After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 – Got One’S Wish

Li Wanqiu never expected that Ji Jinyan would notice the time on the screenshot.

She was taken aback for a moment, and then a burst of shame and embarrassment of being guessed gradually accumulated in her heart. If Ji Jinyan hadn’t said it, Li Wanqiu might not have realized it herself. She really subconsciously shared the joy with her first.

“En.” After a moment’s pause, Li Wanqiu replied with downcast eyes.

Afterwards, she wanted to add something more, but before she could move, Ji Jinyan sent a message: “That’s great.”

“What’s the theme of the competition?” she asked afterward.

“Maple Leaf and Myth.” Li Wanqiu said.

Ji Jin said, “That’s it.”

After a while, she said again: “Do you have a general plan in mind?”

“Not yet.” Li Wanqiu replied, remembering the requirements she saw before, and told her truthfully, “But there is still one month before the submission deadline, I can slowly conceive.”

“Yeah.” Ji Jin said to her, “Child Aqiu will definitely do it.”

“I remember that there should be a few books with similar themes at home, which may help you in this competition. If necessary, I will bring them to you later.”

I didn’t expect that there would be books related to painting in her place.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help being a little surprised when she saw this, but thinking of the little hedgehogs and villains she drew, she felt that she should be interested in painting, and the doubt quickly dissipated: “Okay.”

“Thank you then.” She said afterwards, until now the bottom of her heart is still wrapped in happiness, even the apex of her heart is a little swollen, and a tiny sense of satisfaction is sprouting little by little.

But what made her even happier was that, unlike before, this time someone was willing to listen to her joy, and someone was willing to talk with her.

“You’re welcome.” A few seconds later, Ji Jinyan quickly replied to her.

“I’m happy for you.”


Probably because I haven’t received other people’s blessing for too long, or maybe it’s because this blessing was said by Ji Jinyan, when Li Wanqiu saw the phrase “happy”, Li Wanqiu had a sharp meal, and the tip of her nose was inexplicably sour.

Suddenly I don’t know what to say.

The next day was a rest day, Li Wanqiu seldom had the habit of sleeping in, and got up consciously at dawn.

After washing, she first logged into the mailbox and took a look. There were indeed several new emails in it. She disposed of all the emails one by one. Afterwards, she notified Ji Jinyan on WeChat. After breakfast, she still didn’t get her reply.

Might be busy.

Li Wanqiu didn’t pay much attention, she changed her clothes, took her camera, and drove out.

One of the themes of the competition is maple leaves. It just so happened that the maple leaves on the mountain have turned red recently. Li Wanqiu parked his car in the parking lot below the mountain, picked up his camera and began to climb slowly.

When I saw the beautiful scenery, I took a photo of it as a souvenir. I walked and stopped all the way to the top of the mountain. I was sweating a little on my forehead. I saw many girls eating ice cream, so I bought one. .

After turning his gaze, he happened to see a small tree covered with wishing cards.

It is indeed a small tree, a miniature version of a maple tree. When I was far away, I couldn’t see anything. Now that I got closer, I found out that it is fake. But both the branches and the leaves are very realistic. The wishing card with red ribbon looks very beautiful.

Li Wanqiu subconsciously raised the camera and took a picture of the small tree.

“Little girl, do you want to write something?” A woman on the side stepped forward and asked, “I’ve already climbed to the top of the mountain, why don’t I leave some souvenirs here.”

“That’s right.” The woman said, working here all the year round, her rhetoric is always the same, “If you are a student, I will guarantee your success in your studies; Sure, it’s smarter than the old moon.”

Every word said is quite sincere and enthusiastic.

In fact, these kinds of things are nothing more than psychological hints, which have little effect, but what the woman said is true, after all, they have come, and it is good to leave something behind.

“Okay then.” Li Wanqiu responded, took out her mobile phone to scan the QR code to pay, then put away the mobile phone, the woman handed over the sign and pen, waved her hand and said, “Little girl write slowly, I don’t want to read.”

“Okay.” Li Wanqiu smiled and nodded. After thinking about it, she wrote the following words: [I hope everything goes well, whether it is life or work, whether it is reality or dream. 】

“I’ve finished writing.” She said, looking sideways at the woman beside her, and raised her finger to a place she liked, “Is it okay to hang it here?”

The woman looked over quickly: “It’s fine, as long as you’re happy.”

Just be happy, at this moment, Li Wanqiu is really happy.

After the sign is written, there are many interesting things around, such as a telescope that can be seen once for ten yuan, a small water gun that can spray bubbles, and there are many shops selling specimens on the top of the mountain, each of which is a The beautiful maple leaves are pleasing to the eye.

Li Wanqiu bought some as gifts for his colleagues, took a short rest, and then went down the mountain to go home.

Blink of an eye Monday.

Ji Jinyan still came early today, and he is sitting at his desk drinking coffee.

Seeing that she hadn’t started to work yet, Li Wanqiu quickly took out the specimen brought to her from her small bag, and knocked on the office door: “President Ji.”

Ji Jinyan raised his eyes to look at her in response, hooked his lips and smiled lightly: “Morning.”

“What’s the matter?” she said afterwards.

“It’s nothing serious.” Li Wanqiu said, and put the specimens brought to her on her table, “I went hiking on the weekend, and I saw some pretty gadgets, so I bought some for everyone.”

“This is… for you.”

After finishing speaking, Ji Jinyan seemed to be silent for a moment, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Li Wanqiu blinked: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay.” Ji Jinyan smiled, opened the drawer and took out a few books, “Actually, I have something to ask you too.”

“This is the book I promised you.” Then she said, her voice was very soft, she lowered her eyes and opened the book, “And…”

The book was opened, and there were several maple leaf specimens lying in it.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help being surprised: “Did you go yesterday too?”

Ji Jinyan paused for a moment before opening his mouth again: “No, I bought it by chance during a business trip last year. I thought it might be helpful to you, so I brought it together.”

“Li Wanqiu.” Then she said, with a strong smile in her eyes, “If you need anything else, just tell me.”

This sounds too reliable.

Li Wanqiu nodded in response, her ears felt hot for no reason: “Well, thank you.”

After finishing speaking, Assistant An happened to walk in with the documents. Li Wanqiu didn’t disturb her any more, and returned to the office with the books and the specimen Ji Jinyan gave her.

Looking down to study, I always feel that this specimen is exactly the same as the one she just sent out.

It was too coincidental.

But she didn’t think about it anymore, and quickly put the specimen aside and started working, and she was busy until her lunch break.

For the convenience of viewing, Li Wanqiu has already transferred the photos taken yesterday to his mobile phone. After eating, he had nothing to do, so he simply took out his mobile phone and browsed again.

Including the blue sky, white clouds, fiery red maple leaves and the little tree that carries many wishes.

Sometimes, people always need some spiritual sustenance, no matter who that person is or what kind of life they live, when Li Wanqiu zooms in, it seems that through the wishing cards, he has seen many kinds of stories.

I hope to learn and improve, I hope to be treated kindly by life, I hope to be with the person I like forever, and I hope…

Li Wanqiu paused, and suddenly saw her name on the tree. At first she subconsciously thought it might be the same name, until the next second, she recognized the writing on it.

Like… written by Ji Jinyan.

This tree is not big, and there are many tourists on the mountain. I am afraid that the brand will be replaced every once in a while. Li Wanqiu looked sideways at the specimens lying on the table, thinking that the so-called “last year” in Ji Jinyan’s mouth should be just a lie .

She should have been there that day, maybe passed by the top of the mountain a few minutes before her, or maybe earlier, touched the things she touched, and saw the scenery she had seen.

Maybe she also ate ice cream like her, and then happened to get the same brand, and with some kind of mood, she also lowered her eyes and wrote down her wish on it.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t figure out her, and couldn’t read Ji Jinyan’s mental activities, but felt the tip of her nose sore again.

She thought, all of this was probably accidental, but inexplicably, a small thought floated up in her heart, wondering if there would be such a possibility.

Could it be…Ji Jinyan went there just for her?

After all, there was such a sentence written on it, she said—

[I wish Li Wanqiu that everything will come true. 】

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