After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 – Sour

After returning that night, Li Wanqiu did not fall asleep for a long time.

The phone screen was still on, she tossed and turned several times, and finally picked up the phone and clicked into Moments.

Coincidentally, several people who have a good relationship with her all posted news.

Yan Weiwei: [It’s a little late after get off work, and the restaurant I like to eat is closed, I didn’t get it! uncomfortable! 】

Song Yu: [I’m in a bad mood, Room 302 of Lanhuo, come quickly. 】

Qiao Qiao: [I snatched the bag that I planted for a long time, today I am favored by the goddess of luck! 】

There are many similar things. Everyone stands behind the screen, expressing their feelings and sharing their lives in this small world. Li Wanqiu swipe past one by one, and you can intuitively see where they are hiding at this moment. The feeling from the bottom of my heart.

Except Ji Jinyan.

This person seldom posts on Moments, or to be more precise, rarely shares anything about himself in Moments. Li Wanqiu clicks on it, and what he sees is nothing more than Bixia’s dynamics.

Even the video she took that day in the brewing workshop was there, Li Wanqiu opened it curiously, and found herself in the video at a glance.

Wearing an apron, holding grapes in his hands, he is serious and dedicated to his work. Ji Jinyan’s mobile phone is a new model from a certain brand recently. It has high resolution and the pictures it takes are beautiful. The workshop is Grape is, and so is she.

Li Wanqiu paused, coughed lightly and raised his hand to capture two pictures, then exited again.

As soon as it was refreshed, there was an additional post. Ji Jinyan posted a new Moments a few seconds ago. It was a beautiful and bleak landscape picture, without even a matching word, making people unable to see happiness or anger.

But Li Wanqiu recognized it. She took a picture near the small shop where the two had breakfast. The scenery and facilities are basically similar, but the time is different. It seems to be in the evening.

It’s like… After the two parted, she went back specially.

Li Wanqiu sighed inexplicably. Thinking of the flickering fire at her fingertips at that time, she felt that she might have understood her, but it seemed like she didn’t understand anything. After a few seconds, she raised her hand and typed a few lines to comment. What, but paused, or deleted all.

Only one sentence was left: [Good night. 】

Soon, Ji Jinyan’s message came back, the number of words was concise, and the format was exactly the same as hers.

She said: 【Good dream. 】


Early the next morning, Li Wanqiu and Ji Jinyan went to Lin City to attend the meeting.

Ji Jinyan didn’t drive today, he called the driver to come with him, Li Wanqiu greeted Lu Ye, opened the car door and sat in the back row consciously.

Ji Jinyan was also there: “Morning.”

Li Wanqiu nodded and looked sideways at her: “Good morning.”

“Have you had breakfast?” Ji Jinyan asked again.

After a short meal, Li Wanqiu shook her head subconsciously: “I ate an apple…”

Before he finished speaking, Ji Jinyan raised his hand and handed over a piece of bread, the corners of his lips slightly raised: “I guessed it.”

Li Wanqiu was a little surprised when she saw this, but she still nodded and raised her hand to take the bread: “Thank you.”

“You don’t seem to have the habit of eating breakfast.” Ji Jinyan opened his lips, looked sideways at the person in front of him to tear open the package seriously, took out two pieces of paper to put on his lap, and then began to sip, “Eat well ah.”

“Otherwise, when I get older, my body will not be able to bear it.”

As she gets older, Li Wanqiu is now afraid whenever she hears this word.

“Got it, got it.” She nodded, she didn’t want to listen to Ji Jinyan anymore, she bit the bread subconsciously, and after eating the bread, Ji Jinyan fed her a can of milk.

The car drove quickly and smoothly, and arrived at the destination soon.

Li Wanqiu simply touched up her makeup a few minutes before getting off the car. She came out in a hurry today, and forgot to bring a small mirror. After taking a picture with her mobile phone, she still turned her head a little worried.

He asked Ji Jinyan: “Mr. Ji, do you think my lipstick is ready?”

Ji Jinyan cast his gaze in response, and looked down at her: “It’s okay.”

It’s okay, isn’t it, Li Wanqiu paused, afraid that she didn’t see clearly, subconsciously moved closer: “Help me see if it’s okay?”

The voice was very soft, concealing a little embarrassment, the sunlight outside the car window was a little strong, and when it shone in, people couldn’t help squinting their eyes slightly.

Combined with the distance between the two of them and the movement of her raised cheeks, it is really a bit ambiguous.

Ji Jinyan slowly raised the corners of his lips, and let out a chuckle of unknown meaning.

Li Wanqiu: “…”

Only then did she react, her ears turned red immediately, she coughed lightly and hurriedly prepared to sit back where she was, but before she could move, Ji Jinyan suddenly stretched out her hand in the direction where she was.

The index finger rested on her chin, and the thumb lifted gently, across her skin, and fell to the corner of her lips.

“Here…some of it has been painted.” She smiled and said, her figure was reflected in her pretty pupils, and even her voice subconsciously softened a bit.

He said softly, “I’ll wipe it off for you.”

There are also many similar companies participating in this meeting.

Flipping through the PPT in front of me, there was a lot of useful knowledge. Li Wanqiu listened carefully the whole time, picked up the notebook and recorded carefully.

Obviously, she had participated in many similar meetings in the past, but she was not very interested at that time, and did not listen to much. Some of the employees in the same company were responsible for recording, and she was just here to make up.

But not this time, not only did she feel interested, but she even felt that she could understand it, and she gained a lot from one session.

When it was over, the notebook was filled with several pages.

“Very serious.” Ji Jinyan smiled, and leaned over to check with lowered eyes.

“Ah, yes.” Li Wanqiu paused, remembering what happened in the car, she unconsciously moved far away, but soon realized that her avoidance was a bit obvious, and quickly stopped her movements .

Nothing seemed to have happened, except the ears were slightly red.

Ji Jinyan seemed to see something, but he didn’t expose it, he just said, “Thanks for your hard work.”

After finishing speaking, the two got up and left the venue together.

Ji Jinyan came here not only for the meeting, but also for other things to do. As soon as she left the meeting place, she took out her mobile phone and contacted Assistant An to check some matters with her.

Seeing that she was busy, Li Wanqiu didn’t bother her, and walked around the neighborhood with her hands behind her back to check the environment.

There are a lot of people here today, big and small companies, old or young employees, when Li Wanqiu stood under the tree and looked up at the cicada shell, two people just stopped smoking beside him.

They don’t look very old, about the same age as her. Li Wanqiu doesn’t know which company employees they are, but they can only hear them whispering and commenting on others.

A: “Did you notice the woman sitting next to you? That’s Mr. Liu from Anrui.”

B: “What is Mr. Liu, is that the one who suddenly airborne? Oh, I don’t know why, but he came up as a general. The twists and turns are worth thinking about.”

A nodded in response: “Yes, and the one sitting in the front row of you, Mr. Zhao, hahahaha these days, the head of any small company can be called Mr. Zong.”

B: “No, it’s true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Judging by his age, he probably just graduated not long ago. I’m afraid he doesn’t have any social experience. It would be strange if he didn’t pay for starting a company!”

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help frowning tightly after listening to your words.

Just as he was restless, when he heard the two continue to speak, A lowered his voice and said, “You said you were young, I remembered, isn’t Bixia, Mr. Ji, quite young?”

“Hey, I’m lucky. With such a powerful grandpa, he can take over such a big winery when he comes up. Tsk tsk tsk.”

The yin and yang are strange, but they want to **** someone off.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t hold back this time, frowned and took out the phone, and put it to his ear as if pretending to be talking: “Hello, Weiwei?”

“Oh, I can’t go to the event in the afternoon, so I just finished the meeting.” She said, her voice was full of envy and joy, “You don’t know, there are many powerful companies participating in this meeting, and there are also many excellent people. .”

“I’ve also seen a few people who are about my age.” She said, sighing softly, “You said how they grow up, if they need skills, capabilities, and abilities, I’m afraid I’ll work hard for another ten years. Nothing compares.”

“But it **** me off.”

Li Wanqiu said, subconsciously glanced at the faces of the two people: “It’s not as good as it is, after all, I have no skills and I don’t work hard. I don’t know anything, I just feel sour.”

“The sour teeth are about to fall out.”

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