After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 82

– Zizi.

The phone suddenly vibrated, interrupting Shi Yunnan’s thoughts.

Shi Yunnan picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was a WeChat message from Wen Yibei and an affiliated webpage link.

“Yunnan, have you seen the news? Several small property properties of the Luo family have been seized.”

“Does this have anything to do with Luo Lingsheng?”

Shi Yunnan glanced at these two lines of questions, and immediately clicked on the link.

During this time, he was busy ‘replacing’ Yuan Rui in charge of the design and operation of the entire studio, and he had no time to take care of other external matters. Now, at first glance, he knew that the Dijing business district had changed vaguely.

A number of small-cap industries under Luo’s company, led by Shixing Industries, were exposed as false accounts, which not only deceived shareholders, but also used this method to obtain bank loans.

The new energy projects that were originally confirmed to participate in government bidding were also temporarily disqualified due to complaints, and the loss of initial investment was as high as 1.5 billion.

Not only that, even Luo’s foreign trade group, which has always been stable, was exposed to false accounting to avoid tax evasion.

The comment area under this news information is already unsightly, and the continuous influx of investors and netizens who are concerned about such incidents are arguing in it.

Shi Yunnan frowned. Once the above mentioned items are investigated and made public, the person in charge will face jail.

Shi Yunnan didn’t have time to reply to Wen Yibei’s question, he glanced at the time on his mobile phone, and immediately dialed out the WeChat communication.

The few seconds of waiting suddenly became extremely long.

Finally, when Shi Yunnan felt that he was out of breath, a familiar voice finally came from the other end of the phone——


Luo Lingsheng was probably awakened in his sleep, and there was a bit of lazy sexiness in his voice.

Shi Yunnan’s irritable heart was easily eased by a single voice from his lover, he slowed down his voice as much as possible, “Did it wake you up?”

He’s about to get off work here, and it’s not six o’clock in the morning on Luo Lingsheng’s side.

“I didn’t wake up.”

Luo Lingsheng’s tone over the phone was indescribably gentle.

There was a slight rubbing sound on the bed, probably because he turned over from the bed and sat up, “Yunnan, is something wrong?”

Seeing this, Shi Yunnan simply did not hide it, “…I just saw the news that Luo’s property was reported, and I was a little worried.”

The Luo Group has a deep foundation and naturally cannot collapse easily, but the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant nest——

If he remembered correctly, in the original world trajectory, Luo Yanchuan used his own company as the ‘ant nest bait’.

Today’s plot development is very different from his cognition, but it was not a place where there was no overlap, so Shi Yunnan felt nervous for no reason when he saw this kind of news opening.

“The real estate where Luo’s accident happened is the private property of the second house. In other words, although they are all under the Luo family’s banner, the daily funds are kept separate.”

Eggs can’t be put in the same basket, and when something goes wrong in a particular industry, it can’t be brought to other unrelated industries. This is the rule set by Mr. Luo when he was still alive.

The reason why it is still under the name of Luo’s Group is nothing more than the backing of multiple prefixes and multiple business cooperation.

Shi Yunnan breathed a sigh of relief, “What about Luo’s Overseas Trade Group? I heard Qin Jian mention it before. It is managed by Luo Dexing and his wife, but the capital account is linked to the group headquarters.”

“I did it.”

Luo Ling on the other end of the phone made a statement about the reason for Shi Yunnan’s call, and apologized in a low voice, “I heard that you have been involved in the operation of the studio all this time? I didn’t tell you in detail.”

“Your layout?”

Shi Yunnan asked back, the only worry left in his heart was dispelled by Luo Lingsheng’s confident tone.

“Well, if you want to dig up the stinky maggots that have rotted in the group at one time, you always have to cut some flesh and bleed. Whether it is Luo Yanchuan or other people who covet the Luo family, I plan to take this opportunity to deal with them together. clean.”

Luo’s overseas trade seems to be an integral part of Luo’s.

In fact, as early as three months ago, Luo Lingsheng ordered someone to secretly start the transfer and cutting of key assets, and the tax evasion from the second house was also within his expectation and controllable range. The second room of the Luo family has been making money in this management position for so many years, and now even if it is an investigation, they must be the first to bear the brunt.

Luo Yanchuan used the cover of his parents to stir up the muddy waters, so this time Luo Lingsheng completely lifted his barrier, and it was best to catch him all at once.

Shi Yunnan leaned back on the seat and groaned, “I’m worried about you for Bai.”

Luo Lingsheng on the other end of the phone paused, and smiled softly to reassure you, “I told you long ago, do what you want to do, and I will only become your willful capital, not a burden to you.”

The curvature of Shi Yunnan’s mouth rose, and he couldn’t help turning the voice communication back into a video. Luo Lingsheng’s face soon appeared on the phone screen.

“Still in the office?”


Shi Yunnan glanced at the resume on the table and couldn’t help sharing it with Luo Lingsheng in a low voice, “By the way, our studio has hired a very good employee, guess who it is?”

Luo Lingsheng observed his lover’s expression and guessed in a second, “Lu Zhaoan?”


Shi Yunnan pouted, “How did you guess?”

Luo Lingsheng smiled, “It’s not hard to guess Lu Zhaoan’s thoughts on Yuan Rui. After the encounter in Dehua County, I guessed that such a day would definitely come.”

“It’s not hard to guess? It varies from person to person.”

Shi Yunnan raised his brows in disapproval, “I think Lu Zhaoan is like a stuffy gourd, hiding and tucking away and refusing to say anything, Yuan Rui looks perverse, but in fact, he was hit hard by his father since he was a child, and his mind is more sensitive than anyone else. “

Lu Zhaoan avoided him like this before, so he might not know how hurt his friend was.

“Let them deal with their own affairs.” Luo Lingsheng succinctly touched the topic, and then asked unprecedentedly, “Did you miss me?”

The deep, magnetic voice pierced through the earphones, tainted with an indescribable desire.

Shi Yunnan heard the heat for a while, and was afraid that an employee would suddenly break in, so he had to take it lightly, “Think about it.”

“Luo Lingsheng.”


“I miss you very much.” Shi Yunan repeated again, mentioning the serious business happily, “We are approaching the first anniversary of the certificate.”

On the screen, Luo Lingsheng’s eyes filled with obvious love that he had never had before, “Wait a minute.”

“Wait for what?”

“Wait for me to go back.”

One year anniversary, we spent together.

Shi Yunnan understood what he meant and replied with a low smile, “Okay.”

There was a sound of pushing tables and chairs outside, and it was time to get off work.

Shi Yunnan remembered that Luo Lingsheng was woken up by himself in his sleep, and he couldn’t bear it. “Would you sleep a little longer? Was the rehabilitation during the day very hard? I would have called you later if I knew it earlier.”

“Fortunately, it was all you in the dream.”


Shi Yunnan’s breath tightened, and it became more and more hot to hear.

He suddenly felt that Luo Lingsheng across the phone screen seemed to have opened up some kind of second pulse of Rendu, and a few words could make his heart beat faster.

“Stop talking, I’m going to pack up and go home with the little goldfish.”

Shi Yunnan switched back to the voice mode, and packed the design album on the desktop, but couldn’t help muttering, “It won’t work like this.”

“What doesn’t work?”

“On the first anniversary, we are old husbands.”

How can I still feel hot all over after hearing a few words? Of course not.

Luo Lingsheng was silent for a while, and couldn’t help but let out a pleasant smile, “Old man?”

“Well, have an opinion?”

“The old man has to live a lifetime.”

Shi Yunnan condensed for half a second, and answered with a smile, “I’ll spend my whole life, it’s not that I can’t afford it.”

As for the white moonlight that the lover once hid in his heart?

I’m sorry, there should be no chance to ‘resurrection’ in this life.

At the same time, Kangxing Villa District.

Luo Yanchuan, who had no way to ask for help, let out a roar and slammed his phone on the carpet. He slumped on the sofa and drank the remaining whiskey.

The spicy wine entered his throat, but it couldn’t suppress the anger in his heart at all.

Since the engagement banquet with Mo Xuanqi was in jeopardy, it took several setbacks for him to stabilize other fluctuating contacts and successfully obtain a bank loan.

For this inevitable new energy policy bidding, he resisted great pressure to use a large amount of loan funds in the early stage. After two rounds of review and bidding, he almost saw the dawn of victory.

Suddenly, everything changed.

Lost the qualification to bid, the loan money was wasted, the company was put on file for investigation… Those **** company bosses who flattered him in private have turned their heads and refused to recognize them!

He checked, and the first real-name reports to the relevant departments were Mo Bai’an and Fang Ya. The couple, always remembering the harm he caused their daughter, actually took revenge on him at such a critical point!

“No, no…”

Luo Yanchuan rubbed his swollen and painful temples, “Even if Fang Ya and Mo Bai’an are capable, they won’t be able to get the internal information… It must be Luo Lingsheng, he is secretly calculating…”

Just when Luo Yanchuan’s thoughts were confused, a chaotic footstep sounded, and Mrs. Luo rushed in in a panic—

“Yanchuan! Quick! You leave now!”

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

“Your dad, your dad’s secretary called.”

Mrs. Luo said that she was almost out of breath, and her eyes gradually filled with tears, “People from the relevant departments have seized Shixing, and also went to the group to take away your father and other related managers…”

“Yanchuan, once this matter is filed, you will be imprisoned. Our family can’t escape it! But your dad and I will definitely find a way to protect you!”

Mrs. Luo picked up the small bag that had been prepared, and urged, “Car keys, cash, passport and change of clothes, you can leave now! Wait for your dad to take care of the matter, after the limelight for a while… Mom think about it again. way to contact you.”

Luo Yanchuan’s clenched fists rattled, “It’s all Luo Lingsheng! It must be him!”

“Yanchuan! It doesn’t matter who it is now.”

How could Mrs. Luo not know that there was Luo Lingsheng’s handwriting in it?

She took Luo Yanchuan downstairs and sent him into the garage, “Your dad and I were thinking of living in peace, but we knew you were not willing, so we risked our life to fight with you…”

“Unfortunately, it still falls short.”

Luo Yanchuan knew that there was no better choice at the moment, so he could only listen to his mother’s wishes, “Mom, take care of yourselves, keep the green hills, and don’t be afraid of running out of firewood.”

“I won’t just lose like this!”

The strong sound of the car door cut off Luo Yanchuan’s unwillingness, and half a minute later, the car sped away.

Mrs. Luo, who was standing at the door of the house, looked at the car that disappeared at the door of the villa area, and felt a burst of regret in her heart—

What happened to the big room that year was obviously enough for the second room head to teach them a lesson, but the husband and she still listened to the instigation of their own children and began to covet the rights and status that they never got that year.

On one side is her husband who has been with her for many years, and on the other is her son whom she regards as her heart.

Mrs. Luo wiped away her tears. She and her husband had already discussed it.

If there is a day when the unidentified incident really happens, they will definitely find a way to choose Luo Yanchuan cleanly.

I just hope that Luo Lingsheng can still give Luo Yanchuan a way out in the face of his relatives, don’t pursue it any longer, and leave the last glimmer of hope for their second room.

Luo Yanchuan knew that he was drunk driving, but now he had to step on the accelerator and rush forward.

The company can’t go to the hotel, the hotel can’t go, the “friends” who have been in contact with him will betray his whereabouts at any time, and it is not worth contacting…

Luo Yanchuan, who had nowhere to go, slapped the steering wheel abruptly, and a figure that could be used suddenly appeared in his mind.

Just when he was distracted, a passerby suddenly appeared in front of him.

– 呲.


Luo Yanchuan suddenly stepped on the brakes and quickly turned the steering wheel.

– bang!

The screeching sound still rang out.

When Luo Yanchuan stopped and checked his rearview mirror, he realized that someone had fallen in a pool of blood on the side of the road.

Luo Yanchuan’s breathing suddenly became rapid, he quickly glanced around, and after confirming that there was no close-up camera on the side road, the demon spawned by alcohol suddenly occupied the only remaining conscience.

“It’s you who crossed the road and didn’t walk on the sidewalk, so don’t blame me.”

The twilight was covered by the sudden rain, and after a burst of lightning, Luo Yanchuan restarted the car and quickly left the accident area.

…the next day.

It’s a rare weekend without going to a design studio.

When Shi Yunnan woke up, the industrious little goldfish had already completed the morning private lesson, and was now watching the little duck in the back courtyard.

After Shi Yunan got the housekeeper’s signal, he immediately walked towards the backyard.

“Quack, it’s not yours! You’re not allowed to eat it!”

“Here and here, you have a duck and a bowl. My uncle said that you can’t steal other people’s things.”

“Is it delicious? You have to grow up quickly!”

Shi Yunnan heard the little goldfish’s childish sermons, smiled and quickened his pace. Soon, he saw the little goldfish squatting inside the fence watching the pet duck eat.

Ever since the three Keer ducks were collected last time, the little goldfish has been grinding Yuan Meng to build a fence as a duck nest, and he has to come and stay for a while after school every day.

Shi Yunnan shouted, “Little goldfish.”

The little goldfish looked back, and as soon as he saw Shi Yunnan, he opened the fence gate and ran over.

Seeing this, the three Keer ducks who were still eating in a row immediately formed a row as little tails to keep up.

Shi Yunnan thought the picture was cute and funny, but laughed helplessly, “Grandpa Qin said, you came here right after class? Did you write your homework?”

The little goldfish shook his head embarrassedly, “…Little uncle, I haven’t finished adding and subtracting math problems.”

“It’s fortunate that your uncle is not here, otherwise, you’re guaranteed to be criticized by him.”

Shi Yunnan squatted down and looked at him, rubbing a trace of dirt on his face with his fingertips, “I bought a little duck to play with you and grow up with you, but we can’t let go of our homework, you know?”

“Little uncle, don’t tell uncle, okay? I’m going to do my homework after lunch, so I won’t be playful.”

As the little goldfish said, she leaned over and put her arms around Shi Yunnan’s shoulders, “Uncle, how are you? I know you are the best, and I like you the most.”

The little goldfish was blowing the rainbow fart sweetly, and the little ducks behind him were quack and quack.

Shi Yunnan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and pinched his little nephew’s milk fat, “Okay, are you hungry? Today the kitchen made fish egg custard, shall we go back and share?”

“Yeah! Little uncle eat more!”

The little goldfish took the initiative to hold Shi Yunan’s hand, and waved to the ducklings sideways, “Go home, I’m going to lunch with my uncle! Come back to play with you in the afternoon!”

After that, the three Keer ducks actually turned their butts back.

Seeing this, the little goldfish said proudly, “Little uncle, aren’t they very good?”

Shi Yunnan raised his eyebrows somewhat miraculously, and took the little goldfish into his arms to praise, “Who made our little goldfish so good, and set a good example for the little ducks.”

The little goldfish squinted his eyes with a smile, and began to take the initiative to share with Shi Yunnan the interesting stories in kindergarten.

“Little uncle, our classmates are envious of me! Can I take the quacks to kindergarten?”

“Do you have time for your classmates to come and watch? At that time, I will ask Grandpa Qin to prepare some biscuits and freshly squeezed juice for you?”

“Then, I also want to invite a new teacher, okay?”

“Of course, we little goldfish call the shots.”

One big and one small chatted like this, and walked slowly back to the main house.

After the little goldfish had lunch, he fulfilled his promise and went back to his room to do his arithmetic homework.

The housekeeper came in from outside the house, with a familiar figure behind him.

“Mr. Shi, Mr. Yu Shuo is here.”

Shi Yunnan looked up and met Yu Shuo’s smiling eyes, “Mr. Shi, long time no see.”

After the last charity auction, the two did not meet for half a year.

When Shi Yunnan was chatting with Luo Lingsheng later, he heard his lover mention—

When the Yu clan in the south was in power turmoil, Yu Shuo and his father once asked for the help of the Luo clan, but Luo Lingsheng, who had just assumed the position of the head of the family, was worried about internal and external troubles and had no choice but to refuse.

Yu Shuo’s father was suppressed by other side branches. In order to protect the best interests, he had to let Yu Shuo temporarily transfer the family’s assets abroad.

But unfortunately, Yu Shuo’s mother died of a serious illness at that time, and Yu Shuo, who was far abroad, could not see the last side of her mother.

Although this incident was not caused by Luo Lingsheng, it did become an unspeakable knot between the two, and over time they lost contact.

Thanks to a chance meeting in a nightclub last year, the two reconnected, maintained and continued the only remaining connection.

“It’s been a long time.” Shi Yunnan stood up to say hello, and then said, “You didn’t find the right time. Lingsheng has been out of the country for a while, and he won’t be back for more than half a month.”

“Mr. Shi, you misunderstood.” Yu Shuo shook his head and smiled subtly, “I came to him or you.”

“Find me?”

“I have some news, I think you need to know. I happened to be doing some personal business around here, so I stopped by.”

Shi Yunnan’s curiosity was piqued, and he silently looked at the person in front of him—someone who could make Luo Lingsheng a good friend, Yu Shuo was definitely a shrewd and capable person.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not malicious.” Yu Shuo shrugged his shoulders and asked with a smile, “Anyway, I’m a guest, so Mr. Shi won’t invite me to sit?”

Shi Yunnan finally said, “Uncle Qin, please make some tea.”


Uncle Qin left with great discernment, and secretly signaled the servants who were cleaning beside him to leave as well.

Shi Yunnan took the initiative to invite, “Mr. Yu, please take a seat. If you have anything, you can say it directly.”

Yu Shuo sat down and said calmly, “Mr. Shi should have heard the command and mentioned that the main battlefield of Yu’s business is in the sea market, and there are some ugly battles in the family.”


Nanyu and Beiluo are leaders from all sides.

It’s just that compared to the already stable Luo Clan, with Luo Lingsheng in charge, Yu Clan’s turbulent disputes in the past two years have not completely stopped.

Yu Shuo continued to confess, “Then you should have heard that my eldest brother and I are half-brothers.”

“It’s just that since my father took control of the Yu family, my eldest brother has been targeting me in the open and in secret.”


Shi Yunnan heard the cruelty in Yu Shuo’s words and frowned, “Mr. Yu?”

“It is difficult for a wealthy family to have a biological brother. My father was diagnosed with cancer six months ago, and some rights have to be fought.”

Yu Shuo said lightly, the slightly raised peach blossom eyes were full of trivial, cold smiles.

Shi Yunnan understood what Yu Shuo meant, “Your Yu family’s open and secret fights have nothing to do with me. If you want to ask Luo’s help, it’s no use from my side.”

Shi Yunnan will never interfere in any career decisions of his lover, just like Luo Lingsheng will fully support his career.

“No, I will solve the struggle between me and the Yu family myself.” Yu Shuo shook his head and told Shi Yunnan that he would be wrong.

“To be honest, I have found irrefutable evidence that my brother illegally smuggled contraband, and he will be attacked within half a month at most.”


Shi Yunnan didn’t expect Yu Shuo to be so frank, and then he heard the other person say, “It’s just that there is one thing that involves the Shi family in Dijing, so I came to find Mr. Shi.”

Shi Yunnan’s comprehension is very strong, “You mean, the smuggling involves the Shi family?”


“It is Shi’s Logistics that provides convenience for my eldest brother to smuggle freight. I sent someone to check carefully. Under normal circumstances, such a large number of trucks must pass inspection before they are transferred.”

But Yu Ming’s batch of goods was directly obtained by the logistics company’s release order number that is exempt from inspection.

In other words, someone in Shi’s secretly helped him.

Realizing this, Shi Yunnan raised his eyebrows subtly and said nothing.

Although Mr. Shi is ruthless and indifferent and prioritizes absolute interests in everything, his self-esteem in his bones does not allow him to do such illegal things.

Now that he is in the hospital, no matter what happens, someone is actually involved in this illegal transaction behind his back?

According to the relevant laws and regulations – “Those who conspire with smugglers and provide transportation and other relative conveniences will be punished as accomplices of smuggling crimes once they are caught.”

Whether it is an individual act or a collective act, it may even lead to Shi’s seizure.

Shi Yunnan hummed, he and Shi’s relationship had long since severed, and he didn’t care whether the company was dead or alive.

He wasn’t worried, but curious.

“Have you found out who that person is?”

The author has something to say: #After this wave, I will fall off the horse~

#↑Little Fox: It’s the first anniversary, old man, who cares about that white moonlight! 【Righteousness.JPG】

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