Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Realm Upgrade Part 1



(General P.O.V)

Three individuals stood before a bed. The individuals consisted of a bald headed man dressed in a form fitting Tuxedo, an elderly woman with green eyes and white hair and lastly a young girl of about 9. Olympia Savage, the daughter of Vandal Savage placed her hands on the young girl's shoulders. Cassandra Savage, also a daughter of Savage flinched at the contact.
"To allow comfort from a loved one is not weakness Cassandra. It is a form of strength."
The elderly woman chided a little.

In response to her words, Cassandra sank into her half sister's embrace and relaxed, hiding the river of tears flowing down her cheeks. Olympia stared at the little girl and smiled.
"Let it all out, for when the grieving is over, we have work to do."
Cassandra took shuddering breaths, trying to get rid of the pain inside her chest. She'd been taken away from her mom at 4 years old and now, 5 years later her father was being taken away from her.

Olympia rubbed circles around the young child's back while hiding her own pain well. With expert emotional control, farmed from being Vandal Savage's daughter. So although her face seemed impassive, a turmoil of emotional storm was brewing inside her.
"Tell me something Luthor, who is responsible for this? Father refused to say a thing before he went into the coma."
Olympia asked the other person in the room.

Lex's eyes ran over the feeble body of his colleague and dare he say it, friend and frowned.
"I am not liable to tell you anything your father didn't, Olympia." He started. Lex held up his hand to stop the elder woman from cutting in.
"But, what I can inform you is that everything is being taken care of. Project Rebirth is slated for to start when a…friend of ours finishes taking care of something."
Lex said.

Olympia nodded, seeing as she couldn't get any more information out of the business magnate and expert supervillain. She just had to trust that her father had the ability to overcome this, just as he had overcame everything that had ever been thrown at him.

"Hey Cassandra." She lightly shook the little girl. Cassandra wiped her eyes and stared up at Olympia.
"Did I tell you about his fight with the bear?"
And so she begun the story of the ages. The story of how he started off. A normal man but a god, the savior of humanity at the end of the encounter.

Lex on the other hand listened in skeptically. Olympia had unwavering trust in Vandal's recovery. Looking down at the stick figure missing patches of hair with a respirator on his face, Lex didn't think Vandal would pull throw. Vandal had told Lex the promise Lucifer had made. That the next time they met up, would be the demise of Savage. The unmaking of all he was. Lex shuddered, the devil was fucking scary. Lex would rather go up against a murderous Superman who would tear him apart with his bare hands or split him into two with his heat beams than…this. Vandal Savage was losing everything. His strength, his powers, his skills and his faculties. And that wouldn't do because Luthor needed Savage alive. Many plans would fall through if Savage died.

But just in case Project Rebirth failed, Lex would need to have a back up plan. A back up plan strong enough to deal with even Lucifer.

(Penthouse- Club Lux)

Lucifer chuckled. His six foot frame shook with mirth.
"Oh, this is truly entertaining. A plan to deal with me. Let us see what this world can actually offer."
His eyes glowed red before the whole atmosphere of the room was broken by a bunch of popcorn's being thrown at him.

"Oi, you're doing it again." Maze said after pausing the screen, where the god father part 2 was playing.
"This was supposed to be a chill evening."
Maze admonished. Lucifer sighed and rolled his eyes.
"You've changed love. Where's the mayhem loving, blood thirsty violent femme fatale I know, love and hate sometimes?"
In response, Maze have him the middle finger.
"Please, I'm still the same old ruthless bitch, you're the one who's changed. The Devil I know would never bother to spy on what his enemies are up to. I remember you telling me it's 'bad form' to get the spoilers to a main event that might prove even a little entertaining." She huffed.

Lucifer crossed his legs and leaned back into the couch, swirling the glass of liquor on his hand slowly.
"Change does not apply to beings like I, Maze. You know that. To explain my recent…shift in behavior, I find myself a little invested in seeing how my pet project takes on these challenges. Will he fail or succeed? Who knows…but the war that is coming is enough to get me shivering in excitement."

(Aden's P.O.V)

285 points was a lot. Enough to really get me started on mastering Fire-bending and moving on to the next element. But before I could start the grind, the final thing on my list was upgrading the Elemental Dimension to the next level.

Which was why the next Boom tube I used emptied out in a non-descript island part of a chain of islands covered with mist all day long. This was a sub par security measure to stop any spying onto what I was hiding on the Island. Alien technology. A big deal in DC. An example of 'big deal' alien tech, was the emotional spectrum rings, Reach Scarabs, Apokaliptian tech, Coulan tech and a whole lot more.

So whatever this Miner thing was, it couldn't be anything simple. And Future Me knew more about it than I did, based on the fact that the MDP was highly resonant with the machine, Miner #0234.

I stepped onto the unnaturally hard surface that made up the ground of the island, smoothly. My steps were cautious and eyes focused on the strange situation unfolding before my eyes. The whole island, filled with greenery, fruit bearing fruits, chipping birds and animals scurrying about, had changed. For starters, the ground was now even and flat. I crouched and ran my fingers along it.

My eyebrows scrunched up in a frown, the ground was pulsing with warmth. Strange. My gaze turned to study what was infront of me. The answers I needed were right ahead. Right ahead in the form of a huge 50 meter tower made with obsidian material, with the foundation sprouting blackened roots that speared through the ground of the island all around 20 meters within it's vicinity. A green shield of energy extended 10 more meters away from the last of the roots. I could get the approximate measurements due to my connection with the realm.

The tower was the only thing standing on this island. I could see the next islands over, clearly from across the vast distance. I had no idea what the Miner was doing. Diving into my connection with the Elemental Dimension, I only got the sense that whatever was happening was beneficial to the realm. But…it was taking too slow. The Elemental Dimension felt almost eager…to complete the next step.

Stepping closer, the resonance grew even bigger and the pulsing I could feel emanating through the ground and up the soles of my boots increased as well. I stopped a meter away from the shield energy. Now that I was this close, I could feel it humming, ready to push back against any intrusion. Nothing could really hurt me in this dimension. So I clenched my ass cheeks and placed a hand…

I felt an overpowering mental probe explode out of the MDP and blast through my telepathic walls like wet tissue paper. My surroundings changed as I swallowed a cry at the sudden pain inside my mind. I was crouched in the floor when I heard him.
"Sorry. I tried to make it easier on you but you were so weak back then, it's crazy."

That voice. It was more mature and deep. But unmistakable. Can you really forget you own voice? I stood up shakily to my feet, trying to find him. Looking around, my new surroundings were eerily similar to Sanctuary. Yet it was nothing other than a mental caricature of the real thing. I couldn't feel the connection I had with the realm from wherever I was. Which was trippy and scary at the same time because…that connection was always, ALWAYS ever present.

I tried looking around some more to locate the source of the voice with no luck.
"Hello…is anyone there?!"
I shouted to no avail. Future Me seemed hellbent on playing mind games with me. A few seconds later…
"This is a mental recording. Now that you are sufficiently calm, listen up." I attentively focused on his next words.
"This world is not as simple as you think it is. It will break you, make you only to break you again. The only thing constant is your power. Your power will see you through loss, break ups, betrayals and at the end of it all, you will ask yourself, standing on the ashes and bones of both friends and enemies, was it all worth it? I did."

I threw my hands up in defeat.
"Oh come on, I've heard enough cryptic statements to last me a life time. What I need is some spoilers. How to break the system some more…how to get hax."

I joked but inside I was shook. Although I said cryptic statements, nothing about the statements was cryptic. In other words, I was in for an eventful future.

The voice spoke up again, ignoring my childish tantrums,

"The MDP's main objective is to sync with the Sconiad Miner #0234 mineral extraction pod. The Miner's inner routines will be enhanced to create stronger variants of Worker drones, which the Sconiads used to extract valuable minerals from different worlds in the cosmos for research purposes. When the Reach sought out to use their technology for nefarious means, all production of Miner tech was shut down. #0234 must have been cut off from the main system. With the influence from the Elemental Dimension, the process of creating worker drones for the upkeep of the dimension is well underway with an estimated 1 year till completion. With the help from The MDP that process can be cut down to 3 months."

Whoa. Mind-blown.

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