Adventurer of the Elven World

Chapter 870 Population Evolution

Chapter 870 Population Evolution
After a brief rest, Xiu found the direction he had determined yesterday, and then continued towards the depths of the mountains.

When going down the mountain, he soon noticed something unusual.

On the trees on the mountain, there are many armored chrysalis, which are the evolution of unicorn insects. They are hanging themselves on the trees with silk threads, like wind chimes, shaking slightly with the wind.

Is there anything strange about this?The green caterpillar grows anywhere there are green plants, so its evolution is the same.

And why didn't I see such an exaggerated density when I went up the mountain? It may be that most of the elves escaped here yesterday, so it seems that there are more armored chrysalis.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiu moved closer to take a closer look, but the armored chrysalis on the trees might have been startled by him, and they all opened their eyes one after another, and then squirmed their bodies.

When Xiu saw this scene, he had no intention of approaching, following the principle of non-contact, he planned to back away.

But his departure did not calm down the armored chrysalis, on the contrary, it intensified, and the swaying body pulled the connecting silk threads tightly.

And as if contagious, the armored chrysalis of the whole tree began to shake.

One may not have much impact on the tree, but it's hard to say a dozen or so, and the branches will move as well.

Xiu seemed to have sensed that he had touched something, but he didn't move any more, but used Casey's ability to directly cover up their traces.

Instead, he took out the illustration book and began to record this strange scene that he had never seen before.

Sure enough, the anomaly didn't last long, and a subtle brilliance burst out from the gap in the body of one of the armored chrysalis, and that guy seemed to be suffering some kind of pain, his eyes closed again, and his body squirmed more intensely.

It's just that the other armored chrysalis on the tree also seemed to be infected, and all of them began to emit light, and it became more and more intense, and soon the very familiar light of essence shrouded them.

Xiu seemed to have noticed something, and looked away from his eyes, looking around, but this glance made his skin crawl, and some kind of excitement and curiosity took the initiative.

Because everywhere the eyes can see are similar scenes, those silent armored chrysalis are moving towards the next stage.

Xiu handed the illustrated book to Casey, while he himself took out the camera to take pictures to obtain a clearer evolution process.

Xiu has seen many evolutionary processes, but this one is particularly long, and the state shown is not as relaxed as the elves that he usually sees. Instead, it reminds him of the evolution of the giant pincer mantis back then.

It's also this long and difficult look.

Xiu was not in a hurry to check the intervention, but calmly stood there and made records.

Like most situations, the light emitted from those gaps became more and more intense as time went by, until at a certain moment Xiu heard the sound of something cracking, and it was not just a little bit, but like fried popcorn. Generally irregular but unusually dense sound.

That was the sound of the carapace on the armored chrysalis began to crack. Xiu Neng could see that the light on most of the armored chrysalis was not limited to the gaps, but began to spread to the whole body along the cracks.

It's just that the movements of those armored chrysalis did not stop, but became more intense, as if they were desperately fighting something.

Soon the bursting sound gradually decreased until it subsided, and the brilliance of those armored chrysalis gradually escaped from the gap and enveloped them.

But a scene that surprised Xiu appeared, a Bibi bird who didn't know when it was lurking here flew out, and directly took away a pupa on the tree.

And this is just the beginning. Gradually, all kinds of strange little elves appeared from nowhere, using various methods to capture the armored chrysalis that were still evolving, and some even ate and took them. He frowned.

It's just that he still held back and didn't make a move, but returned everything to nature.

Elves have no concept of good and evil, they just want to survive.

Nature has its own laws of operation. As an adventurer who goes deep into the wild, the first rule to abide by is not to intervene and destroy without reason.

Those armored chrysalis whose carapaces have not yet been broken, or whose light has not been completely enveloped, burst out with a stronger desire to survive under the stimulation of these foreign elves, and the progress that had been slow for a while abruptly caught up.

As far as Xiu could see, there were balls of light, and most of the little elves who took advantage of the opportunity had already retreated, leaving only a few greedy ones who wanted more.

As if feeling something in his heart, Xiu raised his head and looked at the armored chrysalis that was the first to emit more brilliance. The episode just now did not interrupt its evolution, on the contrary pushed it to the peak, and the ultimate brilliance seemed to be condensed into substance.

And when he looked over, the brilliance suddenly shrank, turning into a cocoon of light to envelop it. It was unclear what changes inside, but the energy fluctuations emitted were actually strengthened.

When the light cocoon gradually thinned, the pupa-shaped creature slowly stretched out two wide wings, and after the wings fluttered slightly, the light attached to its body finally shattered and turned into stars.

A Butterfly Butterfly appeared in the air. Looking at its elegant posture of flapping its wings, it is hard to imagine that it was still in the period of green caterpillar and armored chrysalis.

Ba Da Die is basically a butterfly with a blue-purple body.

It's just that unlike the butterfly in Xiu's impression, Ba Dadie has some strange characteristics.

For example, it has hands and feet, and they are all indigo, and there is a big nose of the same color, and under the nose is a small mouth with two protruding fangs at the corners of the mouth.

The most prominent part of Ba Dadie's head is a pair of red compound eyes, above which is a pair of slender antennae, the ends of which are like water droplets.

Of course, Ba Dadie can change from crawling on the ground to flying in the sky because of the pair of wings with black lines on the back.

Because it was close enough, Xiu could see the thick scales on the wings and the long and thin hairs on the feet.

When the first Butterfly appeared, the iron-clad chrysalis around them all condensed into light cocoons as if they were summoned, and then broke out from it, becoming a Butterfly flying in the air.

With the increase of Butterflies, those little elves who have not left will be unlucky.

The scale powder that they dropped when they flew, one or two are not very noticeable, but when the number increases, it will directly cover the entire mountain, and all those who have not had time to run are planted inside and cannot move.

Sure enough, this ability is terrifying no matter what time.

Fortunately, the shield that Casey propped up can directly isolate this kind of interference, otherwise he would have to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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