman and Martian Manhunter shared a look.
"You're creating your own superhero team."
The comment came from Manhunter. Batman paused mid way to flipping over the next page of the folder on the table. He turned his chair fully to face the two, a hard look on his face.
"Seeing as I am not part of the Justice League anymore, none of my actions are answerable to you."
He told them in that same hard tone that made him a delight to hang out with.
"…But, I understand your concerns." In a rare moment of empathy, Batman decided to be…cordial.
"To answer your question J'onn, no. I am not putting together a team. At least officially."
He smiled.
"Off the record however, we need a way to move unhindered. A way we can take down the Light without our every move being tracked by the mole on the team."

Manhunter nodded at Batman's words,

"Indeed. Leaving the League offers you a certain level of autonomy and freedom the rest of us don't have access to. It will even be more believable after the Press conference."

Superman narrowed his eyes.

"Wait, back up a little. A mole? I thought we had resolved that as a open and shut case? Did you not provide evidence on Aden being the spy? Having access to the money, files, Kobra venom and whatever that other bottle contained was in your own words, 'irrefutable evidence.'"

Batman sighed and shared a look with Manhunter.

"Am I missing something here?"

Superman asked after witnessing the strange look his two friends threw at each other.

"All that was a ploy. A lie to assure the real Mole that his cover was still intact."

Superman took a few minutes to digest that information before crossing his hands over his chest.

"So Aden is innocent of betrayal? You're telling me, we not only put out an APB to all active Superheroes and League associates on a kid who's not even 18 years old but that we also abandoned him in a world that is not his own for no goddamn reason but to further your mission of finding out who the spy is?"

Superman clenched his fists in anger, staring at the greatest detective in the world.

And that is why Clark's presence was necessary. It was time to fess up and hope he would understand.

"It's not as simple as that Clark. Aden had a role in this and he understood the risk."

Batman replied.

"What are you talking about?"

The Man of Steel asked. The one who answered was Manhunter.

"It was a mistake, my friend. "J'onn started, coming closer to Superman. "We approached the boy in a misguided attempt to use him as a mole himself. To infiltrate the Light and work with us from the inside to take them all down."

Supes couldn't believe it. He was angered but most of all disappointed. He turned to walk away, needing to go somewhere else to think.

"Clark...I made a mistake. And I'll make this right, I promise."

Batman admitted sincerely.

"What you did was worse than lying Bruce. You sacrificed your ideals and stooped to the Light's level, just to win. I can't talk to you right now. Tell Alfred I won't be staying for dinner."

With that, the Man of Steel left.

Bruce sighed, running his palm through his hair. He had had the cowl off for their interaction.

"Well that went about as well as I told you it would."

Manhunter commented.

"They had to know sometime."

Bruce replied.

"You're right. On to other matters, what have you found out? You called me here saying you had a lead."

Manhunter stated. Bruce turned to the Bat-computer and waved a hand, controlling the projected screen to show an image of a human d.n.a sequence.

"I found an extra gene in the d.n.a sequence of the samples we recovered from the bottle containing the strange liquid Maelstrom had in his possession."

Bruce explained.

"So what are you saying? Was the liquid made from..."

Manhunter started speaking before Bruce cut him off,

"Bio matter extracted from humans? Yes and no. The readings are not clear on that because something is actively messing with any device I try to use to understand it's composition. Star Labs faced the same hurdle."

Man hunter straightened up, finally catching on.

"You think there's mystical energy interference."

He asked to which Batman nodded.

"Mmmh...I could acquire the services of Zatara on your behalf. He's the only active mystical expert we can consult. Barring that, Atlantis might have some answers."

Manhunter offered.

"Thank you J'onn. There's something else as well. I have narrowed down the list."

Bruce's words were delivered in the most serious tone The Martian had ever had from him. Serious, just like the statement itself.

"Bruce are you sure? There is no coming back from this if you're wrong."

He warned the former leaguer. Bruce massaged his head and thought about it deeply. Manhunter was right. This would go further than just losing trust in someone...

"I am not. But I don't think we have a choice."

Suddenly, a transmission came through Manhunter's comms. The alien held up hand.

"Understood. I'll be there shortly."

He then stood up in urgency.

"What is going on?"

Batman wondered.

"The team were found catatonic during their recent mission. Most likely from a telepathic attack. Atom has requested my help." Manhunter explained, making Batman narrow his eyes. Their recent mission was investigating Guy Lisbon's whereabouts.

"We'll take the bat-jet."

The Dark Knight stated, leaving no room for arguments.

"Superboy is missing too." J'onn added as the walked to the hangar.

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