After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 40

Chapter 39 – Expectation

Ji Jinyan’s testimony temporarily cleared Li Wanqiu of his suspicions.

The little girl who questioned her before was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, thinking that she must have missed some clue, she quickly lowered her head and continued to sort out the plot, and didn’t speak for a while.

Li Wanqiu didn’t speak anymore, she didn’t even raise her head to look at Ji Jinyan’s face, her mind was a little dull at the moment, which made her unable to hear the surrounding voices clearly for a while.

Only the phrase “Madam” became more and more clear in her ears.


It’s obviously fake, but somehow people’s heart beats faster.

The progress of the game was still going on, and after several rounds, it finally came to the voting session. As a veteran, Li Wanqiu had already gradually got rid of the suspicion during the game, and finally only got one vote.

On the other hand, the little girl who questioned her before was unable to answer everyone’s questions because she was emotional, and she hadn’t sorted out her script yet, so she became the person with the most votes.

It was she who won.

After the game was over, the host opened his mouth to replay. Everyone looked up at her, eager to know the real identity of the murderer. Seeing this, Li Wanqiu subconsciously raised the corners of her lips, and sporadic pride floated from the bottom of her heart.

Until the host said a name: Yu Xi.


It turned out to be Ji Jinyan who had cleared his suspicions long ago.

Li Wanqiu paused, and subconsciously looked at Ji Jinyan’s face: “How could it be you?”

“I didn’t even guess it.” She said, not only the little girls were surprised, but even she was shocked, “I thought…”

Having said that, I couldn’t help but pause for a moment. Some scriptwriters are very wicked, and sometimes deliberately confuse the options. Li Wanqiu thought that he had guessed who the murderer was from the beginning, but he didn’t want to fall into the trap of the scriptwriter.

It’s a bit embarrassing…

Li Wanqiu blinked, and after a while said softly: “Ji Jinyan, you are amazing.”

“It’s just luck.” Ji Jinyan smiled and met her gaze.

The host’s replay is still going on. In order to make it easier for the girls to understand, they simply simplified the character’s name and replaced it with pronouns.

“Actually, it was this lady who made the first move.” The host said, looking in the direction of Li Wanqiu, “It’s just that she didn’t stab any vital parts, and the victim survived by luck.”

“But soon, another woman who came after her discovered this situation.” She said, her eyes fell on Ji Jinyan again, “She thought, she wants to protect her wife from harm…”

It’s too late now.

This script has been played for nearly two hours, Li Wanqiu looked at the time, unexpectedly it was almost eleven o’clock.

“Go home earlier.” Ji Jinyan waved goodbye to those little girls, bought coffee from a vending machine and gave it to Li Wanqiu, “Go back?”

Li Wanqiu raised his hand to take the coffee, and answered her: “Okay.”

“Did you have a good time tonight?” She then asked, looking at Ji Jinyan’s side face expectantly and tentatively.

“Happy.” In the next second, Ji Jinyan nodded slightly.

Li Wanqiu felt relieved: “That’s good.”

It was not early at this time, there were not many vehicles outside, and the surrounding was quiet, with passers-by passing by from time to time, accompanied by laughter and noise.

Li Wanqiu was still thinking about the script, and after a few seconds of silence, she couldn’t help but sighed softly: “It’s a pity.”

Ji Jinyan quickly understood the meaning of her words: “Zhao Wan?”

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu nodded, thinking of the role she played, she couldn’t help sighing, “She had a better way to deal with it.”

“Yeah.” Ji Jinyan responded softly, “Actually, Yu Xi does too.”

“I don’t agree with what he’s doing.”

As soon as the words fell, Li Wanqiu subconsciously looked at Ji Jinyan’s side face, the corners of his lips slowly raised, and his tone was curious: “If it were you, what would you do?”

“At the end of the day, Yu Xi cared too little for Zhao Wan.” Ji Jinyan said, “At that time, Zhao Wan was frustrated in life and was not in a good state. He clearly noticed it, but he didn’t care and didn’t do anything. That’s what happened. The development is getting more and more out of control until it is too late to realize it.”

“Although all the actions he did in the later period seemed to be in the name of love, as if he was trying his best to redeem it, but I don’t think it was love.”

Ji Jinyan smiled, and glanced at Li Wanqiu’s profile from the corner of her eye: “If it were me, the story would probably end from the beginning. The person I love should always be smiling.”

“It shouldn’t have ended like this.”

The car arrived at its destination quickly.

Tomorrow is the last day of the holiday. There will be a seven-day long holiday, and a lot of work will be left behind. There must be something busy on the day of work.

“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Before getting off the car, Li Wanqiu subconsciously asked such a question.

“Probably not.” Ji Jinyan thought for a while, and then said, “It’s the last day of the holiday, you should take a good rest.”

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu nodded and said.

“Goodbye, thank you for sending me back.” She said, she packed her small bag with lowered eyes, and waved goodbye to Ji Jinyan, “Go back slowly.”

Ji Jinyan hooked his lips in response: “Okay.”

“Good night,” she said.

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu responded, “Good night.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave. Ji Jinyan had sent her home many times in the past, but Li Wanqiu always left in a hurry and never looked back.

Not knowing what happened until today, she suddenly wanted to look back.

It was late, Li Wanqiu guessed that Ji Jinyan should have left, but she didn’t want to look back, her car was still at the gate of the community, just parked there quietly.

After a pause of two seconds, Li Wanqiu took out her phone and opened her WeChat: “Why haven’t you left yet?”

Ji Jinyan’s message came back quickly: “Look at you up.”


Just four words, but inexplicably moved.

“Didn’t you say you want to go back and have a good rest?” Li Wanqiu asked again.

Ji Jin said: “It’s not too late.”

Li Wanqiu blinked, and the emotion overflowed from the bottom of her heart again.

She wanted to ask Ji Jinyan if it was like this every time, but she was too embarrassed to ask, so she made a compromise, and finally typed a few words out of nowhere: “If you are not busy, come to my house for dinner tomorrow.”

“It happens to be able to help me look at my paintings.” She said, “Also…”

What else, she regretted it before the editing was finished. She always felt that the invitation just now was inappropriate, so she paused and raised her hand to withdraw it.

But I didn’t want Ji Jinyan’s message to reply in the next second: “Okay.”

“I’ll buy the ingredients and come over,” she said afterward.

“No need.” Li Wanqiu hurried back, “There are at home.”

“That’s it.” Ji Jinyan said, and soon, the news jumped out of the screen again.

“I’m looking forward to it,” she said.


After returning home, Li Wanqiu put down the small bag and opened the refrigerator to check.

She learned a new dish not long ago, and she thinks it tastes good. Right now, there are plenty of ingredients in the refrigerator, and she can make it for Ji Jinyan to try tomorrow.

In addition, she can also cook a grilled fish, stir-fry vegetables, oh yes, the blueberries and yams she likes can also be arranged.

Li Wanqiu lowered her eyes to think for a while, and made a list of the recipes to be made tomorrow, then turned and walked into the kitchen to check what fruits were left.

The rummaging made her feel a little helpless, she was silent for a moment, she couldn’t help but shook her head with a smile.

But after being helpless, another thought suddenly popped up in my heart.

I always feel that she seems to be… looking forward to Ji Jinyan’s visit.

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