Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Saving The World Ain’t Easy part 1.

(General P.O.V)

The Bio-ship rose up under Miss Martian's control. Some flying birds, chief among them being huge white-backed vultures tried to harass the Martian air craft only for two twin beams of red heat to spear through the flocks, making short work of the birds, courtesy of The Superboy.

Miss Martian was confused for a second at how Connor seemed capable of heat vision. She shared a look with Artemis who shrugged. The Martian superhero decided to focus on her task and instead sent happy feelings of gratitude down the link at Superboy. She controlled the Bio-ship to move towards the village. The directions were conveyed to her by Ntongai, the second in command of the Warriors who was busy watching over the still passed out Masali.

Parts of the grotesque creatures rained down from the air. A splatter of blood fell on Kid Flash's face obscuring his vision and making him come to an abrupt stop.
"Oh come on man! Do you really have to go all slasher on them?"

The blood smelled rotten and a sickly undercooked stench. It made the speedster almost hurl right where he stood.

He shook his head and shot off in anger, going through a group of warriors holding broken spears aimed to stab him. Kid Flash left a trail of broken bones. Luckily, Miss Martian had assured them that nothing of their minds remained. The bodies were just meat puppets that were not alive. They weren't possessed either. Not like Masali had been. So for Kid Flash it had turned into a Zombie hunting season. Fortunately, all of them were respectful enough to leave the bodies intact for a proper funeral. Almost all of them, considering Superboy was re-enacting an omni-man scene from Invincible.

Kid Flash looked behind him at the tangled bodies and smiled. There were broken limbs but only to impede their movements.
"And that's how you do it."
Aqualad jumped over Kid Flash and kicked a baboon that had taken a leap at Kid Flash from a tree, before it could attack the speedster. He landed with the creature under his feet, destroying it's head with his full Atlantean might. Aqualad looked at the blackened sludge of brain matter and blood and felt like vomiting. Both because of how disgusting it was and his actions.

They were heroes, killing was not something they did. However, the circumstances were a bit different so… 'it's understandable. As Long as we don't completely destroy them, we can find out what really caused this', he told himself before turning to Kid Flash.
"KF, keep your head in the game. We don't know if these things can infect others and I don't want to find out."
Aqualad told him sternly.
"Chill out Aqualad, we're winning. Infact, 'Superman' over there is basically dominating the battlefield."
The Speedster pointed at Superboy who was carving a line among the creatures. He was unstoppable. His flight left shockwaves in the air as he accelerated, raining heat beams and ice breath down. The ground was destroyed, with craters and grooves.

Aqualad felt his heart skip a beat at the viciousness with which Superboy was taking out the Zombies. A fire sprouted out in the forest due to a stray shot from the Kryptonian and Aqualad decided to caution Superboy to be careful right after directing Kid Flash to put it out. They couldn't deal with a forest fire on top of what they had. He reached through the telepathic link.
"Superboy you're losing control. Be careful of your surroundings. You almost caused a forest fire."

The clone didn't respond. Superboy was having the best time of his life. He felt…he felt powerful. For the first time in ever. He finally felt strong. It came as a surprise for all of them when he cut off the telepathic link, to focus on going all out for the first time.
"Damn. Did Superboy just hang up on all of us?"
Kid Flash asked telepathically.

Before, Aqualad could give Miss Martian the order to bring the Clone back to the link, the ground started rumbling. The noise reached a crescendo just as a figure leapt out of the mouth of the Cave. Robin. Aqualad's concerns over the Kryptonian clone were momentarily forgotten as all the creatures in the field froze in place. Then in unison, a loud screech escaped their mouths and they turned to run towards the cave en masse. Robin would be cornered from all sides.
"Let's go!"
Aqualad shouted at Kid Flash who blitzed at his fastest speed towards the mouth of the Cave.

Birdarangs appeared in Robin's hands as he watched the creatures ran towards the entrance of the cave. After being saved by Aden, he decided to not let any of these things enter and intervene in the other boy's fight. He was the only chance they had at defeating these things. Boy Wonder might have disliked him but he never once doubted his strength. Not to mention…things had changed. Robin now knew some of the truth concerning their former teammate. It put a lot of things in perspective.
"I am so not concerted, right now."
He commented to himself, looking at the dozens of creatures advancing towards the entrance.

20 meters away and Robin was about to show them just how much of a badass he was. His hand reached into the utility belt for his special explosive birdarangs. They carried a bigger yield than his normal ones and ironically Robin had had them commissioned to deal with a certain former teammate…now the team and that person were working together to face a new threat. 'Just like old times.' Boy Wonder thought.

Then Superboy swooped in and grabbed him. Robin was speechless for a second. Superboy was flying. That shouldn't be possible. Boy Wonder hadn't been paying that much attention to the link and although he'd heard Wally wonder the same thing… seeing it for himself was different. Either way, Robin was angry.
"Why did you do that?" He hissed. "We need to keep them from breaching the cave. Aden is fighting that big scary Lion!"

Superboy looked at the teen in his hands and snorted.
"You're welcome. And don't worry about them. I'll handle these things myself."
He responded with a confident smirk. He was now getting used to his additional powers. The heat vision had been particularly interesting for the clone to play around with. But his favorite thing was flying. He could finally fly!

He placed Robin near the peak of the hill which evened out into a plateau and flew back to stop the creatures from entering the cave. All this was done in seconds! That's how fast he was in the air! His eyes turned red and heat beams exploded out of his ocular organs. Superboy created a groove infront of the cave. A sort of line that had super heated lava from the melted stones.

The zombies fell in and had their bodies destroyed. The temporarily full Kryptonian touched down with pride coloring his eyes. He had done it…none of these creatures could now hope to enter the cave. He looked back at the aforementioned cave and briefly wondered if he should have gone inside to help Aden fight the Lion. Superboy's hands tightened. That thing had looked downright menacing… and powerful.

Before he could though…two things happened almost simultaneously. For starters Aqualad, Kid Flash and Robin clutched their heads in pain and screamed. A telepathic attack! Someone had bested Miss Martian at her own specialty and as a result of being in the mind link with her…the rest of the team barring Superboy who had cut off the link and Aden who was not invited to the cool kids club felt as if a spike was being driven through their skulls.

Superboy quickly flew towards Aqualad and Wally .
"Aqualad! Kid Flash! Can you guys hear me! Take a deep breath!"
Heedless to the clones worried questions, the three of them passed out. Then as if that wasn't enough…all the remaining zombies dropped down onto the ground as if their strings had been cut.

Superboy didn't know what was going on. And calling out to Miss Martian or Artemis through the mind link didn't seem to work. He looked at the cave. The only one who could possibly have an answer as to what was going on…was Aden. But first, Superboy grabbed the Speedster along with the Atlantean and flew them towards the hill where he had earlier deposited Robin. At least there they would be safe for the time being.

Another rumble, this time bigger and with a shockwave of energy that felt…pure, the cave started spewing out ash and smoke. Superboy narrowed his eyes and activated his X-ray vision, inspecting what was happening inside the cave. His eyes widened a little when he saw a craft of some kind fly through a portal. That was all he saw. A feeling of that familiar weakness that was his reality hit him and he winced, losing attitude and the X-ray vision. The d.n.a suppressor that looked like shield patches had ran out of juice.

He landed on the ground just as Aden speared through the mouth of the cave, urgently flying towards the direction the Bio ship had taken. Just like that, Superboy knew something was up. The fight was not over. And from the looks of it, something big was going down. His hand went to his side pockets and out with it came the compartment holding the Shield Patches. He slapped one on his upper arm and the rush of power was almost orgasmic.

Superboy glanced at his teammates and wondered if he should bring them with him. 'No, they might slow me down. Not to mention they're safer here anyway.' His body shot off towards Aden.

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