Aegis Online

Chapter 78



Back in Vassim, I drop off my collected resources aboard the Devil Hunter, before ducking into my cabin and get a little more comfortably dressed in a white tunic, cream-coloured pullover, a pair of navy trousers similar to jeans, and a pair of black boots.


Making my way down into the city, I call Dana, letting her know I’m on my way. I cross over the main plaza, where I’d joined Voltesse’ faction, over to the Dwarven restaurant. I can’t help giggle at the name and tagline.

The Tectonic Plate

We may not be dishwasher-safe, but we’re perfect for a continental breakfast!


Dana’s waiting outside, dressed in a well-fitted tuxedo, her jacket and blouse managing against all the odds to contain her figure. I hug her, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Hi, honey! You’ll never guess what happened to me while I was at the mines!”

Her eyes widen in anticipation, but I shake my head, smiling. “Let’s go and get a table, then I’ll spill the tea!”


Dana takes my hand, leading me into the restaurant and checking with the maître-d for our reservation, before we take seat at our table on the upper floor. Dana orders wine for us, while I look over the menu. There’s the hand-pies and the flaky cheese pastries, as well as venison steak, dwarven stew, all kinds of cheeses and meats, even vegetarian foods and breads, pretty much everything one could dream of!


After placing our orders, Dana sips from her wineglass, leaning in. “Soooooo? Tell me what you’re holding back on! I wanna know!”

A few minutes later, and a waiter comes by to shush my howling girlfriend as she tries to stop cackling at the tale of Randy, the situation I’d found him in, and the potato I’d shoved in his mouth.  Wiping a tear from her eye, Dana hoots, “I can’t believe it! You gave him an Irish ball-gag?! Ahhh, I wish I’d seen that!”

I smile, sipping from my own glass. “I know I shouldn’t laugh, but… he IS kind of a dickhead. And I didn’t want him to get me killed by screaming enough to bring this giant eight-legged cave-nope down upon me.”

Dana’s plate is set before her, followed by mine, and we start eating, the food deliciously prepared and masterfully cooked. The best thing to me, though, is the simple delight of spending some time with the woman I love.

“So, we only have… about three more sessions before we’re taking part in the talent show. How’re ye feeling, Kett?”

Dana’s question breaks my reverie. I… miiiight have been staring at her. I swallow the bite of venison I’d been chewing, and answer, “I think we’ve got the dance and lyrics down pat, and Seamus’ costumes fit perfectly. The rest of our props are all ready, and the college has our music file ready, so… I’m a little nervous, but… it’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this. But I’m excited, and I’ll have you with me, so I’m confident we won’t mess up.”

Dana grins, her scarlet lips curving upwards. “I will admit, neither have I. I signed up with ye because I thought it’d be fun. And, judging from how much effort we’ve put in to get everything juuust right, I cannae wait to see the response we get! I’m looking forward to the whole show!”


Dessert comes and goes, chocolate lava cake with a thick brandy cream sauce, followed by strong Dwarven coffee, before Dana smirks at me. “So…. Wanna come back to my place for a nightcap? I own a small house here in town. There’s not enough space aboard the Devil Hunter for my whole wardrobe, and sometimes a bath is worth more than you’d think!”

I smile. “Oh, sure! I didn’t know you had a home in the city! I’d love to see what your house is like! Oh, and, since I’ve been making verrrry good money, dinner’s on me this time!” I flag down the waitress and pay before Dana can protest. She arches an elegant eyebrow and clicks her tongue.

“Aw, shoot! There goes my little scheme to wine and dine you!” she laughs silkily. I blush and smirk.

“Ah-ha! I knew you were trying to seduce me!”

Dana takes my hand, and, once we’re outside, she produces her Stone of Rapid Transference, and teleports us across town to a lush green park, pointing. “That’s my house there. I can’t teleport you inside, since you haven’t been registered as an approved guest yet. Don’t worry; it’ll give me the option when I bring you inside!”

Holding hands, we stroll through the immaculately groomed flowerbeds and small decorative trees, making our relaxed way towards the red door, a few couples passing up in different directions, and I squeeze my girlfriend’s hand. “Thank you for inviting me to have dinner with you, Astie… I really enjoyed myself tonight.”

She giggles, “What’re you talkin’ about? The night is yet young, my love! Anyway, ready to see my little oasis?”

I nod, smiling. Dana reaches out and places her hand on the doorknob. It glows, and she turns it, bringing me into her in-game home, tapping something on her menu as it pops up.

“There, now you’re able to be teleported straight in should we come back here more often! Now… time for the tour?”

I’m staring. The door opens into a small forest clearing, evening sunlight streaming through the leaves, a gentle breeze blowing. The furniture looks like it’s naturally formed, not carved or cut into shape. There’s the sound of water flowing somewhere, and Dana smiles. “I felt like having each main room follow a different aesthetic. This is the foyer!”

Dana shows me around her home, a beautiful mix of forest and modern rooms, bigger on the inside than on the outside. She places a cup of herbal tea in front of me, sipping from her own. “I’m a little surprised you’ve not bought a place yourself. Sleeping aboard your ship cannae be the most comfortable. And they’re not too expensive, actually. This place only cost me about two hundred thousand gold!”

I bite my lip. While I CAN afford that quite easily at this point, I have other plans for the money. I shrug, thinking of ways to distract Dana before she asks about my strange desire to hoard as much wealth as I can.


“Anyway, I don’t know if you’re quite aware of the … dubious implications of inviting me over so late in the day. I mean, people would no doubt talk!”

Dana’s jacket flies across the room on a gust of magically-conjured wind, through a door that, when I look closer, reveals a palatial bedroom. Dana’s lips curve into a smirk that sends very pleasant tremors through my body.

“Oh? You think I’m not fully aware of what I’m doing, my darling? I’m hoping you don’t think that~!”

Dana’s long, slim fingers fiddle at the top button of her blouse, undoing it as I gulp, unable to take my eyes off her. Then the second… slowly but surely, the amount of her visible cleavage growing.

“Come on, Kylie~! Come here~!” she coos, and I almost drop my teacup. Dana sashays slowly towards me, taking the cup from my nerveless fingers as she gently pulls me to my feet.

“Now… shall we make ourselves a little more…comfortable~?”

Wordlessly, I can only stare into Dana’s eyes, lost in the blue, as she slowly leans down and kisses me softly on the lips. I rise onto my tiptoes instinctively, as Dana’s warm, soft body presses against me, her hands gently gripping my waist as she manoeuvres us towards her  bedroom, my back bumping against the doorframe as she  guides me, her tongue slipping into my mouth, as it has a few times in the real world. This feels different, both more intense, and strangely even more connected and intimate.

Finally, the backs of my knees hit something, and I fall back, Dana on top of me, breaking our kiss as I gasp. The taller girl looks down at me as she smirks, a warm, affectionate curve of her lips. I can see the slight pink flush dusting her cheeks, then swallow as she resumes her slow, teasing unbuttoning, her blouse opening more and more. When she shrugs it free, letting the garment slide down her shoulders and back, I gasp without thinking. She’s not wearing a bra…

Without anything to conceal them, Dana’s breasts bounce gently in time with her breathing, her snow-white skin paler than the warm tan of her I.R.L body, but, no matter the differences between the virtual and physical realities, it’s still her. The warmth, the weight and height, and her expressions and voice are all HER. This is Dana, sitting on my lap, topless, looking down at me as my gaze flicks from her face to her breasts and back again. Her voice is husky and filled with amused affection.

“You can touch them, as much as you want~!” she murmurs, reaching out and taking one of my hands, bringing it to her left breast, her warm fingers cupping mine around the firm, full swell of her chest. I let out a shaky breath, before squeezing gently.

“Mmhmm, good girl. You’re doing great~”

I feel my heartbeat speed up as she calls me that, and she reaches down, sliding her other hand up beneath my pullover and t-shirt, her questing fingers teasing the skin below the band of my bra, before she carefully unhooks it, her hand making direct contact with my own breasts. I gasp, and Dana chuckles huskily, guiding my hand as she shimmies her hips, her suit pants sliding down as she flicks a finger, unequipping her remaining clothes and leaving her in just her panties.

I stare, and Dana leans in to kiss me again. “God, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Kylie… go on, keep touchin’ me… I’ve been waitin’ for you to do this~”


I stifle a gasp as the tip of Dana’s index finger brushes over my nipple, and she giggles softly, her own nipple stiff against my palm as she pushes her boob into my cupped hand, her hips rolling slowly as she adjusts herself on my lap, looking down at me as she reassures me. “We go at your pace, love, this is all under your control~”


I slowly grow more used to this side of my girlfriend. In the six months or so since we’d been dating, I’d never thought of more than kissing her. I’d been caught up in understanding myself, then getting a girlfriend, becoming a streamer, starting HRT, and attending college as myself. I’d probably kept her waiting for me to get my head on straight. Or…. Get my head on gay, I guess?

My other hand shifts around to grab Dana’s butt, making her chuckle softly as she pushes her rear upwards, her lips and mine seeking each other’s,  her fingers cupping my breast properly now,  my nipple stiffening, Dana’s lips curving up in a smile as we kiss.



I don’t know how long we’re kissing and fondling each other, but, eventually, Dana breaks the kiss, gesturing as she moves to lie beside me. “C’mon, let’s get you out of all those unnecessary clothes, love~!”

I strip in a daze, my head filled with a fuzzy warmth that floods down through my whole body, as Dana smirks, lazily removing the last scrap of cloth from her body, leaving her totally naked.

“Now, come here…. ~”

She holds her arms out, beckoning me to her as the oil lamp in the opulent bedchamber dims, as if on command.  I slowly move towards her, as she shimmies her hips beneath the sheets.

“D-Dana… I love you so much~!”

I slip between the silken sheets, and Dana’s arms wrap around me, pulling us flush, her breasts pressing against mine as she grabs my butt.

“Now, a cuisle mo chroi… let me love you as you so deserve….~”

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