After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 414

Chapter 414: The Mo Family Shook! Si Fuqing And Flying【1 More】

Chapter 414 The Mo family shakes! Si Fuqing and Flying【1 more】

As if a thunderstorm fell in his ear, the whole person was stunned, and he lost his voice: “A shocking needle? Miss Si, what did you say?!”

“The ultimate assessment, let the Jinghong Wuying Needle reappear in the world.” Si Fuqing asked again, “Is it enough to take the first place?”

Canyon confirmed that he heard correctly, his hands trembled, and he stuttered: “This, this is not a matter of whether it is enough to take the first place, this, this…”

This is something that will shock the entire Mohist school and even the world!

The status of Jinghong Wuyingzhen is too high, and it is no exaggeration to rank first in the world.

History books all have detailed records of Jinghong Wuying Needle.

It is recorded that Mo Yanfeng made three Jinghong Wuying Needles, one of which helped Emperor Yin retreat unharmed under the siege of ten thousand people, and killed nearly 90% of the enemy.

Ancient technologies like    are comparable to some of the top modern thermal weapons.

“That’s right, I told your master.” Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows, “I’ll give you five days, only the drawings, no one will help you, as long as you can make a needle without shadows. The prototype, the first in the assessment is yours.”

Canyon opened his mouth and said, “Cocococo, I don’t have any blueprints for the Shadowless Needle! How to make a prototype?”

The fire three hundred years ago burned down almost all the drawings.

The technology at that time was not as developed as it is now, and many drawings could not be recovered, resulting in the loss of hidden weapons.

This is the calamity of the Mo family.

Mo Yanwen was able to make the second and third hidden weapons, but the first-ranked Jinghong Wuying Needle had no idea for a long time because he had no drawings.

“Yes.” Si Fuqing said lightly, “Go to the Mojia Office City to find your Patriarch, he should have already arrived.”

Canyon didn’t dare to delay even a second, and ran out immediately.

Mother Tan came out of the kitchen: “Hey, Canyoning, you haven’t eaten yet, why are you running? If you have something to do, you can leave after eating.”

Father Tan was so desperate that he almost cried: “He is completely helpless.”

What is the Shadowless Needle?

That is the most proud work of Mo Yanfeng, the ancestor of the Mohist family, except for the Mohist government.

The blueprint was burned, and Mo Yanwen couldn’t make it.

“Okay, don’t talk about it.” Mother Tan sighed, “He’s doing well, and he’s been working hard lately. He will definitely pass the test and stay in the Mo family.”

Father Tan laughed angrily: “Very hard? He follows that female star every day, and he bumped into Miss Chu Yi last time. Is this hard work?”

A female star, what if she knows hidden weapons like Xiujian and Yinye Feihua?

How can    compare with the direct descendants of the Mo family?

Father Tan was completely disappointed and didn’t want to say a word.


Here, Xi Jiang ran to the Mojia Office City without daring to breathe.

Without the verbal edict from Mo Yanwen and the elders, the children of the Mo family would not be able to step into this place.

Canyoning quickly found Mo Yanwen.

When Mo Yanwen saw him, he nodded lightly: “Come on.”

Canyon’s heart raised in his throat: “Patriarch, Miss Si said, said…”

“I already know about this.” Mo Yanwen frowned slightly, “But how can there be a backup of the blueprints here in the Mo Family Office City?”

He didn’t believe Si Fuqing’s words.

It’s just that the Mohist city is invincible, and more than a thousand years have passed, and it does not need any repairs and improvements.

At five in the morning, Si Fuqing called him to say that he had accidentally discovered a small protruding stone in the Mojia Office City with the word Jinghong on it.

She thought that there might be a blueprint of Jinghong Wuyingzhen, so she asked him to take a look.

Mo Yanwen also seized all the time and counted for a long time according to the location given by Si Fu, and finally counted the stones she mentioned.

He put his hand on it and slowly pulled out the stone.

The moving stones did not affect the solidity of the Mojia Organ City.

Mo Yanfeng is indeed a unique genius.

Mo Yanwen took a wooden box out of it and opened it. Inside was well-preserved paper, and even the edges were not yellowed.

He unfolded the first piece of paper, and his hands trembled.

quickly looked at the remaining few.

Canyoning also caught sight of it, and he was shocked and couldn’t believe it: “Patriarch, this is a picture drawn by our ancestors!”

There are not only the blueprints of the Jinghong Wuying Needle, but also the Big Dipper Seven Star Tube, the Mohist God Crossbow and so on.

All the hidden weapon blueprints of the Mo family that have been lost are actually in the position that Si Fuqing said!

is simply incredible!

Rao was as calm as Mo Yanwen, and he couldn’t calm down at the moment, he murmured: “It’s saved…”

With the advent of the new technology era, the Mohists have been studying high technology.

But the things of the ancestors cannot be lost.

If    Jinghong Wuyingzhen can reappear in this world, it will further consolidate the strength of the Mo family.

Hidden weapon is about surprise.

A hidden weapon with strong lethality, such as the Jinghong Wuying Needle, can be mass-fired by pressing a specific position. It can save lives or attack. Sometimes it is more convenient than a gun.

Mo Yanwen reluctantly calmed down his violent heartbeat, and said, “You follow me to read the drawings for the past few days, but I will not help you. Miss Si said that you will be alone to complete the prototype of the Shadowless Needle.”

Even if it is just the prototype of the Shadowless Needle, it can definitely come out on top in the final assessment.

But the difficulty of top-level hidden weapons is that even if you have drawings, you may not be able to make them.

A shudder fell in the canyon, and his chest was full of enthusiasm: “I won’t let down the high hopes of the owner and Miss Si!”

Mo Yanwen nodded and hurriedly went to find Yu Xiheng.

“Your Majesty.” He couldn’t restrain his excitement, “It’s really a drawing drawn by our ancestors, you can’t go wrong! Look at it.”

He handed over the drawing.

Yu Xiheng’s eyes fell, his eyes moved slightly: “It’s his handwriting.”

“Thanks to Miss Si, I was able to find the backup picture.” Mo Yanwen took a deep breath, “She really helped the Mo family a lot.”

“She is my luck, and also the luck of Daxia Wuzhou.” Yu Xiheng closed her eyes and smiled lightly, “This is a big gift.”

“I have just studied the blueprint carefully, the steps to make the Jinghong Wuying Needle are indeed very difficult.” Mo Yanwen handed over, “I also ask Your Majesty for help.”

Yu Xiheng got up: “Go to the hidden weapon room.”

Here, Canyon couldn’t wait to share with Feng San the story of the Shadowless Needle.

Feng San said with grief and indignation: “You bastard! You are selling miserably on purpose!”

He had passed the final assessment the year before, and also got a good 18th place.

Why didn’t he give birth two years later, so he could hug Miss Si’s thigh perfectly?

“No hurry, no hurry.” Canyon patted him on the shoulder, inscrutable, “You can see that Miss Si can even find backup drawings, maybe one day she can find something else, you can also hold it.”

Fengsan gritted his teeth: “Go away!”

Looking at the years of brotherhood, he will not kill this dog.


This side of Anjo.

After Mo Yanwen confirmed that the blueprint had been found, Si Fuqing exhaled slowly.

No wonder she reminded Mo Yanfeng to prepare more drawings of hidden weapons. The game system did not warn her that her actions affected history.

The torrent of history is too huge, even if a small thing has changed, it cannot shake the whole history.

But she is different. She is a modern person and can tell the Mo family directly.

Si Fuqing glanced at the time, and before the rest of the family got up, she lay back in the game cabin.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he faced Mo Yanfeng again.

The speed of time here is not the same as reality.

“I haven’t seen you for a few days, why is the military advisor in such a good mood?” Mo Yanfeng asked with a smile, “But what good things happened?”

Si Fuqing also smiled: “I see that my descendants are protected by Brother Mo, and I feel at ease.”

Mo Yanfeng is thoughtful.

It’s not that he didn’t see that the shirtless soldier looked at him with complicated eyes.

There is admiration, sadness, and unbearableness.

As if he could see his future at a glance.

But what the future looks like, he doesn’t care, even if there will be any major turmoil in the future, there will be Mojia Organ City to protect Yong’an for him.

“Today, His Majesty made a big fire.” Mo Yanfeng said, “Be careful when military advisors go to court.”


Si Fuqing was startled: “Thank you Brother Mo for reminding me, I’ll go take a look.”

After saying goodbye to Mo Yanfeng, she went to court.

A person kneeling on the ground in the hall.

In the very center, several people kowtowed desperately: “Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty, it was all done by Yuwen Yuhong, His Majesty has nothing to do with us!”

Si Fu’s body and mind were shocked.

She has not had time to log in to the game for nearly a month, and the timeline here has reached the time when Emperor Yin was almost twenty years old.

Shocked by the Yuhong case in the five states of Daxia, Emperor Yin beheaded more than 5,000 officials and officials.

Yuwen Yuhong is a veteran of the three dynasties, with high prestige and power throughout the five states of Daxia. The old emperor already had great power when he was alive.

When Emperor Yin was enthroned, he also defied all opinions and supported Emperor Yin.

A man who has been living outside the palace since he was a child becomes an emperor. As long as he is cared for, he will be grateful.

Ke Yuwen Yuhong miscalculated.

He took advantage of Emperor Yin to pacify the war outside and drive out foreigners to collect money and oppress the people.

He never thought that Emperor Yin would dare to kill him!

Not only to kill him, but also to kill everyone in his faction!

“Hazardous to the society and oppressed the people.” Emperor Yin’s voice was indifferent, “The crime cannot be punished.”

The four words    directly set Yuwen Yuhong’s death sentence.

In terms of force and popular sentiment, he was no match for Emperor Yin.

As soon as the Dragon Sparrow Sword came out, no one was alive under the sword.

The civil and military officials who were still standing also knelt down at this moment, fear choking their throats like icy snakes.

Lian Yuwen Yuhong said he would kill him. What privileges do they have?

“Kill.” On the dragon chair, the young emperor wiped his hands. He smiled. There was only endless cruelty and violence in his words.

Si Fu leaned towards him.

This is the real Emperor Yin.

He was never perfect, he had his brutal and cruel side.

Soon, the guards of the Qianjun League took the rest away.

The other courtiers who kept their own feet also went out with soft legs.

He was still wiping the blood sacrifice on his hands, and asked lightly, “Are you afraid?”

Si Fuqing returned to God: “Thanks to Your Majesty’s blessing, I watched a big play.”

She also remembered that many historians in later generations accused Emperor Yin of being too cruel, and there were other ways to solve this matter. Why kill so many people?

Si Fuqing paused: “Your Majesty can think of how the historian will record it?”

“Historical Officer?” He put his hands on his back and said lightly, “I’m so afraid of what they do and act alone, why should I explain it to others.”

This is the emperor.

He raised his eyebrows to look at her again: “Today’s military advisors are a little different, but they know what it means to be smart.”

Si Fuqing: “…”

Can she say that the dog system helped her hang up when she was not on the game?

The dog system is not smart, what does it have to do with her?

“You came just in time, there is a war in the northwest.” He waved at her, and said lightly, “You were not smart a while ago, and I didn’t ask you. Today you will see how the war will be laid out.”

came out of the game cabin again, it was already nine o’clock, and the others had also woken up.

Today is Sunday, which is just one day off every week.

He and Yin Yaonian chatted with Mrs. Yin.

Mrs. Yin explained the situation of the Yin family over the years.

“Qingqing and Yi’an have also produced a few geniuses.” Mrs. Yin said, “One S-level evolutionary, one super-A-level evolutionary, and two A-level evolutionary people have been admitted to the Eternal Academy. .”

“Eternal Academy?” Si Fuqing raised his head, “That’s not an easy place.”

Mrs. Yin was surprised: “Qingqing also knows about Eternal Academy?”

If you don’t go to Liberty Island, you won’t know the existence of Eternal Academy.

Eternal Academy is the top power in Freeland.

Even the three evolutionary families, Yin, Lotbar and Deadwood, are trying to send the younger generation of their own family in.

At that time, Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian also got the admission notice from Eternal College.

But the day does not come true.

Mrs. Yin is also extremely regretful.

“Ah, I know.” Si Fuqing nodded, “Grandma, is it important in the Yin family to get the notice from Eternal Academy?”

Mrs. Yin nodded: “It’s very important.”

But where is the notification letter from Eternal Academy so easy to get?

“Okay.” Si Fuqing touched his chin, “Then send my brother in to play.”

Good morning~~

Writing while revising is too painful TvT

(end of this chapter)

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