Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 253

Chapter 253:

He is the one who has the most say.

“I believe in my strength, and I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I’ll look at their performance in recent times.”

After Ye Su’s words, An Guoqiang’s face was bitter.

“Then wait for the good news. If you can prepare the second batch of people to log in, you can tell me again. I heard that many people want to sign up.”

After the two of them finished chatting, Ye Su and the others continued to stare at the live broadcast room.

For several days, those black shadows did not appear, because they were almost all light-handed.

Try not to make any movement.

It’s like a tacit understanding that everyone has in common.

And the people in the live broadcast room were moved by seeing many of them, and if they could, they would be willing to do something for them.

These descendants of the blood of the dragon have blood in their bones.

The blood that flows will never go out.

He was able to clench his fists tightly, his eyes gradually became firmer, and more and more people asked about the second batch of landings.

An Guoqiang is a bit out of control of the current status quo.

And the people of Gliese 518g (ahch) planet, once again ushered in a huge disaster.

The day they finished building the defensive wall, everyone cheered, because they didn’t notice it for a while, and then it felt something was wrong.

The ground shook violently, and there were problems in many places.

Yang Duo quickly stabilized her figure, and then checked her current experience as soon as possible.

Looking through the telescope from a distance, you can see a black shadow moving in the thick fog. With every step, the ground under your feet begins to sway.

Seeing others tremble with fear.

Yang Duo hurriedly instructed everyone to put all the heavy firepower weapons on the defensive wall they built.

“Wait a minute, everyone will fire on my order!”

It has been almost a week of hiding, and now that the defensive wall is built, of the strongest materials, they can attack with heavy fire.

By the way, test the true strength of this beast.

After hiding for a week, they don’t want to be a shrewd tortoise anymore, everyone is domineering.

Watching the shadow getting closer, a small black missile was thrown directly, hitting the edge of the shadow.

With a bang, a small mushroom exploded.

Fortunately, the distance over there is far away from here, and they can’t feel anything except the vibration.

As one bullet after another was thrown out, the black shadow seemed to be enraged by them.

Immediately, he stomped his feet heavily, and the ground trembled even more than before.

Everyone was horrified.

Immediately after that, the shadow rushed towards them. Although Yang Duo was afraid, she held her other hand tightly.

Take out a small flag and direct those who operate heavy firearms to fire.

Yang Duo was standing at the front. With a wave of her hand, everyone got the order and started firing bullets and missiles.

“As expected of our heroine, he looks so dashing.”

“I think so too.”

“Sure enough, it’s very chic, what should I do if I’m really envious?”

“I’m just as envious as you are.”


The majority of netizens began to comment, but soon their expressions became serious.

Because this is not the time to be kidding.


Wave after wave of small missiles were launched directly, if not for a defensive wall of special materials outside.

It is estimated that the wall has already fallen.

Because it was terrifying for that beast to get angry.

“Come again!”

Seeing that the group of shadows was getting closer and bigger and getting bigger and bigger, Yang Duo shouted again, and all the heavy fire weapons were fired at the same time.

“Bang bang bang!”.

Chapter 247 Increase the number of immigrants

The heavy fire weapon flew out and hit the shadow heavily.

Immediately afterwards, they heard some whining sounds.



The whole land trembled, and the people hiding behind the fort were all trembling with fear, but they also stared at the front seriously.

Fear and trembling are their instincts, staring ahead – is their persistence.

To survive in a place, you must have enough strength, and you must have the courage to face all the difficulties and difficulties.

Now is the time for them to stand up.

This place is like a quiet place. After they have been here for a few days, all kinds of problems have appeared, and they have even discovered all kinds of wild genes.

Yang Duo saw that the ordinary shadow had slowly fallen down, and then ran away quickly.

A smile finally appeared on her face, and the barrage in the connected live broadcast room started to go crazy.

“I knew they would win, and when I saw the fire erupted, my heart was so excited.”

“They really succeeded and I suddenly have a sense of pride now.”

“Sure enough, Ye Su’s research is the most powerful.”

“If it weren’t for Ye Su, there would be no survivors like us. Maybe the earth now is a wasteland, and there are no living creatures.”


“He is also the savior in each of us.”

“They finally won, and I finally let go of my hanging heart. I’ll go have a meal first.”

“Although this wave is a victory, it should not be taken lightly. After all, these are not fuel-efficient lamps.”

“I am very sure of that.”


Almost all the people in the live broadcast room were encouraging, and Yang Duo also showed a satisfied smile on her face after seeing that everything was over.

“We finally achieved a preliminary victory. Now the leaders of each team have come to the conference room, and we will discuss the follow-up.”

Because of this incident, Yang Duo deliberately set up a temporary conference room in a large warehouse next to the military factory.

Every chair here is from their room.

There is a conference room, when they discuss some issues, they can speak freely.

So as not to encounter some controversial issues, and then fight.

Yang Duo was sitting at the top, the drone was above them, and Lin Fei was sitting at the front, racing against the huge shadow yesterday.

Although there was a solution later, he was still slightly injured.

There are other mercenaries, each of them has a strip of scars on their faces, which is like their glory, carved on their faces.

“Now that we have achieved an initial victory, I think we should discuss the specific development of the follow-up.”

After Yang Duo and Lin Fei discussed it, they divided the initial group of people into teams.

Each team has a team leader.

The team leader is responsible for taking the team to patrol around. Although they have built a defensive wall, they still have to prevent sneak attacks from those beasts.

So this is what they must do, and it is these group leaders who come to the meeting today.

And Yang Duo also specially set up some measures to let these team leaders take turns to do it.

Once an accident or emergency occurs, if the team leader does not arrange it in the first time, it will lead to casualties or other situations.

The group leader will be punished for his own fault, thereby removing his group leader position.

Then another good performer on the team comes on top.

Everyone can be a leader.

Then being led by Yang Duo, this is a very fair method, and it also makes many people feel very satisfied.

“I don’t think we should stay in the military factory all the time, but we should also build our own base.”

“Ye Su has prepared so many good things for us, it shouldn’t have kept us shrinking in this shell!”

“That is, I think we should choose a suitable location to build the arsenal. Although there are these beasts nearby, we will definitely be able to overcome it.”

“After being beaten by us once, I believe they should be a little bit scared, and this is the best time for us to fight back.”

“I agree!”

“Then other researchers, have they discovered anything recently?”

Ye Su turned around and asked some members of the scientific research team next to them, who had been studying the situation here for the past few days.

Not only from the concentration of oxygen, but also from the point of view of survival and the study of soil quality.

They all followed.


Moreover, they also tested the river water they were drinking, and no harmful substances have been detected so far.

in the experimental stage.

Although they brought a lot of things with them when they came, if they want to survive here for a long time, they must be prepared for everything.

“We think the soil here is very fertile and should be suitable for planting.”

“Donate a piece of land. When building your own home, you should also reclaim it. Otherwise, if we eat all the things we bring, we may starve to death here.”

Although they bring enough food, sometimes they have to think about when they don’t have it.

Yang Duo collected this information and made a decision directly.

“I think what everyone said is correct, so follow what you said.”


“Those mysterious creatures shouldn’t come again in a short time, and we can build another defensive wall outside.”

“I remember that there are some high-tech, gravity quantum heavy fire weapons that Ye Su brought over. We can also apply them all.”

“In addition, train the group of people we brought over, and leave these things to Lin Fei?”

Lin Fei nodded. He also felt that everyone needed to exercise specific physical fitness, otherwise once they encountered those mysterious unknown creatures.

They couldn’t even run.

It may be swallowed directly by those mysterious creatures.

Watching Yang Duo sit in the center, guiding everyone to complete the construction of their homes, and adopting everyone’s opinions.

Finally learned to organize.

There was still some relief in Ye Su’s heart, and An Guoqiang felt that tears fell unnaturally from the corners of his eyes.

Really great.

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