After Being Forced To Raise a Crazy Milk Dog, I Am So Fragrant

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 – Ultimate Secret

Chapter 144 The Final Secret

Chapter 144 The Final Secret

His physical strength is limited, and his oxygen is about to run out. In desperation, he can only remove all the equipment on his body.

And Cen Qing also dragged Egard upstream at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, Egard’s lung capacity is still good, at least he can last for a minute and a half.

The two of them showed their heads on the sea surface, and let out a long sigh of relief.

While Egard was still panting, he felt that his entire lungs were about to be soaked in sea water.

The two supported each other and went ashore. King Siwen on the shore had already prepared rescue things.

In fact, those rescue things are of no use to Cen Qing.

It’s just that Egard was rushed to the nearest hospital due to lack of energy.

“I’m really scared to death by you.”

Jin Siwen is still afraid for a while.

She was on the shore and saw Cen Qing falling straight into the deep sea, and almost suffered a cardiac arrest.

However, fortunately, she had nothing to do in the end.

“I’m fine, but there should be nothing wrong with Egard, right?”

His appearance was also unexpected by Cen Qing.

However, how did he know that the coffin existed under the sea?

“It’s fine, just take it to the hospital and lie down for a few days.”

However, they have more important things to deal with right now.

Seeing Jin Siwen’s solemn expression, Cen Qing had the sixth feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, Jin Siwen’s words in the next second made Cen Qing fall into an ice cellar.

“The things under the RS bank are all in the world.”

Andre and Puzuo didn’t stop them, and the Q Group also deliberately took this opportunity to disturb the entire Fenghai.

“Now the whole Fenghai is in chaos, and all the police officers have been dispatched. They even have nowhere to go and come to seek help from the underworld.”

Just now, King Siwen received a call from Falk.

On the other end of the phone are several Fenghai political councilors, among whom there are not many upper-class wealthy businessmen worth hundreds of millions.

Taking the binoculars brought by King Siwen, Cen Qing looked across the bridge.

Sure enough, the other side has fallen into chaos, with gunpowder smoke and gunshots everywhere.

And this bridge is the only channel connecting the East and West Fenghai, if it blows up, there will be no other way to go.

“So, do we choose to play it safe, or answer their plea for help?”

Jin Siwen looked at Cen Qing, put one hand on the railing, and scratched his blonde hair irritably.

In any case, Fenghai is the place where she grew up, so there must be some feelings.

Moreover, most of her business in Fenghai is in Xishi.

Abandoning that market is a big blow to the entire family business.

“We have all performed missions in Jinjiang. At that time, there were only zombies, but these new species in Fenghai are no better than zombies.”

They are far more dangerous than zombies, and they also have human minds.

And there are thousands of them.

Lukes will show what is at stake.

It’s not that they don’t want to save, but that they have limited ability and cannot make such a big sacrifice.

“It’s not bad, the group of zombies in Jinjiang almost sent me away, and these non-human species are even more difficult to deal with.”

As for the snake man, he just swallowed him in one gulp.

There are werewolves, mothmen…

But when it comes to Mothman, where is Anna?

“Have you seen Anna?”

Wilder asked suspiciously.

Where is she going in this situation?

But when everyone searched around but couldn’t find Anna, a rescuer ran over and said,

“We have a rescue yacht missing and a member of the rescue team appears to be poisoned and hallucinating.”

Speaking of this, Cen Qing basically confirmed that the person who stole the lifeboat was Anna!

“Is she crazy?!”

“What a mess on the other side of the bridge. The people over there are eager to sneak over here, but she still wants to go back!”

Wilder exclaimed with shock written all over his face.

That little broken sound almost sent Cen Qing away.

If he retires in the future, if it doesn’t work, let Wilde practice his bel canto.

At least there is a part-time job to make ends meet.

Jin Siwen’s speechless face: Then you might as well let him break the tempered glass with his voice.

It is very convenient to steal things like this.

Wilder: Thank you so much.

Cen Qing picked up the binoculars and saw a lifeboat floating on the sea, but there was no one on it.

It is estimated that she has already run across the sea.

“Her brother should be in the West District, but he was afraid of embarrassing us, so he went back alone.”

Cen Qing explained.

“The strength of the family is the most solid backing in the world.”

King Siwen nodded in agreement, but didn’t say anything more about Anna’s behavior.

After all, it was her personal choice, and no one else could interfere.

“So, shall we run away?”

Wild’s face was full of seriousness, and he even planned to take some small diamonds and precious stones with him to run away.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes fell on Cen Qing.

To be precise, Feng Hai’s troubles were caused by them.

But in the final analysis, it was still Cen Qing’s fault.

Of course, you have to deal with your own affairs.

So, Cen Qing planned to stay and face it by himself.

But Jin Siwen and others must not be dragged into the water, this is not fair to them.

But just as Cen Qing was ready to speak, he planned to lure these people out of Fenghai City now.

Egard in the ambulance woke up. The moment he was sober, he wanted to find Cen Qing!

The medical staff took a look at his physical indicators, signaled that he had no problems, and then left.

And Cen Qing sat across from him, as if waiting for him to speak first.

There are too many mysteries for him to solve, so it is better for him to open this topic.

“The woman in the coffin, her appearance…”

Egard hesitated to speak, he scratched his head irritably, he hesitated to speak.

But Cen Qing took over the conversation.

“Her appearance is almost exactly the same as mine.”

Actually, if we were more precise, Cen Qing could remove the word “almost”.

But she didn’t.

Because in her subconscious mind, she is an independent person, not a clone that violates human ethics!

“To be precise, she is you.”

Egard exhaled heavily, and finally broke the topic.

However, the scene he expected did not happen, Cen Qing was very calm.

seems to be too calm…

“Don’t you feel surprised at all?”

Egard didn’t care about the various catheters inserted into his body at this time, and sat up directly, leaning in front of Cen Qing.

Then, he tapped her on the head again.

“No, didn’t you lose your memory? How could you be so calm?”

Even Cen Qing didn’t expect that Egard would have the audacity to come and knock her on the head.

“You don’t want this hand, do you?”

Facing her cold swishing eyes, Egard took his hand back with a swish.

He even swallowed his saliva appropriately.

“No, didn’t I just want to see if you were dropped?”

“So see now?”

Cen Qing folded his arms, feeling full of oppression.

Eggard was so frightened that he stuttered, and even lost his smile.

“Look, see, it’s all good, right?”

Cen Qing: …

She didn’t have time to talk nonsense with him, she went straight to the topic and asked,

“How do you know that there will be a coffin in the deep sea?”

Don’t tell me it was because of a dream, she doesn’t believe it!

Of course, Egard would definitely not be so out of tune.

“When I knew that the Q Group wanted to get the ‘Heart of the Ocean’, I paid attention to it.”

Ordinarily like this kind of gem, the Q Group will definitely not want to get it without reason.

The only possibility is that the value of this gemstone far exceeds the value of the gemstone itself.

So, he started the investigation with the ‘Heart of the Ocean’ as the starting point.

Unexpectedly, he found out the past and present of this gemstone.

Before this gem was mined, it was reported by the media first.

Because it is the largest sapphire ever discovered.

After that, the largest sapphire was bought by a mysterious rich man.

But there has been no news about this gem in the market.

It wasn’t until Egard looked through old family photos that he discovered a little bit of clues.

At that time, their Dannister family still controlled Fenghai’s economic lifeline, and they were the uncrowned kings.

So, after his grandfather heard that this gemstone came out, he also became somewhat interested.

Introduced by a jeweler, my grandfather met with the wealthy businessman and successfully saw the sapphire.

And, they still left a photo.

The wealthy businessman in that photo at that time was just an unknown businessman.

But who would have guessed that it was this small wealthy businessman who uprooted the entire family that had lasted for a hundred years.

Even, taking control of Fenghai and completely expelling the Dannister family from Fenghai!

Later, that gemstone was divided into two pieces, and one piece was made into a jewel that astonishes the world.

One piece is the “Heart of the Ocean” that retains the prototype and has not undergone any polishing.

It’s just the jewelry necklace made of sapphire, which only flashed in front of the media.

And it was worn by an oriental woman.

But just as the media were about to continue tracking, the woman seemed to have disappeared.

Can’t find any trace anymore…

And that peerless necklace that has amazed the world has since disappeared.

Only one ‘Heart of the Ocean’ is left for comfort.

“That oriental woman must be the one in the coffin.”

Cen Qing said after listening to the clues he had gone through.

“I guess so, but there is no direct evidence. She is even inextricably linked to the establishment of the Q Group.”

It’s just that he hasn’t found out what kind of relationship it is.

But Cen Qing quickly found the loophole from the clues.

“Since the ‘Heart of the Ocean’ originally belonged to the Q Group and has been kept in RS’s underground laboratory, why did they spend so much time looking for it?”

He even pretended that he couldn’t find the gem.

Little by little lure her to bring the gem out.

The timing of Egard’s appearance was also very coincidental, as if someone had exposed everything under the sea to her.

“Why did you appear here at this time?”

Cen Qing asked.

“I was still investigating in the Q Group, and then I just found a reason to go to the archives, and then I found out about it.”

By linking them together in this way, wouldn’t the clues that were confused before be linked together?

So, for a person with a high IQ like him, checking such trivial matters is overkill.

Cen Qing: …

“Then how do you know that I will be on the cross-sea bridge?”

Cen Qing continued to ask, but his heart was getting colder and colder.

What happened this time, there is a high probability that it was done by the Q Group.

The purpose is to let her know the existence of that woman and her identity as a clone.

Hearing this, Egard was even more proud, and said arrogantly,

“I heard from the employees of Q Group that you were broadcasting live, so I know that you have come to the cross-sea bridge.”

“You’re being used by them.”

Cen Qing supported his forehead, and said in a slightly helpless tone.

“Q Group doesn’t have an archive room at all. The place you went to is just a place to store ordinary materials.”

“As for what you see, of course it’s what they want you to see.”

From the beginning, they counted on Egard.

Any kind of financing is nonsense, the purpose is to release the news and let Egard send it to the door.

Really played a good game of chess.

“We… have fallen into their trap?”

Egard realized later, and then suddenly realized.

“At present, it looks like this.”

“And the things under RS Bank should have been released on purpose.”

And Fenghai will soon become the next Jinjiang.

This time, are they going to repeat the trick?

For a moment, Cen Qing’s thoughts were a little confused.

Because making Fenghai the next Jinjiang will not bring Q any benefit.

Unless…, behind the Q Group, there is a more secretive force!

“What did the Fu family rely on to gain a firm foothold in Fenghai? And can they become the king of Fenghai from a small wealthy businessman?”

Perhaps starting from this suspicious point, she will be able to uncover the hidden forces hidden behind the Q Group.

“According to my grandfather, the Fu family got a pharmacy and started their business. Later, they opened several clinics in Fenghai. Then the business grew bigger and bigger, and more and more hospitals were opened.”

“Then, they extended their hands into the Fenghai political arena, and even assigned the medical treatment of the people to their private hospitals.”

This amount of money is almost sky-high.

And the entire medical industry is also monopolized by them.

But the Dannister family’s business has always been in the construction and real estate industry, and by the way, they have also operated more than a dozen hotels.

Never involved in the medical industry.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that their ambitions would be so big, and they had the idea of becoming kings.

This forced the Dannister family to be extra vigilant, but in the end they were defeated by an informer.

(end of this chapter)

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