Hmm? Her affection seemed to be increased, right? But if that's the case, I didn't get any notification, from the system about it though... No, wait. Last week, when I was just doing something, I can't remember it well, I certainly get a notification about something and it was about affection. Was the notification about affection points, related to her, huh? I thought at that time it must be from the heroines, from this class, but it looks like it was my homeroom teacher... But the most important thing is not about 'when'; it's about 'why I get the affection from her?' I think I have not had any special kind of interaction with her, until now...

"I guess everyone has already seen their results, am I right?"


Everyone said in unison, but the voice looked less motivated than usual... Why? Well, it's because their result is not great... Some of the students got less than 45 marks on the exam. So, even if this result is not to be shown on the report sheet, it's still not good for them... And as I am in the top 5, some of the girls are seeing me in a new light while some have angry and jealous looks on their faces, as if saying 'How can I lose to him?'... Good grief.

The classes continued with no interference, which is quite surprising, including the teachers.

Until today, each and every class has some kind of interference some asks personal questions from the teachers, some just wanted to go restroom so that they can just skip that respective class, especially Kirisu sensei's class... and just like that, every class would end.

But today looked to be an 'exception' day, everyone is trying to give their full focus on the teachers, or to be specific on the board. There is also no other sound, like chatting or clicking of the pen or anything, could be heard except the teacher's voice and voice made by chalk...

Hmm... This is new for me. I mean does this will happen whenever there will be any exam...? Or is it just for today? Or does this kind of environment will continue until the last day...?

As I was thinking about this, a teacher called out to me... The teacher is none other than, Chhabashira-sensei...



"Come with me. I wanted to talk with you about something."


Now what, huh? Why do these heroines, I mean teachers, keep on calling me out like this? Well thanks to me being the class representative, there are not any rumors like me being the --



"You were just asking to act a fool, huh, Ren Kaneki?"

Upon reaching the place, we settle down there on the chairs... The seating arrangement is just like that of the Literature room, the only difference is that the room space and number of seats here... And then she opened her mouth and said the above lines.

What is she talking about, no, not only her but Yukino-chan also. What do you mean by 'trying to act a fool'? As far as I know, I just tried to act like a normal high school student. Try to make friends, talk with them, helps the helpless, and do something alone, these are the things a normal high school boy does, right...? And I am sure of it, that I act like this way...

"What are you talking about sensei? I am acting like a normal high school boy until now and I will continue doing so..."

"Huh! Kaneki, you are way too far from normal... You know, most of the people in this school think that you are just a good-looking guy with no 'qualities', no manners and no respect, not a single good point resides in you... No one expected that you will be in the top 20 in the rankings of the exam."

Wait a minute... What kind of image do these people have of me? I have no manner? No respect? moreover not a single good point..? What are they thinking about; I... Well, I respected everyone in this school whether it was my classmates, seniors, or, most importantly, teachers...

But the thing that, no one expected me to get in the ranks of the top 20, is quite a crazy assumption from them... I mean, everyone does include my heroines, right..? So, are they also, not expecting that I could hold a rank among the top 20, huh? I have some expectations that maybe they will, will have some trust in me but... Even Komi-san was looking quite surprised at me; does she also didn't think about that, huh... Hah, I want to die...

Just kidding...

"You know in teachers, the most surprised one was Mafuyu Kirisu, who didn't show any interest in these things, until now. But today, she was quite interested in your score, so when she got to know, she kept on re-checking your sheet of paper, continuously. Everyone was quite concerned about her; I also was one of them."

Good Grief...


I see...

"Well, let's talk about these things later... Now, onto the main reason why I called you out here..."

You have already said too much, Sae-chan sensei. Now what the hell is this main thing, huh? Are you also going to tell me about the reaction of that two seniors and that 'angel' girl, huh?

"I wanted you to take our class to the 'top' I mean to earn the most points."

I get it, now.

You see. When a person talks about you in such a manner, like she just did a moment ago. I mean saying things that will make you change your nature... I mean, she just said all the things that will de-motivate me, so that I will show my true colors and takes the exams seriously, score full marks and make the class to the top, and then this, that...

But more importantly, is there any 'ranking' going on, in this school? There was not a single talk, about it though the same could be said for the 'entrance ceremony' also, which was held just a month ago... Hmm... This school seems not to be like any other school, huh? Is the same can be said for ANHS...?

"What do you mean sensei?"

"You know, what I talk about on the first day of school, right?"

"Yes, you said there are some special points that can be earned by scoring good marks in exams, right?"

"Very well... Yes, just as you said. But the only thing I didn't tell you all is that there are other ways also, to earn those points"

"I see. I think I am getting, what you are trying to say. So, what are the 'other' ways, you are talking about?"

"Hm... You are still acting like you are not even a bit surprised."

"Sensei, just answer my question, what are the other ways?"

"Okay, okay. The other ways are --, now I think about it I think you should find it by yourself, Kaneki"

This teacher. First, she calls me out here and started talking about nonsense things. Then she tells me that she wants me, to help to reach her class to the top, and now she is not going to tell me about other ways...

"Sensei, --"

"Ok, time to go... Later, Kaneki"

She said this and just as she was going to leave, she stopped there. Not only her, but all the surroundings stopped also... It looks like one of my abilities got triggered here, huh?

A) Wait sensei... Please tell me the details, so that I can help you, and our class, to reach the top...

B) Worry not, Chhabashira sensei. I will do everything I can, to help 'my' sensei and our class to reach the top.

C) Okay, Later sensei.


Again what's with this warning, huh? But, what the hell will happen if I choose anything in this case, huh? I have to complete her wish anyway... Huh, A.S.?


Ok, Okay... No need to say anything else.

That's why I don't want to work for God of Love. He is just messing with my life, but I also know about my weaknesses and powers, and here I can't do anything against him because I know he has the power to kill me easily just like he gave me this 'Affection System'...

Tch. Tch.


Let's get this over...

The first option is a good choice but me pleading to anyone, nah...

Second is also good, from the perspective of my wanting to gain some affection from her. So, this will be the best.

The third one is not a valid option if I want to gain affection points; if only I want to face consequences then I would only choose this.

"Worry not, Chhabashira sensei..."

As soon as the surroundings became normal, I grasped and get hold of one of her hands...

"I will do everything I can, to help 'my' sensei and our class to reach the top."

I said while slowly caressing her hand, which I have been holding, with my other hand.




"Who is it?"


"Oh, my girlfriend came to see me, this early, huh? You should have called me before; I could have cleaned my room. You know --"

"Kaneki-san, just hurry up and open the door."

"Yes yes"

When I opened the door, I saw a familiar face; it was none other than Shiina-san, the 'angel' of our school. She is in her usual school uniform; she is holding a lunch box in her hand... Hmm?

"Shiina-san, Good Morning..."

"Good Morning... Hmm, I am surprised that you are this energetic even though it's still morning, huh."

"Well, it's just that someone just came to see me today... That's why I am just a little more energetic than usual."

I tried to joke around, but she didn't even smile at that... I thought that she must have friends, who know things about her but there aren't... She walks to and from school, alone... She eats her lunch, alone, in the corner of the classroom... And she does everything, alone, not taking anyone's help. She is no different from some heroine of mine...

"You... Just take this..."

"Oh, thank you very much..."

"Hm, welcome."

"So, do you want to come inside?"

"No, I will be late for school."

"Ok... So do you want to walk together to the bus stop?"

"Hmm... okay"

She handed me the lunch box, she is carrying in her hand... She still remembers the talk, we had that day, about me wanting to eat her 'handmade' food. So, today she brought me a handmade lunch, which I am quite very grateful for it...

I mean, it's the best if it is handmade and it will taste even better if it is made by a cute girl like Shiina-san...



"Sorry, Shiina-san"

I want her to hear my thought that's why I pretend to be talking to myself; I just wanted her to hear it. And it seems it worked, as I easily gained some affection points from her...


After that, we just walked and sometimes talk about the things happening around the school, the main topic is, of course, the test which is called 'surprise test' by everyone... She told that everyone in her class was quite nervous about this. She also told me about her classmates. In her class, there are some foreign students also, from the country 'China'... They all are nice people; they are trying their best to learn Japanese... She told me that there will be some more transfer students coming this year, which is quite surprising for everyone, as there are no transfers of students happened in this school, until now... I think this is the working of my system... Well, maybe not, as it's not that, everything happening around me is mainly because of the system, it's somewhat because of my actions too...

After talking about many things, we finally reached the school bus stand...

"Shiina-san, you should go ahead..."

"Why though?"

"Well, I have something to do..."

Yeah, I don't want any of my heroines to see me with her. This place, where is a high probability of meeting with one of my heroines... I don't want to be a part of drama, early in the morning.

"Well, if you say so..."

"Yeah, later."


Phew, it was good that no one noticed us that time...

The scene was a déjà-vu to me... That day also, I was escorting a girl to the bus stop, where there is another past victim of mine, was standing... I thought there will be nothing wrong if she sees me with another woman, but when she sees me, her actions became wild, not on me, but against the other 'victims' of mine... That caused a major accident in this country... Good Grief.

So, I didn't take any risk this time... I mean I will do everything in my power, to not make that 'incident' happen again, but if it will happen without me knowing about it... It might end like last time...

Haa... Let's think about that another time. First, I need to focus on the current situation going on...

The situation is that, due to some reason, Uotani senpai and Hanajima senpai are standing at the door of the classroom, during the lunch break... Why though? Well, I can think of one reason but their affection is not that high, to show this kind of behavior, is there? I mean...





See, their affection is just 12. So, there is no way that they are for me, right? --

"Oi, Kouhai!"


This is unexpected. They were shouting in the class and everyone, who is currently present in the class, started to look in their direction... My gaze is already on them...

They were looking in all directions, from the moment they entered the classroom. They, simultaneously, stopped their gaze at me... What a weird duo..?

When they locked their gaze with mine, I waved my hand in their direction... As a junior of both of them, this is the least I can do, right?

They didn't reply but started moving toward my seat... When they both stopped in their tracks, Uotani senpai folded her hands and stood there silently while Hanajima senpai...

"Fancy meeting you here senpais... What brings you both of them to come here? Is it because of me?"

"Nothing, Kouhai-kun. It's just that your waves are looking quite strange today."

As she said this, she put one of her hands on my shoulder and she... without... touching my hair, caressed them... This is her power, I just found out about last week during lunch break... It's quite amazing if you ask me...

"Oh, senpai, you can also do this...?"

"Hmm? You mean my 'waves' powers, huh?"

"Yes, this power never ceases to amaze me..."

"Fufu~ is that so..."


And just like that, I could easily gain affection points from her... I mean just by saying good things about her power...

Even though, she didn't show any expressions. I can tell she gets happy whenever we have some conversation with each other... As to why, I know this, I don't know --


Okay, okay.

"Oi, you two stop it... And kouhai, why didn't you come to the cafeteria today, huh...? Oh, you bought a bento today."

On the other hand, Uotani senpai has a 'delinquent' word in her title but I didn't seem to find any 'delinquency' inside her... On the surface, she might look like a person who will take advantage of the 'weak', bully them, etc, but deep inside she has a lovely heart which makes her more beautiful... Now that I think about it, how the hell do I know about all of this...?



"Yes, I bought a lunch box today with me... That is why I didn't come to the cafeteria to eat with you guys... You know, I also wanted to eat lunch with my senpais..."

I said this while putting a small smile on my face...



[??????????? : +5 AFFECTION POINTS]





That was unexpected... I mean if I just smiled while talking to my heroines, like this, whenever I met with them, I might have gained some affection every time... But that will only help me for a few days I know, after that it will not help me to increase their affection because... From the moment, I joined this school, whenever I talked with anyone I have never shown any expression... So you know, if I just use my smile to get some points, I have to use it carefully...

"See, he just smiled for a second..."

"Not bad, class representative..."

"He is handsome and cute too, I told you..."

"Kaneki-san, how dare you..."

Wait a minute... Whose voice was that just now?

When I tried to find the speaker of the voice I just heard now... But I didn't find her; I have a gut feeling, no, I am sure of it, that she is one of my heroines... And I am confused whether it's from one of the unlocked heroines or... I don't know.

About the notifications, I got when I gained affection points from the unlocked heroines and a locked heroine as well... Her name is in '???', is it because I didn't interact with her until now...?

And the problem of finding her also seemed to be quite difficult because most present here is looking at me with some affection in her eyes... I know what the best thing to do is now... Let's just run...

"Sorry everyone, but I have some work to do for sensei, so I will have to leave..."

As I said this, I quickly placed my empty lunch box inside my bag and removed the hand, which was placed on my shoulder, and then left the room...

When the lunch break ended, I looked at the classroom from where I just ran away and saw that senpais are leaving. Okay, now is the correct time for me entering, in the class, right..? No, wait, I should wait for some more minutes... yes, let's get go there at the time when the teacher will enter...


After school ended, I was once again called out by the Kirisu sensei. Because of the sole reason that I was 5 minutes late to enter her class after the Lunch break ended. Well, she also was 5 minutes late for her class... But she is a teacher, so it didn't matter. Since I am a student and, unfortunately, monitor of the class, I should have entered the class before the teacher comes... Good Grief.

She is a disciplined woman... huh.

After hearing her lecture for about half an hour, she told me never, 'that' again, to which I replied in my very own way, like saying some sweet lines to her... But it didn't help me gain any affection... Hmmm...


It's been four days since we get to know our results... But still, there is no news regarding the 'thing', Chhabashira sensei told me about it, and I thought that we will get to know about that the next day or the day after that... But there is not a single mention about that, whether it's from students or, even from the teachers...

Now I think about it, I should have asked her the more details but, as soon as she heard the words, she quickly left that place leaving me alone in that room.

This school's system and the system, I got from some 'god', are both troublesome for me. As the former wants me, and my classmates, to give our best in every activity, while the latter wants me to 'conquer' the girls, or 'heroines', from this school... Well, I will try my best to control these both systems and then, I will run these both in the palm of my hands...

As I was lost in my thought, a teacher came inside the class but it was not our Math teacher, who takes the first period, but our homeroom teacher... Chhabashira Sae... Are we finally going to get to know the result of our class's position, hmm?

"Good Morning sensei..."


We all greeted her just like usual, but she didn't reply to us back... On the contrary, she pulls out an A4 size paper from her subject book, which she always carries with her, and started to inspect it... After a few seconds, she sighed lightly and looked towards every student, one by one. When our eyes met, she quickly diverted her gaze and turned her body in the direction of the board... I finally noticed her expression, she is making her usual expression but I saw it... she is frustrated and somewhat looking 'sad'...

Then she picked up the chalk, from the chalk holder, and started writing something on the board.


CLASS 1-2: 15

CLASS 1-4: 10

CLASS 1-1: 06

CLASS 1-3: 02


First, she wrote all the four first year classes, then their respected points they earned... So, we earned 6 points, huh... And due to that, we are in third position, hmm.

"Sensei, what is this?"

"Very well, Sato... You all listen very carefully because what I am going to tell you guys today is going to change your life exponentially..."

Some Sato girl asked the Chhabashira sensei the question, which is going on minds of every students present in the class... To which, sensei replied but her voice doesn't seem to look normal and her aura also darkened a bit... I think she is angry on us, even for a little bit but she is, mainly I think because there are many good students in her class but still her class earned only six points...? Well, I think I am the main cause of getting less points because I, slept two times in the class, two times late in the class and the 'Blackboard romance...' incident... Who the heck thought of that name, anyway?

As I was lost in the thought, I felt someone is glaring daggers at me... Chhabashira sensei..?


"Kaneki-kun, you seem unaffected by this whole 'ranking' thing, huh? On the contrary, you are looking awfully cool about this whole thing..."

"No, I am not that calm, you know... It's just that sensei had already told me about it, on the day when our results released..."


Horikita-san, looked surprised at my sudden confession that I know about this system beforehand... Is it that surprising? I thought that this is one of the privileges of being a monitor that you get to know these events before the class...

"Are you saying you know about this system before us?"

"Oh, Yukinoshita-san... Yes, but she just told me about the fact that there will be a system in this school and nothing more..."

"I see..."


"Yes, I also didn't know about the ranks also... So, you know, I am just like you, I don't know anything..."

They both stared at me for few seconds and then put their hands, simultaneously, on their chin and started to think about something...? Just as I expected from these two, they have already started to think about what to do, right?

"Well, what do you guys think about all of this?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Yukino-chan... Yukino-chan... How much of 'egoist' are you, huh? Are you still trying to act like a 'lone wolf', even though we have to work as a whole if we want to get top rank in the system...? I think I should 'use' ghosting on her... Hmm?

"Well, just as you wish... 'Ice Queen'."

"Ara, do you wanted to pick a fight with me, huh, you --"

"What about you, Horikita-san?"

"Hmm, I need some time... But again, why should I tell you?"

These girls. They might be considered one of 'great minds' in this class, if they don't have this type of personality... One has twisted personality that she thinks that everyone is below, except her... While other one is also just like her, well not that much, I think, but since she is a 'tsundere' also, it's just make her equal to Yuknoshita-san...

"I see... Well, it's okay if you don't want to tell me..."



Just as I said something in reply, I got the respective response I can get from both of them... Horikita-san acted like a typical tsundere by making an 'hmph' sound and turned her head to other direction, while Yukinoshita-san just stared at me for few seconds, and as usual started reading her book... What is with this book? Is it that much interesting book for her...?


Lunch Break

I am surprised that not a single heroine of mine, the ones who are in the same class and has already unlocked by the system, knows anything about how we get to gain these 'class' points. Well, I also don't know anything regarding it but still, they have at least one or two acquaintances, right? Hmm...

"Ara, kouhai-kun, what with that serious face you are showing us?"


"Well, Hanajima. It seems that he has some problems, huh. Come on, spit it out, maybe we can help with it."

"Oh, are my two 'cute' senpais worrying about me?"

I said while forming a small grin on my face, to show that I am just playing around...



"Kouhai-kun, you have to stop pulling strings of Uotani... Or she will definitely give you a beating right here, right now..."

"W-what are you saying Hanajima? But yeah, she is right. Kouhai, you need to behave properly around us, your seniors --"

"Well, don't worry. I will act like this, only in front of you senpais..."

I said, and put a small smile, only to ensure them that what I just said is true...



Oh great, I knew it that my words will definitely work on them...

When the lunch break approached, I decided that I will definitely ask, from the Hanajima senpai and Uotani senpai, about the system, but then many questions came across my mind...

Like, what if they don't tell me about it, when I ask? What if seniors don't know anything about this system? And so what if it only starts from out batch of students, or from this year? And more importantly, what if they have been told, beforehand, that they can't tell any juniors about it?

As these questions came across through my mind, I decided let's not ask about it... I am eating lunch with these guys for about more than 2 or 3 weeks, but they didn't talk about anything related to the 'system'... And here I thought I have gained plenty of affection from them... As this system will have an impact on our future, whether it's bright or dark, this is what Chhabashira sensei told me. So they should have told me about it, but...


You... Well, for these reasons I have been trying to gain affection from them... And I think that I have gained plenty of points, today...





Let's ask the questions... Because I have a hunch that now they will tell me everything they know about the system... As my hunches are true, these past few days...

"I want to ask some questions, senpais."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Yes, kouhai-kun... Just ask."

"Do you guys know --?"


Just as I was going to ask the questions, the school bell rang indicating to the students that their lunch break has been ended, and now they should head back to their classes... Good Grief, I should have asked them from the beginning... But, my mind tells me that what I did is good also.

"Kouhai-kun, let's talk another time..."

"Yeah, later..."

"No, wait..."

I stopped both of them in their tracks, as they just rise from their seat and have already walked a few steps... They were surprised at me, as I haven't shouted in front of them. They both just stared at me until I said something.

"Let's meet up after school..."

When they heard, they both looked at each other... Then, Uotani Senpai sighed lightly and said, "Sorry, kouhai I can't... I have some errands to run..."

"Oh. I see. What about you, Hanajima senpai?"

"Hm... Well, okay. But where?


After successfully making plans with Hanajima senpai on where to meet, I thanked them and excused myself from there as Uotani senpai seems to be looking angry, no I am sure, she was blushing...

I returned to the class on time, before sensei entered...


Then the whole day just went as any usual day, teachers came and teach us and then another teacher... Just like that.

Now I am, on my way, to the park, where we, I and Hanajima senpai, decide to meet... In school, I decided that first I will go to the apartment and from there I should come to this park. But, now I think it will only take my energy and time...

After reaching there, I saw an empty seat at the center of the park, so I went there and sat on it... I am still wearing my school uniform, so the people around me are staring at me, more than usual... Well, it didn't matter to me that much...


After waiting for about one hour, now I can clearly see Hanajima senpai, having the usual unfazed look on her face and an expression that shows that she doesn't give a single fuck about anyone... What a great expression... No, wait I have also the same expression as her.

But... what the hell is wrong with her dress? She is wearing a black dress, black shoes, and black gloves and has a black umbrella, in her hand. Is there any special meaning behind this...? No, I can't get to a conclusion; maybe she loves black that's why she is wearing it or something like that...

"Good Evening, kouhai-kun... Is something the matter?"

"Oh, Good Evening, Hanajima senpai. No, it's just that you are looking beautiful..."


"I-I s-see..."

Well, what I just said is true... She is looking beautiful in her dress, even if she has her usual expression on her, or maybe it's because this is my first time seeing one of my heroines, wearing a casual dress... After hearing my words, I gained some affection points from her but her expression still didn't change a bit... But this is the first time I am seeing her, stuttering her words, and she is not looking at me while saying that... Is she, by any chance, embarrassed? If that is so, then it's the most normal expression I have seen from her, until now.

Then she turned her face and started looking at me...? Is she waiting for me to say something? Then just as you wish...

"Senpai --"

"Kouhai-kun, why did you want to meet up?"

"Well, it's just that I have some questions I wanted to ask."

"I see..."

As she heard my reason, she hummed and sat near me... She put her umbrella in between us and again started to stare at me...

"Well, then ask the questions..."


"The school is a very interesting place..."

I muttered to myself as I reached my apartment. The answers I wanted from the two senpais, I get them successfully from Hanajima senpai...

It is not that complicated for me to understand the system of school, which is known as the 'Ranking system'. The system was established just three years ago, when I heard about it my mind directly went to the name Haruno Yukinoshita, who must have known this system... But why didn't she tell anything to her younger sister...?

As the name of the system, it is used for ranking the classes... The ranking is decided on many factors including the tests, we gave just a few days ago. It has many external factors, I think, as Hanajima Senpai didn't tell anything about it... Maybe I can earn class points by blackmailing a teacher... That will be fun, but there are many eyes on me, so it may be difficult for me.

The factors are regulation of the whole class, like how well the students behave in the class; on the whole attendance of the class; the tests and assignment, how well we scored in this aspect; co-curricular activities and some more... Teachers can also 'gift' us an extra point, but only if the majority of the teachers thinks so... Hanajima senpai really explains well...

The ranking will be updated on the first day of every month... She also said that, except for the first month of the year, but it will come in the first week of the second month...

I was not that surprised that she knows all of this and can explain it very well. But when I said that I have no more questions to ask her, and then she asked a question that I didn't even imagine that she will ask me...

"Kouhai-kun, I also have a question for you..."

"Oh, what is it, Hanajima senpai?"

"Why did you run away from us that day, when I and Uotani came to see you?"

"Huh...! What are you talking about senpai? I think I had told you guys that sensei needed my help that time..."

"Well, your waves, at that time, looked strange... So tell me why you did that?"

As she said, she came closer to me...

Is her affection reached that point, where she can easily come this closer to me...? Her face is just a few centimeters far away from my face... Isn't a girl supposed to get embarrassed when they do something like this; to the person they... like...? No wait, I can't conclude on the fact she already has some feelings for me, maybe she still hasn't started to like me... hmmm?

"Senpai, do you have a fever?"


As she denied it, she takes a step back from me and now we have a distance of about 2 meters, as the bench has a length of around 13 meters...

After that, we went silent for about 5 – 10 minutes, until I break it...

"Senpai, let's eat ice cream..."


She was quite surprised at my sudden words, so when she heard she started staring at me, with her unfazed eyes, for a few seconds and then turned her head in the direction, where my finger are pointing, to the ice cream parlor... She nodded her head, two times, and then we make our way to the parlor...


"I thought that ice cream would be free this time also, but..."

I muttered to myself as I took a glance at the senior, who has to pay the price for both of our ice creams... As I don't bring my wallet to school, so I don't have it with me... Well, I already apologized and thanked her for this, so it's fine...


After reaching the apartment, I exercised a bit, for just about 45 minutes and now I am on my way to the apartment of Shiina Mahiru, to return her, her lunch box, she gave me last week... I thought of not returning her lunch, empty, so I decided to give her a pastry also with it...


I pressed the doorbell, two times, and as I was going to press it for the third time... I heard footsteps coming inside the apartment, so I controlled myself. She also said, in a normal voice, which was neither low nor high, that she is coming... What...? When my mind does become this 'dirty', huh?

"Yes, who is – Oh, Kaneki-san, what brings you here?"

"Hello, Shiina-san... I just came here to return the lunch box; you gave me the other day..."

"I see..."

"Yes, it was delicious, Shiina-san..."

"O-oh, thank you..."


She showed me a small smile, as she said this... She looked extremely cute when she smiles like this, and my hand just moved and now it is on her head, patting her head...

"Kaneki-san, what are you doing...?"

"Oh, sorry..."


As I apologized, I slowly take my hand away from her head...


I heard the sound coming from the place near where the stairs are, but when I turned my face there, there was no one... Maybe it was just my imagination... No, I see someone's shadow there...






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