Aegis Online

Chapter 81

I watch the already-pale Andromal blanch, her skin a light pink as the blood drains from her face. Standing, I hold my hand out for her, messaging Dana to let her know I’m going to be busy for a bit. She seems bemused, but accepts my limited explanation.


Making our way into the courtroom, I stop. There’s no judge’s podium, no pompous-looking magistrate… just a huge golden throne on a dais at the back of the room. Sitting in it is a gleaming figure in golden armour, chased silver scrolling embossing the metal plates. It’s about twelve feet tall, and completely motionless.

Brandia’s fingers clench around mine as she stares at the figure. “They… they actually brought it out to stand as judge, jury, and executioner…”

I lean in. “Sorry, what IS it?”

My heart skips a beat as the pale-faced captain whispers, “They call it ‘The Oracular’. It’s only used for the most serious cases. If it sentences you, and no-one moves to fulfil its declaration, it… it will carry out the sentence personally… I’ve only seen it used twice in my entire life…”


I swallow. “That sounds horrible…”

A tall, handsome woman in the royal-blue and white robes of the lawkeepers steps forward. “Please take your seats! We will commence the trial of General Rutger Kael’Dornis! Guards, bring the General out.”


The doors at the front of the hall open, and, flanked by half a dozen armed and armoured soldiers, visors down, strides Brandia’s adoptive father. Stiff-backed, chest out, head straight, General Kael’Dornis marches towards the stand.

The lawkeeper begins the proceedings, and I can actually see Brandia visibly losing hope. Opening my menu, I start setting up two new skills, preparing to use them. I have my reasons for doing what I’m about to do….

Once the defendant’s crimes have been listed, the lawkeeper looks to the disgraced General.

“Do you refute, deny, or otherwise profess that these claims are false?”

General Rutger stands in silence, impassively staring at the Oracular. The lawkeeper clears her throat awkwardly.

“Very well. We now turn to the Oracular for its verdict.”

The motionless armour simply sits in its throne, as if waiting for some signal or something. eventually, a monotone, almost mechanical voice emerges from its helmet.


Brandia gasps, and I feel hot, damp spots form on the back of my hand. I can’t take this anymore…

The Oracular stands in a ponderous, slow manner, its ornate crowned helm glinting in the lights of the courtroom. 


The crowd in the courtroom gasps and mutters furiously, and the guards surrounding the general shift, none quite willing to kill an unarmed old man in public, even if he IS a traitor. The automaton turns towards the criminal.


It slowly stomps towards General Rutger, bringing a huge mailed fist back. I… act.

The sound of metal striking metal resounds through the great chamber, as the Oracular is pushed back. I stand, interposing myself between the General and his executioner. The Lawkeeper’s eyes boggle as she stares.


“Who are you?! Why are you interfering???”

I stand there in full armour, having leapt from the balcony, summoning my greatshield in midair, landing and using the Sky Hammer skill I’d gotten my first day in the game. I snap my wings out as wide as they’ll go, making them glow with warm white-gold light.

“I am Kettrin, an Argonaut in the service of Lady Voltesse! I disagree with the verdict!”

More hubbub kicks up as the Oracular recovers from its blow being rebuffed.


I stare up at the mechanical judge.

“Has anyone taken into account how many years’ loyal service the General has given this nation? How many victories has he won? The medals on his chest don’t seem to be just for show! How many citizens have gone to bed, safe and protected thanks to him and his efforts?”

The Oracular halts. I produce my swordspear and pound the butt against the tiled floor, the sound chiming out, loud and fierce. “I propose another solution! The general should be removed from active military duty, but instead, he should be given a post here, in the city. I have the perfect role. A new school has just opened, a place where commoners, nobles, and Argonauts can all go to learn and improve upon the arcane. It’s called the Dupont-Moreau Academy of Magiscientific Education. I propose that he leads the security force there.”


The Oracular judders, as if unsure, fist raised to strike, while the Lawkeeper stammers, unable to speak. I stare up at the golden golem, daring it to strike. If it does, the force of its blow will be absorbed by my shield. Then, I can choose to let more force accumulate, or, if I judge the amount to be sufficient, I can send all that gathered kinetic energy right back in an obscenely powerful counterblow. The new skills, Counter-Absorption and Arc of Obliteration.

I’m not sure if even those will be enough should the Oracular resume its attack. There IS a limit to how much kinetic energy I can build up before it all goes off.

The Oracular settles, before bringing its fist down. My greatshield meets the blow, and I can feel the impact converting to stored kinetic power. Holy fuck, if I hadn’t levelled strength as high as I had, that hit would probably have shattered every bone in my arm!

The next hit, and I can feel myself skid back a couple of feet. The third and fourth. My shield’s starting to buckle and warp from the incredible weight of each driving impact.… any more hits and my reserves will be lost! Now!

The moment the Oracular’s fist makes contact, I release the energy. “Arc of Obliteration!”

The twelve-foot-tall machine hurtles back like a god had used it as a football, slamming into its throne and knocking the huge golden seat over, a cloud of smoke and dust rising from the impact crater.

The courtroom is totally silent. I pound my swordspear’s butt against the ground again, bellowing, “Did no-one consider that someone who’s spent his life in service would despair at the inexorable march of time, and seek out greater and greater actions to keep his legacy meaningful?! If we treat veterans who have dedicated EVERYTHING to the cause as disposable, then WE are to blame for them turning on us as the General did! AM I WRONG?!”

The sound of shifting rubble comes from the crater, and the Oracular emerges. It’s not in the best shape, covered in dents and scuff marks, with one side of its helm caved in, but it moves fluidly, approaching again. I ready myself to start absorbing more blows, but, about halfway towards me, a bolt of dark lightning tears a hole clean through the roof, striking the tiles just before the golem. A glowing sigil is burned into the ceramic. Voltesse’s sigil, wreathed in coiling thunder.


The Oracular halts, before simply standing there, idling. I keep my shield raised. It feels… off. The poor thing’s taken an immense beating. Not even the Demonscale Pangolin’s attacks had had such pure force behind them, and even in the PVP tournament, I hadn’t felt like I was in such danger.  If Dana was here, she’d already be chewing me out for my recklessness…


Brandia’s rushed over to her father, who’s sitting up, the sheer force of the backlash from Arc of Obliteration having knocked him prone. He stares at me, the first genuine smile filtering across his face. He allows his daughter to help him up, his back unbowed despite decades of warfare.

“That… was a mighty fine skill, young lady. I… misjudged you. I have been rather an idiot, haven’t I…. with Argonauts like you, Vassimar will be in good hands. And, as for the offer of re-employment… I seem to have found myself out of a job. I will take you up on your most gracious proposal. I will rededicate myself to earning the trust I have thrown away. I understand now, my time as a soldier has to come to an end, so those who come after may step up and lead. In fact… Bran?”

He turns to the flustered Andromal. Reaching to his breast, he removes a barred medal, and pins it to her jacket.

“As my final act as General of the Vassim Military, I hereby promote you to Major. I’m sorry; I should have done this a long time ago.”


He steps back, saluting as crisply as a fresh-faced officer straight out of the academy. I smile. “Congratulations, MAJOR Brandia!”

She looks utterly poleaxed, her tail twitching erratically as she splutters, before saluting and accidentally punching herself in the side of the face.

The ruckus subsides, and the lawkeeper starts babbling about how I can’t just interfere with due process, and that there will be consequences. I smirk, and point at the scorch mark in the shape of Voltesse’s emblem. It still crackles with violet electrical discharge.

The lawkeeper tails off as she realises this is one legal battle she’s never going to win. Leaving the former General and the new Major to their own devices, I skip outside into the afternoon sun, humming happily to myself. While I now need a new shield, at least I made Brandia happy. And maybe blew up part of the Vassim Grand Court, but… eh. They can bill me later if they want!


I spend the rest of the day bimbling around the city, leaving my gear in Ulged’s capable paws. He’d seen the kind of abuse my poor shield had been through, and after swearing for a couple of solid, profanity-fuelled minutes, he’d taken my gear and my money and vanished into Bloodbath & Beyond‘s forge to rectify this problem. So, now, I have nothing to do apart from roam the city in civilian clothes, my wings tightly furled against my back, humming absentmindedly to myself.


Suddenly, a hand taps me on the shoulder. “Ahoy, missy!”

Turning, I’m confronted by Sionnach and Marika, the mage’s cheeks flushed almost as bright as her hair. It’s been cut short, in a boyishly feminine pixie style, with longer bangs on the left side. The Vulpa’s hand is holding one of hers.

“Oh, hey guys! Out on a date or something? Don’t let me keep you if you are!” I smile, waving. Marika’s eyes flick around sheepishly, and Sionnach grins. “Actually, it’s not a date per se, but we’re doing some shopping to PREPARE for a date! Y’see, we found out about a gorgeous beach on the south coast and were thinking of going there to spend a couple days on vacation! Only problem is…. We don’t have swimsuits! We bumped into you while on our way to buy some!”

My eyes widen. A beach…? And… swimsuits….m-maybe I could ask Dana to go with me. But, I’d need a….a swimsuit…!

The look on my face must’ve given my internal monologue away, as Sionnach grins. “I bet you’re planning on making a trip yourself, huh? Why not join us? Are you okay with that, Marika? We can help Kettrin here pick out a suit that’ll steal her waifu’s heart!”


Marika smiles. “I’m fine with it! I owe her for quite a bit, so I’ll put my fashionista talents to work!”

I thank both of them profusely as the couple pulls me along into their orbit, traversing the streets as a group towards the fashion district, the shops filled with fabrics and accessories of uncounted variety in a rainbow multitude of colours.

Finally, Sionnach stops. “Okay, here we go! C’mon, lassies, time to get all gussied up!”


Pushing through the door, I halt, eyes widening. There are swim outfits of all kinds, from one-piece to bikini to everything in between in every style and cut imaginable. I have no idea what Dana would like, or what suits me, so I’m grateful to Marika and Sionnach for their assistance. This would be impossible otherwise. I start roaming the aisles, chewing my bottom lip as I begin my hunt for the Ultimate Swimsuit….

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