After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 102

Chapter 102:

But this action just now, Kevin felt a little bit meaningless.

What he wants is the blowing effect of the fantastic kung fu in the movie kung fu shot by director Stephen Chow.

Chapter 155 Shooting in progress

“It’s just that the effect of the blow is better, right? It must be matched with Wia.”

Yuan Heping has worked with countless directors, and as soon as Kevin speaks, he realizes all of them.

In the current Hong Kong entertainment circle, a kind of hard bridge and hard horse action is popular, and the one with a little difficulty is Jackie Chan’s funny kung fu drama.

Others are really not difficult.

Coming to Hollywood, naturally, it came with the task of opening up new markets.

Although Kevin’s request is a bit difficult, he must fulfill it, and there is still a way to solve this problem with Yuan Heping’s experience.

“No problem, you and the props discuss the specifics, I only need the effect.”

Yuan Heping nodded.

During the period when the action scene was stuck, Kevin continued to shoot the literary scene.

Here, I have to say that Kevin didn’t know how difficult the filming of The Matrix was until after the specific shooting.

A lot of shots are very labor-intensive.

Even passers-by have details.

In order to create the feeling of a virtual world, in the Matrix, passers-by often have the same face. Of course, this effect is actually achieved by looking for twins to perform.

However, there are not so many actors for the twins. In this regard, Kevin can only find a way to use green screen cutouts.

That is, the use of special effects to realize the common use of several faces by people on the street.

The feeling this brings, just thinking about it, Kevin knows that it will definitely shock the audience.

Think about it, when the camera pans across the street, the faces of the people on the street are exactly the same, and they are all expressionless at the same time, like a group of robots.

In an instant, the feeling of this false world came over.

Again, whether a movie is good or not depends on the sense of substitution.

The more the audience can feel the reality of the world created by the director, the more it can be recognized by the audience, and the box office will naturally not be too bad.

In this way, the filming of The Matrix is progressing smoothly.

When encountering difficult shooting scenes, Kevin’s choices are always put in the back.

After all the simple things are done, go back and conquer it step by step.

In this way, the time has come to the end of February 1996, and there are only three or four days before the Oscars will be held.

On Fox’s set, Kevin is continuing the filming of the plot.

“Kevin, Kevin!”

Warner Bros. president Robinoff ran to the Fox set, shouting Kevin’s name.

Kevin raised his horn when he heard the shouting:

“Everyone take a rest.”

Then he turned his head and looked at Robinov who was approaching.

Although they are ready to cheat Warner, at least on the surface, everyone has not torn their faces.

Kevin is still willing to be friends with Robinoff.

Robinoff seemed to have no idea that Warners was delaying Kevin’s share of revenue from Batman’s Dark Knight, and approached Kevin with a smile on his face:

“Kevin, I’m here to send you the Oscar invitation.”

Batman The Dark Knight was nominated for the Oscars by Warner Bros, so the invitations to Batman and Kevin to the Oscars were sent to Warners.

In addition to sending the invitation letter, the biggest purpose of Robinoff’s trip was to test what Kevin was thinking.

If he really did what he said and did not allow outsiders to invest, Warner would not target him.

But he clearly said that he would not cooperate with others, but Kevin secretly cooperated with Fox. This is what makes Warner the most angry.

Now, Robinoff came here to find Kevin, just to test what Kevin was thinking.

If you want to draw a clear line with Warner, then Batman’s share is not so easy to get.

Of course, if Kevin is willing to continue working with Warner in the next movie, then everyone will still be good friends, and Warner will not cheat him for money.

This is the consensus reached within Warner.

From the bottom of their hearts, everyone wants to continue to cooperate with Kevin, and all this persecution is just a condition for Kevin to continue to cooperate with them.

‘sorry to bother you.”

Kevin smiled and accepted the invitation.

For Oscar’s public relations expenses, Kevin did not invest additional funds, but Warner swung the whole package.

But this is also normal.

Warner accounted for 70% of the investment and had all the copyrights of Batman, while Oscar actually had a greater impact on the subsequent revenue and had no impact on the box office.

After all, local films that can be selected for the Oscars are generally released early.

Therefore, Warner is also investing money for its own income.

Kevin can only receive a small gain.

“No trouble, I just wanted to ask, how long does it take for the film directed by Kevin to finish?”

Kevin pretended not to know his purpose, and pretended to say:

“It’s estimated that we can finish filming in April. You know, I’m famous for making movies quickly.”

“And it’s not just fast, it’s high quality!”

Kevin looked proud, as if he was proud of his speed in filming.

There was a hint of impatience on Robinov’s face.

Kevin’s pie is simply rubbing his IQ on the ground.

He didn’t believe that Kevin would not know his purpose.

However, it wasn’t just Kevin who didn’t want to completely tear his face.

They agreed and didn’t want to completely tear their faces.

“Then, Kevin, are you short of funds for your next movie?”

“It’s not too short, and the next movie, I’m going to be wholly owned by Chenxi Film Company.”

Kevin was very confident and told Robinoff directly that he wanted to invest, but there was no chance.

Robinov, who didn’t care about Kevin’s words at all, just sighed:

“Batman Dark Knight, this year’s split, the theater chain has disagreements, and is negotiating with us, and I don’t know when it will be clear.”

Robinov was about to write I want to get you into pieces on his face.

Facing this kind of behavior, Kevin just smiled lightly:

“It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry, take your time.”

Hearing Kevin’s words, Robinoff suddenly darkened his face, and said nothing, turned and left.

Looking at his back, Kevin just snorted.

When Warner begged him, after the release of The Matrix, Warner was still crazy.

At that time, if the money is not given, he will continue to fight with Warner to see if they will accept it.

Kevin turned his head, looked at everyone who was resting, and raised his horn again:

“Starting today, we will have a three-day holiday. After three days, everyone will recover and start working again!”


The venue immediately cheered.

Although Kevin strictly abides by the eight-hour system, under his high pressure, these eight hours are not allowed to fish.

Over the past few months, everyone’s psychological pressure is very huge.

Except for a holiday at Christmas, at other times, everyone did not get enough rest.

Now that I suddenly hear the news of the holiday, I am naturally very excited.

Chapter 156 Director Kevin’s Happy Daily Life

Others left one after another, and even the heroine and Li Jiaxin were sent away by Kevin.

Cage didn’t leave. During this time, he rubbed Kevin’s car home every day.


“That’s right!”

The two left while talking.

As an industry insider, the rules of the Oscars are still very clear.

For example, it is basically impossible for a commercial blockbuster to win the Best Film Award and the Best Director Award.

If the public relations are strong enough, or the box office is really high enough to rank in the top ten in the year, then you can try to win some technical awards or supporting actor awards.

And with the Batman Dark Knight movie, everyone knows that there is only one award that deserves it.

That’s Best Supporting Actor, Jim Carrey.

Speaking of which, Kevin is also curious about what Cage thinks of Jim Carrey’s acting.

An actor’s acting skills are a very subjective thing, and sometimes, it’s hard to tell who is higher and who is lower.

Of course, this means that within the same grade, there are only slight differences.

Thinking of this, Kevin asked directly.

“Cage, what do you think of Jim Carrey’s acting?”

Cage was obviously stopped by the question. After thinking for a while, he replied:

“He’s a genius, an absolute genius. Specifically, it depends on the type of movie.”

“But I think the biggest difference between him and me is that he has never studied acting.”

“From his acting skills, it can be seen that it is the kind of exaggerated acting with a stage nature. This acting can play a very powerful effect in non-realistic movies such as comedy and fantasy.”

“But, in the real drama, to be honest, he was almost mean.”

“After all, I have been deeply influenced by the Coppola family since I was a child. In this regard, he is no match for me.”

“But it’s the same, his acting really shocked me.”

“A wild way, can actually act so well.”

Hearing Cage’s words, Kevin has a general understanding of Jim Carrey’s acting skills.

Genius, wild man, king of comedy, these are the labels Jim Carrey has.

He is one of the best actors in his field.

However, it may be due to the lack of systematic training and training. In terms of drama, it is still inferior to a top actor like Cage.

“In this way, in two days, your Oscar for Best Actor and his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor shouldn’t be a big surprise.”

“It seems so.”

Cage looked confident.


“Baby Helen, baby Emma, do you miss me?”

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