Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Let’s Negotiate Part 2

(Aden's P.O.V)

"I think that's enough of the idle chit-chat. Let's get down to business."
Upon the Devil's words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. I sat up straighter on the couch readying myself. It was a talk but it sure felt like a fight. I had to be careful not to let my guard down and get fucked over by whatever agreement we came to.

"So, I have something or should I say a few things you need."
He started off, I kept my face blank of all emotion and started singing Wellerman in my head to keep him from reading my surface thoughts. It was easier these days as my mind was much more flexible due to the mental lessons, I'd been going through with both Martian Superheroes. I didn't want Lucifer to know just how desperate I actually was for any information Galiel had left behind. That would shift the odds in his favor and leave me at his mercy. He could ask me to do something incredibly dangerous and I would be inclined to.

Lucifer stared at me in amusement. Of course he knew what I was up to but still, any shred of control I had over the situation, however illusionary made me feel at ease.
"Yes, you're right." I confirmed, taking a slow sip of my cup of hot chocolate and savoring it along with my little power play. The Devil patiently waited, staring at me in growing amusement. Now I felt like an idiot. I cleared my throat and moved to elaborate further.
"I need any information Galiel left behind. Specifically, his contacts. I believe that he might have stored a digital copy of the files I had somewhere."

Lucifer nodded and waved his hand for me to continue.
"What else?"
He questioned. This next part was what I was most nervous about. To tell you the truth, it was probably dumb, idiotic and ill-advised.
"I also need the method he used to create the Meta-trigger essence."
Lucifer's gaze turned sharp at that. I hurried to explain before I set off the bloody Devil.
"Just for reference! I know that the methods he used were cruel and inhumane and I'm not looking to follow in his footsteps, Ok?"

I took a huge gulp of the chocolate to calm my nerves and gather my thoughts.
"That guy sickened me. I hate people who hurt others for their own amusement and the vibe rolling off him told me, he was exactly the kind of person who likes doing that."
I explained, somewhat calmer now. Lucifer's eyes never left my own. Probably searching for deceit or trickery. Not that I could even try to cheat or trick the devil. The guy was known as the ultimate deceiver and although that title was ironic seeing as he never lied, it didn't change the fact that I was dealing with a being that was over a billion years old. The shit he's seen? The liars he's encountered? Nothing could get past him. So the truth was the way to go.

"Despite all that however, it doesn't change the fact that what he did was borderline impossible for anyone else." I leaned forward. "That bastard was able to not only detect the meta-gene inside people but also awaken it and turn them into Meta-humans. I don't know anyone else who can do that. Not even the light with their almost endless resources. The best thing they can do is make flawed body enhancement serums."
I had thought it through some more after my encounter with the league of assassins trio. The fact that Cheshire and her two partners were observing Galiel's previous base, meant that there was something valuable he had that the Light wanted. Too bad, Lucifer had taken over.

Anyway, I could be wrong but something told me that the deceased Demon had been in a sort of partnership with The Light. What the partnership entailed, I had no idea. But my suspicions leaned on it having to do something with the Meta-trigger essence. Maybe a fusion of both it and Kobra-venom to see what the resulting serum would be. Then the devil ruined everything. Poetic justice at it's finest.


Lucifer finally asked. His voice was soft with undertones of curiosity.

"I find myself quite interested in your motives behind it. You are already so powerful and your potential is up there with the best. So why do you search for power with such fervour?"

He wasn't wrong. The abilities I had, had proved to me time and time again that I could be powerful. Was powerful. Within a few months of my arrival here, I was already strong enough to take on a few of the few Justice League members who had superpowers. If that growth isn't phenomenal, then what is? And it wouldn't stop. The grind was eternal. It was a grand dao.

I took my time to gather my thoughts before answering. At that point, I had already drained the hot chocolate in the cup I held in my hands. I set the cup down and started talking.

"I realized something. With all my power and strength, I still need someone to watch my back. I can't account for everything. That's just impossible." I stared at him to gauge his reaction.

"Although I'm loath to admit it, relying on others is a form of strength too. And if I am to achieve what I've set out to do, then I need a crew. A strong crew. A crew that won't hold me back but instead cover my weaknesses. That is what the Meta-trigger essence is for. I need to study it and find a way I can replicate its effects without bringing harm or unwanted side effects to the subject."


He hummed.

"That was honestly very convincing. A mature outlook. One that many before you would have benefited from. Alas, such is human folly." He smirked a little. "To be incredibly shortsighted and arrogant of their own measly power. I commend you for realizing that early. The answer is still a resounding no, I'm afraid."

Lucifer mercilessly shot me down.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple. Ok. I was expecting that. His previous reaction to the thing had been borderline disgust. I almost thought he would have not only erased the Meta-trigger but also anything associated with it. The building, Galiel's test subjects, even me just for touching it.

"I am disappointed. I must have given you too much credit Aden."

Huh. He called me by my name. That's a first. Lucifer rose up from his seat and walked towards the window, looking out at the gentle morning sun. The blinds had already been drawn out before I came in. And after sitting down on the couch, the sun rays had buffeted me gently, easing me into a relaxed state. My eyes followed his back as he stopped before the window, looking out into the city.

"There are many ways to get power. Some are not worth the price you pay to acquire them. Galiel's method includes the use of refining life force from humans and then using that energy to induce an evolutionary process in a subject. However, the ratio is not 1:1. How many of your own species do you think it takes to refine one vial of the disgusting thing?"

He spared me a look over the shoulder and asked. I didn't have an answer but I dreaded his.

"I will spare you the number." Saying that, he completely turned to face me. God, anyone else would have looked straight up campy wearing that Kimono but Luci rocked it. So unfair.

"See I'm all for free will and following your ambitions. However, take it from someone who's seen it all, no dream is worth sacrificing hundreds of people for. No matter what it is. It's not worth it. That guilt and resentment is enough to break a man. Has broken countless men. Tainted souls and reduced them to ugly ugly things. All of whom are suffering down under still."

He jokingly added, pointing to the ground.

"At least according to where the experts say hell is located."

He was right. Losing the Meta-trigger essence was a huge setback because of the opportunity it presented but it wasn't the only way. Infact, reflecting upon Lucifer's words about life force, there was another way I could empower those I chose. If that failed, I could go the least intensive way of recruiting already powered individuals instead of creating them. That was the last choice. The downside is I wouldn't have their gratitude or loyalty from the start.

"Alright. I'll huh... I'll listen to you. The Meta-trigger essence is off the table."

I finally spoke up. Agreeing with his words and realizing just how shortsighted my desire had actually been. Besides, he'd already given me the method. I wouldn't sacrifice hundreds of people to do so but still...I bet I could trigger someone with a powerful enough source of energy. Whether through magic or something I actually had an easy access to... Energy bending. More thoughts on that later.

"So, here's the deal. If you want the information you're looking for, you'll have to do something for me first. Equivalent exchange."

The Morningstar declared, pulling me out of my thoughts. The door to the room opened and in walked Maze. She yawned and threw a few folders she had in her hands on the table between us. I raised an eyebrow at her, wondering what was going on.

"Ah, Mazikeen, right on time."

Lucifer nodded.

She waved her hand dismissively and walked to the bar, pouring herself a drink. There were many jokes I could make about it being too early for a drink but...Devil in the vicinity, people. Say what you will, but I don't think, I'd ever get completely comfortable with Lucifer's presence.

"As I was saying, this is a trade. If you want the copy of all his information then you will have to run a few errands for me "

The smile he had on his face sent warning bells ringing inside my head.

I reached a hand out to the folder and took a peek. The title on the cover instantly gave me a headache and I groaned. Now I knew why he was so amused.

The title read, Aden Strong: Demon Hunter.

"You'll have to hunt down a few of Galiel's associates and boot them back to where they belong. That folder contains all the information you need, courtesy of Maze." I was ready to refuse. Then and there. Dealing with hell's denizens was something that was not on my to do list. That was John Constantine's shtick not mine. But true to his moniker of being a tempter, Lucifer added something I could not say no to.

"If you manage to do this successfully, you'll not only get what you want but I'll also give you a personal gift."

A gift from the Second Strongest being of the DC-verse? Where do I sign up?


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