Aegis Online

Chapter 72

Voltesse splutters, letting out an undignified squawk. “I-I didn’t expect you! Uh… this isn’t what it looks like?”

I raise an eyebrow. “What, my deity ISN’T showering my giant bunny with love and affection? Suuuure.”


Voltesse pouts. Like, ACTUALLY pouts. “Okay, fine, it IS what it looks like! But she’s sooooo fluffy! I can’t help it!”

I can’t help but smile, approaching and sitting down at the great table nearby.

“Yes, she certainly is. I’m glad someone’s keeping her company, I can’t risk bringing her into every fight.”

Voltesse nods. “That makes sense. And, it’s nice to have someone to keep me company!”

I smile. “By all means, you’re more than welcome to have Thunderbun keep you company. So! I also have some things to tell you!”


I spend the next two hours just chatting with Lady Voltesse, telling her about the little ghost Duchess and how we’d driven some poncey nobleman away, and about the tournament her sibling Elif Thade organized, and the prize I’d won, and my new guild, and about the demon I’d fought with Ginger.

 Her glowing, pupil-less eyes shine as she leans in, fascinated, still stroking Thunderbun’s ears.


“Oh, my! I wish my brother had told me! Seeing one of my champions in a contest would’ve been delightfully entertaining! And an airship? I have no idea what you’re planning to use it for, but I have a little tip. You mentioned that Infernal Warden said something about the Darkwood Heights? Well, let me see your map… I won’t say much, but I will point you in the right direction.”

I blink, and then pull out the physical representation of my map. Voltesse leans in further, and stretches out a slim ivory hand, extending her index finger. She moves it across the vellum, as if dowsing for something. Finally, her finger presses against a particular spot, across the sea and far to the west of the capital city of Vassim.

I examine it. A mountain range, with the centre made of a triangle of peaks. She’s marked the dead centre of the triangle.

“Why there, my Lady?” I ask curiously, as Thunderbun nibbles at the goddess’ fingers.

“I can’t say much more, but… you may find someone interesting there! Now, I think it’s time you also paid a visit to your homeland of Aerene, up in the clouds, yes?”

I jolt. Oh, yeah! The Skyborne are a race of beings that live on floating sky islands!

“Yeah, now that I can actually make that trip, I probably should. Thanks for reminding me! But I’d rather make sure I have a few more guild-members before I make a trip up that high. Getting caught off-guard would be catastrophic.”

“Ever the sensible one, hmm? Well, I’m always happy to see my champions, but, alas, I must go. I have a meeting of the Lords to attend, so I must take my leave of you both.”

  I smile and bid the goddess farewell, and close my eyes, feeling my world lurch a little. Opening them again, I find myself surrounded by bandits. The ones who’d fled had apparently come back with reinforcements.

“Uh… oops?”

Spears and swords are pointed at me, and I smirk. “Well, I could always use some more proof of your group’s dissolution.” I take off, calling down the lightning and wreathing my whole body in crackling voltage. Plunging down, I let the cage of lightning burst outwards, the closest brigands shrieking and recoiling, a couple unfortunate enough to drop, twitching, as the electricity surges through them.

“What the fuck ARE you?!” One of them screams, as I launch my swordspear through another, recalling it back and skewering another from behind, catching the haft as I spin, decking a third with the butt of my weapon, stamping down and crushing him beneath my clawed metal boot.

The next few minutes are a complete blur, a maelstrom of blood, limbs, flashing steel and cries of pain, and I lose a handful of feathers from a well-aimed crossbow bolt. However, it doesn’t help. This time, I make sure to hunt down every single one, preventing them from trying that again.

Gathering the badges and insignias from each body takes extra time, but, when I return to hand in the quests, the number of proofs and the demonic greataxe does indeed increase the total, bringing it up to 12,000 ducats. Stashing my payment away, I check the time, and head back to my ship to log out.


The next few days, I’m busy with college. I’d been worried that my classmates would treat me differently, but my fears were unfounded. I even get to use the correct bathroom, which is such a relief. And, finally, on Saturday morning, I find myself waiting for Dana outside my home.

The sound of a motor rumbles through the early quiet, and I see the familiar silver flash of Dana’s bike, weaving up the street towards me. The engine purrs, the bike rolling to an easy halt a few metres away.

“Morning, Kylie! Ready t’go an’ get our measurements taken?”

I nod, brushing a hand down my outfit. I’m wearing a loose tunic in pastel blue, some leggings, and a skirt in black, as well as some cute pumps. My breast-forms are tucked in place and taped down for security, and I smile, looking a little nervous.

“Yeah. I’m… ready as I’ll ever be.”

Dana scoots her hips backward, handing me a helmet as she makes space for me to mount up on her bike. I can feel her body pressed against me, her warmth surrounding me as she leans forward and wraps her hand around the bars. “Alley-oop!”


The bike thrums to life, and Dana steers us away, her bike responding easily to her guidance. She drives like an expert, her muscles tensing as she swerves onto the next street, and I can’t help but smile, my heart fluttering a little. She’s so amazing, and she’s MY girlfriend!


Dana knows where we’re going, and revs down the streets and roads that lead to Tír Na Nóg, the bar standing quiet and still. The lights are on, and Dana brings her bike to a halt, allowing me to dismount, as she wheels it into a garage next to the property.

“Alright, Seamus’s waitin’ for us. Want a cuppa?” Dana asks, and I shake my head. She grins. “Fair enough. Oh, I looked into finding the masks, and managed to get an opposite pair, one left and one right! And, there’s a dance studio that I booked a few sessions in for us, every Saturday, starting… today!”

I splutter. “So organized! You’re way more on the ball about this than I am!”

“Ah, well, you’ve got your college studies, and your streaming, to handle. I just have me streamin’ to manage, so it’s no bother for me to help you out on this!”

I blush and fidget as she leans in and kisses me on the cheek. “Stoooop, we have to get measurements, you’re gonna make me all blushy!”

With a dry, amused chuckle, Dana heads through the bar to the back, her hips swaying, climbing the staircase to the upper floor.

“Seamus! How’s she cuttin’?”

“Ah, Dana! Sure, she’s cutting fair! Didye bring your wee girlfriend?”

“Aye, she’s just downstairs. Kylie, c’mon up!”


Slowly, I make my way up, clutching my bag shyly. The room is well-lit, and Seamus is sitting at a huge digi-table, a huge sewing-machine taking up a space beside it, with two dressmaker’s dummies waiting, one with a pair of legs.  The table’s covered in fabrics and spools of thread, with a case of needles in different lengths and thicknesses. It looks… way more professional than I expected.

“Heya, lassie!” Seamus waves, and I shyly wave back.

Dana’s already removing her jacket and boots, as Seamus picks up a tape-measure, a digital notepad and stylus ready. Swiftly, he collects the figures he needs, his hands moving deftly and with practiced ease, Dana following his instructions as she raises her arms, bends her elbows and knees, stands with legs wide enough for the inside-leg measurement, all without batting an eye. I relax. If Seamus wasn’t supposed to, she’d clearly get mad, right? I guess this is all part of the plan.

I remove my pumps, and take up position, allowing Seamus to take the measurements. He’s using a separate tablet, recording my numerical data and asking a few questions, mainly about the specific style I’m after for these costumes, the deadline, and what I’m planning to do as a duo act with Dana.

I tell him what I have planned, and I could swear Seamus’ eyes light up.

“Oh, aye? I’ll make sure yer cozzies are perfect. Ye c’n trust me. Fer you, Kylie, I’ll be goin’ with white. And as for Dana, black with a cloak of white on the outside, black inside.”

I smile. “That sounds amazing, thank you so much, Seamus!”


“Ah, tis no trouble, I’m happy t’help! Jus’ promise me ye’ll knock ‘em dead on th’ day!”

“I promise!”

Seamus turns to his measurements and begins sketching out the first of the outfits on the digi-table, the dark surface lighting up in sleek curves and glowing lines.

“I’ll mock up some proposals an’ send ‘em to ye through Dana. That way ye c’n make a decision. Shouldn’t take me more ‘n a couple of hours to get a final say in the design, and I’ll be able t’ start the cuttin’ process by this afternoon if all goes smoothly. Sound good?”

I nod, beaming. “That’s perfect, thanks again!”

I slide my feet back into my boots and skip downstairs, humming delightedly. I’ve got a missed call from Jeffrey, and I slide my phone to my ear as I call back.

“Yello! Kylie, how’s things?”

 “Hi, Jeffrey! I’m okay. I just got my measurements taken for my dress for the talent show, you?”

“Oh, cool! I’m just grabbing coffee with Jared. We’ve got our act all settled and our gear’s all ready, too. I’m guessing you two’ve figured out what you’ll be doing for your performance?”

“Oh, totally. I’m actually gonna start practicing today, Dana and I’ll be running our routine every Saturday for a few hours to make sure we’ve got everything flawless.”

“Sounds like a plan! I can’t wait to see what you girls are gonna come up with! Ah, I gotta go, Jared’s coming back with the coffees! Seeya!”

Jeffrey disconnects, and I smile. “Ooh, coffee date? Nice work, Jeffrey!”

“What’s that about a coffee date?” Dana hugs me from behind, and I smile.

“Oh, Jeffrey’s been seeing this guy, Jared, for a few weeks. They’re a really cute couple; I’ll have to introduce you to him when we meet up for the talent show!”

Dana grins like a cat. “Now that’s interesting! The kinda guy that could win over Jeffrey? I’d like ta meet ‘im!”

Heading back outside of Tír Na Nóg, Dana bring her bike out of the garage and we mount up, following her bike’s built-in mapping software to the dance studio. I dismount, with Dana’s hands on my hips as she steadies me.  After parking up and setting the anti-theft systems online, my girlfriend and I head inside, and I make sure the load up the music file I’ve had for years, ever since I first heard it in a collection of songs.


Dana approaches the counter. “G’morning! I have a reservation for McGregor?”

The elderly woman at the reception taps on a digi-pad.

“Mmhmm… yes, here it is. You’re in studio 2, just down the hall and to the left. Do you have everything you need?"

Dana turns and shrugs. “As long as you’ve got some way for us t’ play our music, we’ll be fine!”

“Of course, everything’s standardized; your phones should be able to sync up to the room’s speakers no problem. Will there be anything else?”


“No, that’s brilliant, thanks a bunch.”

Dana takes my hand and leads me down the hallway, tugging open the door to the soundproofed studio 2, and I take a deep breath. The room is brightly lit by the sun, and smells of floor cleaner. The room is spotless, and I head over to the speaker, inserting my phone into the docking port and setting the song to play on repeat. “And a one, and a two, and a…”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.