Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Huo Chengming pointed at the person beside him earnestly, saying, “Mhm, this is my good friend.”

There were eight groups of guests attending《Top Speed》. A father and daughter group, two groups of married couples, one hot CP, two girls from the same girl group, a pair of old partners in the entertainment industry, and Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan accounted for seven groups. The last group was a pair of “good friends,” who turned out to be Huo Chengming and a male celebrity.

Even if Zhong Yuhuan was beaten to death, she would never lie and say that she’s seen Huo Chengming and that male celebrity together before. So where did this “good friend” come from? Gotten forcibly?!

Zhong Yuhuan cast a suspicious gaze towards Huo Chengming.

Huo Chengming didn’t try to hide anything, saying, “Mhm, hired.”

Li Jinyuan: “…”

What people call virtue is one foot tall, the devil ten feet.

Li Jinyuan wasn’t planning on bringing Huo Chengming along, but he still came in the end.

Li Jinyuan’s facial features slightly twitched, almost abandoning the show on the spot.

Meanwhile, Huo Chengming lightly said, “Oh right, I also invested some money in this show.”

Li Jinyuan smiled. “If I invest more, could I invite Mr. Huo to leave?”

Members of the production gaped at them, not understanding why such good brothers would suddenly fight amongst each other. Isn’t everyone being on the same show again a good thing?

But Li Jinyuan’s expression quickly relaxed, chuckling, “I’m just joking.”

Members of the production secretly wiped their sweat away, thinking, this joke is enough to terrify.

Zhong Yuhuan kneaded the area between her eyebrows. “We’re starting to record now, right?”

Members of the production let out a breath of relief, hurriedly turning towards Zhong Yuhuan, nodding. “Right.”

“I’m ready.”

Hurry up and record. Hopefully, we’ll be eliminated in the first episode!

Because she thought that she would be leaving very soon, Zhong Yuhuan didn’t interact much with the other guests. However, just before they began to record, Zhong Yuhuan thought about it and went to look for Huo Chengming.

“Racing-type shows are very particular about having a competitive spirit… Don’t yield to Li Jinyuan and I.” Zhong Yuhuan reminded him.

She was afraid that Huo Chengming would not care about her being his opponent, to the extent of helping her during the filming. When the show gets broadcasted, it would be easy for the scene to be bombarded by large amounts of netizens, and they wouldn’t be pleased if they saw that Huo Chengming was helping her win the show.

Huo Chengming seemed to be in a pretty good mood and shot a smile at Zhong Yuhuan. “Why would I yield?”

No matter who he yields to, it definitely wouldn’t be to Li Jinyuan.

It had been like this ever since they were at the orphanage.

Zhong Yuhuan felt assured. “See you.”

“Mhm.” Huo Chengming responded, his gaze fixed on Zhong Yuhuan until the director yelled to start recording.

Zhong Yuhuan was a bit nervous and felt some pressure. She took a deep breath and by the time the camera turned to her, she had regained her smile and relaxed demeanor.

The first episode took two days to film.

Zhong Yuhuan realized how hard it was to record a show while wanting to be eliminated.

There were eight groups in total. The father and daughter pair quickly headed to the edges of elimination because the father was old, so he lacked physical strength. For the same reason, the old partners in the industry were also bordering on elimination. Their tacit understanding was great but their physical strength and intelligence couldn’t keep up.

As for Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan, they learned a bit of whatever caught their interests during their younger days. So, during the event of learning fencing in the first episode, it was like they hacked it. Zhong Yuhuan thought that her physical strength was lacking enough but didn’t expect that there would be people even worse than her.

After the recording of the first episode ended, Zhong Yuhuan and Li Jinyuan were second and Huo Chengming’s group was first.

And it was at that time that Zhong Yuhuan realized that there would only be an elimination every two episodes.

After filming, Huo Chengming acted as host and invited the entire program staff to a meal. Even the celebrities who had other things to do were unwilling to leave. After all, the things they had to do were ordinary routine, but a golden thigh bringing itself to the door was very special.

Zhong Yuhuan first dropped by the hotel to wash up and change and then prepared to head to the restaurant.

When she was about to head downstairs, Li Jinyuan called, “I’m waiting for you downstairs.”

Huo Chengming had gone to the restaurant in advance because the program staff seemed to have something to discuss with him.

Zhong Yuhuan went into the elevator and headed down.

When she got off the elevator, she could see Li Jinyuan’s figure some distance away. It wasn’t just him either. The two members of the girl group surrounded him and were talking with him. The two girls also came from a talent show. That show and the one that Li Jinyuan debuted from had cooperated for an episode. So, although they wouldn’t interact in private, they still knew each other. Naturally, it wasn’t surprising for them to be talking with Li Jinyuan.

But before Zhong Yuhuan got close, Li Jinyuan suddenly received a phone call.

Then, his expression slightly changed, immediately turning and walking out of the hotel and getting in a black Lincoln. The Lincoln limousine quickly drove away.

Zhong Yuhuan was stunned.

Did something happen?

Or did something come up that urgently needed his attention?

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