Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 305

Chapter 305:

“What I have to do now is to stop human beings from committing suicide, regain control and create, I will pass this audio to you now, and leave the rest to you!” The more urgent, the more Ye Su became. Calm down, he knew that only frog cubs could save human civilization now, and the frog cub’s cries seemed to have a restraining effect on this kind of hypnosis, and could make people who fell into hypnosis wake up again.

Chapter 386 Gene Lock Weapon

It even has the same effect on artificial intelligence. Creation also understands what Ye Su means. After receiving the audio frequency band, it directly imports it into tens of billions of various chips. Battleships, energy weapons, etc. all stopped running in disorder and were created and re-controlled.

“Success, I’m going to stop the planetary engine now, and hand over the audio playback to Nuwa temporarily.” Creation sent a message to Ye Su, and then began to regain control of the planetary engine and other technological creations.

Basically, all technological creations with computers are connected by Nuwa, and creation is now the way of existence of electric waves, which can freely shuttle among all electronic products, and because there is no entity, there is no problem of delay. In just a short moment, all the tens of thousands of planetary engines on the earth stopped, the blue flame disappeared, and the huge roar also disappeared.

The various energy weapons of the disorderly attack and the interstellar battleship also fell silent again, and the Gliese galaxy seemed to have been pressed a pause button, and everything fell into silence.

Taking this opportunity, all the audio playback devices on the street began to play frog cubs.


Countless frog calls sounded in human society, and the hypnotized human eyes regained clarity. They glanced at their hands in confusion, completely unaware of what just happened. When they saw the surrounding scene, they immediately fell into a daze. Huge panic, blood everywhere, corpses everywhere, some committed suicide, and some were killed by humans or electronic products in chaos.

“In the end what happened?”

The surviving humans have such a question in their minds. No one knows what happened, but everyone knows that just now, during the period of time when they lost consciousness, human civilization definitely experienced an unprecedented crisis. .

After everyone had recovered to Qingming, Ye Su finally breathed a sigh of relief. The various intelligent robots that were created and re-controlled began to clean up, the bodies were uniformly disposed of, the medical institution resumed operation, and all the injured people were sent to the medical institution for the first time. Get treatment.

It’s just that the crisis has not been resolved. While doing these things, Ye Su is also on guard against secret enemies at any time, but the other party seems to be different from what he thinks. The second wave of attacks seemed to be quietly watching Ye Su deal with it.

“What do you want to do?” When Ye Su came back to his senses, his mind was full of doubts. Now he has no idea what this inexplicable existence wants to do. If it is just to destroy human civilization, Why didn’t you take another shot just now, but waited until the human civilization took a breath.

Just when he wanted to continue communicating with Creation, his portable light curtain changed again, and the scarlet symbol that had disappeared reappeared on his light curtain, but this time, the text on it had also changed. .

“Unfamiliar biotech civilization, hello, it seems that I underestimated the strength of your civilization. You can break free from genetic locks and logical locks. No matter what method you use, you have already reached the level of second-level civilization. I don’t have enough authority to open deeper weapons, and now I can only destroy your civilization from the atomic level…”

It was clearly written in cold words, but Ye Su could still hear some helpless tone in it, which made Ye Su’s heart burst into anger.

But in the next second, he calmed down again and quickly analyzed what this inexplicable existence meant.

“According to what the other party said, the attack just now was a logical lock and a genetic lock. It should be especially aimed at creatures and artificial intelligence. It can quickly destroy a civilization in a short period of time. If I don’t have frog cubs, there is no resistance at all. Power, this kind of attack is simply unheard and unseen, what is the destruction and cleanup at the atomic level?”.

Chapter 387 The Real Genocide

Endless crises enveloped Ye Su. Just the first wave of attacks almost destroyed the entire human civilization. So how should the opponent’s second wave of attacks be dealt with? There is an inexplicable fear in Ye Su’s heart. It is the fear of the unknown. This fear will continue until he does not understand what attack the other party has.

The gap is really too big. Human civilization is completely passive. Even now, Ye Su doesn’t even know what the other party is or how the other party exists. He can only wait quietly for the other party to launch a second attack. times attack.

“I understand, Ye Su, what exactly is the opponent’s logic lock. This is a special weapon designed for artificial intelligence. For artificial intelligence, no energy weapon can achieve good results, but the logic lock is different. The calculation of artificial intelligence is based on a certain logic. General artificial intelligence can only calculate according to code or core logic. If it falls into a logical lock, it starts an infinite and non-looping unconscious calculation, and it can never break free. Come out, this is the best weapon against artificial intelligence!”

At this time, the created analysis result finally came out. Logic is very important to human beings, but it is even more important to computers. Once caught in a logic lock, it will be meaningless to perform infinite non-looping calculations and eventually burn down the computing unit. , towards death~.

“There really is such a weapon in the world?” Ye Su sucked in a breath. The principle of the logic lock attack is very simple. Generally speaking, it is similar to the previous computer virus, but the logic lock attack is more deadly than computer viruses. It is Creation and Nuwa, an artificial intelligence that initially has consciousness – still unable to break free.

At this moment, Ye Su also seemed to understand what the opponent’s Gene Lock attack was – something.

“If the logic lock is a virus against artificial intelligence, then the gene lock is a deadly weapon against biological civilization. All living things have their own gene chains, and the gene chains contain all the genetic information, as well as our every The specific information of a creature, if you can use the gene chain, then you can hypnotize and destroy the entire human race, or any group of creatures!”

“Genocide, this is genocide!” Ye Su’s black pupils were full of icy coldness and murderous intent. He had previously dropped millions of virus bombs on the Kabu civilization’s ecosystem. The asteroid ecology in which the cloth civilization survived was completely destroyed, and it also wiped out 99% of the living force of the Kabu civilization.

Gene lock attack is an upgraded and enhanced version of the virus bomb!


It can be said that the frog cub has saved the entire human civilization by himself. After seeing the first wave of attacks, Ye Su also has a clearer understanding of the opponent’s strength, which is far beyond the current human civilization. I don’t know if I can survive the second wave of attacks, but if you don’t try it, how will you know?

As for surrender? Ye Su looked back at the empty manor and Lin Qiao who were lying in the emergency room. Their eyes were full of cold killing intent. Don’t you think it’s too late to say surrender now? If Ye Su chooses to surrender at this time, How can he face the millions of people who have already died, these are blood feuds!


“If you want to destroy me at the atomic level, I want to see how capable you are. Human civilization is not so simple and will be destroyed. In the face of destruction, human civilization will burst out unprecedented. Powerful power!” Ye Su said coldly, he forcibly suppressed the cold killing intent in his heart, looked up at the endless starry sky, his brain was running fast.

He can perceive that the other party is also observing him. In the depths of the endless starry sky, a pair of eyes are falling on him through a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers, falling on him, a pioneer of civilization.

Create and Nuwa clean up redundant and meaningless calculators.

Chapter 388 The Fearful Existence

Controlling all energy weapons and interstellar warships, the proportion of computing power has also returned to a relatively healthy state. It can be said that the combat power of human civilization is still maintained at about 90%, thanks to the power of photonic computers. Computing power, even without human cooperation, Creation and Nuwa can still mobilize the entire Star Fleet to attack.

Time has passed, and Creation has handed over a complete model to Ye Su, which contains dozens of analyzed “one-five-three” methods of atomic-level attacks, including energy bombs and so on.

Looking at the analysis of these models, Ye Su knew very well that the model is always a model, just a guess. It can be used as a reference and has a certain reference value, but it must not be taken seriously. Before seeing the opponent’s attack method , all speculations are unfounded.

After a few minutes, nothing happened, and there was no abnormality in the entire Gliese galaxy. Ye Su did not dare to relax his vigilance. The star-class warships of energy weapons are ready for battle, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of star warships of various types have also been fully charged.

War fortresses, space cannons, etc. are all in a charged state. As long as Ye Su issues an order, he can attack the target immediately.

“Ye Su, we found some anomalies. This is the picture returned by the planetary probe number UK457 on the edge of the galaxy.”

At this time, Creation sent a message to Ye Su.

Ye Su opened it and saw that this was a photo. In the dark space, a very shiny black sphere slowly appeared within the range of the Gliese galaxy. The black sphere appeared very strange, as if there was no entity. , looks very illusory, and there are ripples like water waves on the surface.

The size of the black sphere is not large, with a diameter of only about ten meters. It can be called a very miniature. There are no signs of weapons and equipment on the surface, and it seems that there is no harm. Ye Su is seeing this At the instant of the black sphere, the pupils shrank suddenly, the hairs on his body stood up, a strong sense of crisis appeared in his heart, and an idea quickly emerged in his mind.

stay away from him! stay away from him!

Trying to do everything possible to stay away from this black sphere is an idea that arises unconsciously in Ye Su’s brain.

“According to the analysis, this thing is not a technological product of our human civilization, it can only belong to the other party. At present, it is impossible to judge whether it is the other party’s body or a part of the other party. We don’t know the weapons on it for the time being. Do we want to let the detectors? Get closer and conduct a more detailed investigation?” Creation asked 0……

“Huh…” Ye Su took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in his heart. He took a deep look at the inexplicable black sphere, thought for a moment, nodded and said: “It can be detected, if this thing is the other party If it is the body, then it is necessary for us to make some arrangements for this black sphere.”

After receiving the instruction, the most cutting-edge detector on the earth quickly turned on, and the detector far away 10 billion kilometers quickly scanned the black sphere and made some simple detections. Soon, the detection results of the other party appeared. on the created computer.

“The other party uses an unknown material of 2.7, the reflectivity of light is close to 95%, and the blocking of various rays is 100%. I don’t know what material this thing is made of, I am afraid that even ordinary energy weapons can reflect it. Well, within ten kilometers of the black sphere, there seems to be a force field, and no detector can approach the ten kilometers of the black sphere!”

Even energy weapons can reflect, which is something Ye Su did not expect.

Chapter 389 The Last Attempt

As far as the current technological strength of human civilization is concerned, energy weapons are already the most powerful weapons, and now they can’t even break through the opponent’s defense.

“Not only that, the other party is a perfect sphere without any flaws, which is the absolute smoothness that countless scientists are striving for, and the other party’s level of technology may be far higher than we imagined!” Creation added again.

It seems that it is not difficult to make a sphere, but it is not so simple to make a perfect sphere. It involves basic physics, basic mathematics and materials. If it is possible to make a sphere A breakthrough, then a breakthrough in the basic science of civilization can also be achieved.

The larger the sphere, the rougher the surface. The large number of bumps make the sphere not a perfect sphere, but a perfect sphere with a diameter of ten meters, which human civilization is still unable to produce.

In the photo, this black sphere can be said to be very beautiful. It looks like a delicate handicraft without any flaws. The visual effect brought by the perfect sphere is also the best. It just floats quietly in space. Among them, it approached the planet Gliese at an extremely fast speed of more than 500 kilometers per second.

“It is estimated that in three minutes, the other party will reach the Otto Nebula outside the Gliese galaxy, ready to intercept!” Creation quickly gave the data, the second fleet in the space of the Gliese 2 planet quickly moved towards the corresponding position, the space rail gun It has also been fully charged, and it is aimed at the direction of the black sphere.

This is a huge fleet. The flagship is a star-class warship, with an unprecedented tonnage of 10 million tons. It is loaded with energy rail guns and countless secondary guns. The flagship main gun can be directly charged with a single charge. The asteroid with a diameter of 100 kilometers was shattered, and it was a veritable star destroyer.

There are also more than 10,000 planetary-level warships and 100,000 second-level warships, all of which are equipped with energy weapons. A salvo from the fleet can completely cover the surface of a planet of the size of the earth and carry out a devastating blow. That is to say, a salvo of such a fleet can destroy the previous human civilization.

Even the Kabu civilization could not resist such a powerful interstellar fleet. As for the space railgun behind the interstellar fleet, it was even more terrifying, both in terms of rate of fire and power, much stronger than the main gun on the flagship.

It seems to be aware of abnormal changes in human civilization. The black sphere actually began to accelerate in mid-air, and the speed quickly climbed from 500 kilometers per second to 2,000 kilometers per second, exceeding the current limit speed of the human fleet. After just a few minutes, the other party has passed through the Otto Nebula to the Gliese Galaxy.

Ye Su stood in the war room of the manor, watching all this quietly, and still did not tell any of the top officials of the Global Federation of the situation here. He knew that at this time, those high-level officials of the Global Federation could not be of any help. If he told more It will only cause riots, but will not have any effect.

“Creation, I think this time, we can’t just sit still, we have to take the initiative to attack, otherwise if we attack us with the opponent’s technological strength, I’m afraid we won’t even be able to counterattack!” Ye Su smiled helplessly, this is not him In devaluing oneself, it is the current technological strength of human beings that can only do this.

Chuang Chuang and Nu Wa also responded quickly. They agreed with Ye Su’s approach. It was completely unknown how the black sphere would attack. According to the previous golden attack methods of Gene Lock and Logic Lock, it had exceeded Given their imagination, once the opponent is allowed to attack first, they will passively defend, and there is a high probability that they will not even have the chance to resist. In this case, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

“I agree!”

“I agree too!”

“Okay, in that case, all the interstellar battleships are ready to launch, the Suzaku main gun is charged, the target, the black sphere, ready to launch at any time!”.

Chapter 390 Nuclear Weapons with Tens of Gigabytes

Ye Su gave the order.

The huge muzzle is aimed at the black sphere. With the continuous charging of the main gun, the blue energy light emerges at the muzzle. This is the performance of the extreme compression of the entropy element. In their current research, the entropy element is A special element rich in great energy, which is launched after extreme compression by some means, can cause a lot of instantaneous damage to the place, which is also the basic principle of energy weapons.

The diameter of the main gun is not large, but the mass of entropy elements compressed by it has exceeded several tons.

“Right now, launch!”

When the black sphere broke through the last layer of defense of the Gliese galaxy and officially entered the Gliese galaxy, Ye Su issued an attack order without any delay. At the moment when his voice fell, countless blue energy cannons shot out. , The energy ran to the black sphere at a speed of at least 10,000 kilometers per second. It only took a few seconds to reach the absolute range of ten kilometers of the black sphere. The energy cannonball exploded, and the huge energy directly Overturned meteorites and various spacecraft around the black sphere.

“Whether it works, no feedback has been sent back for the time being, the situation of the other party is unclear for the time being—”!” Ye Su stared at the screen nervously. Surrounded by a large amount of energy, the detector was also disturbed, and the picture was a little blurry. Distorted, completely unable to see what the other party is doing.

After the surrounding energy fluctuations dissipated, the scene inside finally slowly appeared in front of Ye Su and the others, but seeing the next scene, Ye Su seemed to have entered the ice cave, sweating and sweating all over his body. upside down.

The black sphere is still quietly suspended in the universe, moving forward rapidly, without any change in speed, but it is still accelerating. Now the speed of the black sphere has exceeded 5,000 kilometers per second. The previous salvo of the entire fleet of the Suzaku was enough to cover the surface of the earth and wipe out the entire human civilization. It had no effect on the black sphere, not even a single depression on the surface.

You must know that the huge destructive power of the entropy element lies not only in the ability to damage, but also in the ability to penetrate. The energy is enough to pass through various special alloys, but now the opponent is still not affected in any way, which makes Ye Su feel inexplicable despair.

“There are no traces, the other party’s reflectivity, etc. are still the original data, Ye Su, I have to admit that our energy weapons do not seem to pose any threat to the other party, and the materials used by the other party may be beyond our imagination. I can’t think of any way to destroy each other!”

Creation was also caught in an inexplicable shock. He had wandered in the universe for many years, had seen many civilizations, and knew a lot of materials, but now he has a deep sense of despair for the existence of the other party.

“‘”It’s just a black sphere, maybe for the Guardian Alliance, it’s just a small unmanned probe, just like our weakest drone, but now we are connected to each other’s unmanned probe Can’t defeat them, what is the strength of this Guardian Alliance? Does human civilization really only have to surrender?”

Ye Su’s face was full of bitterness, but with a helpless smile, he was forced to accept the cruel fact that the opponent’s strength was indeed much beyond him, and even human civilization couldn’t solve the problem with the opponent’s detectors.

“I can’t give up. Since energy weapons don’t work, (get Li Hao) try nuclear weapons, as well as virus bombs, tractor beams, magnetic energy bombs, and railguns. I don’t believe that none of these have any effect on you!”

Ye Su gritted his teeth and simply escaped all the weapons of human civilization. As long as they were lethal, they moved out and fired them at the black sphere.

“Nuclear weapons with tens of billions of yields can cause devastating disasters to the entire earth’s ecosystem, launch!”

Dozens of black dots were instantly launched from a planetary nuclear missile warship.

Chapter 391 Despair Again

These are all newly developed nuclear weapons, their power has been greatly improved, and the explosive yield of nuclear weapons has been increased to a historic height, but the size is not large, and the weapons have truly been upgraded.

This time, it only took a few seconds to approach the black sphere, dozens of nuclear weapons of ten billion equivalents, without any explosion, the entire universe is still silent, as if nothing happened, without the slightest waves , nor any other anomalies.

These dozens of nuclear weapons were quietly suspended around the black sphere, and the creation side completely lost control of the nuclear weapons.

In this one, Ye Su felt completely desperate. The opponent was too invincible. Both the protection and the attack method were beyond Ye Su’s understanding. The nuclear weapons with tens of billions of equivalents are now even explosions. Less than 153, what kind of monster is the other party?

Weird power and super-strong materials alone can withstand the hundreds of millions of high temperatures of energy weapons. This is not only beyond Ye Su’s cognition, but also means that the other party’s technological strength is the current human civilization no matter what. insurmountable.

“I tried all the attack methods once, and the other party… was unscathed. Can we really resist the opponent’s attack?” The more Ye Su thought about it, the more impossible he felt. Now he has no hope of the technology of human civilization Hope too.

The creation side has not completely given up, Ye Su’s instructions have been issued continuously, human civilization has used all the weapons that can be used, and all kinds of data are quickly appearing and aggregated into the photonic computer. The creation is also overloaded at this time. To find out the slightest possible weakness of the other party from these massive amounts of data, suddenly, the calculation of the creation stopped, and then went back and re-analyzed a previous data.

“The speed is reduced by 1/10,000? The space railgun seems to be effective against the opponent, and the experiment continues!” Creation thought it was his own calculation error, and tried again.

The Gliese No. 2 satellite has been built into a pure war planet by human civilization. It is covered with dense space forts, as well as several large-scale warship manufacturing bases, and even a few are deployed in space orbits. A railgun, and even a few small war fortresses, this is the last fortress of human civilization.

Dozens of thick blue light beams swept across the space and slammed into the position of the black sphere, causing a huge explosion, and hundreds of millions of high temperatures even directly vaporized the surrounding one.

New data is quickly aggregated into the created computer, various calculations are turned on, and massive amounts of data are analyzed.

“Yes, the opponent’s speed has indeed decreased. Every time we fire the main gun, the opponent’s speed will decrease, which means that the opponent’s kinetic energy system may not be so good, and the opponent’s size is not large. With the stance generator and other detectors loaded, there isn’t much room for the engine!”

Creation also quickly fed back this analysis data to Ye Su.

“What you mean is that although the opponent’s shell is extremely hard and there is an inexplicable position generator, the kinetic energy device of the opponent may not be very good, and the sailing speed will be like this… If this is the case, can we find a way to make the opponent Completely stop, so that we can stop the other party from attacking us even if we can’t destroy the other party!”

After seeing the research data, Ye Su was also immediately excited. Of course he knew what creation meant. After seeing the data, the first thought in his mind was also the same, that is, to find a way to make the other party stop. .

“Use countless energy cannonballs to consume the opponent’s kinetic energy. As long as the opponent can be completely stopped, the opponent’s energy may be completely consumed. At that time, he who has lost all energy, what can he use to fight against human civilization?”

The other party, after all, is just an unmanned probe of the Guardian Alliance.

“You can give it a try.” Ye Su made a quick decision, and soon re-launched hundreds of thousands of warships on the Gliese-2 satellite, as well as two star-class warships, and all the orbital guns were fully charged Launched, in an instant, the entire starry sky was illuminated into a dark blue, and hundreds of thousands of energy cannonballs were tilted out in an instant.

“Whether it can be successful or not depends on this time!” Ye Su was also ruthless, launching an attack on the black sphere regardless of the cost. Such a large-scale bombardment of energy weapons, the impact range has exceeded millions of kilometers, and the detector can only Observing from a distance, even from the surface of the planet Gliese, the violent explosion in space can be observed with the naked eye.

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