After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée

Chapter 168

Chapter 163 Heaven planet

“No, it’s wrong!”

The ancestor looked at the front, “Xiao Wangwang, do you think it’s weird here?”

Inside the palace, there are many crises.

From the moment they entered the door, there were several major formations in succession, finally breaking out of the big formation, and then confronted a group of ten thousand year sand beasts, rushing through the sand beasts, and then reached the bridge of Duer.

Duer bridge cable, said to be a bridge cable, is actually a ring-stone arch bridge with nine bends and eighteen bends, and every bend is a labyrinth—

And Dadu’e bridge cable, also confirmed that this place is indeed Da Rixian Mansion.

According to legend, there is Du’er bridge cable in Darixian Mansion. The ancient immortal gate is a disciple of the tempering sect. An 18-layer maze is specially set up. Only through the 18-layer maze can you reach the real palace of Darixian Mansion.

At this time, Cui Wang stepped on this palace.

A white robe with blood stains, the Hongyu streamed lightsaber seems to have been tortured, and it is no longer as bright as before. Only that cold face is still light and windy, it seems that the nine deaths of a talent did not happen to him. .

“It’s a little weird.”

After thousands of years, the hall still looks exquisite, and there is no trace of being destroyed by the years.

The arches, stone steps, murals, and even the round ball held by the four stone arms in the center of the main hall are as beautiful as new.

Cui Wang walked to the ball.

The ball is no more than the size of an adult’s fist, and the whole body is glaze color. When you look at it with the naked eye, you can see a little silver liquid inside the ball.

“Sky Star Sand?!”

The ancestor pondered for a while, “In the past, those powerful fairy houses would put a ball in the center of the main hall. What is called the ‘celestial planet’, and whoever can get the master of the broken ball can control the entire fairy house—”

“They call this inheritance.”

“in this way.”

Cui Wang raised his hand.

“Warm and warm, what are you doing, let go, let go! Maybe there are traps! Those old immortal favorites make ghosts, wait! Wait!—”

Cui Wang put his palm on the ball.

The ancestors couldn’t help but mumble angrily:

“It’s up to you, it’s up to you, you never listen to me anyway.”

Cui Wang’s palm was in contact with the heavenly planet, and the hall was enveloped by a strong light, and his eyes could not be opened—

Suddenly, the person disappeared.

“Warm, warm, warm, where’s the people?! Where’s the people?!”

The ancestor discovered that he had been thrown out.

The great-grandson is gone.

And he, a soul body, was actually forced to “squat” on the heavenly planet, with a strong adsorption stone under his feet, which adsorbed him to the ball.

The old ancestor kicks his legs—

Can’t pedal.

“Hey, hello, how about people?! What’s the matter?!”

Called for a long time, but no one was seen.

The hall was empty, only the occasional wind blowing, lifting the crystal curtain on the side.

…Deserves to be the ancient fairy gate.

Actually has the patience to separate the soul from the righteous master.

And Cui Wang over there realized that he had reached a very strange place.

The sky was blood red.

There was a **** mist in the distance, and the whole world was covered by this thick **** mist, and only one part of his whole body was bright.

The foothold is the center of a circle.

There are five-sided ponds surrounding the body, which are respectively golden, cyan, blue, red, and yellow.

And the center of the circle at the foot is not really round, but two yin and yang fish that are connected end to end.

The yin and yang fish kept spinning, and the ancestor’s screaming sound disappeared from his ears, and it seemed extremely quiet.

Cui Wang set his gaze on the five-color pool. If the five colors represent the five elements, then the foothold is the eye of yin and yang—

Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, everything grows and grows.

Dao begets one, two begets three, three begets all things, all things…belong to the five elements.

He sat cross-legged with yin and yang eyes, only to feel that everything in front of him had changed. The heaven and the earth are in chaos, the clear air is rising, the muddy air is sinking, the five colors are dazzling, the mountains, the rivers, the earth…


I don’t know how long it took, Cui Wang opened his eyes, there were wind, thunder, clouds, and stars surging in his eyes, and he rested after a long while.

He let out a long breath, the five-colored pool in front of him had disappeared, leaving only a five-colored pearl on his chest.

Cui Wang raised his hand and grabbed it, the five-color pearl “puffy” spread out, and countless mysteries turned into a stream of devastating light into his dantian.

The vitality in the body formed a huge swirl in an instant, and the vast vitality converged on the sky above the head, and it was about to break through—

Cui Wang let out a snorted groan, and he was pressed down.

The unstoppable breakthrough was interrupted by an inhumane force, the backlash turned into a raging air, and he rushed directly to Cui Wang’s dantian, so that he vomited blood.

Cui Wang wiped the corners of his mouth indifferently, as if something was wrong in his heart, he raised his eyes to look around, and the thick and bleak blood mist remained the same.

Mind moved slightly, the person has reappeared in the hall.

The old ancestor dropped his ears and squatted pitifully on the heavenly planet. When he saw him, his eyes lit up:

“Great-grandson, have you got the inheritance?”

Cui Wang shook his head and nodded again:

“It’s weird.”

With a stroke of his hand, the ancestor’s legs jumped, jumped directly into his palm, and jumped again, leaping into the sea of ​​Cui Wang’s soul and consciousness in an unsightly frog jumping posture.

As soon as I entered, I couldn’t help but “whoop”:

“Great-grandson-grandson, great-grandson-grandson, are you going to make a breakthrough? No, that’s not right, the five elements are righteous, just that inheritance… enlightenment?”

“Heaven and Earth give birth to the Five Elements,” he cried out strangely, “The power of rules? You actually got the Xingyi Ball?”

The power of mastering the rules is also divided into different ranks.

Those who are less savvy, touch the periphery and count as inferior. Those who have a slightly better understanding, feel the basics, and count as medium. And those with excellent comprehension can already touch the deep meaning of the rules. In the hands of this class of people, the power of the rules can already be used for their own use, which is considered superior.

Those who can master the Five Elements Xingyiqi are not included in these three categories.

It is an exquisite, super-rank, it has appeared since the creation of the mysterious blue realm, but it hasn’t been more than one palm—

Those who can realize the Five Elements Xingyiqi are all transcendent generations.

Now, Cui Wang has realized the Five Elements Xingyiqi, in order to narrow the magical realm—

Why don’t the ancestors be surprised that their crotch is about to fall off?

“No, when you realize the Xingyi Ball, you can at least break through to the middle stage of the Wuxiang Realm. You didn’t break through-suppress the cultivation base?”


“Jie Lei will ruin this world.” Cui Wang said lightly, “What’s more, I am going to change the road and rebuild.”

“Wuji Spanish mackerel, why do you need to make a diversion and rebuild?!”

The ancestors were furious.

“You have realized the Five Elements Xingyi Ball, swallowed the palm heart fruit when you pulled the tree last time, broke through directly, turned around, and everything will happen. Where does it take more effort? Many hard-won opportunities, you just wasted so much. !”

If you seize the opportunity this time, consolidate the foundation, and rebuild the road, it will only take some time. It is impossible to say that the cultivation base will jump straight to the current level, and no matter how lucky it is, it will not be impossible to rush to the state of no phase.

after all-

Enlightenment of the Five Elements Xingyiqi, this kind of opportunity is rare in a thousand years, but can not be met.

“I can’t wait.”

Cui Wang made a smooth move and called the heavenly planet, which he could not handle anyway, into his hands, “He is very anxious and cannot wait for a moment.”

Old ancestors:…

“So, for this kind of **** love, you just wasted your chance like this?”

“Old ancestor, you didn’t say that before.”

“Old ancestor, I don’t know, you big ice cube, you are so in love with your brain!”

The ancestors were anxious.

“I just know that there are some things that can be practiced if you miss them, and some things are irretrievable once you miss them.”

The moment the planet of heaven was injected with his vitality, the entire hall, together with the entire palace, shrank to the size of a walnut and jumped in front of him.

Cui Wang thought for a while and put in the storage ring.

“Why, don’t put Dantian?”

“There is a blood mist in the heavenly planet,” Cui Wang said, “Wan Yu said, I’m not 100% sure, don’t just put anything in your body.”


What Miss Sister said is something, listen to it.

What the ancestors said is no longer a word, don’t listen.

The ancestor thought sourly.

Cui Wang continued to inject his vitality into the heavenly planet, and gradually, the whole situation of the Great Sun Immortal Sect was in his eyes.

He saw a Tianzun overhaul and the stork stork eagle fighting in full swing, and saw Daojun Jingsu facing the Great Formation of Xianzong…

But after turning around, he didn’t see Zheng Wan.

Cui Wang frowned and was about to move his hand away, only to find that there was movement in the depths of the entire Xian Mansion.

There is actually a hollowed out underground… altar?

The sarcophagus, the golden silk formation, and the great repairs such as Lu Wei Daojun, Shuyu Daojun, Changwu Daojun, and even Master, all gathered around the altar and fought hard with a group of men in black.

The cultivators above the magical realm fought and turned over the sea at every turn, but at this moment they were hesitant. They played restrained and tolerated, and everyone did not use their full strength to control the scope of the fight as much as possible.

Cui Wang could see that none of them wanted to touch the golden thread.

At this moment, a man in black fell to the ground unsteadily and stepped into the golden groove. A terrible scene appeared:

That person was like a deboned chicken. The flesh and blood fell loose in an instant, leaving only a skeleton pestle, and this skeleton was also melted into by the liquid in the golden groove within a few breaths. The golden liquid flows into the groove.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, the golden liquid seems to be more shiny than before.

Cui Wang continued to inject Yuanli into the heavenly planet, Wanyu, where did she go—

He stopped his gaze suddenly.

But seeing the altar sarcophagus, a woman in scarlet clothes was strangled by the black robe monk who suddenly appeared in front of her.

The neck was hooped by a big man’s hand, making it extremely slender and fragile.

But Cui Wang clearly remembered that the butterfly hairpin on that person’s head was the hairpin he had put on her by himself before leaving the house.

The butterfly hairpin fell down while struggling, her black hair fluttered, revealing a small half of her face, which was crimson with the hoop, and a pair of tearful eyes looked at him—


Cui Wangxin moved with his thoughts, and the person had disappeared in place.

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