Adored Koi in the ’70s

Chapter 172

Dai Shu Fang had always been looking forward to being a grandmother. But unlike Wan Chun Ju, she never put pressure on Da Qiao.

First, she felt that Da Qiao and Huo Chi were still young. It would be a matter of time before they had a baby. Second, she really regarded Da Qiao as her own daughter. She was reluctant to put any pressure on her.

This day she personally came to deliver soup to Da Qiao as usual. What was different was that as soon as Da Qiao smelled the old hen ginseng soup, she immediately retched.

Seeing her like this, Dai Shu Fang immediately asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Why are you vomiting out of the blue? Did you eat something off in the morning?"

Da Qiao felt a little uncomfortable from the retching. She waved her hands and replied: "Mom, don't worry, I'm fine..."

She probably didn't eat anything. Her body had always been very good and she hardly got sick since she was a little.

What's more, today's breakfast was cooked for her by Huo Chi himself. There would definitely be no problems with the ingredients and hygiene.

Seeing her like this, Dai Shu Fang suddenly had a flash of inspiration and uttered, "Da Qiao, have your this month's... come?"

Da Qiao froze for a moment before shaking her head, "Not yet. It's three or four days late."

Dai Shu Fang had given birth to two children. Upon hearing this, her eyes immediately lit up: "Then eight/nine out of ten, you are pregnant! Let's go. We'll go to the hospital for a checkup now!"


Da Qiao looked down at her flat stomach with a dazed expression on her face.

Although she and Huo Chi didn't use contraception, she never thought that she would be pregnant so soon!

Unlike Da Qiao's stunness, Dai Shu Fang was overjoyed. At once, she took Da Qiao to the hospital.

After some checks, it turned out that she was pregnant. And it was less than five weeks.

"Truly blessed by the Bodhisattva! I'm finally going to be a Grandmother!" Dai Shu Fang was so ecstatic that her grin overwhelmed her eyes. "Da Qiao, from today onwards, you don't have to do anything. Just tell Mom what you need?"

Although she wasn't very old and her youngest son was only four years old now, being a Grandmother was her long-cherished wish!

Besides, Da Qiao was too pretty. She wanted a soft and cuddly little granddaughter like her!

The pregnant women who also came for the examination heard Dai Shu Fang's words and complained to Da Qiao with their envious gazes.

On the way back in the car, Dai Shu Fang's gaze was always on Da Qiao's flat stomach. Her smile seemingly appeared 'kind': "Little darling, you have to grow up quickly. Grandmother is waiting for you to come out and will buy you delicious food !"

When Da Qiao heard this, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Her belly was only a month old and her mother-in-law was certain it was a baby girl. If it's not when it comes out, don't know if she will be disappointed?

Back at Huo's house. Dai Shu Fang almost treated Da Qiao as the empress dowager. She even supported her when she walked, lest she accidentally fall down.

Da Qiao didn't think it was necessary. After all, she didn't feel anything at all. But her mother-in-law was too kind to her. She didn't want to embarrass her.

At night, both Huo Family and Qiao Family discovered that Da Qiao was pregnant.

Huo Hua Qing's eyes were so overjoyed that his eyes were red. In fact, he had been worried that he would pass before his great-grandchild arrived. He could finally sleep well tonight!

Huo Chi was delighted when he found out. He didn't seem very surprised though. When he was going to sleep at night, Da Qiao asked him if he had guessed it long ago.

Huo Chi hugged her and placed his hands carefully on her stomach: "En, I originally thought that if that still hasn't come in a few days, I would take you to the hospital for a checkup. I didn't expect Mom to find out first."

He always remembered the time of her period very clearly. So when her period was delayed by a day, he had a vague guess in his heart and he stopped touching her from that day on.

Speaking of it, he really regretted that he wasn't the first to know about the arrival of the child.

Da Qiao leaned in his arms, feeling warm in her heart: "Elder Brother Huo Chi, do you want a son or a daughter?"

Huo Chi's thin lips curled slightly: "I want them all!"

"Truly greedy!" Da Qiao faintly spat out at him.

Having both son and daughter was naturally the best. But with the current family planning, each couple can only birth one baby. Of course there were some people who were pregnant with twins. But that was very few. If one wanted to conceive dragon-phoenix twins, the probability was even lower.

She knew that she was very lucky, but she still didn't dare to have any hope for dragon-phoenix twins.

However, Huo Chi and the rest of Huo Family felt that this was entirely possible.

Firstly, Qiao Family already had the gene to birth twins. Secondly, Da Qiao's luck was beyond comparison for ordinary people.

Qiao Family came to Huo's house the next day, carrying big and small bags in their hands. In addition to various supplements for pregnant women, there were also various small snacks that Da Qiao liked to eat. Even clothes and toys were bought in advance for the baby.

If a stranger saw it, they would assume that Qiao Family was moving into Huo's house!

Actually, Qiao Family wanted to visit last night. But it was a little late when they knew about it and were afraid that it would affect Da Qiao's rest. So they endured until today.

As soon as Lin Hui came, she grabbed Da Qiao's hand, glanced at her flat stomach, and asked, "How are you? Do you feel unwell?"

Da Qiao shook her head: "It's just yesterday when I smelled the old hen ginseng soup, I felt a little nauseated. Other than that, nothing."

Come to think of it, it was strange. Except for that bout, she didn't feel sick when she smelled other smells later. As if the nausea was just to inform her that she was pregnant.

When Lin Hui heard this, she was very happy for her daughter: "That's good. You are a lucky child!"

Pregnancy was an uncomfortable and hard process for a woman. Some people have a small reaction and find it okay. While some people have a big reaction. That was truly suffering!

There was a girl who worked in their store before. She became pregnant less than half a year after marriage. She originally wanted to work until she was about to give birth before taking a leave. Who knew that she started vomiting after one month of pregnancy. Later, the vomiting symptoms were too severe and she had to go home on leave.

From what she heard, the girl didn't stop vomiting until five or six months along. During the whole pregnancy, she didn't gain much weight!

So now hearing Da Qiao was fine, she was really happy for her daughter.

Qiao Xiu Zhi and Xue Chuan were overjoyed when they found out that Da Qiao was pregnant. They decided not to travel until the baby was born.

Because Da Qiao was pregnant, the four-year-old brother-in-law, Zhong Wan Hao was prevented from approaching Da Qiao, let alone being held by her.

Zhong Wan Hao almost broke his four-year-old brain, but he still couldn't figure out why he wasn't allowed to approach his sister-in-law!

Feeling greatly aggrieved, his big eyes were teary. Truly a pitiful sight.

But now Da Qiao was a national treasure at home and a key protection target. No matter how pitiful Zhong Wan Hao appeared or how coquettish he acted, it was no help.


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