Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

We Meet Again Final Part


(Aden's P.O.V)

The sound of the boom tube suddenly disappeared along with the yellow portal. I still didn't completely understand how the damn thing worked despite being connected so deeply with the dimension itself. I understood the bare facts which were, I had access to all the functions of the Fatherbox through the link between the Elemental Dimension and I. However, due to the Fatherbox being alien tech in nature, actually reverse engineering that tech or even intuiting the way it worked was beyond me. So I resolved to simply enjoy the benefits and cease the complaints.

L.A, home sweet home. I looked around and found myself in an alley, behind Club Lux. I took a deep breath and immediately regretted as my nose was assaulted by the pungent smell of the trash and other…'paraphernalia' making the alley their home. Though to be fair it was much cleaner when compared to last time. A change in management I suppose.

Despite my current location, I smiled. It might not have been my L.A, but goddamn if I didn't miss it. Maybe I could move here after I was done saving the world. Unfortunately or fortunately, L.A wasn't prominent in the cape scene so I couldn't set up a base of operations here.

I started walking towards the back room, recalling the entrance I had used to access the building the first time. Aaah, things used to be so simple then. No drama, no team betrayals…I was almost optimistic about my stay here in the DC-verse.

Then shit hit the fan. The fight with Klarion who I had no doubt was itching for some payback, The Yellowstone mission going off the rails so completely, the presence of a Fatherbox which derailed canon to the point I had no idea what would happen next…sigh. I wish I was in Marvel. At least there, the massive info I had about canon would let me make contingencies upon contingencies for anything going wrong. In comparison, I was almost stumbling in the dark here even with the meta-knowledge I had.

My hand reached out to push open the door. At that instant, something registered in my passive air sense. I cocked my head to the side just in time to avoid a very familiar dagger from digging a hole at the back of my noggin. I narrowed my eyes as the dagger trembled and shot out of the hole going back to where it had come from initially.

I turned around and deadpanned,
"If that's how you greet people then I'm scared for anyone who manages to grab your attention."
A walking sin, stalked out of the shadows, looking so sexy, my heart almost skipped a beat. Maze smirked seeing the look of barely suppressed lust flash in my eyes before I steeled my will enough to cage the beast once more. Man, I need a girlfriend.

"You survived."
She observed.
"I must be getting rusty."
Maze added, stopping right before me. I had gained a few more inches on her, emphasizing the height difference between us even more. However, that didn't mean shit with the the way that curved dagger gleamed in the moonlight. I doubt even my hardened skin could stop the dagger from slicing me.

"Or maybe, I'm just getting better."
I shot back playfully. Maze cocked her hip to the side and ran her eyes up and down my body. I felt a shiver across my spine as she observed me like a predator.
"Maybe. I love the costume by the way. It screams ' I'm trying to be stealthy but miserably failing.' "
Ouch. That sarcastic tone.

"Really?" I acted dumb. "Thanks. Although I'm thinking of trading up to something a bit more, colorful."
My response was filled with forced cheer. It was clear I was overdoing it. Especially when she snorted and pushed past me, muttering,

I smirked and followed her, my eyes falling down to her leather clad ass. Damn that ass was tight.
"Eyes up, kid. That's too R rated for you."
She quipped while shooting me a look over the shoulder. The slight smile of pride on her lips, told me that she didn't mind I was ogling her one bit. I shook my head and followed her.

Maze pushed the door open and instantly loud music started playing from the club above. I looked at the door leading to the basement where Galiel had been hosting his own version of Fight club and winced. That place had been nasty. Even the aura surrounding it was too sinister. There was a plaque on the door saying 'undergoing renovations.' I spared one last look at it and followed Maze to the elevator.

The elevator doors closed and we started going up. All things considered, it was a short ride. I was silent throughout, my heart hammering in my chest as I asked myself if it was too late to call it quits and just leave. There were more ways to get what I wanted. I sighed. Who am I kidding? Those ways would take up a lot more time and I would be grasping at straws. I needed Lucifer's help and based on the fact that Maze had been waiting for me, it was apparent that he was eager to meet me. Ditching now would risk the wrath of a multiversal entity.

The Elevator doors opened and I found myself in an opulent and grand nightclub. Maze and I were walking along the V.I.P lounge while staring down at the moving bodies down below. The music was loud, the ceiling was covered with flashing lights and the bar was full.

"Seems like business is booming!"

I shouted at Maze over the noise.

"It is."

She replied.

"Come on. He's waiting for you."

She pointed out and increased the pace.

We made our way towards a door at the end of the doorway that was suspiciously left alone by the partying crowd. The blur effect it left in my senses when I didn't focus on it was probably the cause.

Near the door was a staircase leading to the V.I.P section from below. At the foot of the staircase, 2 bouncers stood looking intimidating. I raised an eyebrow. From what I'd seen so far, this version of Lux was different from the glimpses of the one I'd seen on screen in Lucifer's TV show. Then again, this Lucifer was more of a mashup between his comic counterpart and the TV one. There are bound to be differences.

I caught up with Maze, just as she pushed the door open.

"Hey, what's up with this door. If you don't focus on it, it seems to sort of blend in to the wall."

"Glamour charm. Humans are too nosy for their own good."

She explained in a slightly hard tone. There was more to that story than she was letting on.

We took a stair case up and arrived before another door. Maze pushed it open and instantly, I felt a pressure wash over my skin. I took a few steadying deep breaths and made contact with Maze's eyes. An amused look came onto her face. She gestured to the open door.

"After you."

I couldn't muster an appropriate come back so I swallowed my nervousness and stepped through. I felt as if I was a lamb willingly going into a slaughter house. The Penthouse was massive and very well decorated. There was a wide window that showed the outside view of the L.A nightlife and soft jazz music was playing.

Standing before the window, looking out into the city was Lucifer himself. There was a half empty glass of wine on his hand, while the other hand was inside his trouser pocket in a relaxed pose.

"You know... there's just something intriguing about seeing you humans go about your fleeting lives with such...zeal. You cheat, deceive, hate, love, help, comfort and although at the end of it all, you still feel the cold embrace of death, a mark is left on the world. As inconsequential, weak and ultimately worthless as you are, you have us beat in one"

I soaked in the words. Mulling them inside my head and ultimately came to the conclusion that although there was merit to what he was saying, I didn't really care. Not when I was standing before someone who could swat me like a fly. My mind was too preoccupied to discuss philosophy. My only thought was on one thing and one thing only. How could I convince the devil to help me? He seemed to like me but I wouldn't allow myself to be fooled. No matter how charming and welcoming he looked, I couldn't forget who I was dealing with. I couldn't let my guard down.

The King Of Hell turned to me. His eyes roamed up and down my body but the feeling I got out of him was assessment. He was assessing me for something.


He hummed.

"You're not quite there but I see you have grown stronger. Wouldn't you say so Maze?"

He addressed the sexy Lilim in the room with us.

Maze snorted while making eye contact with me.

"He's alright."

Saying that, she went back to cleaning her dagger with a cloth. Lucifer placed his wine glass on a table beside him and walked up to me. The easy smile on his face did NOT put me at ease. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You haven't said anything. Are you not happy to see me? I thought we were friends."

His voice sounded aggrieved yet amused at the same time.

Friends? Dude, you could destroy me with a sneeze. No scratch that...with a thought. The difference in power, especially now that I know the true reality of this world is skewed in your favor it's not even funny. Still, it's no reason to be rude.

"Sorry...I was just out of it for a few seconds. So how are you and... how's L.A treating you, Lucifer?"

Somehow I managed to speak up, despite my mouth feeling dryer than sand paper.

"It's been fabulous, thank you. Where are my manners, please, have a seat."

He motioned to one of the couches in the penthouse. I did as asked and allowed my body to sink onto the comfortable cushion. Lucifer took the couch opposite me and crossed his legs while looking at me with interest.

"Can Maze get you anything?"

I spared a glance at the Lilim in question, who was staring daggers in my direction and wisely shook my head.

"No, I'm good thanks."

I responded.

A brief silence fell between us. Lucifer looked content to let me speak first. I tightened my hands into fists and looked at him dead in the eye.

"I've... I've come to bargain."

The smile on his face widened.

"Delightful. But before we get to that, there's something I need you to do for me first. A pest problem that I want dealt with."


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