After Being Crushed By Our Nemesis, We Are Together

Chapter 41

Qu Shenyu reached out and held Chen Chuyuan’s hand again, feeling the body temperature on the other side. At this moment, she deeply regretted why she came out to build a team, stay at home and they won’t encounter anything. If something happened to Chen Chuyuan, she couldn’t imagine such a terrifying and desperate scene.

She pays attention to the movement around her. Qu Shenyu occasionally sees such natural disasters on the news, but she has never experienced it in person. The biggest natural disaster that has ever happened in City C is the flooding of the city due to continuous rainstorms. boat, but since then City C has re-planned the drainage system, and such a scene has never happened again, at most submerged to the calf.

As for earthquakes, she had only ever seen them on the news. After all, such natural disasters would never happen to most people once in their lives, but they were hit by them.

However, they were not in the city at this time, so they could not be rescued immediately, nor could they go down the mountain at this time. Fortunately, the earthquake did not reach the level of landslides and landslides, which barely gave people a weak sense of security.

Despite this, Qu Shenyu’s hands were still shaking uncontrollably, and there was no way to calm herself down.

The surrounding area was quite wide, and the stone bench under the tree rolled to the side of the road due to the collapsed tree. Chen Chuyuan did not plan to venture to a larger and more open place, even though she knew that they would get off the cable car before they could get there by crossing the path. A place where vendors sell goods, but the trees on both sides of the road that may collapse at any time cannot give her enough sense of security.

All they can do now is wait for rescue.

The mobile phone had already been discarded when escaping from the boat. At a critical juncture, Chen Chuyuan only wanted to pull up Qu Shenyu, but didn’t have the heart to worry about anything else, and at this moment, she couldn’t help but feel that she was not calm enough.

At least at this time, if you can contact the outside world, you will feel more secure no matter what.

She inevitably felt upset, and after a while she noticed that Qu Shenyu, who was holding her hand, was shaking.

At the moment of the disaster, Chen Chuyuan couldn’t separate the energy to pay attention to Qu Shenyu’s situation, and has been paying attention to the surrounding situation. After all, if they were together, even if it was really dangerous, they would just die together.

Moreover, Chen Chuyuan was scared to death herself, and only now did she recover.

Qu Shenyu’s hair was messy, a large area of ​​her skin was exposed, and her skirt made her waist more slender. Chen Chuyuan used to think that her figure was perfect enough, but now she can only taste the fragility, like a big branch. The thin flowers swayed when the wind blew, as if they were about to bend in the next second.

Chen Chuyuan paused, she raised her chin, tried her best to appear fearless and confident, reached out and pulled Qu Shenyu into her arms: “What are you afraid of when Miss Ben is here?”

She said as if she could fight against natural disasters. Qu Shenyu couldn’t help laughing, but tears fell, and she couldn’t help mumbling, “I shouldn’t have come out.”

“Okay, what are you thinking about?” Chen Chuyuan tapped her on the head, “Do you think you can still predict the earthquake or not?”

She didn’t make a lot of moves, but she was caught off guard, Su Yi rushed straight from the top of her head into her tail vertebra, Qu Shenyu’s legs softened and she almost fell to the ground, Chen Chuyuan hurriedly caught her: “Hey, Qu Shenyu, what are you doing? Now? Won’t you faint from fright? I can’t CPR!”

Qu Shenyu didn’t want to tell Chen Chuyuan not to touch her head anymore. She couldn’t remember such a thing at all. After taking a breath, Qu Shenyu stood up again. Sad autumn thoughts.

Only Chen Chuyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, “So you are so timid.”

Qu Shenyu smiled silently, and it was the few times she encountered this kind of thing that she couldn’t think of the problem. She glanced at Chen Chuyuan, and then followed her and said, “Well, I’m timid.”

“Then what are you doing out?” Chen Chuyuan pulled her back and hugged her waist, “Miss Ben reluctantly let you hug her.”

The body, whose hands and feet were cold due to the natural disaster, has recovered to its previous temperature after being relieved, so that the touched place has a distinctly hot body temperature.

Chen Chuyuan was dressed in the same cool clothes, with a large area of ​​naked skin exposed, Qu Shenyu’s face was directly attached to her shoulder, and the hot, fiery temperature passed from her body.

Qu Shenyu could no longer tell whose heartbeat was beating violently.

As soon as she looked down, she could see the overlapping shadows printed on the ground.

She couldn’t tell what she was feeling at the moment, fear, fear… and inappropriately mixed all kinds of negative emotions with a little happiness.

Qu Shenyu gently reached out and hugged Chen Chuyuan’s waist, then tightened and tightened again.

Chen Chuyuan felt that she was going to be out of breath. Although she asked Qu Shenyu to hold it, it was too tight!

She pursed her lips and didn’t let the other side let go. At such a time, someone was with her, and seeing someone having the same experience as her, she wouldn’t be so afraid and could draw a sense of security from the other side.

She glanced around. They were standing in the nearby open space, and there was no way to go outside. At this time, there was really no other way to ask for help other than waiting for rescue.

The disaster came without warning at all. There were not many people in the upper reaches of the mountain, but there were indeed many, so if I wanted to come to the rescue, it would come soon.

Thinking of this, Chen Chuyuan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the rainy season has passed, otherwise the situation will definitely be more dangerous. The most feared thing on the mountain are mudslides and landslides, and the places near where the cable car stops are flat and not steep. The difficulty of rescue will also be much lower, as long as they get on a helicopter, they can leave.

Chen Chuyuan has always been optimistic and panicked, but she can comfort herself quickly, not to mention that she has not encountered other unfortunate things, such as the robber she encountered while traveling abroad. She went back to her hometown to play and was kidnapped. If she couldn’t regulate her mood, she should have been depressed long ago. How could she be so lively and cheerful as she is now?

Chen Chuyuan believes that the country will soon send people to rescue. They have always been dispatched quickly, and the family will definitely apply to send the plane bought at home for support when they know the situation. There are so many people who hope that the people in the disaster will be safe and sound. It’s not like she’s been buried, there’s no need to feel like she’s going to be finished.

She lightly patted Qu Shenyu on the back, hoping that she would not encounter the aftershock again. After all, even if the aftershock was not serious, it would definitely scare Qu Shenyu in this situation.

Chen Chuyuan herself is even more afraid, and her nerves are still tense now, like a bird in shock.

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe ten minutes, or maybe only a few minutes, Chen Chuyuan felt that Qu Shenyu was no longer shaking, and she was about to call Qu Shenyu to let go. It was very uncomfortable.

However, when Chen Chuyuan was about to say something, he heard someone shouting for help.

She immediately tried to identify the source of the sound, and Qu Shenyu heard it too. She let go of her hand subconsciously, and quickly locked the position with Chen Chuyuan.

The sound came from the collapsed pavilion, which is not safe and there is a risk of a second collapse at any time.

Chen Chuyuan walked over subconsciously, but was pulled by Qu Shenyu: “Don’t go.”

She frowned, her eyes met, and Qu Shenyu said, “I’ll go.”

The voice for help has been heard, so naturally it is impossible to sit back and ignore it, but Qu Shenyu doesn’t want Chen Chuyuan to take this risk, because it is a very risky thing, so it is good for her to go.

“What are you going to do?” Chen Chuyuan sneered, “Will your legs get soft and pick yourself up at the critical moment? Do you have the strength I have?”

Qu Shenyu stood still: “You still have parents.”

“Stop cursing me,” Chen Chuyuan glared at her and shook off her hand, “This young lady must win the lottery since she was a child, how could something happen!”

She seemed to be comforting Qu Shenyu, and at the same time she was comforting herself. She didn’t sound as confident as usual, but she walked over without the slightest hesitation.

Chen Chuyuan thought, if something goes wrong, it will happen, but if she chooses not to go, she will not even be in the mood to wear beautiful clothes in the future.

Qu Shenyu pursed her lower lip and followed behind her. Chen Chuyuan frowned at her recklessness, but in the end she chose not to see it. After all, she has the right to save people, and so does the other party. That’s the biggest risk.

Chen Chuyuan bent down and got into the collapsed pavilion. The light suddenly became dim, which aroused people’s fear, which made her swallow unconsciously. The nervousness and fear made her heart beat surprisingly fast, but she still tried her best to make her The voice became calm: “Where is the person? Can you hear me? Why don’t you make a sound?”

“Cough! Here! Here!”

When people are under tension, it is very normal for people to lose their voices and lose their voices. The other party’s voice sounds like they are trying to make a sound, but the voice is still not big, and it is very hoarse, but Chen Chuyuan still catches it.

It came from the ruins where the pavilion collapsed and the pillar was broken.

Chen Chuyuan finds it a bit tricky, because the ruins are piled up in pieces such as rubble, broken pillars, tiles, etc. She is not sure if she does it herself, will these things collapse again and cause secondary damage harm.

She took a breath and said, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll try to move things away.”

Compared with the unknown danger, Chen Chuyuan is more willing to rescue people first, so that at least when the aftershock occurs, she still has a chance to run. Although she may die on the way to rescue, if she does not start, the other party may also have a chance to escape. He could only watch helplessly as he was buried.

It’s like a game of building blocks. Some things won’t collapse when the blocks are removed, and some will collapse as soon as they are removed. Chen Chuyuan didn’t study architecture. She tried hard to identify which things might be responsible for the load-bearing, and then she moved carefully.

Qu Shenyu wanted her to come, but she knew that Chen Chuyuan would not give way, so she was so nervous that her palms were sweating, and she quickly moved out when she saw Chen Chuyuan remove the stone.

Chen Chuyuan tried to distract her by chatting with the trapped person: “What’s your name?”

“Sister, my name is Zhao Siwen.”

Chen Chuyuan said, your voice doesn’t sound younger than me at all, but for the sake of the other party being trapped, she put up with it for the time being.

Without waiting for Chen Chuyuan to ask again, the other party continued: “I’m in the first year of junior high school, sister, my head hurts, will I never see my parents again?”

Chen Chuyuan paused for a while, and then said, “What nonsense, am I saving you? You’ll be able to come out later, you went up the mountain alone to play?”

“I couldn’t crawl. Mom asked me to wait for her here. She went to buy a bottle of water, and then an earthquake occurred. I didn’t stand still, and I fell to the ground and fainted.”

Chen Chuyuan was silent for a while. If her mother had already gone to the place where the water vendor was selling water, then nothing should have happened, but if she was on the road…

There are big trees everywhere near the path. If you are knocked down by a tree and no one rescues you, you will probably die if you can’t be rescued.

Perhaps it was a fall that saved Zhao Siwen’s life. She just happened to be stuck between the big rock and the broken pillar. In addition, she was relatively thin and was not buried deep enough. It didn’t take much effort for Chen Chuyuan He pulled her out of the gap.

She didn’t see anything serious to the naked eye, but there was a bag behind her head, which should have fallen off the ground at the beginning of the earthquake.

Chen Chuyuan took her out and walked to the open space. The little girl was afraid of being in a hurry, so she didn’t want to let go. Chen Chuyuan comforted her softly and looked around.

The ground shook slightly again.

It’s an aftershock.

Zhao Siwen trembled even more in fear, but fortunately the ground stopped after shaking for a while. Qu Shenyu subconsciously looked at the pavilion. Because of this shaking, it completely collapsed, and there was no possibility of even getting in.

If they came out at night…

Qu Shenyu covered her chest, which was beating violently, trying her best not to think about those unlucky things. She observed her surroundings, for fear that there might be a rock rolling down the mountain or something worse.

It is famous for mountains and water. There is a waterfall that can be seen from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. It is said that when climbing to the middle of the mountain, the waves stirred up by the waterfall water will cause rainbows to appear here for a long time. China is as beautiful as ever.

But in a disaster, such a large waterfall may lead to another consequence, that is, flash floods and mudslides.

Qu Shenyu is a pessimist, and she inevitably thinks about these bad and worst outcomes.

Chen Chuyuan managed to appease Zhao Siwen, a little girl who was too scared after the earthquake. She raised her eyes to look at Qu Shenyu. She had her back to her, and a large area of ​​bare skin and beautiful butterfly bones were exposed in front of her. Even more striking were her hands, which trembled involuntarily, even though she kept her back straight, trying to keep herself calm.

She looked down at Zhao Siwen and said in a low voice, “Xiao Siwen, sister, would you like to discuss with you and give half of the seats to the sister over there?”

Zhao Siwen was stunned for a moment. She was already sensible at the age of eleven or twelve, and her emotions were calmed down by Chen Chuyuan’s comfort. Hearing that, she could not help letting go and moved her hand from her front to the side, but her hand still did not relax. Still shaking badly.

“Hey, Qu Shenyu.”

Qu Shenyu turned to look at her. When Chen Chuyuan was comforting the little girl, she didn’t go there. First, she couldn’t comfort others. Second, she wanted to pay more attention to the movement around her. She felt that the place was full of danger. Whatever happened, she might be able to use her body to block it, so that the other party might survive.

“Come here.” The eyes met, and Chen Chuyuan looked at her and said.

What spread in her heart was not fear, but unspeakable throbbing.

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