Aegis Online

Chapter Six

(Hi hi, time for chapter six! This one is gonna be a good one, I can tell, because I had a lot of fun writing it! I have a Patreon now, so please support me if you feel like it! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, I really appreciate all the comments and favourites you’re all giving me, it means so, so much. But yeah, enough of the mushy stuff, you want a chapter! And I am here to provide!)

I blush as Asteria teases me, biting my bottom lip as her pink tongue seductively travels over her lips, leaving them gleaming softly in the gentle sunlight streaming in through a window at the far end of the cozy room. My eyes are drawn to them, her full mouth parted in a lazy, sensual grin. It feels like I’m trapped in place as her eyes narrow in amusement.

“I know you think I’m attractive… go ahead, look as much as you want, I like it when you stare at me~” Asteria’s voice is turning husky and purring, and I swallow as she leans back on her mattress, accentuating every sinful curve of her lithe, voluptuous figure, the gauzy, ephemeral silks her gown consists of only heightening her looks.

I’m utterly stunned, on the verge of hyperventilating, and I can feel my face burning, enough to fry synth-bacon on, and dash for the bathroom to change into my new armour, too panicked to think straight. A light, airy giggle drifts after me, making me shiver, my thighs pressing together instinctively as I lean against the sturdy wooden door, gasping for breath. This is gonna drive me insane… and I bet Asteria knows it, too.

I slowly start removing my armour, starting with the sturdy leather gauntlets, my slim fingers exposed to the air for the first time, a little sweaty from their incarceration, then my boots. Oh my god, my feet are TINY now! Little toes! Then, I start unlacing my breeches, shaking my hips slightly to help tug them down, revelling in how slender my legs are, but somehow, I still have a pretty awesome butt.
Next, removing the breastplate. It takes some squirming, but I manage to reach the straps and buckles holding it together, fumbling and tugging as I wriggle my way out of the unwieldy leather cuirass and pauldrons, shrugging the heavy rawhide off and letting it hit the floor. The thick gambeson underneath is bloodied and rent on the left shoulder from the fight with the deer, but Trinity has kindly provided a lighter and more durable padded full body-glove to prevent chafing.

I swallow, and look down. Two firm mounds settle on my chest, bound in a supportive cloth tube that only superficially resembles a bra. It’s surprisingly filled-out by my… By my… My boobs. I wasn’t expecting to be so… well-endowed, honestly. With my total lack of experience, I have no clue if I’m a C-cup or a double-E. I slowly reach up, my hands shaking slightly, and… touch them. As my hands curve around the full round orbs, a rush of sensation floods my whole body. Not pleasure, but a sort of wave of… rightness, that these are MY boobs, not someone else’s but MINE.

I sigh, feeling my lips curl into a happy smile as I let go, then slip into the full-body glove that resembles a catsuit. It’s a little baggy at first, but resizes to fit perfectly. Maybe all items of clothing do that? Next, the full suit of Skyborne Mk-4 armour, which is a little snug, especially around my hips, but it, too, adjusts to fit my body. The contrast of the glinting silver plates on the dark red leather looks stunning, and I suppress a shiver as I admire my reflection. My wings had been a little awkward to work around, but there are clever little slits for them to fit in, that fasten around the base of each feathered limb.

Sighing in satisfaction as I run my hands through my shoulder-length white-silver hair, freeing it from the gorget around the neck of my new armour, I emerge from the bathroom, carrying my old gear, dumping it in a pile next to my bag. If I can’t sell it to Trinity or some other blacksmith, maybe they’d disassemble it into components and make something out of them?
Asteria looks towards me as I exit the bathroom, before her mouth opens, her eyes widening. “Whoa… you look… incredible, cutie! Marry me!” she blurts, before blinking a couple times and thinking through what she just said, as I turn pink again. “S-sorry, that was weird. Still, you look amazing, like some kind of battle angel!”

I find myself instinctively fiddling with a lock of my hair, suddenly shy before the intense stare of the gorgeous Alv, her eyes roaming up and down my body, her gaze devouring every single detail of my figure. I gulp as she smirks, clearly enjoying what she sees.
A few minutes of awkward useless-lesbianing later, we manage to make it down the stairs, with me going first this time. In a weird reversal of earlier, I can feel Asteria’s eyes locked on my ass the entire time, my cheeks warmed by a blush as we emerge onto the street. Asteria’s fingers interlace with mine as she squeezes my hand. “Let’s go and eat, okay? I’m hungry.” She purrs, and a shiver runs down my spine as her husky, sultry voice flows like warm honey, the hairs on the back of my neck rising.

“Y-yes, please… What would you suggest?” I stutter, a little overwhelmed by Asteria’s sensual charisma, feeling like a rabbit being stared at by a horny wolf. The Alv’s grin widens. “Well, there’s a lovely little eatery that I think you’ll love! And don’t you worry your pretty head; I’ll cover the bill, so eat whatever you like, sweetie!”

Asteria’s hand squeezes me, and she gently pulls me along, my cheeks flaming as I feel her warm, strong fingers enclosing mine. I let her lead me through the quaint cobbled streets, the warm sunlight turning from gold to the colour of flames, evening creeping upon us. The small restaurant, a pretty, whitewashed brick building bearing the name “Me Gusta”.

After a delicious meal that I was too… distracted… to remember, we leave the bistro, exiting back into the warm evening air. My shield and spear are stored in my inventory, as is Asteria’s tome in hers. The square is nearly deserted at this hour, with only a few Argonauts mingling and telling stories of their day’s adventures, and ordinary people shopping at the remaining stores and market stalls still open.
Asteria and I walk along, carelessly chatting about everything and nothing, utterly content to let this moment stretch forever, but it seems that, no matter which world I’m in, the real or the virtual, fate has other plans. As I turn to face Asteria, I bump into something firm and unyielding, but warm.

“Watch it, ya little bitch! Are you trying to pick a fight?!”
I flinch, shrinking back and staring up at the large human male glaring daggers at me. If looks could kill, I’d have been mummified and entombed a million years ago. He sneers, and then turns his gaze to my new friend. “What are you staring at, tits? If your little skank friend here hadn’t walked into me, I wouldn’t be pissed off right now. What are you two gonna do to pay me back for not beating her to a bloody pulp? Go on, get your coin-purse out and hand it over!”

I swallow nervously. I only have twelve coins, which would probably tick this guy off more. Looking to Asteria for guidance, I pause. She’s shaking. Is it fear? Or… No. I come to the realization that Asteria isn’t scared, but angry. Like, REALLY angry. Livid, furious, enraged, then… weirdly, scarily calm.

I take a step back as the blonde Alv steps forward, her periwinkle eyes almost glowing in the darkling twilight. She says in a soft, menacing tone, “Now, see, I can overlook you calling me ‘tits’. I can overlook you trying to mug us. But what I can’t disregard… is you insulting, belittling, and scaring my friend. I challenge you to a duel. One on one, to the death, tomorrow morning. We’ll meet by the village gates. You can use any weapons, magics and skills, whatever. But just know, I will NOT hold back. If I win, you will prostrate yourself before us and beg for forgiveness, then never come near us again. If you win… you can do whatever you want with my body.”
I stumble back, staring in shock as the guy before us licks his lips and leers, his eyes running up and down Asteria’s body. “Deal. Just don’t blame yourself for being too weak to stop me!”

We watch as the other player slinks back into the alleyway he emerged from, before Asteria drags me to the tavern, finding us a vacant booth, and ordering us drinks, warning me not to touch them.

“Look, I… lost my temper back there, but I… I couldn’t just stand by and let him say those things about you… besides, this way I can ensure he’s humiliated. Moreover, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I’m gonna be the winner, I promise.” she murmurs softly, smiling at me reassuringly.

“Now, as for my plan. I don’t have one, but that’s not a problem. This guy isn’t worth making a plan for. He’d have to be an endgame raid-boss to trouble me!” she smirks, curling a bicep playfully, and my brain falls out yet again.

The evening fades into night, and, once darkness has fallen fully, Asteria hands me a spare cloak, both of us concealing ourselves under the voluminous fabric as we make our way back to Asteria’s lodgings. Through the remaining hours of the night, I doze, waking up in Asteria’s warm, strong arms as she presses me against her front, the sheets covering us and warming us, almost as much as the feeling of having an attractive girl snuggled up to me.

The morning sun wakes me, and I yawn, nuzzling into Asteria’s chest, my wings tucked tightly to my back as I feel her breath on my ear. “Morning, cutie. Shall we go and give that jerk a good thrashing?”

I blush as she holds me close, nodding slowly, not wanting Asteria to let go. It felt so nice, being held by someone. I’d never felt so at ease, so… comfortable. Slowly, I shift away, sitting up and stretching, letting out a gentle yawn, as Asteria chuckles huskily, rising herself and preparing for battle.

After a quick breakfast of oatmeal, dried fruit, and mugs of iced milk with honey stirred into them, we gather our equipment and head out to the village gate. Sure enough, despite my faint hopes that this isn’t going to happen, the guy from last night is waiting, a cocky smirk on his rough, scruffy face. A crowd of Argonauts have gathered to watch, with coin changing hands as they place bets on who’ll win.
“About time, skank! I thought you were gonna pussy out!” he chuckles dirtily, sneering as he unfolds his arms. Asteria ignores his attitude, announcing, “We’ll fight in a clearing nearby so we don’t break anything here. Oh, and, I hope you don’t mind if I stream this? Just kidding, I’m gonna stream it anyway.”

Gesturing, Asteria opens her menu, and, after a couple more motions, a small, glowing ball appears. “Hey, guys, it’s me, WildRoseOfTheWest, and I’m doing my first Aegis Online stream! So, last night, THIS punk-ass over here,” she jerks a thumb over her shoulder at the confused and visibly-annoyed dude, “decided to pick a fight with my new friend. Now, you know I’m not the type of girl to let that slide, so I challenged him to a one-v-one, no-holds-barred Deathmatch! Stay tuned to see just how badly I’m gonna wreck him!”
With an audible increase of volume, I hear the crowd break into a flurry of renewed bets. The cocky jerk seems a lot less confident, and more infuriated. The whispers turn to full –on snippets of excited jabbering.

“Really?! That’s her?? She’s so cool!”

“No way, I get to see her streaming live! My friends are gonna be totally envious!”

“That guy’s deeeaaaad, yo. WildRose looks pissed!”

“Who’s the girl with wings next to her? The friend? She’s cute.”

That last comment draws a blush from me, as Asteria draws in a deep breath. A wolfish grin slides onto her face as she calls, “You can still… what was it you said to me? Oh yeah… ‘pussy out’, I think it was?” she shrugs.

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