Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 74

Chapter 74:

Using low temperature, the fog is frozen.

When a group of people heard the news, they all fell silent.

Although the weaknesses of these mists have been discovered,

But low temperature, how to do it!

You must know how big the world is and how many resources humans have to solve these troubles.

“It seems that the magic city has also been abandoned!”

In the living room, a group of women were silent. In the end, it was the girl named Aqi who couldn’t help but whispered something.

She looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old.

But because he hunted and killed a lot of zombies, he seemed more mature and indifferent.

People are naturally beautiful.

But now, there is still a bit of despair in his eyes.

The other female instructors also had a bit of despair.

I saw Liu Ziyue and said, “There’s no way, now everyone is in danger all over the world, the fog is spreading in a wide range of places, and some countries have been completely covered, no one can save us!”

“Now, we can only save ourselves!”

A girl said so.


Immediately, everyone nodded in agreement.

But at this time, suddenly, bang bang bang.

Hearing the knock on the door, it suddenly sounded.

It surprised a few people.

Immediately, Liu Ziyue stood up, frowning at the location of the entrance door.

And outside, bang bang bang!

Still knocking on the door.

Liu Ziyue frowned and walked over, asking, “Who is it!”

Soon, several men’s voices were heard outside: “Open the door, we are the residents of this building, and now the fog is getting worse and worse, we are already short of some supplies, I don’t know if you can lend us some!”

Borrow materials?

Liu Ziyue, who heard this, did not speak.

They are still some borrowers now, how could there be any more supplies to lend to them!


But who would have guessed, just after he finished speaking, he heard another man’s voice from outside: “Hey, big brother, what are you going to talk to them about? I heard there was a woman inside. What are you afraid of? That’s it!”

“that is!”

Another man also let out a wretched laugh, and said with a smile: “I haven’t tasted a woman for a long time!”

You know, since the end of the day, everyone has been exhausted.

But now, they were surrounded by fog and had no hope of surviving.

And now, it’s time to find a way because of the lack of food.

Where is the moral bottom line.

Especially, Liu Ziyue’s voice is so nice.

As soon as I heard it, I knew it was not bad.

So they made up their minds.

This made Aqi, Xiaolan and other women frown when they heard it.

This group of people, I’m afraid they have bad intentions!

But the more so, the more they can’t open the door.

“This door can’t be opened. I think there are fewer supplies outside than we are here. Once they come in and see the supplies in this storage room, I’m afraid it will cause big trouble!”

Seeing that Aqi stopped Liu Ziyue, glanced at the supplies in Ye Su and Lin Qiao’s storage room, and reminded.

(ps: The third chapter is delivered, ask for Huahua’s evaluation ticket, ask for subscription! I hope everyone can give more support for the data, the author will try to update it!!) Loss.

Chapter 69 The chaos begins! (Chapter 4 for subscription!)

Liu Ziyue also knew that once the door was opened, all these supplies would be gone.

Because there are at least a thousand people living in this building.

If everyone is short of supplies.

At that time, the scene can be imagined.

She couldn’t help shivering.

Bang bang bang!

“If you don’t open the door, we’ll hit the door!”

However, seeing the outside at this time, the man’s domineering voice has already sounded again.

Liu Ziyue looked through the cat’s eyes.

Then I discovered that there were more than a dozen people.

She frowned.

If you don’t open the door, you’ll be knocked open here too.

The end is like that.

In order to survive, these people will do anything.


Liu Ziyue still decided to take out some compressed biscuits from her bag and open the door.

“Nine Five Zero”

As soon as you open the door.

I saw that those people seemed to be mad and wanted to come in.

But Liu Ziyue held the gun and held the head of the leader.

The voice was cold: “You can take this package of compressed biscuits, but if you want to come in, I will blow your head!”

A group of people were startled by the gun.

Don’t go any further!

But all eyes were fixed on the package of compressed biscuits.

The moment Liu Ziyue threw the package of supplies out.

Seeing a group of people like hungry wolves seeing meat, they jumped up frantically and began to fight for it.

“This is mine, don’t grab it!”

“its mine!”

“Quick, **** you!”

Many people have grabbed compressed cookies.

And Liu Ziyue also closed the door at this time.

Sure enough, at this moment, the group of people did not hit the door again.

Instead, they went to scramble for that package of supplies.

There are a lot of cookies in a backpack.

Especially compressed, more anti-starvation.

They had been hungry for a day, and finally solved their urgent needs.

But look back.

Liu Ziyue found out that Ye Su was sitting on the sofa looking at them at some point.

This shocked Liu Ziyue, but she quickly explained: “If I don’t open the door, they will break in directly. This building is no longer safe!”

But Ye Su said: “If you give them food, can you guarantee that they won’t come next time!”


Liu Ziyue was refuted by this, and opened her cute little mouth. For a while, she didn’t know how to answer.

She was silent.


Now they are given supplies, but once there is no food.

They will definitely come again.

“But, it can always be delayed for a while, can’t it!”

Seeing Liu Ziyue raise her eyes, she said to Ye Su.

have to!

Hearing this, Ye Su was too lazy to care anymore.

In fact, he also has the ability to save thousands of people in the entire building.

But, why do you want to save yourself?

Just now, that group of people, once they are hungry, can even kill the people around them!

Save them, what can you do?

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