Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 29. Pet Belle (R-18)

Be warned that this is a bit harder of a bullying chapter, so avert your eyes if you want. The sex scenes will be more 'vanilla' for the foreseeable future, so you'll need to hang on for a while if you want more things like this. Also curious about how well received this is or whether its too much so I'll be holding a poll at the end.

The long week of studies had paid off, reading various textbooks studiously had netted me the [Physician], [Steward], and [Pathfinder]. I was certainly satisfied with the reward, but these days I had become more interested in another kind of satisfaction. Perhaps as a result of my enhanced constitution, my libido had grown far above the usual, and this one week of abstinence had pushed me to my absolute limits of resolve. I felt myself aching for a release, lusting after Belle every time I saw her despite my decision to not touch her until Ameliah's 'special order' was finished, and today was that day. 

This wasn't originally my idea, it was Ameliah's. She had a lot of experience working in the capital before she came her, and I have to say her expertise in these matters was absolutely fascinating to me. She dealt with a lot of Beastkin owners before, and this was something of a special play she had developed especially for this situation. A play that was now developing exactly as she told me it would. Much to my own delight. 

Belle had begun following me much more than usual, displaying herself to me, making her seductive beastial purring noises, masturbating openly in my presence, and every day she grew more desperate to seduce me. It was only to be expected afterall, just as Ameliah had foretold, my cold treatment of Belle combined with my fawning over Marcella, my promised to be, had convinced Belle that I was planning to abandon her.

Everyday I made sure to take her over to the mansion, making her watch me dote on my beautiful wife-to-be, showing Marcella a type of pure affection that Belle never got to see. Marcella's status was everything that Belle wasn't. Noble, mage, human. Things Belle could never be, things that made her feel inferior. Enhancing every bit of Belle's insecurities, just for today. 

I set out early in the morning to pick up my order from Ameliah's shop, making Belle stay home so it wouldn't ruin the surprise. Storing the items in my inventory, and returning within the hour, already excited for what was to come. 

Belle was lounging on the bed in her underwear, masturbating herself out of frustration. Our routine before had included me fucking her every morning and every night, but I hadn't been so much as looking at her for a week now. Her beastly libido which almost rivaled my own was driving her to constant heat. Returning so soon it seems that I surprised her, as she gave a yelp at being discovered, but she quickly gained the courage to resume her act, hoping that her clear arousal would spark my interest. 

"Belle." I called out to her. Seeing her ears peek up hopefully. She was wanting to mate with me, giving her the opportunity to prove her worth.

"You're not in trouble. I want to discuss our future." I said, sitting on the bed next to her. Not yet showing any sexual interest.  

Her ears drooped down. My comforting voice doing nothing to ease her suspicions.

She knew well that noble ladies didn't particularly like their husbands sleeping around with beastkin slaves, many young aristocrats in my position were forced to sell their childhood playthings when it was time to marry. I of course had no thoughts of ever selling her, I loved Belle... but not in a pure way. Belle was mine and the complete authority over her was incredibly tempting to me in many ways. 

Keeping Belle was actually something of a deal-breaker for me and was something I specifically brought up to Marcella. Thankfully, Marcella was actually quite open to me having Belle on the side. In fact, I found that she had a rather strong curiosity about beastkins on the whole. Her father and mother abhorred them, owing much to their experience fighting on the western front, and because this Marcella didn't have much experience interacting with their species. Surprisingly though, Marcella didn't inherit her mother and father's views and she absolutely loved the idea of one or two of the little scamps running around. Nobles always did have a fetish for the exotic, so I suppose it wasn't that surprising. 

My thoughts wandered too far as I reminisced, snapping my attention back to the act I needed to maintain. 

"Belle. You know that I'm getting married soon to Marcella. She's a very sweet girl and I love her dearly." I could see Belle's face dropping even further. 

"I also love you very much Belle, you are a very precious slave to me, but the thing about marriage Belle, is that when I'm married, I can't think just about myself. I need to consider the feelings of my partner. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Belle's eyes had risen at the first part, but now she just looked down at the floor, not meeting my own. Her tail still with nervousness. 

"Marcella is just a girl, she's a very delicate noble girl that isn't used to being around beastkin. You know why I'm saying this right, Belle? She's afraid that you're dangerous."

The idea that Marcella would be scared of Belle was absolutely laughable to me. She was a mage and a silver ranked adventurer, fully capable of kicking the ass of any knight in her father's service, let alone the tiny and timid looking Belle. But Belle right now was absolutely terrified, not parsing my words logically to see through the deception. 

"I know you're not dangerous so I pleaded with her... but there's only one chance for you to stay, Belle. You have to be absolutely obedient, okay? You have to do whatever Marcella or I say."

Belle seemed like she was going to cry, but she sniffed and shook her head in understanding. Somewhat hopeful that there was still a chance for her to stay. 

"Belle isn't dangerous. Belle will do anything for master, and for mistress. Please don't throw Belle away." 

"Good girl" I stroked Belle's hair soothingly, going on for a minute while I waited for her to calm down. 

"Belle, keeping beastkin slaves is dangerous. Right?"

She hesitated, trying to guess which answer I wanted before nodding slowly. 

"But what's something that's not dangerous that people keep?"


"A pet." I said to her. 

She stared at me without understanding. 

"Pets are safe to be around, aren't they Belle? Marcella wouldn't be scared around a pet, now would she?"

Belle nodded again somewhat, still not seeing where I was taking the conversation. 

"If you want to stay with us Belle, you can't be a slave anymore. You have to be a pet."

"A... pet? Master? But, h-how does Belle become a pet?"

Breaking out in a grin, I materialized what had been hiding in my inventory. An fancy looking leather collar with fuzzy fur lining the inside. On the front a silver bell was attached to it, like one you would see on a noble's pet cat. On the back, a hollow metal ring lay flush with the collar, existing solely to be attached to a leash, like one you would see around the neck of a noble's pet dog. 

"Become my pet Belle. Prove that you can do it."

She stared at the collar, still sniffing, but soon nodded beginning to put it on gingerly. Shaking tears out of her eyes. She looked despondent, but also happy at the fact that she wasn't being openly discarded. This was the thread of hope that she needed to grab onto. 

Seeing that she accepted, I took out the second item. A corded leash, the fibers small and intricate and smooth to the touch. Very much unlike the crude ropes used for mooring or anchoring ships, this one was built for walking a beloved pet. This one was especially made for its strength, corded using arachne silk, and build in with two locking mechanisms at each end. At each side was a clip that snapped into place, a small keyhole allowing the clip to the locked in place securely. The key resting safely in my inventory. 

I attached the leash to the back of her collar with a click, before dragging the other end towards the center of the room, over to the metal post protruding out from the floor that I had previously installed. This was a post one would chain a dog to, with the only exception being this one was affixed to the floor inside rather than to the ground outside. The end of the leash snapped shut with the clip mechanism, a small keyhole visible just like the one before. There was enough length on the rope that Belle could wander the entirety of the room without issue, having measured the dimensions of the room exactly, but she would be unable to leave the premise until I allowed her to do so. Just like a pet. 

"Now you're my pet Belle. We will always be together." I smiled while stroking her hair, a much different smile than the one I had shown Marcella. 

"Let's practice being a pet. You need to do whatever I say, okay? You can't say no."

By now Belle knew this was going to be a sexual thing, which was half what she wanted in the first place, but she still had no idea what she was in for. 

"I'm going to test whether you're obedient or not, Belle. Think of this as your first trial as a pet. " Taking out a slime core from my inventory and rolling it around with my fingers while I examined it. I had heard of a very interesting application for these from Ameliah, thinking to myself how I was starting to really like that woman's way of doing things. 

Belle was resolute now, determination filling her eyes as she steeled herself to be my pet. She was going to prove herself to me. She no longer had to be afraid of abandonment, she didn't have to worry about anything, she just needed to obey. 

Belle stripped herself, throwing her panties to the floor before presenting me with her pussy.

"Belle is your pet, Master. Belle won't ever betray Master or Mistress. Please let me prove it." She was already heavily aroused when I began but now that her anxiety had faded somewhat her beastly instincts were beginning to take over. Pushing her to accept any and all conditions as long as it allowed her to have to sex. 

I ran my fingers through her wet slit before fingering the wet sticky excretions between my index and thumb, seeing the love juices stretch between. She was very aroused, but she was expecting the wrong thing. 

Taking one finger I teased her other hole, rubbing back and forth softly, before turning inward. Forcing my finger in just a fraction. Belle's spine straightened, and tail instantly shot up in distress. 

"Master.... Belle can't make a baby there." She whined unhappily. 

"Belle you're my pet now. Are you sure that's what you should be saying to me? Won't Marcella be scared to live together with such a disobedient pet?" I teased her, continuing to push my finger in deeper while she squirmed uncomfortably. 

"I understand master... Belle is a pet..."

The implied threat shutting her up, and focusing her attention back to trying to please me. 

I moved my finger deeper, wiggling it in despite her hole's extreme tightness and unwillingness to be penetrated.  

Fitting my finger fully in, I took out the slime core. Pulling my finger out of her and popping the gooey marble in as deeply as possible, already seeing it start to dissolve inside her, releasing slime, while the concentrated mana inside acted like an aphrodisiac. Exciting her insides.

"This should help somewhat with your first time."

Seeing the water-like jelly begin to run out of her hole, I decided she was ready enough, taking out my cock and lining it with her quivering asshole. 

Even with the lubricant it was a tight fit, her small asshole fighting my cock at every turn. Her toes squirming as she took it in, not even an inch in. Squealing out madly.

"Ow! Master... please go slower!" She cried out. 

"Belle, I'm not going to say it again. Good pets don't complain. You don't want to be a bad pet, do you?" 

"...I understand." She resigned herself again. Belle was ready for sex, but she had no experience at all with anal. Seeing that she had no way out of it she could only prepare herself. Sucking in air. 

Granting her request, I placed more force in. Struggling a few more inches and feeling the tension break away bit by bit, forcing my way through her back hole's desperate resistance. 

"Agh, gyaaaaa, gyiiiaaaaa" 

Belle was no longer complaining, but she cried out in discomfort. Her voice like a small injured animal only serving to inflame my desires as I began to thrust in without mercy. Not yet fully in, my repeated thrusting made every thrust easier than the last. Her asshole accepting more and more of me as I violated it. 

Belle spit out air, trying to catch her breath but ending up just forcing more air from her lungs in response to my merciless attack. Shedding tears with her mouth agape. The feeling of her intestines wet with lubricant driving me on, making a wet sucking sound every time I pumped my waist. Feeling every bit of her hole now on the full length of my cock. 

Her hips and legs were trembling, a different kind of pleasure cutting the strength from her limbs as she struggled like a newborn fawn. Falling flat to the bed. I let her fall out of me, not chasing her. 

"Get back up Belle. Same position." I demanded of her ruthlessly. 

Watching her try to raise her ass up so I could fuck it again. Her thighs shaky now, barely able to support her weight. 

Once her ass was raised far enough, I began again. Plugging her up and using her asshole like before, pumping as if I was using her pussy. The bell on her collar rang out each time, forming a rhythm to our act. It became something that I was aware, trying to keep the same pace up to hear the bell ringing from our movements. Each time I thrust into her she spit out more air, wiggling her toes as the bell on her neck rang once more. 

Every time she fell over I would spank her, making her raise her ass up again so that the cycle could begin again. 

Her erotic panting beginning to match the rhythm of her collar's bell. 

"What an erotic body you have Belle. You're even feeling it in the ass." I said while mounting her from above, pistoning as deeply and fast as was possible. Her consciousness questionable at this point as she just rocked her hips back and forth, meeting my movements with robotic muscle memory, now entirely slave to desire. Both my desires and her own. 

She shook her ass as it devoured my penis, her body now moving on its own, propelling herself to ecstasy as she was reduced to nothing more than a beast. A pet.  

The muscles in her asshole wriggled unwillingly, unused to the sex, pushing me closer to orgasm each time I felt it massage my penis. Looking at Belle's face, her cheeks were flushed red with heat, her hips driving into mine as she sought out more. 

No more. I was going to cum. Painting her intestines with a shot of hot cum, then another, continuing to pulse more each second. A week's worth saved up and generously given to Belle's needy second hole. Staying in until I felt I had fully deposited my load before unplugging her. 

Belle's asshole gulping air for a moment as it puckered and closed, her pussy twitching seductively the whole while. Her hips still trying to move longingly despite my absence. 

I crawled up the bed, placing my dick on her lips but she refused to open... her eyes vacant. Only by plugging her nose did she open her mouth, allowing me to insert myself for her. Feeling the lap of her tongue moving instinctively, cleaning me up and encouraging my dick to harden again for another round.

If she insists... 

We had an entire week to make up for, and I wasn't letting her go until I was done. 

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