After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 55

In the warm and bright dining room, a fragrant heat is rising.

In the center of the dining table, an old-fashioned charcoal-fired hot pot is tumbling, and the meatballs and other dishes inside are undulating, and they look delicious.

“Wow! Hot Pot Hot Pot!”

The little goldfish was eager to see through his eyes, and his saliva was almost dripping down his chin.

Shi Yunnan sneaked a fish meatball and handed it to his special children’s small bowl, “Little greedy cat, let it cool before eating, be careful to scald it.”

“Thank you little uncle, I love you!”

Luo Lingsheng glanced at the ‘slick tongue’ little nephew, “Who taught you? Keep these words on your lips all day.”

The little goldfish took a bite of the meatball and said vaguely, “Uncle taught it, haven’t you learned it yet?”

The last time Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng were at odds with him taught him: if you like it, you must express each other.


Luo Lingsheng was called back by his little nephew with a single sentence, and suddenly he was at a loss for words.

Shi Yunnan sneaked a smile from the corner of his mouth. For some reason, he liked to see Luo Lingsheng being ‘tutored’ by the little goldfish’s childish words.

He saw it without saying it, and turned to Qin Jian, “Where’s the birthday cake?”

Qin Jian replied, “it’s in the kitchen refrigerator, I’ll go get it now.”

As soon as Yu Yin landed, the housekeeper Qin Bo ordered the servants to bring the prepared dishes as well.

“Mr. Shi said that he wants to eat hot pot. I was afraid that the owner and the young master would not be used to it, so he specially prepared some home-cooked dishes.”

“Anyway, I’m eating at my own house. I don’t think everyone needs to be too restrained.”

Qin Bo smiled kindly and contentedly. He liked this kind of family atmosphere very much, and couldn’t help but sighed, “It’s been a long time since the owner of the house had his birthday.”

Luo Lingsheng pursed his lips slightly, and there was a trace of regret in the bottom of his eyes.

He doesn’t like to take care of things such as birthdays. In previous years, his parents and sisters were thinking about his one-year-old birthday.

Since his family members passed away unexpectedly, Luo Lingsheng has not loved the so-called birthday anymore.

Of course, it is also to avoid other people’s flattery through the birthday banquet, which will only increase the upset.

Shi Yunnan met the emotion in Luo Lingsheng’s eyes, and patted his lover’s thigh with his hand hidden under the table.

He seemed to say it to Uncle Qin, but he actually said it to Luo Lingsheng himself, “There are more birthdays in the future, and we can accompany him every year in the future.”

Although Luo Lingsheng’s identity and status, such a birthday banquet at home is a bit rudimentary, but at the same time it brings a sense of warmth that no luxury banquet can match.

Luo Lingsheng pressed Shi Yunnan’s palm with his backhand and intertwined his fingers.

The little goldfish bent down like a clever ghost to look under the table, and when he found this ‘secret’, he immediately smiled and squinted his eyes again, “Oh~~ I’ve caught it again!”

“Oh what?”

Shi Yunnan squeezed Luo Lingsheng’s palm, signaling him to release.

The little goldfish shook his head, with an exaggerated look on his face, “Don’t worry, I won’t say it outside.”

There was a chat at the table, and Qin Jian finally came out of the kitchen with a small cake.

The little goldfish’s attention was instantly pulled by the cake, and he quickly vacated the table in front of him, “Uncle Qin, this way! The cake is here for me!”

When Qin Jian heard this, she immediately looked at Luo Lingsheng.

With the tacit approval of the other party, he placed the candle-lit cake in front of the little goldfish, “Little master, be careful not to burn your hands.”

The little goldfish nodded like pounding garlic, and took the initiative to sing a happy birthday song, but the tone of the song was like the eighteen bends of a mountain road, and I don’t know who I learned it from.

In the end, he also helped with a knife and fork, happily making cakes for everyone present.

This battle is too busy to stop.

Qin Bosheng was afraid that his good intentions would be a disservice, so he kept watching carefully on the side.

Qin Jian and Yuan Meng poured pre-sobered wine for the people present, and then sat down next to each other, “Look at how excited the young master is, if you didn’t know, you would have thought it was his birthday.”

Shi Yunnan leaned on the chair and stared at the little goldfish, finding that raising children was more and more interesting.

Luo Lingsheng replied, “Let him make trouble.”

He never liked sweets, so he agreed to buy a birthday cake today just to make his little nephew happy.

When the little goldfish finished all the cakes, Shi Yunnan said to Uncle Qin, who was heartbroken, “Uncle Qin, sit down too.”

“Eh, good.”

He looked around, set his eyes on Luo Lingsheng again, and raised his glass actively, “Luo Lingsheng, happy birthday.”

Seeing this, Qin Bo and others also raised their cups, “Patriarch, happy birthday.”

The little goldfish was unwilling to admit defeat, with cream on the corner of his mouth and juice in his hand, “Happy birthday, uncle, can you celebrate your birthday every day from now on?”

Luo Lingsheng’s heart-felt emotion was scraped away by his little nephew’s words, but he couldn’t bear to blame him, so he just raised his glass and touched everyone.

Shi Yunnan drank the wine and put the cream on the tip of the little goldfish’s nose on purpose, “Don’t think we don’t know, you want to eat cake every day, be careful of worms growing in your teeth, and go to the doctor to extract your teeth.”

The little goldfish wrinkled his nose, and hurriedly pulled another piece of cake to suppress his shock.

He brushes his teeth every day so he doesn’t have to see a doctor!

After getting along for a long time, they become a family, and the atmosphere at this table will naturally not be depressed.

The little goldfish has a small belly and eats quickly.

After eating most of the cake, he was taken back to the small room by Uncle Qin obediently burping.

Qin Jian and Yuan Meng, with Luo Lingsheng’s tacit approval, should eat and drink, without the constraints of their usual work.

I want them to say in their hearts, since Mr. Shi came to this house, the number of times the owner of the family got angry with his face has been decreasing day by day, which is a good thing.

Three rounds of wine.

Shi Yunnan asked casually, “The Spring Festival is less than a month away, so the Luo family should all have a collective holiday, right? Are Qin Jian and Yuan Meng going back to their hometown for the New Year?”

Yuan Meng shook his head, his face turned red with alcohol, “Mr. Shi, I’m not going back.”


“My parents died when I was very young. It was my brother who pulled me up. The situation at home is a little difficult to say…”

When Yuan Meng said this, there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

Qin Jian probably knew something and helped explain, “What’s so hard to say? His sister-in-law is a snob, and Mengmeng’s sister-in-law did everything she could to scour the money before and after her retirement from the army in the early years.”

Later, he became Luo Lingsheng’s personal bodyguard, and the salary naturally doubled.

When he returned to his hometown two years ago, his sister-in-law pretended to cry for money again—

For a while, he said that his nephew needed money to go to school, and for a while he said that things at home needed to be renovated. Anyway, he wanted Yuan Meng to pay for it in a different way.

Brother Yuan Meng said a few words to his younger brother, but his wife pointed at the nose and scolded him.

The two brothers are first-class honest people, how can they get rid of such an ignorant woman who cried, made trouble, and hanged herself?

Yuan Meng returned to his hometown for the first year after becoming a ‘bodyguard’ and ‘gived’ almost all the salary he had saved for the whole year. Later, brother Yuan Meng was afraid that his younger brother would be bullied again, so he secretly refused to let Yuan Meng go back.

Can’t be provoked, can’t hide.

Yuan Meng nodded in response, “I’ll send my brother some money back in two days.”

After all, his elder brother did nurture him.

“Yes, that’s it.”

Qin Jian patted the shoulder beside him, probably a little more teased by the drunkenness, “Otherwise, if we go back a few more times, our cute wife would have lost everything.”


Yuan Meng’s face was dyed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and with a flick of his shoulder, he shook off Qin Jian’s joking hand.

Shi Yunnan thought the way they got along was interesting, and continued to ask, “How about you, Qin Jian?”

“My home is in Lin Province, so it’s very convenient to drive back and forth. My parents are both university professors, and they are usually very busy.”

Qin Jian also has a sister who is studying at the local university in Lin Province. If there is an emergency at home, she can help first.

Shi Yunan nodded.

Although the two grew up in different educational environments, it is also a good thing to get along unexpectedly and harmoniously at work.

Luo Lingsheng knew that he was overly ‘squeezing’ the time of the two subordinates, so he spoke lightly.

“I’ll give you 20 days of paid leave from next week. You can do whatever you want. You don’t have to stay by my side all the time.”

After the spring, Luo Lingsheng will leave for the United States for surgery, so he must be busy by then.

“Patriarch, I don’t need vacation.” Yuan Meng refused.

Shi Yunnan drank the remaining half glass of wine and raised his eyebrows, “If you are a human being, you need to rest. If you feel that you have nowhere to stay, just follow Qin Jian to play in Linxing, a colleague, he should not leave you. “

Probably because the environment and family education were different since childhood, Qin Jian and Yuan Meng have completely different personalities.

Taking Qin Jian as an example, he never neglects his working hours, but when it comes to private time, he can also face Luo Lingsheng and Shi Yunnan, the two ‘boss bosses’, like a duck to water.

Not to mention, Yuan Meng, who is also a ‘colleague’.

“Mr. Shi, I’ve said it a long time ago, but he doesn’t want to.” Qin Jian looked at the people around her and kept joking, “I seem to be afraid that my parents will…”

Yuan Meng choked, somewhat reluctantly and deliberately.

Qin Jian smiled and got up to avoid the topic, “Patriarch, Mr. Shi, I’ll go to the bathroom first.”

After Qin Jian left, Shi Yunnan couldn’t hold back his curiosity, “Yuan Meng, are you afraid of Qin Jian?”

“No, Mr. Shi.” Yuan Meng was afraid that Shi Yunnan and others would misunderstand, so he just retorted.

He paused for a while, then answered depressedly and honestly, “I’m just stupid and can’t turn my head around. I usually joke in private, but I can’t break him.”

If possible, Yuan Meng also wants to pull a game back.

After all, he has been in the army for so long in the early years, and he still has some desire to win or lose in the military.

Shi Yunnan raised his eyebrows, “Isn’t that easy?”

He glanced at Luo Lingsheng, and quickly approached Yuan Meng to teach some ‘bad ideas’.

Yuan Meng’s eyes showed surprise, “No, not good?”

Shi Yunnan shrugged and kept a proper distance, “What’s wrong, it’s nothing more than a few words spoken. Think about what I said to your master before, which one is not too much?”

When Yuan Meng thought of this, he actually agreed in his heart.

He still remembered that Shi Yunnan called her husband to Luo Lingsheng as soon as he came up, and that sound shook everyone to the ground.

Luo Lingsheng watched this scene silently, and asked indifferently, “I just brought the little goldfish ‘crooked’, and now I’m ‘bad’ my bodyguard again?

“Nothing, I’m a decent guy.”

Shi Yunnan returned to Luo Lingsheng’s side and bent over, “Are you full? Shall we go upstairs? It’s almost time, I’m a little sleepy.”


Shi Yunnan heard his lover’s reply, and there was a trace of anticipation in his eyes.

What can this meal be?

The next thing he has to do after closing the door is the highlight.

The night gradually deepened.

After Luo Lingsheng approved the company’s new project report, he took off his glasses and rubbed his swollen temples.

The sound of the water splashing in the bathroom kept, Luo Lingsheng glanced at the time, only to realize that Shi Yunnan had been in it for almost forty minutes.

Luo Lingsheng was afraid that his lover would be bored in the bathroom, so he hurriedly controlled the wheelchair and pushed him closer, “Yunnan?”

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and it took a few seconds for a suppressed vibrato, “I’m going out right away.”

I couldn’t hear it through the bathroom door.

When Luo Lingsheng heard Shi Yunan’s answer, he approached the bed with a little peace of mind, and laboriously moved himself back to the bed.

After about another three minutes, the bathroom door finally opened.

Shi Yunnan rarely wore a loose bathrobe with thin silk, and his slightly longer hair was still soaked with a little moisture.

The sharp-eyed Luo Lingsheng squinted and quickly opened the quilt beside him, “Come here, where’s the bath towel, why don’t you dry your hair?”

Shi Yunnan, uncharacteristically, did not answer.

He approached quickly, bent down and kissed Luo Lingsheng’s lips, “Why haven’t you asked me if I’m going to give you a birthday present today?”

Shi Yunnan was not in a hurry to go to bed, but leaned in front of the bed.

Luo Lingsheng’s eyes looked down, and he could vaguely glimpse his delicate skin hidden under the bathrobe, his eyes darkened, “Have you prepared a gift for me?”

In fact, for him, it is enough to have Shi Yunnan as his sincere company on his birthday this year.


Shi Yunnan flatly denied it, and the reason given was very simple, “What can the Luo family be missing? I’ve thought about it, it’s better to save the money than to buy useless and redundant gifts.”

Luo Lingsheng felt a tinge of loss in his heart, but the surface did not show the slightest, “It’s okay, you come up first.”

Although the heating was turned on in the room, there was still a temperature difference inside and outside the bathroom, and he was afraid that his lover would catch a cold.

Shi Yunnan didn’t catch any emotional changes in Luo Lingsheng, and pretended to be sad, “It seems that you don’t have deep feelings for me, and you don’t even care if I give you something.”

As he said that, he casually pulled the flat quilt to the side.

Shi Yunnan put his arms on Luo Lingsheng’s shoulders and simply sat across his lover’s body.

Luo Lingsheng noticed the state of the person in his arms approaching, and suddenly froze, his eyes fell down—

The overly long bathrobe was half-covered, failing to reveal the seductive scenery underneath.

“You just put on a bathrobe?”

“Anyway, I have to take it off when I wait, so I won’t wear it.”

Shi Yunnan approached Luo Lingsheng’s lips again, and wrapped his warm breath around him, “Husband, the gift is right in front of you, do you want to take it apart?”

With a smile, the plucking was heavily clasped on the heartstrings.


Luo Lingsheng suddenly clasped the back of his head, and without a word, caught the warm lips that were close at hand.

The teeth were easily pried open, and deep, possessive kisses continued to rob every breath.

In a moment, the numbness rolled up and spread all over the limbs and bones like electricity.

Shi Yunnan let out a hum, showing no shyness in his actions. He wrapped his lover’s arm around him and took the initiative to deepen this intimacy.

Luo Lingsheng was pleased by Shi Yunan’s initiative, and a low smile overflowed from his throat.

His fingertips didn’t go in and out of his lover’s hair, scratching with the thin calluses of his fingertips, and stroking down inch by inch.

“…Luo Lingsheng.”

The lips of the two were slightly separated, but the breath was mixed together and it was difficult to part.

Luo Lingsheng was not covered by the lens, and his eyes were full of emotions almost overflowing, “Huh?”

There is impatience in the monophony.

Luo Lingsheng kissed Shi Yunan’s forehead, trying to ease the real impulse in his heart, “Go get a bath towel, and I’ll help you clean your hair.”

Shi Yunnan liked to see Luo Lingsheng’s undisguised expression, he smiled and pressed his lover’s shoulder, “No need, just do it while it’s hot.”

There is something in the words.

In front of his lover, Shi Yunnan took the initiative without any scruples or shame.

Luo Lingsheng sensed his deep meaning, and his fingertips dropped to the bottom.

In an instant, Shi Yunnan threw out a broken syllable tremblingly.


Luo Lingsheng felt the softness of his fingers, and he wanted to eat the person in his arms for a while, “What did you just do in the bathroom?”

Ask knowingly.

Shi Yunnan’s eyes were stained with lurid red, but he stubbornly refused to admit defeat, “I’ll save us some time, but it’s not completely…”

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Lingsheng expressed his position with his fingers unbearably.

Shi Yunnan let out a sudden panting, which fell into the ears of the person in front of him, and instantly became another indescribable temptation.

Luo Lingsheng moved his fingers again and again, and the strength seemed to be weighing the final pros and cons in his heart.

He stared at the reaction of the person in his arms, “Shi Yunnan.”


Shi Yunnan narrowed his eyes and seemed to enjoy this kind of gentle and effortless comfort.

He has to build up his strength, and there will be a tough battle to fight later.

Luo Lingsheng was tempted by his demeanor, and the deep-seated love for many years broke out at this moment. He pressed his lover’s ear and swore down six words—

“You have no regrets.”


Shi Yunnan slept very restlessly, and he habitually found the heat source beside him while he was half asleep.

Luo Lingsheng didn’t feel sleepy at all, he embraced his lover tenderly, and his lips seemed to rub against each other’s forehead.

Shi Yunnan let out a grunt and asked with drooping eyelids, “What time is it?”

“Three o’clock, you only slept for less than an hour.”

Luo Lingsheng saw how sleepy he was, “Can I lower the lights for you?”

Shi Yunnan shook his head in a daze, hoarse his voice weakly, “No need, that place is swollen and uncomfortable, I definitely won’t be able to sleep deeply tonight.”

Hearing this, Luo Lingsheng patted the back of his neck soothingly, “Lie down, I’ll give you a good massage.”

Shi Yunnan became more lucid and asked unceremoniously, “Waist, press more.”


Shi Yunnan recalled the tossing between the two not long ago, and raised his eyelids a little bit, “I knew that your hands were so strong, and I didn’t have to work hard in the early stage.”

Because Luo Lingsheng’s legs were inconvenient, Shi Yunnan didn’t mention how active he was in the early stage.

As a result, it turns out that ‘navel orange’ is indeed a work of strength.

Shi Yunnan was so tired that it was hard to move, and he almost thought of retreating.

The results of it?

Luo Lingsheng couldn’t bear such a small amount of rubbing, and it was a tossing and hugging to get started.

After going back and forth, Shi Yunnan felt that his waist was about to crumble.

Luo Lingsheng let his lover murmur and complain, and the massage on his fingers was gentle and patient.

Since the two of them couldn’t sleep, the topic was naturally talked about one after another.

Luo Lingsheng didn’t expect Shi Yunnan to give such a ‘big gift’ on his birthday, so he had no time to ask, “When did you buy those things?”

“I bought it online, and it has always been hidden in the cupboard in my own room.”

Shi Yunnan lost sleepiness more and more, and curled his lips proudly, “Since it’s a birthday present, of course I can’t let you know earlier.”

Luo Lingsheng didn’t speak, but lowered his head to capture Shi Yunnan’s lips again.

Without any impulsive desire, some are just the purest emotional expression between lovers.

The kiss is over.

Luo Lingsheng casually asked trivial matters, “How does it feel to go to Ms. Fang’s anniversary banquet today? I heard that she and her husband have always been very affectionate.”

When Shi Yunnan heard the words, he remembered an important matter, “I met Luo Yanchuan at the banquet.”

Luo Lingsheng frowned slightly when he heard the long-lost name, “Why is he there?”

“I heard that Luo Yanchuan came across Miss Mo and was followed by gangsters before, so he helped out.”

Shi Yunnan remembered Mo Xuanqi’s too obvious affection for Luo Yanchuan, and sighed helplessly, “Luo Yanchuan’s appearance is very good at being a naive young lady.”

Luo Lingsheng didn’t show much expression. “He took over the company under his parents some time ago. I sent someone to watch it secretly, and there was no major movement for the time being.”

“I hope so.”

Shi Yunnan remembered Luo Lingsheng’s final ending, but he continued to say, “This person still has to be guarded. I’m afraid he will covet your position as the head of the family.”

The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable.

No matter how the trajectory of the world changes, it is always right that he has to be wary of the protagonist of the original book.

“Don’t worry, I have been sending people to watch.”

Luo Lingsheng replied, hiding the flash of control in his eyes.

As long as the second room doesn’t do anything extravagant, Luo Lingsheng is willing to see the face of the thin relatives and let them live freely.

But if the other party learns from the first room of the year and tries to hurt innocent people for the sake of being the head of the family, he will never be merciful.

“By the way, has the surgery time been set?”

Shi Yunnan changed the topic, not wanting to waste time on irrelevant people.

Luo Lingsheng replied, “I’ll go after this Spring Festival, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, I just want this matter to be settled as soon as possible. It’s the best thing to do.” Shi Yunnan circled him tightly and came to this conclusion repeatedly.


Luo Lingsheng was silent for a few seconds, and his heartstrings suddenly tensed because of this sentence, “I don’t like what I am now? You know, the success rate of the operation is not very high.”

“I know.”

Shi Yunnan knew that Luo Lingsheng had misunderstood what he meant, and did not explain in a panic, “I used to be ignorant, but now I practice true knowledge…”

“What?” Luo Lingsheng was stunned.

Shi Yunnan endured the gradually numb backache, and muttered in embarrassment, “If your legs don’t heal, I’ll be really tired in the future.”

The author has something to say: #Little Fox: It is really hard to live until you are old, learn to be old, and experience it.

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