After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 – Follow Me

Tomorrow is Monday, Li Wanqiu took a comfortable bath and went to bed earlier than usual.

Today Li’s mother didn’t talk about her anymore, instead she asked her to go home for dinner in a few days, Li Wanqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly bowed her head and said “Okay”.

Afterwards, she casually opened Moments, and happened to see a new video posted by Yan Weiwei. Their club is preparing to renovate recently, and they have bought a lot of brand new equipment and equipment. bicycle.

Wording: “I’ll try it for everyone first.”

The ride was in full swing.

Li Wanqiu couldn’t help being moved by her, the corners of her mouth subconsciously raised, and after watching the video, she casually left a message below: “It looks good, I’ll try it this weekend.”

The other side quickly replied: “Our Ah Qiu has a good eye, come quickly, and leave you the best looking one!”

Li Wanqiu smiled back at her: “Okay.”

The mood is not generally relaxed.

It was rare to have such a pleasant night, Li Wanqiu turned over, after a long silence, she finally climbed up again with her nightgown, stepped on the soft carpet to fetch a bottle of white wine.

Having a drink before going to bed is helpful for her to rest. Li Wanqiu raised her hand and poured the wine into a goblet, carefully carried it to the window and sat down, looking out the window.

Living alone for a long time, in fact, I still feel a little lonely. Li Wanqiu has developed a habit of always sitting in front of the window and looking out when he has nothing to do.

The starry sky tonight happens to be particularly beautiful.

Li Wanqiu leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and raised her hand to connect the stars into lines. For some reason, she inexplicably remembered the starry sky on Ji Jinyan’s head, and realized that she had actually entered the winery to work. Feeling a bit miraculous, when I looked at the glass of white wine in my hand, it gradually took on a sense of detection.

Li Wanqiu straightened up, found the document that Ji Jinyan had sent, and turned to the page about wine.

“Bixia uses different techniques in brewing wine according to the type of wine.” Li Wanqiu read aloud in a low voice, “For example, white wine will be squeezed before destemming and crushing, so as to separate the juice from the skin. …”

There are so many ways in it.

Li Wanqiu skimmed through a few pages of knowledge about white wine, and suddenly felt that she had benefited a lot. Subconsciously, she clicked into Yan Weiwei’s WeChat interface, and proudly summarized what she had learned to her.

A reply was received shortly after.

Yan Weiwei: “???”

Yan Weiwei: “What’s the situation, your account has been hacked, what are you doing?”

Li Wanqiu was taken aback for a moment, and realized later, that’s right, he poured a glass of wine just for enjoyment, why did he learn it now.

She couldn’t help being a little embarrassed, and she replied with a few words, raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

“Sleep to sleep.” Then she whispered.


Early the next morning, Li Wanqiu showed up at the entrance of the winery on time.

Bixia covers a really large area, and there are many facilities inside. Apart from a large vineyard, it also includes exhibition halls, main hotels, wine castles, clubs and other places.

If there is no one to guide you for the first time, you will get lost.

Li Wanqiu walked straight forward, and found the president’s office on the top floor of the building by memory. Bixia was busy with affairs, so in order to ensure work efficiency, the secretary’s office was also set up on this floor.

Before he could take two steps, someone came up to meet him soon.

“Miss Li.” The visitor was a woman, dressed in business attire, with her hair neatly tied behind her head, and said with a smile, “I’m Assistant An. Congratulations on your entry.”

“Hello.” Li Wanqiu nodded in response, raised his hand and shook her politely.

Ji Jinyan seemed to have told the Assistant An to take her around the surrounding environment in advance, and after putting the things in her own office, Li Wanqiu followed the Assistant An around to familiarize herself with the situation. .

And by the way, from her mouth, I got a clearer understanding of Bixia’s whole picture.

This winery was founded by Ji Jinyan’s grandfather. The old man has a son and a daughter, and the two have their own families. The population is prosperous, but after the old man passed away, it was not any of them who took over the winery .

It was Ji Jinyan.

This kind of arrangement sounds a little unreasonable, and there must be many twists and turns in it. As a subordinate, Li Wanqiu, a stranger who has only known her for a short time, shouldn’t talk about her family affairs.

So she just nodded to show that she knew.

Assistant An smiled, and continued to explain to her. After turning around, she returned to the original place.

Li Wanqiu subconsciously looked at Ji Jinyan’s office, looking through the blinds, but did not see anyone inside.

She couldn’t help asking: “Sister An, isn’t President Ji here today?”

“President Ji should be in the brewing room right now.” Assistant An said after thinking for a while, “I’m really busy recently.”

“That’s it.” Li Wanqiu nodded slightly.

“I still have some things to deal with later.” Assistant An responded with a smile, and looked down at his watch, “Go back and familiarize yourself with the work first, and ask me if there is anything unclear.”

“My office is right there.” She said, raised her hand to show Li Wanqiu, then quickly turned around, picked up the phone and left quickly.

Li Wanqiu nodded and walked into his office.

Before the previous assistant left, he had integrated all the information on the document on the desktop. Li Wanqiu clicked on it to browse, and the whole morning passed like that.

Soon it was noon.

The company arranges food order every day, and there is also a cafeteria in the winery. No matter what, Li Wanqiu will never be hungry. After eating, Li Wanqiu was bored, walked to the French windows and looked around, and suddenly wanted to go down for a walk.

As long as you remember the direction when you go, you will never get lost.

Li Wanqiu just did what he said, took advantage of the abundant time for lunch break, and browsed around several landscapes, gardens, wooden houses, and sculptures, each of which was particularly pleasing to the eye.

Li Wanqiu walked forward while watching, and thus gained a lot of inspiration for painting.

While walking, a phone call came in suddenly.

Li’s mother remembered that today was her working day, so she specially called to check on the post: “Did you work well?”

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu nodded in response to her, without stopping.

“Your father put you in Bixia with great difficulty, you must cherish it.” Li’s mother muttered on the other end of the phone, “Don’t think about those **** things like Huahua all day long.”

Li Wanqiu coughed lightly, temporarily withdrew her gaze from looking around, and said softly, “Got it.”

She intentionally changed the subject, and asked Li’s mother if she wanted to bring something to Li’s mother when she went home for dinner two days ago, Li’s mother was fooled by her for a while, and finally stopped talking.

Li Wanqiu breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her eyes and hung up the phone. When she raised her head again, she suddenly found that the scenery around her was a little strange.


She looked back in a daze, but didn’t find the way she came here. Just now she was only on the phone with Li’s mother, and didn’t pay attention to the route. Now she came to a completely strange place.

be lost.

There is no signage in the vicinity, Li Wanqiu searched for a while to no avail, fearing that he would go further and further away, so he hurriedly stopped, remembering the surrounding scenery and prepared to call Assistant An for help.

Just before he could move, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind: “Li Wanqiu, what are you doing here?”

It’s Ji Jinyan!

Li Wanqiu didn’t know why she was here, and suddenly turned around in surprise: “I…”

There was a sudden pause when the words came to his lips, Li Wanqiu was silent for a moment, readjusted his emotions, and said firmly: “It’s nothing, come out for a walk during lunch break.”

“That’s it.” Ji Jinyan nodded, without further words, but a smile gradually formed on his lips.

Li Wanqiu felt a little embarrassed: “What about you, why are you here?”

“This is the dormitory building.” Ji Jinyan raised his finger to show her, “I was a little tired just now, so I went to rest nearby for a while.”

“Have you eaten yet?” she asked afterward.

Li Wanqiu nodded: “I have eaten.”

“That’s good.” Ji Jinyan responded, fiddled with the phone a few times with drooping eyes and remained silent for a while, then she laughed and murmured complainingly, “Okay, the rest is over, and I’m going to get busy again.”

“I’m going back to the office.” She said, looking at Li Wanqiu’s face casually, her voice was very soft, “You should come back and help.”

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot and walked forward.

Li Wanqiu was taken aback when he heard the words, and only recovered after a few seconds. He quickly raised his heels to follow Ji Jinyan’s pace. beautiful.

Ji Jinyan looked back at her, his voice was accompanied by the sound of shaking leaves, and the gemstone earring on his right ear was dotted in the sun, shining brightly.

“Li Wanqiu.” She called her name, with an unconcealable smile hidden in her helpless tone.

“Follow me closely.”

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