Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 24. Business Partners

Inviting myself in to Cal's study, I observed him busily flipping through reference manuscripts, dried plants lining the table. 

Seeing how Cal made no mention of my entering, either he remained oblivious or was choosing to intentionally ignore my presence. I smiled a bit before walking up to his desk confidently, watching over his shoulder in as obnoxious manner as possible, ensuring he was aware of me.

"I see you've returned triumphantly" He remarked sardonically, noticing my seemingly horrific appearance, blood and gut caked armor, a bitten leg, and no spoils to see. 

"Well said my friend, it went better than I could have ever imagined." I replied truthfully, still in a celebratory mood. Meeting his sarcasm with gloating.

Cal turned to me, somewhat confused. Probably wondering if I haven't finally gone insane like the rumors. 

"Now that I have your attention." I stated, waving my hand to the side as I materialized one of the large grey wolf bodies from my inventory directly onto his floor. 


He stared completely shocked at what I had just done. Aside from my own method, there was only one way to do what I had just done. 

"...mage, you're a MAGE?!" He looked at me in stupor, 

I wasn't one in the traditional sense, but he didn't need to know that. 

"You're even a space mage, Keaton. How is this possible? There aren't any space mages in all of Stromgar. Even the Southern Imperial Kingdoms don't have that many of them." He was now shaking in disbelief. 

Space mages were exceptionally valuable to any kingdom, given how their abilities naturally lended themselves to logistics and were invaluable to large-scale troop deployment, simplifying the complicated supply chains involved in wars. Mages were all quite valuable, but ones that could have such a wide effect on battle strategy were exceedingly rare, even if space mages only served in a support capacity they were still highly sought after due to how large an effect this support could have. The only kingdoms with any significant number of them would be the triumvirate Imperial kingdoms to the south, given their constant wars with the beast kingdoms and significant holdings they went to painstaking extents to attract and nurture space mages. 

"Cal my friend, I seem to have recently awoken as a mage. It happened suddenly and without warning... " I started off an a prepared spiel, explaining to him the fake origins of my new power. 

"You're a natural mage, Keaton. Do you know how ridiculous this all sounds? Do you know how rare it is for someone to be a natural born mage? And it happened to you?" Cal had an ugly look on his face, looking like he was about to slap himself.

Of course I knew, but that was pretty much the perfect cover right now for my abilities. The chances that someone would develop the ability to use magic naturally, with no instruction at all was astronomically low, one-in-a-million. You had to be a talent among talents, where magic was entirely second nature to be able to do that. Almost everyone had the potential to use magic, but their affinities were, with few exceptions, utter dog crap. Requiring the most expensive of elixirs and rare medicines to enhance the bodies natural affinities to certain magic. Space magic was something of an exception, it was not a power that normally existed in nature, very few herbs or monsters developed attributes of this kind, so extracting their power through alchemical means to raise space affinity was extremely difficult. 

"And you my friend have the good fortune of knowing me, a natural born space mage." I gloated over him, finally able to surpass him in some way. Even if it was made up. 


Cal had a few moments to calm himself, returning to the usual collected and care-free attitude I had come to know from him. Only the excited tapping of his finger against the desk surface giving any indication of his mood. 

"You're right about that, this is a good thing. A very good thing. For you at least... do you have any plans? If you're at all thinking about staying here I believe some very favorable arrangements can be made with my father. " Cal again broke character, speaking excitedly. 

I remembered a little something I had learned from Tammy that I was intending to ask about, Cal's sister was a mage. If Cal's family was raising one mage, they could very well be interested in recruiting another. Especially one like me, who's powers had already manifested and didn't require such expensive and uncertain nurturing.  

Initially I had some ideas about hiding my identity, surreptitiously selling my kills off through Cal's network, but if I had the full backing of the Marcets then it might not be a bad idea to make this my public debut. Coming out as a space mage would leave the entire Kingdom clamoring for me, as long as they could give me a good offer and greater degree of freedom, throwing it in with Cal's family actually seemed rather attractive.

"Consider me interested, Cal. I would like to hear what your father has to say. Although I do have some conditions that you might consider unorthodox."

Cal seemed pleased I would agree so easily to meet his father, bringing me, a presumed space mage into the fold would boost his family's prestige to new heights, and the primary beneficiary would be Cal himself. Likely seeing his position in the family greatly enhanced. Perhaps even finding himself a larger inheritance.   

Seemingly in a hurry to get things finalized, he wanted us to immediately head out to meet his father, but given my current attire it would hardly be appropriate. Still in my shoddy quality leather armor that reeked of blood and guts from today's adventures. So we arranged for us to meet up tomorrow outside his family's mansion, letting me know I should wear my best. Normally a Baron would have a castle than a mansion, but given that the main threat on this side of the kingdom came from monsters rather than armies, the Marcet residence was far more geared towards luxury over defensibility. 

Before parting, one last thing caught on my mind...

"Cal... I'd like to know more about your sister." 



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