After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 61

Chapter 60 – Do Not Forget Me


Although it is only the simplest three words, it is enough to make people’s heart beat.

“We can eat together, rest together, and do whatever she wants with each other.” Ji Jinyan smiled, and his tone was very light, “We can also decorate the house as we like, and we can invite friends to come home As a guest, you can have a party and play all night without sleep.”

“It doesn’t matter if you think about the world of two people. If the weather is good, we will go for a walk in the park together. If the weather is bad, we will hide under the quilt and watch a movie. When you feel sleepy, I will tell you various stories.”

Speaking of this, Ji Jinyan subconsciously paused, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger after a while: “More importantly, we can see each other every day.”

Very happy, everything she portrayed is very happy.

Li Wanqiu listened quietly, and images seemed to have emerged in her mind, accompanied by strong joy and anticipation, as if she had walked through the long dark night for a long time, and finally found the end, where there is nothing Far from loneliness and darkness, there is infinite light and warmth.

And the name of that beam of light…is called Ji Jinyan.

Li Wanqiu finally turned around again and raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her.

After a while, she slowly opened her mouth: “Okay.”

The voice is a bit small, full of temptation and shyness, but also full of joy and emotion.

As soon as the words fell, Ji Jinyan kissed her lips again, and smiled slowly, repeating her words in a gentle tone.

She said, “Well, yes.”

After eating, the two went to take a shower together.

There are still many colleagues at the wine exhibition. After three days, everyone has already become familiar with the specific process. What Ji Jinyan wants to do has been done ahead of time, so she doesn’t have to worry about the rest.

The same is true at the winery, Mr. Jiang is handling most of the work for her, and Ji Jinyan only needs to deal with some important documents.

On the whole, the past few days have been unprecedentedly leisurely.

—Suitable for taking a nap with your lover comfortably.

Li Wanqiu rushed back to China overnight last night, didn’t care much about rest at all, and was obviously sleepy now.

Especially… the smell of Ji Jinyan is everywhere here, just smelling it makes her relax unconsciously.

Li Wanqiu was wearing Ji Jinyan’s pajamas. It was a set of pure white home clothes. The style was a little too big for her. The fabric was soft and comfortable.

She also used Ji Jinyan’s slippers on her feet, and besides that, she also used her shampoo and shower gel, and applied her body lotion, all of which belonged to her.

Of course, she also belongs to her.

Li Wanqiu smiled, and quickly came to the bed to lie down, smelling Ji Jinyan’s smell, closed her eyes and hugged her quietly.

“good afternoon.”

He soon fell asleep, and it was already evening when he opened his eyes again.

Ji Jinyan didn’t know when he got up, and he was processing emails at the moment, when he heard the movement beside the bed, he quickly raised his eyes again: “Are you awake?”

“Yeah.” Li Wanqiu raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, murmured in response to her, subconsciously glanced aside, and saw that Ji Jinyan had prepared the clothes for her in advance.

“This is?” she asked.

“Slow down a little bit.” Ji Jinyan turned off the computer, stepped forward and patted her head, “We’ll go back to your house later.”

“After all, we’re going to live together, and some important things have to be brought over first.”

“Okay.” Hearing the word cohabitation, Li Wanqiu lowered his eyes and leaned into her arms, subconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

The two tidied up a bit, and came downstairs together half an hour later.

The temperature at night was a little bit cold, Li Wanqiu had just woken up, afraid that she would catch a cold, Ji Jinyan raised his hand to pull down the brim of her hat.

The brim of the hat was a bit too big, completely covering her sight, Li Wanqiu subconsciously paused, and slightly pushed back the brim of the hat, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes to watch her quietly.

Now the night has just fallen, the stars are waking up one by one, hanging in the night sky and shining quietly, Li Wanqiu’s eyes are bright, as if lying in a galaxy of moonlight, Ji Jinyan feels his heart beat, gently caressing her cheek, drooping Kissing her lips.

The laughter of the students happened to be heard in the distance, and it made people feel ashamed when they heard it.

“What are you doing?” Li Wanqiu complained with slightly red cheeks, “There are a lot of people around.”

“Sorry.” Ji Jinyan laughed, “Because Li Wanqiu is so cute.”

She has never been stingy with her compliments. Li Wanqiu had obviously listened to too much in the past, but this is the case, but she still feels moved every time she hears it.

This made her cough lightly, paused, and slowly stretched out her hand in the direction of Ji Jinyan.

Ji Jinyan raised his eyebrows: “What?”

Li Wanqiu whispered: “Hand in hand.”

“Yeah.” Ji Jinyan smiled, and quickly raised his hand to hold hers, and slid his fingertips down the gap between his fingers, interlocking with hers.

The night is thick, and there are many pedestrians around, men and women, of all kinds, chatting and laughing for a long time, and some noisy sounds are transmitted to the ears.

In the past, when Li Wanqiu passed them by, she would only feel envious, but not now, she took Ji Jinyan’s hand and walked forward a little bit, as if unconsciously blending into the joy around her.

It was obviously just an ordinary hand in hand.

But sometimes, being able to hold hands with your lover happily like this is actually the best happiness.

The car drove very fast and arrived at Li Wanqiu’s community in a short while.

Obviously only staying at Ji Jinyan’s house for one noon, Li Wanqiu already feels that this place is deserted, but after all, he has lived here for too many years, and it is really sad to move away suddenly.

“Sit down for a while.” Li Wanqiu said, looking sideways at the people around her, “I’ll tidy up.”

“No need.” As soon as the words fell, Ji Jinyan shook his head slightly, with a sincere tone, “I’ll help you.”

Seeing her say this, Li Wanqiu paused for a few seconds, and did not say anything to refuse: “Okay.”

“Then I’ll clean up the dressing table first.” Li Wanqiu glanced around, opened her lips and began to assign tasks, “Can you help me tidy up the closet?”

“You don’t need to bring too much, just take some winter clothes for this trip.”

Ji Jinyan smiled when he heard the words: “Okay.”

Seeing her laugh, Li Wanqiu also laughed along with her unconsciously: “Let’s get started~”

Two people divide the work, and the efficiency is always much faster than one person.

When Li Wanqiu was about to finish tidying up the dressing table, Ji Jinyan’s side was also almost finished.

Although Li Wanqiu lives alone, she has a lot of clothes, and the cabinet is bigger than normal. Ji Jinyan carefully folded the clothes one by one. After ten minutes, there was finally a small space in front of her. place.

When he looked up again, he noticed that there was a small interlayer inside. Ji Jinyan got up and opened the drawer to check, and saw that it was not clothes.

Instead, there are two bottles, one looks a little bigger and beautiful, not only is it tied with a shiny ribbon, but also filled with stars, while the other is a little smaller, almost the same, the only difference is , which is no longer filled with stars, but the moon.

It is a beautiful moon that is neatly stacked one by one.

Ji Jinyan was subconsciously taken aback.

Li Wanqiu just came over at this time, followed her gaze, and couldn’t help feeling softly: “Ah, you found them.”

“This is the bottle of stars I told you about last time.” Li Wanqiu said, opening his lips and telling her seriously, “That sister sent it to me in a certain winter.”

She laughed quickly: “It’s a very precious gift.”

“That’s it.” Ji Jinyan nodded lightly, and seemed to pause for a moment before asking again, “Where’s the moon next to it?”

Li Wanqiu raised her lips: “I broke that one.”

“After all, if you receive such an expensive gift, you always have to return it. I thought about it and didn’t know what to give, so I just imitated her.”

“It’s just that I don’t fold it as well as her.” Li Wanqiu sighed a little embarrassedly, “I failed many times before I finally folded one.”

After a while, Ji Jinyan looked sideways at her face: “It’s already very beautiful.”

“Why didn’t you send it out then?” She asked again later.

“It was confiscated by my mother.” Li Wanqiu said, “She said that students should focus on their studies and not do these messy things all the time.”

“When I finally got it back later, I couldn’t find that sister’s address for a long time.”

His voice was full of disappointment.

As the movie says, life is always full of regrets.

After a pause, Ji Jinyan raised his hand and took the bottle in front of his eyes for a closer look. Even though it had been so long, she still seemed to be able to gradually see Li Wanqiu’s trajectory through it.

It was Li Wanqiu when she was a child. She quietly hid herself in the quilt, and carefully folded the moon one by one. The paper in her hand was very soft, and it was accidentally broken. The tutorials on the phone were also very difficult. I have to go back and forth to see it many times.

But even so, she didn’t give up, she still worked hard to fold one by one, and accumulated so much without knowing it.

“Without contact for so many years, that sister must be angry…” After an unknown amount of time, Li Wanqiu spoke again.

“No.” But as soon as the words fell this time, Ji Jinyan raised his lips and smiled softly.

Li Wanqiu looked over in response, subconsciously asked: “Really?”

“Really.” Ji Jinyan nodded, suddenly raised his hand to pick up another bottle, opened it, and slowly took out one of the stars contained in it.

“Open it and have a look,” she said afterward.

Li Wanqiu: “?”

She was a little puzzled, but still listened to Ji Jinyan’s words, and carefully opened the star in her hand.

Afterwards, such a string of small characters quietly appeared in the field of vision. Although it was a little different, Li Wanqiu could still tell at a glance that it was clearly Ji Jinyan’s handwriting. It looks beautiful.

It was neatly written word by word on it—”I hope, little friend Aqiu, you must not forget me.”

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