After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 474 Stay away from me, dirty man

"You said a student was kidnapped by Death Eaters?" Sirius used his wand to open the cobwebs and signaled, "Look, no one has been here for a long time. Everyone is scared by the werewolf legend here. "

"Don't move yet. What if the scene is destroyed?" Sun Zhu bent over and covered his mouth. "It's so big. Do you have any cufflinks or something like that that can detect the residue of black magic? Take it out and use it." Use it.”

"Oh." He nodded and touched his pocket again, "I didn't bring it."

"...Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to deal with me."

"How are you so sure that he disappeared here?" Sirius looked around, took out his handkerchief and wiped the wand lightly, "I'd better clean it up. Well, it looks the same as it did many years ago. This is also our secret base. Yes, I really miss it.”

"I know you miss it, but don't miss it so quickly." Sun Zhu pointed somewhere, "Is there an underground passage here or something like that?"

Sirius gave her a meaningful look: "Anyway, you know everything, so just tell me, there is a direct passage to Hogwarts here. Do you suspect someone took it away from here..."

"Ravenclaw sixth-year student, Alvin Macmillan, today should be his 17th adult birthday."

"Know so clearly?" Sirius clicked his wand, and the entrance to the passage opened, "Son of the MacMillan family, what is your relationship?"

Sun Zhu touched his pocket and made sure he had a lot of equipment. He said casually: "My friend, I have known him for a long time. His brother is also in Hufflepuff. He is a pretty good kid."

"Oh, does that boy Diggory know about him?"

Then he knows very well, Sun Zhu replied in his heart, but said with his mouth: "What does this have to do with him?"

"Just ask, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"If it were you, if someone you knew was missing, would you still look for him even if he wasn't familiar with him?"

"Then I'm different. If a Slytherin disappears, I'll just clap my hands and cheer."

"..." Sun Zhu said expressionlessly, "He is Ravenclaw, so do you want to go with him?"

"Of course, I will definitely listen to your orders now." The joking look on his face disappeared. "Are you sure he was taken away by Death Eaters?"

"Not sure, but it's definitely gone."

The Three Broomsticks were rummaged through by them, and even Hogsmeade was under secret martial law. The Ministry of Magic, which had belatedly arrived, had sealed the place. From the outside, it was impossible to get in or out.

"How is Qiu? Have you arrived at St. Mungo's?" She was a little worried. "It feels like she was hit by some magic potion. She seemed uninjured on the outside. But when I found her, I found that she was stuffed in rows of large boxes. I don’t know how long I stayed there.”

"Thank you for being able to find that place." Sirius walked into the passage first and opened the way. "You don't have to worry about her. I have someone I know there. She will fly an owl if something happens."

"It's really outrageous. How come something happened as soon as we were separated? The other party's target was just Alvin, so why did they leave Qiu there?" Sun Zhu avoided the spider webs as he walked, "By the way, Harry also followed, what do you think?"

"What do you think? He's not injured." Sirius' voice had a slight echo, "You don't care about your roommates, but you care about Harry. Does Digory know about this?"

Sun Zhu staggered.

Sirius seemed to have eyes on his back: "Are you feeling guilty?"

"Bah." Sun Zhu rolled his eyes, "It's too dark here. I tripped. Why didn't you use the lighting spell?"

"Oh, I'm afraid you're scared." He said in an extremely considerate tone, "This place has been vacant for many years, and many new residents have moved in. We'd better not disturb..."

The next second, a soft and bright fluorescent light gathered at the tip of Sun Zhu's staff. Sirius turned around and successfully saw Sun Zhu's twisted face.

"Then...what's on the ground over there? A pile, a pile of black...I'm going to kill you on top of your head and on your shoulders...Help, I quit, I surrender!"

"Oh, now you know that I am really thinking about you, right?" He said in a very irritating tone, "Don't panic, they are all dead. Well, I brought a small invention that can kill insects with me. I am really prescient. "

"Who is a good person who carries this with him...Hey, hey, hey, don't go that way, don't step on that pile under your feet!"

Sirius didn't lower his head, he just walked around quickly and glanced at it through the light: "Oh, it's a kind of food that the principal particularly loves."


"A pile of cockroaches...but these are real cockroaches."


There is always no one near the Whomping Willow in Hogwarts, because the old willow tree who planted it is like an old madman, mad and ruthless. No one would want to get close to it, and then be punished inexplicably. .

Cedric stood nearby with a serious look on his face. There was a round-faced owl on his shoulder, looking left and right like him.

There was a scratch on his face, which was scratched by a willow branch just now. It was not serious, but it looked more eye-catching on his fair face.

A transparent little bird rested on the palm of his left hand, closing his eyes to relax.

Jerry poked his head in again, wanting to peck it.

Originally, it and Cedric stayed well in the dormitory, but when this strange thing came, he seemed to have lost his mind and stopped doing his business, and came here to challenge the Whomping Willow.

It had heard other owl brothers and sisters talk about this evil tree, so it didn't know what the monster had in mind.

"Quiet, Jerry." Cedric reached out to cover Jerry's head, still looking at the Whomping Willow.

At this time, it had become a tree without any attack power, because he had just successfully found the knot on the willow trunk. It was like a switch. After pressing it, the Whomping Willow stopped attacking.

But when I got closer, I still couldn't help being rubbed.

However, he was completely unaware of this minor injury, and what he was thinking about was what Sun Zhu had just asked the patron saint to bring him.

"The escaped Death Eaters are making moves again. They took Ivan from Hogsmeade. I suspect they will come to Hogwarts through the passage connected by the Whomping Willow. Go and call Lupin." Professor, come here to pick us up and be safe.”

Because his patronus was larger, he didn't want other students to notice the abnormality, so he had to ask Jerry to deliver a letter to Professor Lupine.

Professor Lupine wrote back saying that he already knew about this from Senior Sister Tonks, and planned to check for hidden dangers nearby to prevent lone students from being murdered by Death Eaters who might sneak in.

All these things must be done in secret, and the Ministry of Magic is worried about causing unnecessary panic.

But can these really be hidden?

It must be a fact that Voldemort is about to be resurrected. It is impossible for Hogwarts to be peaceful in the future. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to let unsuspecting students take precautions in advance?

He was thinking silently, and a hole suddenly opened in the passage next to the Whomping Willow.

A dirty hand stretched out, and then a man with a lot of dust on his body leaned out half of his body. It seemed that he was pushed by something, and the whole person almost fell out.

He subconsciously reached out to help him, but saw that the man was swaying, but he did not fall. Instead, he threw his robe on the ground first: "I can't have these clothes anymore! There are also these shoes, this handkerchief, this wand... Forget about the magic wand, oh oh oh..."

Another person climbed out behind her and landed gracefully.

Cedric saw her frantically throwing it at the man to "clean him up" and shouting, "Stay away from me, dirty man!"

The next second, she jumped to his side, rubbed her hands on his clothes, and buried her head in his hat.

"The world is so noisy, and men are especially noisy. Fortunately, you are still clean."

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