Aegis Online

Chapter 63

I sit bolt upright. “Wait, really? They already opened the entry registration? I… don’t know. I want, to, but I don’t feel like I can just make a decision like that without asking Dana-”

“Askin’ me what, babe?” Dana’s arms encircle my waist, pulling me back against her. I colour, my cheeks flushing as I pull the phone away and cover the speaker.

“Jeffrey. He wants to know if I’d entered my college’s talent show. He’s pairing up with this guy, Jared? They’ve been on a few dates now, so I think they’re official. But anyway, Jeffrey wanted to ask if we’d be entering, too.”

Dana furrows her brow. “But I don’t attend your school, is that allowed?”

I nod. “Yeah, they make exceptions. You couldn’t enter as a solo act, but it’s fine if you’re in a group.”

She grins. “Well, it sounds like a riot! Count me in, darlin’!”

I smile, unable to contain myself. “Well, I always wanted to… but, I never felt like I could. Now, though, I want to do…”

I start whispering in Dana’s ear, and her eyes widen. “Oh, that sounds awesome, I’m digging it! Although, we’ll need costumes. I’m not great with arts and crafts type shite, sadly…”

The door opens, and a deep, cheerful voice I recognise bellows out, “Haway the house! Ah’m back from me bar and here fer dinner!”

Sticking his head around the door to the living room, Padraig beams. “Ahoy there, little sister dearest and Kylie! Howye?”

Dana swears playfully at him as I straighten up.

“H-hi, Paddy. We were just talking about my college’s Talent Show. We’ll be entering together, but we need advice on costumes. They’d need to be specifically made to fit, and of a very… particular… style. But neither of us have the skill, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen shops that would sell this kind…”

Paddy grins. “Dana, did ye leave yer brain in yer other jacket? O’ course ye know someone who c’n help ye!”

Another head protrudes around the side of the door. “Howye, lassies!”

“Seamus!” I smile. Dana’s eyes widen. “Ah! I remember now! Ye made mah prom dress!”

He grins. “Aye, some of me best work that. I take it from the clothing-related talk ye need mah skills as a couturier?”

Dana grins. “Ye have it right, big man. We need a master-at-arts!” she runs through the designs we’d need, and Seamus’ face brightens. “Aye, that’s well within me wheelhouse.”

I open my mouth, about to offer to pay for them. I’ve been making a steady source of income thanks to my streaming, before Paddy claps his co-worker on the back.

“Ye make the ladies their outfits, and I’ll pay you the overtime rate for each hour ye put in, same as last time?”

Seamus nods, and pulls his phone, jotting notes about fabrics and the extra stuff he’ll need to really make them authentic, muttering in Gaelic the whole time. I blink. Are Dana’s family and friends always this generous???

After dinner, a rich stew with homemade soda bread, followed by a thick, fruit-stuffed pudding and custard, I sit back, sleepily. Such good food, and the jokes and laughter mostly went over my head, but the atmosphere is so warm and welcoming…

Dana’s arm catches me as I tip sideways a little. “Right, time fer me t’ get ye home, Kylie. I hope ye’re not too full tae ride with me?”

I shake my head, clearing the mild fug of drowsiness from my mind. “Not at all. You know I always love riding you.” I say, then my brain catches up and I clap my hands over my face in embarrassment as the two men howl with mirth, Dana grinning as she pulls me into a hug.

Niamh giggles softly. “G’wan witye, lass. Take yer girlfriend home, the boys and I’ll handle the clearing up.” She moves around the table to hug me. “T’was a fair pleasure meetin’ ye at last, dear. Ye’re always welcome tae stop by, any time!”

I smile and hug Dana’s mum back. Paddy raises his beer bottle, Seamus following suit. “Have a good ‘un, lassie. Say hi to yer ma and da fer us!”

Seamus adds, “I’ll get started on this li’l project soon as. I’ll prob’ly ‘ave time tae get yer measurements one o’ these weekends, if’n ye don’t mind?”

I look to Dana, and she nods. “Seamus is a professional. He took mine fer that prom dress, so ye can take it from me, he’s trustworthy.”

I nod. “This weekend, then, or the next. Shall I come over to Tír na nÓg , then? If you tell Dana when you’re ready, she can pass it on to me!”

He nods. “Good thinkin’, I’ll do that! Night, Kylie!”



As Dana’s bike cruises through the dark streets, the engine vibrating beneath us, I keep my arms wrapped around her waist my helmet on as she steers gently round the corner, her headlights illuminating the road ahead. I don’t feel sleepy anymore, thanks to the breeze billowing around us. When I squeeze, Dana lets out a chuckle I can barely hear over the wind, her body shifting in response to the bike’s movements, like she knows exactly what it needs her to do at any given moment.

When she pulls us in to let me disembark, I pull my helmet off, handing it to her as she removes her own. “Thanks for a lovely evening, Dana, and for coming to pick me up and get my t-blockers!” I hold up the package, smiling. “I’m starting them tomorrow!”

She kisses me, quick and fierce, letting me go with a wink. “I can’t wait to see you in-game. I’ll be doing some powerlevelling for the next week or so. The devs have said they’re adding a couple new areas to the game soon, so I wanna be ready for when the big update drops!”

I squeal in excitement. New area means new places to explore, new mobs and bosses, and potentially, new weapons, armour, and skills to loot!

“Ooooooh, that’s gonna be so much fun! I’d better follow suit, I’m only level 35 at the moment…”

Dana grins. “Oh, yeah. I’m already level 58! You definitely need to get some more levels, babe. I’d help you if I could, but I’d be more of a problem. Enemies would target me over you, and they’d give less exp. points. You’re better off finishing up any quests you can, or just… going out of Vassim and picking fights with every monster you can find.”  She smiles, and kisses me again.

“G’night, my love, I’ll see you later!”

As I try and put my brain back in order, Dana slams her helmet on and revs off, her bike disappearing into the darkness as I wave. Once she’s gone, I head inside, yawning. Mum and dad are both in bed, so I have a glass of water, say goodnight to Houseworth, who’s sitting on the couch watching tv, and head upstairs, brushing my teeth and changing into my pyjamas, then crawl under the covers, yawning and making sure my phone is plugged in to charge.

My dreams are peaceful, and filled with images of Dana and I, spending time in the world of Aegis Online, or on dates in the real world, and I wake feeling full of a weird, staticky energy that makes me unable to sit still. I dress in my college uniform, grumbling about not being able to be myself and having to boymode all day, and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Dad and mum smile, when I walk in, and mum reaches down, holding out a bag to me. “Wait, Kylie, you should put this on instead of your old uniform!”

  I take it and look inside. My eyes widen, and I bolt back upstairs, yelling, “BE RIGHT BACK!”

By the time I return, my parents have stopped laughing and are eagerly waiting for me. “H-how do I look…?” I ask, and mum gasps, “perfect, dear, it looks so much better on you.”

“I’ll say!” Dad adds, and smiles. “Your mum will drive you to college today, kiddo, so no need to worry. I have to head in for a meeting at my current client’s latest testing centre, but I’ll be back by dinner! Have a great day at school, okay?” He kisses my forehead and gives my mum a goodbye kiss, grabbing his keys and heading out. I look nervously at mum, before remembering to take the first of my T-blocker pills, downing it and pulling a face. Yeah, it’s not delicious, but it’s just what I want.

Sitting in mum’s car, she explains what happened yesterday, and why Dana had to pick me up from Re-Spec. I stare at her, stunned beyond belief. I was not expecting to hear that, honestly, but the simple fact that my parents went so far beyond anything I’d expected, while I was busy working through my own issues with Yaya’s help… it touches my heart in ways I hadn’t ever imagined.

My mum parks up in the college carpark, and walks me through the gate, accompanying me to the principal’s office and confirming my arrival, finalising a few pieces of paperwork, while I wait for her outside the office.

Finally, my mum exits and smiles. “Okay, everything’s all sorted; you can go to class as normal. I’ve got to go to work, but I’ll keep my phone close to hand, call me if you need me!” she gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves. The principal sticks his head out of his office.

“W-well, your parents have explained everything, and we’ve made the necessary changes to our system, with your father’s assistance. I swear, he makes it look easy… now, Ms. Porter, please make your way to class. Your teachers have been informed, and we’ll deal with any issues.”

I smile and thank him, before heading to the reception, grabbing an entry form for the talent show so I can fill it in and get the bits of Dana’s info that I don’t know yet. Finally, I make my way to homeroom. Standing at the door, I take a few deep breaths, nerves fluttering in my stomach as I touch the panel. My student profile flashes up, and I note with pleasure that it’s been edited, just like the principal said.

The door slides open, and Jeffrey almost bolts from his seat. He stares at me, a wide grin starting to spread across his face, Jared sitting next to him and starting to smile too, his teeth gleaming. Several other students turn, but no-one seems to recognise me like this. I wait for the teacher by the door. When she arrives, she smiles at me and claps her hands.

“Okay, everyone, we have a student joining us today. If you would tell us your name, dear, you can sit down in a vacant seat.”

I clear my throat, and smile. “H-hi… I’m Kylie, it’s nice to meet you all!”

 I hurry to my seat and take it, as a brief muttering rolls through the room. The teacher claps her hands again. “You can talk to her later, but we need to start now! Please turn to page 92 in your textbooks, please!”

I pull my books out of my new school bag, a sleek black satchel with a corner patterned in pink, white, and blue flowers, setting it out and opening the correct textbook. I pay attention, practicing my penwomanship as I take notes. Once the class is finished, I tuck my books back into my bag and sigh in relief. So far so good.

“Kylie, hey. Good to see you!”

I smile and turn my head. “Hello. Nice to meet you.” I say quietly. Jeffrey and Jared ‘introduce’ themselves, and a couple of other students do the same, not having cottoned on. I smile and relax. One girl, however, stares at me.

“Excuse me, this sounds a bit stupid, but… are you… Kyle Porter? You… look like him if he was a girl.”

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