After Being Forced To Raise a Crazy Milk Dog, I Am So Fragrant

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 – Good Luck

Chapter 178 I wish you a smooth journey

There is no legend in Sicily: [However, there is one thing to say, it is not unacceptable if you can deduct some diamonds if you are beaten up by Sister Jin and Sister Cen, at least I am the first one to sign up. 】

The white lily on the godfather’s chest: [Add one diamond for group buckle. 】

Bai Baihe on the godfather’s chest: 【Ah bah, form a group to meet idol Jiayi. 】

Melon-eaters: [Organize a group to meet idols plus 10086! 】

All of a sudden, the melon-eaters in the live broadcast room rushed over after hearing the news, and started posting bullet screens one after another.

The roar of the sports car resounded through the entire street again.

Seeing that his cab was full of inlaid diamonds, Cen Qing chose to wear sunglasses in desperation.

No way, there are too many broken diamonds, it is really eye-catching.

At this time, the people who eat melons in the live broadcast room also posted bullet screens one after another. There is no way, she is too embarrassing!

There is no water in the water glass: [Is this the happiness of a rich woman? I love it! 】

There are no legends in Sicily; [Can I have the happiness of a rich woman in this life? lemon/lemon. 】

Bai Baihe on the godfather’s chest: [Probably possible, could there be a possibility that you won’t have this possibility in your next life, picking your nose/picking your nose. 】

I grew up in secret: [My God, it’s really too embarrassing, no wonder Sister Cen needs to wear sunglasses, who can’t be confused by this! 】

Shawshank has no redemption: [As expected of Feng Hai’s godmother, she is generous in her actions. I just want to ask if there is still a lack of umbrella children around the godmother? 】

Giants never fall: [Even if you are short of an umbrella child, the godmother will not want you, so you just die of this heart, laugh and cry/laugh and cry. 】

There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [Have those people who organized a group to deduct diamonds set off yet? If not, count me in, okay? 】

There is no water in the water glass: [Just where Sister Jin and Sister Cen go, you dare to go up and get involved? I’m afraid it’s because I hate my life for too long, speechless/speechless. 】

Shawshank has no redemption: [Melon-eating netizens just wanted to have fun, but you took it seriously, tsk tsk, pick your nose/pick your nose. 】

There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [The places they go are not to mention that ordinary people cannot resist, even mutants can resist. 】

There are no legends in Sicily: [So, all melon-eating netizens should stay at home honestly, or if you have compatriots in Fenghai, go to the sanctuary as soon as possible, and stop thinking about what you have and what you don’t have. 】

Bai Baihe on the godfather’s chest: [Sister Jin’s arrogance is the only rich man I am not jealous of. 】

There is no water in the water glass: 【Let’s not talk about billionaires, even if they are multi-millionaires, how many people can risk their lives to save Feng Hai? 】

Fried chicken with rice is delicious! :[I just hope that the authorities can see the dedication of Sister Jin and Sister Cen, and don’t wait for the crisis to pass, and they will come up to liquidate them and pick their noses/pick their noses. 】

There are no legends in Sicily: [If you follow Feng Hai’s group of political movie stars, they can’t do it. 】

There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [Oh, I have already figured it out to rob the execution ground, hahahahaha. 】

I grew up in secret: [You are about to leave, are you cursing my sister Jin and Sister Cen? Pick your nose/pick your nose. 】

Fried chicken with rice is super delicious! :【I raised my small fist and hit your chest! I am super fierce! 】

There is no Notre Dame in Paris: […]

And Cen Qing has already changed a road, leading to the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary.

“This car drives really well, much more comfortable than the big forklift just now.”

Wilder enjoys the excitement of driving fast, and even the brows have a sense of joy.

“Let’s just say what are you doing so fast?”

Not to mention that Cen Qing likes to teach others, the main reason is that Wilder’s posture is almost 180 yards away.

I feel that the tires are about to spark friction.

“It’s hard to get such a good car, why don’t you enjoy the fun of drag racing?”

The entire road is extremely empty, not even a parked car, it looks a little weird.

The endless wide road, coupled with the sunlight, inexplicably has a feeling of desolation in the end of the world.

“Then I wish you the best of luck.”

Cen Qing didn’t intend to continue talking about him.

After all, the tasks on their shoulders are too heavy, so it is understandable that they can relax with drag racing.

But just as Cen Qing finished speaking, Wilder’s furious sound suddenly came from the headset, as well as the ear-splitting sound of the car stopping quickly.

“Fuck! What the **** is going on here?”

Wilder quickly stopped the vehicle, but obviously hadn’t recovered yet, staring blankly at the pool of blood on the windshield in front of him.

He obviously didn’t see anyone just now, why did another person pop out suddenly?

The violent impact naturally reached the ears of other team members.

It’s just that the three cars behind were too far away from Wilder, and it took almost ten seconds of acceleration before they rushed to Wilder’s side.

“what’s going on?”

Cen Qing was the first to get out of the car. Before he could take off his sunglasses, he was stopped by a group of people who came out of nowhere.

“It was your friend who killed my wife, and you want compensation!”

“Yes, you killed someone first, so you must pay for it!”

“If it’s private, at least you have to compensate us a lot of money!”

“After all, you don’t want any stains on your life history either!”

The group of people held all kinds of guns, seemingly seeking justice for the woman on the ground, but their eyes were greedily staring at the diamonds inlaid on the sports car.

That’s a real diamond, a few buckles are enough for them to squander for a while.

Looking at the appearance of this group of young people, it doesn’t seem like they have experienced any big storms, and they are still so rich, so they should extort more.

Looking at the value of these sports cars, no matter what, they have to give them tens of millions.

What’s more, they were the ones they bumped into first!

“You guys are crazy about money! I never saw this woman running out!”

However, Wilder is indeed right about this point.

If this woman was hit by a car, at least she rushed out by herself.

But Wilder didn’t see the woman at all, and heard a crashing sound.

This is obviously not the woman who ran up on her own initiative!

“Then my wife was smashed into blood by you, and she was lying there. Do you still want to turn a blind eye?”

“The conscience of heaven and earth, how black people’s hearts are now, they will not admit to death if they hit someone, and they will not give any compensation.”

“Poor my wife, who is only in her twenties, was bumped to death by you second-generation ancestors who only know how to eat, drink and have fun!”

“No matter what, you bumped into someone today, and if you bump into someone, you will be responsible!”

“Yes, yes, yes, no matter what, you have to give us an explanation, whether it is private or go through legal procedures, so that the people of the whole country can see the ugly faces of you second generation ancestors!”

The group of men said viciously, they wanted compensation inside and out, and they didn’t care about the woman who was hit badly.

She was just lying on the road, bloody, with torn and dirty clothes.

It really doesn’t look like the beloved wife that this ‘affectionate’ husband said she loved.

King Siwen and the others got out of the car when they saw this situation, but their eyes under the sunglasses were very cold.

Pengci even touched her body?

Did she really think she couldn’t hold a knife anymore, or did this group of people really swell to the point where they didn’t even want to die?

Just as Jin Siwen was about to use force to solve the problem, he was stopped by Cen Qing.

She took off her sunglasses, revealing a pair of indifferent eyes.

Just quietly staring at the arrogant crowd.

“She, is she really your wife?”

Cen Qing pointed to the woman who was half lying on the road, and said indifferently.

“Of course, is there any fake? Can I not know my wife?!”

The man said firmly, and even bit Cen Qing back.

“You just don’t want compensation, what is there to question? I can’t just pull out someone and be my wife?”

“And having said that, killing and abducting is illegal. We are all good citizens, and we will never do such illegal activities!”

The man didn’t blush and his heart didn’t beat, he just looked at Cen Qing with his neck straightened, but it was obvious that his dodging eyes had already exposed everything.


The man said such a long sentence, but in exchange for such a short sentence from Cen Qing, he immediately became unhappy.

“Hey, I said that you, a woman, don’t want to evade responsibility. It’s only right and proper to kill people and pay debts!”

The man was so confident that he rushed forward to argue with Cen Qing.

“That’s what you said yourself.”

Cen Qing’s thoughtless words managed to stop the angry man from moving.

“What do you mean?”

The group of people were also puzzled by Er Zhangtou, and they all gathered around one after another.

“It’s not interesting, I just want to know how much compensation you want to buy that woman’s life.”

Seeing that Cen Qing had already talked about compensation, the group of people seemed to have changed their faces, almost treating Cen Qing as their living ancestors.

“No, you must be mad from anger, right?”

Wild who was on the side quietly walked up to Cen Qing, and asked secretly.

This obviously doesn’t look like Sister Cen’s personality. If this is according to the previous words, then you can’t just go up and give it a shuttle.

“Ten million, buy it now, absolutely no less than ten million!”

The man’s tone and expression were very determined, as if less than 10 million would kill him.

“It turns out that 10 million can buy your wife’s life.”

Cen Qing nodded clearly, and then glanced at the woman they left on the side of the road.

In fact, if the woman hadn’t turned her back to the group of people, and her limbs were still shaking slightly, Cen Qing wouldn’t have cared about this matter at all.

But the problem lies with that woman.

The blood in that place, it is obvious that the person died on the spot, or had been dead for a while.

But just now, the woman’s legs were still twisted in a strange posture, as if she was still alive.

But people who are obviously dead, will they really survive?

Unless…, that woman has transformed into a zombie!

“Ten million shouldn’t be a lot of money to you, but that’s my wife.”

“Anyway, there is not 10 million today, so don’t think about leaving.”

As he spoke, all the people in the group raised their guns.

That posture is as if Cen Qing and others can’t come up with money, they just want people to be executed on the spot.

It’s a pity that Cen Qing didn’t follow their tricks at all, and just quietly looked at these people across from him.

And all the attention was on the woman who was gradually standing up behind her.

The woman’s entire face was scratched, and it’s not hard to see what kind of person it was.

The skin was **** and bloody, and there were even dozens of faint scars.

If this can be regarded as a wife, then this man is not a man!

“What? You can’t even get this little money?”

The man saw that Cen Qing didn’t make any movements, but his face was still full of indifference, so he immediately became anxious.

“No way, no way, the broken diamonds on your sports cars are more than 10 million!”

The people behind the man were also booing, and even pulled the safety catch.

Originally thought that this group of mixed clans could come up with some good things, but it seems that they are poor.

Then they can only act first, anyway, in this kind of wilderness, there is usually no one.

After finally getting a ‘big customer’ in the past few months, he must be slaughtered severely.

Including those four cars, it is enough for them to squander for a while.

“Ten million, is it enough to buy your life?”

Cen Qing looked indifferent, and gave Jin Siwen a look.

“Heh, don’t say that what you have is gone, you just can’t get the money out.”

“It’s okay, we can barely accept these two chicks.”

As soon as he said these words, he almost spit out all Jin Siwen’s meal last night.

How confident is he to be able to say such a thing.

She doesn’t understand!

Not to mention King Siwen didn’t understand, even Wilde didn’t understand.

Why, is he not good-looking enough, or his clip voice is not attractive enough.

Doesn’t he deserve to stay here?


King Siwen, Cen Qing: …

No one will let you stay here, you can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy.

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room directly swiped to take off, and all the melon-eating netizens were filled with righteous indignation, and they picked up the keyboards and started typing!

There is water in the water glass: [Fuck! Am I right, am I not blind? What the **** is this dog man thinking about? 】

There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [The Virgin Mary can’t save them, I said! 】

Giants never fall: [Did they not return to the city for too long, so they didn’t know what happened, so they dared to be so arrogant to Sister Cen and Sister Jin? 】

The gray rag has ashes: [How dare they? 】

“However, I’m afraid we won’t be able to stay, but you really want to stay here.”

(end of this chapter)

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