After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 37

Chapter 36 – It’S Ok

The night wind blew across his cheeks, bringing a bit of coolness, and sent those words to his ears without reservation.

Li Wanqiu paused, thinking for a moment that Ji Jinyan’s words were not talking about the plot, but to himself. It was not until a while later that he finally realized what he was thinking, and even his ears turned red. up.

“It’s…romantic.” Then she commented in a low voice.

“Yeah.” Ji Jinyan smiled, and responded softly, “Yes.”

“Did they get together in the end?” Li Wanqiu asked.

“The movie has an open ending at the end.” Ji Jinyan said, raising his hand to open the co-pilot door for Li Wanqiu, “About Alice’s choice, the movie didn’t say it clearly, but left enough room for the audience’s imagination .”

“However, I believe that they will come together in the end.”

Li Wanqiu was puzzled: “Why?”

Ji Jinyan looked over at the second before starting the car: “Because Alice has long been attracted to Paul unconsciously.”

She laughed, her voice was very soft, blending into the surrounding noise and the roar of the car, it was nice and gentle—

“It’s just that she hasn’t noticed it yet.”

Obviously the next day is still a working day, but tonight Li Wanqiu can’t sleep for some reason.

Coincidentally, Yan Weiwei’s message came at this time, Li Wanqiu casually clicked on the phone, and several pictures of desserts jumped out one after another.

Yan Weiwei: “Does it look good?”

Yan Weiwei: “You may not believe it, but I did all of these!”

Yan Weiwei: “My girlfriend said she likes my desserts the most!”

Every word and every word, it seemed that people could see the pink bubbles popping out of her head through the screen.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help laughing, and quickly replied: “It looks good, it’s awesome, it’s you!”

Yan Weiwei: “Hey hey hey, thank you.”

“Why haven’t you slept yet? Could it be that I woke you up?” Then she asked, with worry in her tone, “Don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?”

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu said, lying on the bed and turning over, hugging her pillow tightly, “I just can’t sleep for some reason.”

“What’s wrong?” Yan Weiwei quickly hesitated, “Did someone bully you?”

“Is it Guan Chun?” She asked, lowering her eyes subconsciously and typing, “I recently noticed that she seems to be very close to your brother.”

Li Wanqiu: “?”

Ever since Guan Chun was blocked that time, she never took the initiative to know about this person’s movements, and suddenly heard such news from Yan Weiwei’s mouth, she was a little confused for a while: “What do you mean?”

“I can’t tell.” Yan Weiwei said, “I just feel that something is wrong. There are several posts in Moments that this person recently posted that are related to your brother.”

“For example, she posted a selfie two days ago.” Yan Weiwei began to recall, “I don’t know where I took it, and I don’t know if it was intentional, but your brother happened to be in the photo.”

“And yesterday she posted on Moments, complaining that she always received harassing calls, but by coincidence, she intercepted your brother’s number again, and the call lasted more than 20 minutes.”

Yan Weiwei was puzzled: “What is she doing?”

“I don’t know either.” Li Wanqiu replied, her brows subconsciously frowned, and she suddenly remembered that Guan Chun also took the initiative to call Li Qing that day in the car, “I’ll ask later.”

“Yeah.” Yan Weiwei sighed on the other end of the phone, “Is it because of her that you can’t sleep?”

“Not really.” Li Wanqiu paused, her cheeks suddenly felt a little hot.

Yan Weiwei’s message came right after: “What’s the reason for that?”

Yan Weiwei: “Have you fallen in love?”

Li Wanqiu: “…”

“No, how is it possible.” She subconsciously began to argue.

Yan Weiwei: “Really?”

Seeing this, Yan Weiwei was a little disappointed: “I thought you were finally willing to confess to me.”

Li Wanqiu didn’t understand, so she asked, “Confess what?”

“Frankly, you and Mr. Ji are together.” After a while, Yan Weiwei said, “Don’t think you can hide it from me, I clearly saw the two of you holding hands in the haunted house that day.”

“Didn’t you say you don’t like older people?”

God, ah.

Even the roots of Li Wanqiu’s ears turned red.

“I didn’t!” She said quickly, her heart beating a little faster, “I didn’t fall in love with her, and I held hands because I was too scared that day.”

“Not together, really.”

There was obvious panic in his tone.

Yan Weiwei on the other side of the phone didn’t know what to think, and it took a while to send the message: “Well then, I reluctantly believe it.”

“But I’m still a little surprised that you held her hand for so long.” Yan Weiwei said, teasing intentionally, “Li Wanqiu, it shouldn’t be.”

Seeing this, Li Wanqiu was a little flustered, and subconsciously retorted: “Then what’s wrong?”

“It’s just holding hands.” She said, “It doesn’t prove anything.”

“It can’t prove anything.” Yan Weiwei quickly replied, “But at least it can show that you don’t hate her.”

She said, telling the truth without mercy, when the news came, Li Wanqiu was unable to speak for a while—

“Maybe, there is still a little liking.”


Li Wanqiu really didn’t sleep well.

She has always had the habit of getting up early, but only when the quality of sleep is good, not last night, she couldn’t fall asleep after thinking about it for a long time.

The National Day is approaching recently, and the TV station is going to launch a special topic about red wine. As the head of the domestic wine industry, Bixia is the first choice for reporters to interview, and she has already called a week ago.

Today is the day for the interview.

Work was urgent, so Li Wanqiu didn’t stay in bed any longer, quickly washed up and changed into decent clothes, drove to Bixia, and when the people from the TV station came, he followed Ji Jinyan and accompanied them to visit the brewing workshop and the vineyard.

Today’s Ji Jinyan is very beautiful, different from usual.

Because she was going to be on camera, she put on a different makeup than usual, and her hair was simply styled and neatly tied behind her head.

Li Wanqiu followed the team all the way, watching her generously introduce Bixia’s history and the general structure of the winery to everyone, and listening to her talk about her work policy and knowledge about red wine.

It has to be denied that she is really attractive.

Standing in the crowd, Li Wanqiu looked up at her, his eyes were always attracted to her unconsciously, seeing her lips curled into a chuckle, the corners of her lips also subconsciously raised.

After the interview, Ji Jinyan entertained everyone to the previously reserved restaurant and asked them to prepare red wine in advance.

Coincidentally, Li Wanqiu’s seat was arranged next to Ji Jinyan.

“Are you hungry?” Ji Jin asked, taking advantage of the time when everyone was chatting with Li Wanqiu.

The private room is very large and can accommodate a lot of people. It is inevitable that there will be some noise when all the people gather together to talk.

As if afraid that Li Wanqiu would not be able to hear her own voice clearly, Ji Jinyan leaned closer to where she was, not only the smile on the corners of his lips was obvious, but also the fragrance on his body floated over, which smelled very good.

“It’s okay.” Li Wanqiu nodded, lowering her eyes and slowly arranging the tableware on the table.

“The food here is spicy, so it may not suit your taste.” Ji Jinyan said, his voice was very low, as if whispering in her ear, “If you don’t like it, don’t force yourself. I’ll ask you later You eat something else.”

Unexpectedly, she still remembered her own taste.

Li Wanqiu shook her head in response, raised her eyes to look at her, and whispered: “I’m fine.”

After finishing speaking, I wanted to say something more, but at this moment someone came over to toast, Li Wanqiu was startled by that person, and quickly swallowed what I wanted to say.

“You are Mr. Ji’s assistant, right?” The man finished drinking with Ji Jinyan, then turned to have a drink with Li Wanqiu, “Take care of me in the future, take care of me!”

“I’ll have a drink with you.” He said, raised his hand to clink the glass with Li Wanqiu, and then quickly drank the wine in the glass.

Drink too much.

Li Wanqiu had a meal, after all, he was a guest, so it’s not easy to save his face, and then he picked up the wine in his hand.

“My assistant is not good at drinking, so I asked her to replace the bar with tea.” Before he could move, Ji Jinyan suddenly stopped her, and said with a light smile, “I’ll drink this cup for her.”

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

“Mr. Ji is a good drinker!” Ji Jinyan gave him enough face, and naturally there was no displeasure on that person’s face. He returned Ji Jinyan with a glass again, turned around and went to toast with others.

“Why did you drink it for me?” After sitting down again, Li Wanqiu quietly looked at her profile, “It’s just a glass, it’s fine.”

“This group of people are very good at drinking.” Ji Jinyan responded, “I can’t hold a glass.”

She smiled, her eyes were covered with a layer of light, and her tone was lazy: “If I don’t stop me, our little friend Ah Qiu will get drunk again in a while.”

Because of the close distance, her breath touched her ears.

Li Wanqiu looked at her sideways, her heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, and she quickly turned her head again: “…Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Ji Jinyan said.

After the meal, everyone sat at the table and chatted for a while.

Also at this time, a staff member came over and whispered the phone number to Li Wanqiu: “My name is Yan Shan, please save my number. I will send it to you when the samples come out later.”

“Okay, thank you for your hard work.” Li Wanqiu responded politely with her lips raised, she opened her phone with lowered eyes, and wrote down his phone number.

But when he entered the name, he was stunned for a moment, and murmured softly: “Yan, which Yan?”

The sound was so soft that others should not have noticed it.

But Ji Jinyan was not, somehow, she still found out.

Afterwards, she smiled, still chatting with people on the face, but the hand under the table suddenly touched Li Wanqiu’s, gently spread her palm, and gently wrote a word on her palm: Yan.

It turned out to be this.

“I see.” Li Wanqiu answered her in a low voice, moved her fingers, and quickly saved Yan Shan’s mobile phone number. For some reason, not only her cheeks, but also her palms were a little hot this time, and the places she touched were slightly glowing. itch.

After a while, Li Wanqiu subconsciously raised her hand and touched the place Ji Jinyan touched.

An idea gradually floated in her mind, she thought, what Yan Weiwei said was indeed true.

Maybe she… really doesn’t hate it.

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