After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 452 You got at least 3 notes wrong

As soon as Newt reached the seventh floor, he was startled by the movement from the attic at the end.

To be honest, he has lived for so many years and has seen quite a few big scenes, so that so far, the movements made by Voldemort have not surprised him too much. But now this girl from Hufflepuff, who holds the mysterious power of China, is constantly refreshing his knowledge.

At this time, Sun Zhu was holding the tape recorder, hiding himself, dodging left and right in the small attic.

Now that she could no longer hold her wand steady, she simply put it back in her robe pocket and painfully exchanged it for an invisibility talisman from Tongzi. She paid close attention to Nagini's attack direction, and while evading in anticipation, she kept repeating Harry's Parselmouth on the tape recorder.

And all this became weird in Newt's eyes: In an empty room, a big snake was baring its teeth and wagging its tail, roaring into the air. At the same time, strange hissing noises came from all over the room - but they were not coming from the snake.

There were men and women in the strange hissing sounds, the tone of voice was ups and downs, and the volume was rising and falling. He couldn't understand the meaning at all, but he could tell that the big snake was jumping up and down under the attack of this unscrupulous sound wave.

"Zhu? Zhu, are you there?" He couldn't get close for a while, so he could only shout anxiously into the air.

"Yes! Don't come here yet. Stay away from this place. I'll be fine!" Sun Zhu immediately responded: "It will be over soon, don't worry."

Newt was very confused. He observed carefully for a while and found that Nagini seemed to be so annoyed that she didn't notice his presence at all, and was just trying to completely destroy the source of the sound that was disturbing her mind.

Unfortunately, it just can't be hit.

Bamboo's phantom body curse is already so powerful, but in this case, it was not broken. Newt praised in his mind.

Sun Zhu, who was holding the cheating tool, was completely unaware of Newt's psychological activities. She was still imitating Harry's recording repeatedly.

"Sss~ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessessingings beings beingssingsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssingssssingssssssssssssssss..."

Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running? Isn't it just Parseltongue? It's not too difficult to learn it based on what's already available.

Seeing that Nagini was obviously getting more excited, Sun Zhu couldn't help but feel a little proud. He didn't expect that he actually had some language talent. He didn't believe that using "Magic Sound" repeatedly like this would not wash Nagini's brain.

"Stop pronouncing it!" A hoarse female voice finally hit her head-on, "Did you know that in that paragraph just now, you mispronounced at least thirty syllables!"

"What? Is it such an exaggeration?" Sun Zhu retorted subconsciously, "It shouldn't be. I followed exactly what I learned. I emphasized the accents when they should, the pauses when they should, the tail sounds when they should, and I even tried hard to clip them. Why do you think so? Deny me!"

"Come on, what nonsense are you making? If you have the ability, don't hide away. Let me teach you!" She seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, holding her head high and hissing. Newt raised his wand and decided to rush in immediately when the situation was bad. He heard Sun Zhu seeming to be talking to Nagini, but he was not reassured at all.

After all, it sounds like they are about to fight.

"Do you think I'm stupid? You're not calm at all now. I won't let you catch me." Sun Zhu continued to circle around the big snake. Fortunately, Nagini was not huge, otherwise she would not have escaped. There's room.

"Then shut up and take that damn thing away! You're simply more annoying than that lazy snake!"

"Are you talking about me? Are you comparing me to a basilisk?" Sun Zhu seemed to be hurt, "I am a beautiful girl, you are so worthless! And don't you understand, I'm here to help you, you But you said that to me! Nagini, you make me sad!"

After hearing this, the big snake stopped twisting and swimming around the room. She suddenly stared in a certain direction and quietly maintained her hunting posture. Sun Zhu also stopped at the same time.

It seems that he was moved by her words? Sun Zhu decided to wait for Nagini's next move.

To be honest, her ability to successfully hide without being bitten by the dexterous snake was all due to her experience in dodging Bludgers during Quidditch games over the past few years. It was such a small ball, so unpredictable and had a tricky sneak attack angle. She had to work hard to find the Quaffle to shoot. As Nagini was so big, she was extremely conspicuous, and the space in the attic also restricted the snake's movement. Coupled with its own invisibility, it was easy to avoid Nagini.

Unfortunately, if she continues to exert herself like this, her physical strength will not be able to keep up. I was already tired after studying for a day, and I had been trekking in Newt's box world for so long. She was made of iron, and now she was about to turn into molten iron.

At this moment, Newt was also holding his breath watching the movement in the room. He knew that Sun Zhu could not hide forever and compete with the big snake for physical strength and endurance. Even an adult wizard might not be able to do it.

But now, he has a bad feeling. Unfortunately, even he was not sure where Sun Zhu was, so he could only shout anxiously: "Zhu, get out of here quickly and come to me. I think Nagini is preparing..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Nagini rushing out in one direction. She opened her bloody mouth, her fangs stained with saliva, and bit down hard on something.

Newt's heart seemed to be torn in half with Nagini's movements at that moment. The Disillusionment Curse was broken, and he clearly saw that a Hufflepuff student's robe was corroded into tatters by the poison. He also heard the crisp sound of the fangs biting something hard.

"Bamboo-" He rushed over at once, all the blood in his body seemed to surge to his head, his chest seemed to burst, and he could hardly breathe.

At that moment, he was very resentful about why he watched all this happen, and why he allowed Zhu to take risks because she had many unexpected powers.

"Ah! My clothes! My tape recorder! Damn it Nagini! You have to pay it to me from now on!"

Sun Zhu's voice came from the other side. Newt turned his head in shock, only to see the disheveled Sun Zhu looking at the things destroyed by Nagini with eyes filled with pity, as if he was deeply stimulated.

At this time, she was wearing a matching shirt and petticoat, and the tie that was the same color as the college's representative color had become loose and loose during the run. She held the wand in her hand, and her face was very ugly.

Newt rushed to her and looked carefully for a long time, but found that she was not injured at all except that she was almost exhausted.

"Nagini, you are too cruel!" Sun Zhu shouted, "You are so powerful, do you really want to bite me to death? How much hatred, even poison is used! What I just said , You really didn’t hear a word.”

"Bamboo, are you...are you really okay?" Newt was still frightened. "No, get out of here quickly and leave her alone. I can't let you take risks like this again."

He immediately pulled Sun Zhu out, but Nagini seemed to have spent a lot of energy on this blow. In addition, she spent a lot of energy walking around with Sun Zhu before, so she made no more moves.

Sun Zhu was escorted downstairs by Newt. While calculating his material losses and mental losses, he comforted Newt: "Don't be so nervous. I'm really fine. I just look scary. Hey, don't be angry. I promise." Not like this anymore.”

"I'm not angry with you." Newt looked at Sun Zhu and found that she could still laugh. "I'm blaming myself for being too slack."

"Whether you are angry or blaming yourself, don't continue." Sun Zhu smiled, "Although it was a bit tiring just now, fortunately the result is good. I have already taken care of Nagini's matter."

She raised her right wrist at him: "Don't worry, I will study hard during this period to see how to solve the curse on her. Now, let's go out quickly, we have to go on night patrol later."

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