After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée

Chapter 165

Chapter 160 Mother-in-law

Zheng Wan didn’t know how long he had been away.

Da Ri Xianzong has no distinction between day and night. There is always a haunting sun above his head. This sun can not penetrate the heavy dead air of the sky, nor can it illuminate the moist sacrificial soil on the ground, and it does not bring any hope or warmth. .

But even this little light gradually disappeared.

Zheng Wan saw his shell walking underground.

There is a long and cramped corridor, and the two walls are covered with sticky green moss. Every ten feet of the wall, a wall lamp made of Xiaosi iron is pressed. The lamp oil made from the head oil has not been used up. On the stone steps, you can occasionally hear the lights bursting and the sound of “beep beep beep”.

“Mrs. Jin?”

Zheng Wan still called.

No one answered, only the stone man bounced on the steps, making regular “Da Da” and “Da Da” sounds.

Zheng Wan suddenly recalled the scene when he first met.

That fashion is in the mortal world. She saw these fairy methods for the first time. The faceless ghost made a deal with her. She wanted to use her pure Yin body to cultivate the soul. After a hundred years, she would leave. .

Now, the soul is raised, but if… more than just raising the soul.

Zheng Wansheng shuddered, letting himself stop thinking about it.

Before she had no basis in facts, she… didn’t want to use malicious inferences about this mother-in-law who helped her a lot.

After an unknown amount of time passed, she felt her body stop.

At the end of the tunnel is a stone gate. On the stone gate, a pair of gluttonous gluttons stared at her with Tongling’s big eyes. The stone man bounced past, his hands pressed in front of Pai Yao’s nose ring——


Shimendong opens.

Billowing dust and smoke rushed toward her with the stale air that had been accumulated over the years.

Zheng Wan “watched” everything outside the door dumbfounded, and his heart began to jump wildly.

The curved dome, the large square of Nuovo, the totems and torches on the stone walls, and-the sarcophagus, the round high platform, the chaotic lines of gold wire exactly as in the dream…

As if the nightmare reappeared.

She has obviously never been in the future, but this place was rubbed into life by the dream. She even remembers the missing horn on the dragon-shaped totem on the east wall.

The stone man did not enter the door, but set his left and right sides at Shimen, with his hands folded in front of his abdomen, two identical faces facing Zheng Yu, his mouth was grinning to his cheeks, and his four dark eyes were staring at Zheng Yu in a strange voice. It seems to come from the underworld:

“Congratulations on the return of the fairy king!”


Who is it?

Zheng Wan had a faint premonition. She seemed to have seen the beauties in the Palace of Beauty again. They were obviously two moving stone figures, but they felt so similar to the picture of beauties hanging on the wall.

The soul consciousness tried to protrude outward, but was blocked by a thick wall.

She was sealed in the sea of ​​her own soul and consciousness, making the sky fail and the earth should not.

But his body moved again.

“She” lifted her left foot first, then her right foot, and crossed the threshold, her boots stepped across the golden thread of the hall——

But where is the gold thread?

Obviously it is some kind of golden liquid flowing in countless criss-cross grooves. The huge square is full of such grooves. This reminds Zheng Yu of the legendary ancient great formation. If you guessed it correctly, this golden liquid–

When it is the blood of some kind of beast.

Zheng Wan intuitively felt that he had stepped into a terrible trap, but he couldn’t tell who the trap was aimed at and what it was for.

She watched her body step onto the high platform, stood in front of the half-open sarcophagus, and stopped.

After a long while, a shallow sigh came out of “her” mouth:


That Dao clearly came from her mouth, but it was definitely not a voice she could make, with a deep feeling that seemed to have gone through countless years and was finally buried in the ground.

With a “duh”, the stone fell to the ground.

The hunch is fulfilled.

“Mrs. Jin, it really is you.”

Zheng Wan said softly in his heart.

The entire hall was so empty that only the wind blowing through the long corridor was whistling back and forth.

At this time, she had no luck anymore.

“it’s me.”

The person who had been muffled all the time suddenly replied, and no matter how she inquired, she would not reply again.

“She” stared at the sarcophagus for a while, then jumped up lightly and lay down in the sarcophagus.

“Rumble,” the sarcophagus was sealed.

There was pitch black in front of him, but soon, the darkness was driven away by the golden light in the coffin, Zheng Yu only then realized that the inside of the sarcophagus was covered with “golden threads”.

At first glance, she looked like a silkworm chrysalis wrapped in this “golden thread”.

“Mother-in-law, do you really want to take home?”

Zheng Wan couldn’t think of the second possibility.

Granny Jin quacked and laughed:


She laughed louder and louder, as if she was about to burst into tears:

“Fool, really fool. Throughout the ages, people who speak credulously are really women, fools, fools!”

Zheng Wan did not speak.

The other, she seemed to have laughed enough, and stopped.

Zheng Wan realized that there seemed to be another space hidden in the sarcophagus. Through the golden coffin lid, she seemed to see a phantom.

Water curtain waterfall, weeping willows, a white-clothed and white-haired man standing with his hands under his hands, a pair of brown eyes are clear and gentle, like a lake, looking at “she” through the waterfall——

Zheng Wan gave a shock.

Even through the heavy curtains, she can still see that this is an extremely handsome man.

Just when Zheng Wan thought that the other party was just a phantom, the man in white spoke:

“Shuimei, you are here.”

Water… Mae?

Isn’t that the name of the founder of the Yuqing Gate?

Zheng Wan was shocked and suspicious, but listened to “self” opening his mouth:

“Ziwei, long time no see.”


Zheng Wan suddenly remembered, just now Granny Jin sighed.

These two names, Shuimei and Ziwei, were almost simultaneously included in the strange records of strange people in the Profound Cang Realm. One was the first-generation head of Yuqingmen who was shocked and brilliant, and later ascended to the upper realm.

One is the legendary life-breaker, Mr. Ziwei Xing. According to reports, Mr. Ziwei Xing is obviously…missing.

Zheng Wan looked at the scene before him and fell into deep doubts.

At the same time, Cui Wang has followed her footsteps and walked all the way to the hinterland of Da Ri Xianzong.

The connection between Long Pei and Feng Long was cut cleanly the moment the light curtain appeared. The yellow sand is full here, and the lonely smoke in the desert can be seen, and Zheng Wan’s traces have completely disappeared here.

Cui Wang used Long Pei to sense the opponent’s position again, only a vague golden light——

“Teleport can’t be used?”


Cui Wang gently stroked the ear of the sword at the hilt, as if this was the only way to calm the anxiety in his heart.

“That’s difficult.” The ancestor patted his forehead. “This young lady is also stubborn, and she said she wouldn’t let in. She has to follow in. Isn’t this messy?”

Cui Wang looked up at the corner of the spire that was exposed in the distance.

“For today’s plan, the only way to find the hub of the Great Sun Immortal Sect’s formation and use the power of the Great Formation to find someone.”

“You–” The ancestor opened his eyes incredibly, “Xiao Wangwang, don’t you tell the ancestor, you are looking for the legendary Da Rixian Mansion?”

Da Ri Xianzong was originally an ancient Great Immortal Gate left behind in Xuan Cang Realm. If there is a Da Ri Xian Mansion, the Da Ri Xian Zong must be in the Da Ri Xian Mansion.

But rumored–

That Da Ri Xian Mansion was located in the Death Jedi where Da Ri Xianzong dared not go, Du’e Bridge, which was a ruin in front.

In these tens of thousands of years, it is not that no one has crossed the bridge of doom, but as many as they can go, they have lost as much. So far, no one has survived, and even the closest to ascendant is the Great Monk of the Void Realm.

When the cultivation base reaches the magical realm, most of them cherish the feathers and live a long life. It is really unnecessary to pin their lives on this ten dead and lifeless Jedi. Therefore, recently, no one has gone to the bridge again.

Cui Wang turned the Hong Yu Liu lightsaber in his hand:

“Always try.”

“Try?! Try something infertile?!”

The ancestor slapped the surface of the sea, “Thinking that back then, I and the few immortal elders came here to hunt for treasures. They were all fine. Later, people insisted on coming to this bridge. If it weren’t for my cleverness, I almost lost my life. Keep it.”

“No, you can’t go! You are in a magical realm, so why don’t you join in the fun!”

The ancestor jumped left and right, desperately intercepting, but all the words that prevented him stopped when he saw the expression on Cui Wang’s face:

“…But other than that, I have no other choice.”

He said slowly.

The ancestor suffocated and waved his hand:

“Fine, nothing! How can my ancestor ever be able to screw you up since I was young?! This donkey doesn’t know who he is like, he doesn’t know who he is, he doesn’t lead him, he goes backwards, and he doesn’t listen to anyone!”

Cui Wang clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand and lifted his foot up.

When he was about to step into the enclave of Du’e Bridge Suo, the ancestor suddenly asked:

“What if this is just a carrot hanging in front of your nose? You have been looking for it for so long, and the footprints of your great-grandson and daughter-in-law have just disappeared here. Don’t you think everything is too coincidental? Maybe, waiting in front of you , Is a trap…or desperate situation.”

The corner of Cui Wang’s mouth bends:

“It can only be so.”


Cui Wang raised his foot and crossed the enclosure:

“Carrots are so beautiful, I can’t bear to give them up.”


Old ancestor: Ha ha, this dog food was sprinkled.

“Point your face!”

Not long after Cui Wang’s figure completely disappeared in the sealed world, another black robe man appeared.

The black-robed man stood there, his arms folded looked at the burning clouds on the horizon, and then he lifted his foot to the enclosure. The violent wind that was coming from somewhere knocked off his hat, revealing a gorgeous and perverted face underneath.

When he has white skin and long narrow eyes, there is a kind of arrogant and charming evil. He looked at the seal in front of him and laughed loudly:


After laughing, he lifted his foot and walked in.

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