Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 129. Magic Academy

"Where are we going?" Marcella asked curiously, noticing that we were already now past the palatial estate's gardens and exiting onto the main streets. Walking leisurely arm-in-arm, I enjoyed the fresh spring air with a deep breath, letting the scent of freshly fallen rain fully fill my lungs I took my time before responding.

This was the first time in several days that I felt some amount of clarity from the spell of lust I had been under.

"To the academy..."

"Eep!" Marcella let out a strange half-yelp, my words apparently making her suddenly a lot more aware of her surroundings, not to mention more aware of her own appearance.

"Is there a problem with us going to the academy?" I asked, seeing her sudden reluctance made me curious. Watching as Marcella gestured down at her slave collar. The conspicuous blue color of lazuli alloy made it apparent to anyone knowledgeable enough in the matter that she was a mage-slave.

I see...

Not only was she known to others in the academy, she must also care a great deal about what they thought of her.

"Keaton, could we, you know... get rid of this?" Marcella asked me in quiet pleading voice.

"You almost killed me last time." I reminded while giving her a quick look of suspicion. Remembering the feel of her magic-driven sword of fire cutting through flesh. My own flesh. I might not die from it, but it sure as hell still hurt.

"I, I know that... but that was a long time ago. I'm not going to do it again."

I was skeptical, but still pulled out the small vial of the crushed lazuli powder I had been given, having not seen the need for it yet, I decided to try it out for once. Somewhat curious how well this method of application worked on a mage.

"If you want your collar off then take a bite of this." I held a spoonful of powder out for her, which she stared hesitantly at. 

"I'm being considerate Marcella. I don't need to take the collar off, you know?"

She closed her eyes once again and took the spoonful in one bite, chewing the powder with a pained expression. I didn't hear anything about what it tasted like, but judging from her reaction, it couldn't be that good. Like chalk perhaps?

Inserting the key with a clink I unlocked the metallic circlet around her neck, pulling it off and into my inventory for safekeeping. Only then did Marcella start looking more at ease, her biggest worry now gone and confidence partially restored.

A few minutes walk took us to the gates of the academy, our mansion being conveniently located made it not a terribly long trip.

Other students in front of us dropped off for the day by carriage at the front gates. Most appeared my age or older, but there were a few younger students who were likely the prodigies of some rich noble or royal line. All wearing a rich velvet purple cloak over their usual clothes, held together by a small bear's head broach.

Seems like that's the school uniform.

The feathering around the broach which held together their cloaks ranged from a basic metal clip to a more intricate work, designating the class of the student, making it easy to distinguish who was a senior magician versus who was an absolute beginner. There weren't even guards at the entrance so people just walked right in, although we were the only ones without an outfit on, so we did elicit a few strange stares.

"Why aren't there guards?" I asked Marcella quietly as we passed through. Trying to act as inconspicuous as I could, even if we had the right to be here it felt a bit like trespassing when we stuck out so much.

"Please Keaton, nobody would be stupid enough to cause trouble here. Everyone's a mage. Not to mention we're in the noble district so commoners already aren't allowed in. We should be able to just go where we need to... the only thing we need to worry about are the teachers."

Crossing onto the school grounds I felt a familiar sensation, similar to the one we had when we were on the estate. Like we had crossed some kind of invisible barrier, the air felt richer, more sustaining. The concentration of mana itself was noticeable even to a 'non-mage' like me.

I followed Marcella, letting her take the lead seeing as she was a former student. Walking along with the crowd of students as we made our way to the administrative building.

"Excuse me! You two. Are you students here?"

A grey-haired woman appeared from seemingly nowhere, suddenly standing before us wearing a pointed hat and dressed in a purple silk cloak pinned together by a violet glowing broach.

"Keaton, can you handle this? I'm not very good with her." Marcella's whispered in my ear before hiding behind my back, her old fiery fading back as quickly as it had come. 

Seeing the woman focus her attention on me, I cleared my throat to explain. I'd never been the most eloquent speaker but it wasn't like they could kick us out either.

"I'm a new student and mage." I said while producing the sigil and coin Bael had given to me. The mage woman's eyebrows perked up at the sight, amused by the trick I had just pulled.

"Space magic... I see. I know who you are. Keaton, I've been told."

I nodded. Glad that at least somebody had done their research, it certainly made things easy for me. I didn't expect to be known everywhere I went, but as it turned out very few people recognized me even when I was the only 'space mage' in the kingdom.

"Is your friend here a new student too?"

"No, she's a graduate."

The woman looked at me strangely while Marcella looked like she wanted to crawl in a hole. **Could it be that I said something odd?**

"The world of magic has no graduates, Mr. Keaton. I think you'll find there's always something more to learn. No matter how talented you may think you are. Sometimes you'll find that even talented people will fall one day if they never try their best." Sending a stare directly at Marcella as she was speaking.

Apparently that last part was directed at Marcella, who was now looking red as a beet. This woman's remarks unknowingly cutting deeper than she perhaps intended.

"Now that I get a better look at you, you do look like a student of mine. Marcella Marcet, I remember you now. You were a trouble maker. What have you been up to and what brings you back to school? Couldn't be that you're enrolling again, I remember you hated school. Too good for my lessons."

"I've gotten married." Marcella blurted out quicker than I could speak. Giving me pleading eyes that told me not to expose her shame. "To Keaton here," she added. Sticking close to me while holding my arm with the sweetest expression she could manage. Acting as if we were newly-weds, for a time in fact we had been.

"Well, I have to say you've done better for yourself than I expected." Giving me an appraising look that almost made me shudder. Her face wasn't bad and her skin still looked supple at least, making her look like she wasn't too far past 40 but with how much these old monsters spent on staying young she could easily be over a hundred and I'd be none the wiser.

"I'm afraid that'll have to be all for the introductions, I have a lecture to give." She finally added while sending a stern glance to some of the other students who were pausing in interest at the two strangers on campus. "And get yourselves a cloak, you stand out far too much."

I fully agreed, finding the stares of the students equally bothersome.

The magewoman turned abruptly before walking off at a brisk pace, dismissing herself from the conversation without another word.

"Who was that?" I whispered to Marcella, who looked to be sweating nervously. Was that woman really that intimidating to her?

"Mrs. Woderly, the magic theory professor." She said with a shudder.

"She didn't seem that bad." I said while looking at Marcella curiously, earning a harsh look for even suggesting it. Clearly something must have happened for them to be at such odds.

We continued on towards the administrative building, with Marcella walking a bit more briskly now. Apparently there were others around that she'd rather not run into.

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