Advanced Cultivation Civilization

Chapter 51 Paul

                ACC Chapter 51 Paul 

"What do you think?"

Humans...! They were an exasperating species. I had only existed for only a matter of weeks, and yet, I had gotten tired of them. I had thought that with more intelligence, more sapience, I would be happy. But the more I interacted with them, the more I was revulsed by them.

Couldn't they stay quiet for even a single moment? Every single conversation not sufficiently warded against eavesdropping was bringing me more and more unhappiness.

I could understand the need for conversation though. Higher sapience brought about a need for social interaction. Even Reed, with his introverted nature, couldn't escape such mundane trappings.

Ever since I had taken to appreciating these works of art caused by the clashing or flexing of power, no less that 50 people had tried to strike up a conversation.

Then there was this fellow...

I turned to my side, the origin of the question, only to be taken aback by what I saw. Standing just beside me was a mountain... No, it was a spirit, humanoid in form, yet to my budding divine sense, a mountain. It was blending in well with all the humans around us that no one had managed to pick up on its ruse.

"Are you going to report me to humans, spirit?"

"That's a weird appellation, Mountain. Why would I be a spirit?"

"..." There was a pause and a sigh released between lips as the humanoid spirit, in the form of a large man with a bad head, brown eyes and long brown robe regarded me, coaxing puzzlement out of me.

"An explanation will derail me from my purpose. Once again, what do you think of this planet, these humans?"

"Why are you asking me? I can't even begin to comprehend the concept through which the question is being asked."

"Humans... Are a scourge." The Mountain answered its own question as its eyes roamed the golden sand releasing musical notes with even the most minute of vibrations, before us.

"And why do you believe so? You have existed for, like a matter of weeks, and that's your conclusion!?" I shouted incredulously, though I was also taken aback that no one even turned in our direction at my outburst.

'An isolated space...? No. Fighting this Mountain... I have no chance of winning. But, I believe he isn't here to battle.'

"This gold attunement. It's supposed to exist deep below the earth, not here, and in this form. It's polluting the place!"

"Is this merely your opinion alone, or are there other spirits with those same thoughts?"

I had to gain some intelligence at least. Reed would be so proud the moment I divulged all this! Though, I hurriedly curbed the inner joy.

"All of us! Humanity is no longer needed."

"Man, and here I had been thinking that you had some sort of higher purpose, a goal." Disappointment rippled through me.

"Tell me honestly, Mr. Mountain. You don't want to visit outer space, to become stronger, or even seek Immortality?" I asked.

"I am already immortal. Why would I seek it? And my-no, our desires are to simply have peace."

I was rendered speechless for a moment.

"Let's go back to what you called me before. Because right now, I don't believe the conversation will go anywhere. Besides, I don't have the time to listen to you for long."

"We have all the time in the world. No one will notice us." 

"Mountain! I have lost any desire I had in listening to you. You are strong! That I can see. Yet I doubt even you would be capable of taking on all the humans in this place. Just within range of our senses there are no less than three capable of combating you. So, tell me. Why did you call me 'spirit'?"

"Little one, you amuse me. What makes you think that I would fear these humans?" 

"What gives you the audacity to believe that you would get out of here unscathed?" I challenged him.

"You are a spirit. There is no reason I could mistake your aura." Mountain spoke after a glaring match, which I was certain I had won.

For a moment, my gaze wound back to the piece I had been looking at, the golden sand, whose every particle released sound with just the most minute of vibrations. The sounds, after merging, became song, which brought immense feelings of peace to me. This was just one of the examples that happened when two entirely different spiritual energies merged.

"Do you hear the song?"

"You mean that grating sound?" Mountain asked.

"The fact that you take this heavenly sound to be mere annoyance already makes it clear which of the two sides I would rather be with."

"Why humans?! You are kin!" roared Mountain, eliciting more music from the golden sand due to the vibrations.

"Who facilitated your birth?" I asked with a voice cold enough to chill Mountain, who took a step back because of the intensity I was projecting.

"The world."

"It was the humans. They are the origins of you. Though, most of them are currently regretting it. Do you know how many people have died since your awakening?" 

"Is that important?"

"..." A sigh escaped my lips at the question. This... Mountain was looking at things from a perspective of black and white. 

"My Beginnings were humble than yours, just a couple of cells in a petri dish that Reed took great pains to nurture. I don't have memories of those times because cells can't have much awareness of the world..." 

".... I started to have some awareness when we bonded. Everything he saw, heard, ate and sensed through his divine sense was similarly transmitted to me. I know the man more than even myself. He's scared of new places, New people, and most of all, crowds. But what I like about him is his genuineness."

I took a pause to collect myself and contemplate how to continue the conversation.

"I have come to the conclusion that humans are social creatures most of the time. And ever since gaining a body, I have come to be thoroughly annoyed of their constant need to speak. But, I like to think that I will probably get used to all that. In time. I like their creations inspired mostly because of their sapience. Movies, music, technology, and most of all, fun things! Honestly, you spirits lack everything that I find so interesting about them."

"But they are polluting this world."

"A sound argument where you are coming from, but they have also led to the creation of amazing things! Getting the planet back to its natural place is good and all, but after you do that, I don't think I would love to live in such a world. Where will I get movies, music, books and many other things that make life so much better?"

I took a deep breath after all those words, feeling myself lighter.

"You brought up some valid points. But I still don't understand some of the things you said and why you really like the humans. But do know this... We will still get rid of humanity."

"Then I will also give you a warning in return. Don't underestimate humans. They are a civilization that has taken this planet to be home for thousands of years. Just because you caught them pants down doesn't mean that you have any chance of winning."

After a few minutes, the Mountain left. I didn't bother exposing it's existence as that would simply lead to the death of many people here in the course of battling it.

The spirits were underestimating humanity if they thought that those huge warships and Nascent Soul cultivators were the only weapons the humans had.

I immediately took my leave from the musical sand, weaving through the gathered crowd in order to look for Reed. I could feel through our connection his rough location.

Though, I still took time to admire the art pieces created through the battle with the sand spirit.

Close to an hour later, I found Reed, entranced by something that had gathered quite the crowd. They were even more numerous than those that had been gathered at the musical sand.

I pushed through the standing crowd, earning many growls of dissatisfaction, but since they sensed my aura, they didn't cause any physical trouble. Though, murmuring entered my ears, eliciting a smile from me. This was one of the reasons I loved the Federation. Even those weaker than me could give voice to their unhappiness with someone of a higher cultivation level without being murdered.

Which I believe was the other way in the demon empire. Though, I didn't know much about the spirits themselves.

When I breached the front, a scene that took my breath away entered my eyes, one I was sure I would never ever be capable of purging from my memory cells.

The dance and the music were so... Mesmerizing that I fell in love with just a gaze. 

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