After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 56

Chapter 55 – Miss You

After tossing her, Ji Jinyan seemed a little sleepy.

Li Wanqiu raised his hand to touch her forehead, feeling that her body temperature seemed to be on the decline, she couldn’t help but breathe a little.

“Go to sleep.” She said, raising her hand to cover Ji Jinyan with a quilt, “I went to bed so late yesterday, and it happens that there is nothing to do today, so why don’t you rest more.”

“Alright.” As soon as the words fell, Ji Jinyan nodded slightly.

“Are you going?” she said afterwards.

Li Wanqiu shook her head: “Don’t go, I will stay with you.”

Ji Jinyan laughed when he heard this: “Okay.”

After finishing speaking, he really closed his eyes honestly.

Li Wanqiu raised her hand to touch Ji Jinyan’s face, inexplicably feeling that the person in front of her was very obedient, touched her eyelids with her fingertips, and asked her softly, “Want to hear a story?”

Ji Jinyan didn’t speak, just quietly nodded with his eyes closed.

“Let me think about it.” Li Wanqiu lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, and soon remembered a little story she heard when she was a child, and opened her lips to share it with her, “A long time ago, there were two foxes on the mountain. Jack, a cat called…”

“One was named Boer, and later they fell in love with each other, and gave birth to a little fox named Tom.” Ji Jinyan smiled, and took up her words.

Li Wanqiu was taken aback when he heard the words: “How do you know?”

“I’ve seen it before.” Ji Jinyan said, he put his arms around Li Wanqiu’s waist, and gradually moved closer to her, “In the complete story.”

She had even read this book.

Li Wanqiu paused, and quickly said: “Then I’ll change it to another one, the story of Octopus Wilson.”

“Well, this is very inspirational.” Ji Jinyan nodded, “In the end Wilson chose to take a brave risk with humans.”

Li Wanqiu: “Why have you heard everything?”

She couldn’t help laughing: “Still learning to coax children?”

Ji Jinyan also raised his lips: “Yes.”

“Then I’ll change the story.” Li Wanqiu sighed softly.

“No need.” After finishing speaking, Ji Jinyan shook his head lightly.

“Tell me about your childhood,” she said afterward, “I want to hear it.”

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help being taken aback when he heard the words: “The things about me when I was a child are actually quite boring, and you may not like them.”

“No.” Ji Jinyan opened his lips and denied, “I will like it.”

He answered so simply before he heard it.

She is still a sick patient, everything should be her first, since she said so, Li Wanqiu didn’t refuse any more, recalled a few seconds and began to talk slowly.

“I was not the same when I was young.” Li Wanqiu said, she rarely told others about these things in the past, “I don’t like to talk very much, and my personality is a bit withdrawn. If no one pays attention to me, I can be quiet by myself. sit all day.”

Hearing this, Ji Jinyan opened his eyes, held her hand and gently rubbed her palm with his fingertips: “Because I lacked the company of my family when I was young?”

Li Wanqiu nodded: “Yes.”

She was a little embarrassed: “At that time, everyone was busy, and my grandma had no time to take care of me too much due to illness, so I learned to take care of myself from a very young age, to do everything within my power, and to try not to bother about things that I could handle by myself.” other people.”

“But sometimes I still feel lonely, especially… when I see other parents playing with their children.”

It sounds very distressing.

Ji Jinyan lowered his eyes and kissed her earnestly: “Thanks for your hard work.”

“It’s okay.” Li Wanqiu lowered her eyelids, her voice was very soft, “Because I was lucky enough to meet someone later.”

Ji Jinyan smiled: “Who is it?”

“A sister.” Li Wanqiu said, “Although I only spent one summer vacation with her, she has had a profound influence on me.”

“She would look for cicada shells for me to play with, tell me stories when I was sad, give me strawberry-flavored cakes to eat, and ride a bicycle to take me to various places, to see Many colorful landscapes.”

Ji Jin said softly, “It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, it’s beautiful.” Li Wanqiu echoed her, “But after the summer vacation, I never saw that sister again. On the night we parted, she told me that she was going to a place far, far away. It will take a long time to come back.”

Li Wanqiu sighed: “I don’t want to part with her, but I can’t do anything about it. After thinking about it, I finally drew a starry sky and gave it to her.”

Ji Jinyan said softly, “That painting must be beautiful.”

Li Wanqiu shook her head: “Actually, no, I just started learning to draw at that time, and my skills were still very bad.”

“But for me at that time, it was the most sincere and precious thing I could offer.”

As soon as the words fell, Ji Jinyan seemed to pause.

After a while, she smiled lightly, and looked seriously into Li Wanqiu’s eyes: “Our little friend Ah Qiu is great.”

“And after that?” she said.

“I never saw that sister again.” Li Wanqiu said, “But one winter, I received a gift from her.”

“It’s a big jar of stars~” she said, and when she mentioned this, she couldn’t help but bring some longing in her tone, “I counted it, and there were a thousand of them, and she told me in the letter that they were all made by herself. Little by little.”

“That’s great.” Ji Jinyan said.

“I still keep that can of stars.” Li Wanqiu said, “I still remember the past when I was with her.”

“I think…” At this point, Li Wanqiu’s nose was a little sore, and for some reason, she suddenly couldn’t continue.

But in the next second, Ji Jinyan finished speaking for her: “I think that might be the only thing she could do at that time…”

“The most sincere and precious gift.”

Li Wanqiu and Ji Jinyan fell asleep together, and finally woke up in the evening.

Su Xin sent her a WeChat message half an hour ago, saying that after the wine fair, everyone had organized a group to eat together, and asked if she and Mr. Ji would like to come too.

“No.” Li Wanqiu rubbed her eyes to force herself to wake up, and typed a few words with lowered eyes, “Let’s just eat something at the hotel.”

“Have fun~” she said afterwards.

“Okay!” Su Xin’s message came back quickly, it was a voice, “I promise to complete the task!”

After finishing speaking, a video was sent along with it. The background was a beautiful private room, and a group of people were sitting around eating and drinking happily.

Ji Jinyan came over at some point: “I’m very happy.”

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu nodded, carefully watching the contents of the video, “It seems that he ate a lot of good things.”

“I’m at a loss.” She said afterwards, joking with Ji Jinyan with sideways eyes, “There are so many delicious foods that you can only look at, not eat.”

She subconsciously said: “This table should cost a lot of money.”

Ji Jinyan laughed: “The company will reimburse you.”

Li Wanqiu: “…”

“Then I’m at a loss.” She said, raising her hand to touch Ji Jinyan’s forehead. The fever has completely subsided at this moment, and the stone hanging in her heart finally fell to the ground. “How will you compensate me?”

“Please eat better.” Ji Jinyan said.

Li Wanqiu thought for a while: “Okay then.”

“But you don’t need better ones.” She said, staring at the person in front of her with a pair of beautiful eyes, “You are sick, you should eat something light, just eat a little at the hotel.”

“Alright.” Ji Jinyan didn’t refute, and sat up to hold her hand.

The two quickly packed up and came to the dining area on the third floor.

Recently, the scenery in country A is beautiful, and there are many tourists who come to visit. Apart from them, there are a few Chinese people, and it happens that the table next to them is there.

The two looked like a young couple, and they suddenly quarreled for some reason. Li Wanqiu listened to it, and it seemed that the little girl was complaining about the words written on the dessert by the other party.

The little girl was a little disgusted: “It’s so ugly.”

The boy opposite was a little helpless: “It’s not bad, this jam is hard to control.”

“Then take a look at what you wrote.” The little girl said again, “Iloveyousomuch… This is what you wrote yesterday, so you can’t be a little new.”

“Then I’ll think about it again.” The boy said quickly, thought for a while, and finally changed love to miss.

The girl sighed and complained that he was a piece of wood, and the two of them started bickering again.

Cute and sweet.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help smiling when he heard the words, the waiter brought up all the dishes at this time, and it happened that they also had this dish in front of them, Ji Jinyan curled his lips when he saw this, so he simply dipped in some jam and wrote seriously.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help being a little curious, and then raised her eyes: “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

She laughed quickly: “I can’t stop thinking about you?”

Ji Jinyan nodded: “It can be translated in this way.”

“But there is also a more romantic explanation.” She said, raised her eyes to meet Shang Li Wanqiu’s eyes, and smiled lightly with her.

— “For example… when I miss you, my heart surges and I can’t hold it in.”

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