After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 94 The Elf in the Kitchen

When she returned to the library, Sun Zhu saw that the place she used to stay was already occupied, so she had to change to a seat by the window.

This location is very close to the librarian Mrs. Pingsi, and she seemed to remember Sun Zhu's appearance, so she nodded at Sun Zhu.

Sun Zhu smiled back at her, lying on the table a little tiredly to let himself go.

There are also several long rolls of parchment at hand, which are used to write papers on the history of magic, herbs, transfiguration, potions and other subjects. The only one who has not assigned a long paper is Sirius. He said that the defense against the dark arts class pays more attention to practice, Not so much text to memorize.

"Host, if you are tired, you can go to rest, there is no need to compress the time so tightly." The system reminded: "I have monitored that your psychological fluctuations have been relatively large recently, and you have not had a high-quality deep sleep."

"Ah? Is that an exaggeration?" Sun Zhu touched his face, "Why didn't I notice it?"

"You are in it, it is difficult to notice your abnormality." The system said: "And the reaction of my test data is the most objective and clear."

Sun Zhu nodded dejectedly: "Okay, I'll take a good rest. But let me finish the thesis on the history of herbs and magic. It's actually not difficult, it's just a first-year course..."

No matter how long it is, it is only a few hundred words, just need to check more information.

Under the gaze of Mrs. Pince, she moved a few more brick-thick books and began to read slowly.

"Host, you..."

"Xiao Tongzi, don't worry about me too much. I love reading, reading makes me relax." Sun Zhu shook his head, "At least, the content in the book is dead, it is for me to learn, no matter when I suddenly became something hurtful and attacked me. The most important thing is not to learn more things when it is safe now. When something big happens in a few years, I find that I have learned nothing. Then what can I rely on to protect myself? To protect a friend."

"Host, if you are sure that doing so will not cause you any burden..." the system said: "Then I wish you a happy study."

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

Without the sound of the system, Sun Zhu sorted out the pages while flipping through the books, unknowingly finished writing four pieces of parchment.

It wasn't until the sun's light dimmed that she suddenly realized that it was already past dinner time.

She unsteadily packed her things and looked around.

At this time, there were only some senior Ravenclaw students in the library who were still immersed in the ocean of knowledge, forgetting the time and eating.

She was wearing Badger Academy uniforms among the pile of Eagle Academy uniforms, which looked a bit special, especially since she looked younger, but she was more curly than other people of her age.Fortunately, no one paid attention to her existence, they were much more focused on knowledge than she was.

"Uh, I think at this time, I can only go to the kitchen to find the elf." Sun Zhu rubbed his stomach, feeling a little sad.

"It's already dark like this. It seems that it's too late to sneak into the Ravenclaw lounge today. If you don't come back before the curfew, you will be unlucky to be caught by Filch."

"You were too focused just now, so I didn't remind you of the time." The system said: "Because you were in a peaceful state of mind just now, and you really seemed to be taking a rest."

"Thank you, Xiao Tongzi. It will be fine in the future like today." She walked relaxedly on the way to the kitchen. Although her stomach was empty, she was very satisfied after finishing all the homework.

"I don't know what Karina and the others watched today. Quidditch training should be really interesting." She stopped in front of the pear painting and scratched it.

The pear turned into a green doorknob, Sun Zhu pulled it open and walked in.

Unexpectedly, there were many people in the kitchen.

"Bamboo?" Cedric looked in surprise at the girl who came in suddenly. Seeing that she had some textbooks and parchment rolled up in her hands, he stopped talking with his teammates and walked over quickly.

"It's me,, why are you all here?" Sun Zhu saw about eight or nine people gathered to talk and eat, and three or four elves were pouring drinks for them.

Besides Cedric, she also recognized James, Duke, and Senior Cecilia.

The difference was that Senior Cecilia and the others were all wearing the yellow and black Badger Court Quidditch uniforms, while the three of Cedric were wearing ordinary uniforms.

"Zhu, it's you? Why are you here too?" Senior Cecilia also recognized Sun Zhu. After all, Sun Zhu is considered a celebrity among freshmen, so it's not difficult to remember Sun Zhu's face.

"After we finished training, we realized that we missed dinner, so we came over to have something to eat together." Cecilia pointed to a few people around her, "They are all Quidditch players from the academy, and this is the Academy Quidditch player. The captain of the team, Bellock Field, is also the team's goalkeeper."

She pointed to a tall boy who looked very cheerful, and Sun Zhu smiled awkwardly: "Hello, seniors, I... I was writing a thesis in the library, but I forgot the time, so I came to look for him too." Order something to eat."

"Addicted to writing papers and forgot to eat?" Duke was shocked: "Is this something that Hufflepuff can do?"

Sun Zhu glanced at him speechlessly: "You also joined the academy team in advance?"

Duke shut his mouth in embarrassment.

"He came to watch our training." Cedric whispered: "Anyway, we can't drive him away."

"Let's drink some hot cocoa, elementary school girl." A senior sister handed her a cup of hot drink, "This is the drink that the elf Mengqi here is best at, and it is more mellow than the cocoa served for dinner."

Sun Zhu took it and thanked her, and noticed that an elf with big eyes, pointed ears, and wearing a pink floral pillowcase was watching her carefully.

She smiled at the elf, took a sip, the temperature was moderately sweet, the chocolate flavor was rich and mellow.

"It's really delicious." She nodded subconsciously.

The elf on the pink pillowcase twirled happily and disappeared in a flash.

But she came back soon, and stuffed a bunch of food into Sun Zhu's hands, apple pie, cherry pudding, sausage bread, nut biscuits... Seeing that there was no more stuff in her hand, she started stuffing it into the pocket of her school uniform stuffed.

"Hey, Meng Qi, stop quickly, you're pretending too much." The senior sister gently pulled the enthusiastic elf, and the elf immediately stood there timidly, looking at Sun Zhu with big innocent eyes.

"Uh, Meng Qi... Thank you for your hospitality." Sun Zhu actually didn't get used to the elf's excessive enthusiasm, but he definitely didn't want to show even the slightest discomfort, lest he hurt the sensitive and fragile little guy's heart.

"Do you mind if I share your food with my friends?" Sun Zhu asked her carefully.

Meng Qi nodded excitedly, turned around in a circle, and disappeared quickly.

"It's bad, Meng Qi's old problem is happening again. Every time she sees someone she likes, she likes to stuff her with a lot of food that she can't eat." Captain Field said.

Sun Zhu looked at the food in his pocket, at a loss.

Cecilia couldn't help laughing: "Okay, Zhu, these foods should be enough? You have to leave before Meng Qi comes back, or you might not be able to leave tonight."

Sun Zhu nodded: "But she won't be able to find me later, she shouldn't be sad."

As soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it, and hoped that the seniors and sisters would not feel that she was too narcissistic.

"No, if we can't find you, the food will be ours." Senior Cecilia seemed to be used to it, "You can take the food back to the lounge or dormitory to eat."

"Okay, then I'll go first. See you later, seniors and sisters, good night." Sun Zhu said goodbye to them and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Cedric followed, "It happens that I have eaten too, and I will go back with you."

Sun Zhu nodded.

"Have you eaten well? You only drank something." Duke said, "You played golf all afternoon, is that really enough?"

"Shut up, Duke." James couldn't bear it anymore.

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