After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 109

Chapter 109:

Jackie Chan and Tsui Hark on the side did not interrupt, this was a fight between their acquaintances.

Jackie Chan didn’t react, just thinking about the qualifications of the two people in front of him and whether they could make a good movie.

On the other hand, Tsui Hark is really envious.

With the cultivation of Steve Kevin, the directing path of these two people is too smooth.

In the director industry, generally speaking, the more you shoot, the better you shoot.

But new directors often don’t get the opportunity to make movies.

All in all, it’s such an endless cycle.

The directors who are really successful in Hollywood are either talented or have mines at home.

Others have no chance of getting ahead.

Unless it can be appreciated by the nobles, and Kevin is undoubtedly such nobles for Mitt and Zach Snyder.

Several people came directly to Dawson’s office.

Dawson was not in the office at this time, but went out to run errands.

Kevin instructed Dawson’s newly recruited male secretary to bring some hot drinks to everyone. The weather in March is still a bit gloomy and cold, so warm up with some hot drinks before talking about things.

As for why he changed to a male secretary, he can only say that if he doesn’t change, Dawson will have family conflicts.

Kevin didn’t bother to take care of this family matter. He just asked Dawson to change to a new male secretary, and the original female secretary arranged another job. This was considered to stabilize the family.

It can only be said that men with money are easy to become bad.

The Dawson of today is not the Dawson of the past.

Several people sat on the sofa and took a sip of hot drinks to relieve the cold.

Kevin just started talking:

“Schneider, Mitt, I’m calling you for a new movie project.”

The two nodded at the same time. They had already tasted the sweetness of being a director. Although continuous directing would be tiring, they were not willing to miss this opportunity.

Only by directing a blockbuster in person can you get this kind of experience, and this experience will turn into seniority, giving them a higher reputation in Hollywood.

Their directing path will also go more smoothly. Even if they are tired, they will not allow themselves to miss this opportunity.

“What kind of movie is it?”

Mitt asked directly.

“I call this genre kung fu comedy, a genre of action movies.”

“Let me introduce you first, this is Jackie Chan, a Hong Kong kung fu star.”

“This is Tsui Hark, a great director in Hong Kong.”

Kevin introduced them first, so that they had a little understanding of each other.

Then he went on to say:

“The movie this time is a movie with Jackie Chan as the protagonist.”

Mitt’s face suddenly showed a hint of hesitation:

“But, he’s a Chinese.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with the Chinese, I mean, many Americans are very discriminatory.”

“It’s hard for a movie played by a Chinese to get much box office.”

As an American, Mitt is naturally very clear about the situation in the United States.

The current relationship between the United States and the mainland is very delicate.

In this situation, making such a movie is likely to lose money.

However, in terms of Kevin’s temper, he is not the kind of person who would make such a loss-making business.

As he spoke, Mitt waited for Kevin to give a reason.

Naturally, Kevin couldn’t speak directly with what he knew about the future, so he could only find a reason:

“I have some high-level news. After May, there will be some big policy changes. By then, the situation will be much better.”

“Also, although Jack Chen is the absolute core of this movie, I will find another comedy star to partner with him.”

“I am very optimistic about this movie.”

As soon as Kevin said this, Mitt couldn’t say anything against it.

Kevin’s vision has not been missed so far. One of his own movies is popular. Who dares to question his vision and his ability.

“I’ll arrange the script, but you must be familiar with this style in advance. For this, I brought a few discs of the movies he played, you can take a look.”

After all, Kevin took out a few CDs of Jackie Chan from his briefcase.

They are all films with strong personal characteristics of Jackie Chan, such as Plan A, Dragon Warrior, Dragon Heart, etc.

“You guys first look at these films with his personal characteristics, and then discuss specific ideas with Jackie Chan. I will give you the script in a few days.”

“Let’s see how we can highlight his personal color, but we have to adapt it for Americans to accept.”

“no problem.”

It’s hard to think about making and editing special effects shots for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 while planning a new movie.

However, this kind of opportunity is also rare. The two of them enjoyed the trouble of happiness and agreed.

The three of them gathered together to watch the disc, and Kevin talked with Tsui Hark again.

“Director Tsui Hark, according to your assumptions, how much is the production cost?”

Tsui Har pondered for a while, then raised his head and said:

“Actually, about $60 million is enough.”

Tsui Hark had already filmed a biography of Shushan in 1983. At that time, he also invited the special effects team of Star Wars in the United States.

To make special effects, at that time, the production cost was 20 million Hong Kong dollars, and the result was only 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

It can be said that investors are losing money.

That is, he, Tsui Hark, can withstand this kind of blow.

As a general director, there is no place to turn around.

Chapter 166 Ideas for Tsui Hark’s New Movie

It’s him, Tsui Hark, who can make a comeback.

But although the box office failed, Tsui Hark never gave up.

He blamed everything on the lack of special effects, and continued to find ways to raise more funds to reshoot The Legend of Shushan.

Now that he is in Hollywood, Tsui Hark’s appetite has skyrocketed.

According to the assumption in his mind, it would take at least 30 million US dollars to perfectly realize the immortal world in his mind.

Out of the habit of dealing with investors, Tsui Hark directly doubled his investment, ready to wait for Kevin’s bargaining.

“it is good.”

Xu Ke was stunned for a while.

Good guy, don’t Americans bargain?

Looking at Tsui Hark’s expression, Kevin smiled, the reason is actually simple.

He is not personally prepared to invest too much.

For $60 million, he invested $20 million, and he went to find other investors for the rest.

As for the specific source of funds, Kevin is ready to make a plan to absorb external funds.

In the end, although he has a certain amount of confidence, his confidence is not that great.

If Hollywood can raise funds, it must be the best.

If it can’t be raised, he will directly absorb funds from the outside world.

Of course, most importantly, the film rights to the film are his.

This is the most important.

As for making money, it’s certain that this movie can’t make as much money as Batman, so Kevin doesn’t take it too seriously.

“Also, for the specific script, I hope you will discuss it with the professional screenwriter I invited.”

Hollywood’s script structure is actually very simple, and it is always the same.

All of Kevin’s screenplays have not broken through this structure.

But the legend of Shushan is obviously not this cool script, and it needs a drastic adaptation. In short, it is the story background of Shushan.

Internally, it is still a Hollywood commercial film routine.

Art, not worth mentioning for such a commercial blockbuster.

As for the specific story setting, Kevin has already had an idea.

The king of kung fu in later generations is actually quite good. Although the filming is terrible, it is somewhat interesting.

The background of the story is directly appropriated to Chinatown.

Then the protagonist Tom, an American who was adopted by an old Chinese grandpa.

The big villain uses Gorefiend.

The main line is that the Gorefiend bewitched the gangster and helped him out of trouble. Once he got out of trouble, he would destroy the world. In order to save the world, Tom used a certain prop passed down from his grandfather.

Opened the gate to Shushan.

For specific stories, Kevin is too lazy to make up, professional screenwriters are much better than him.

The story sounds vulgar, but that’s what Americans eat.

In fact, after staying in the United States for so long, Kevin realized how strong the anti-intellectual education of Americans is.

Happy education almost completely brainwashes ordinary people.

The American elite does not want ordinary people to become smarter, and the consequence of this is that the simpler the story of Hollywood movies, the better.

Don’t complicate things.

Marvel and DC are two stark contrasts.

Countless people criticize Marvel’s stories, but they are popular.

And DC, the content is profound, and the box office is hitting Americans in the face.

“The approximate story is American Tom…”

“Is such a story too… vulgar?”

Tsui Hark thought for a long time before thinking of a suitable word to describe the meaning of this word.

In his vision, this will be a soul-stirring fairy tale story, with love that transcends life and death, the pleasure of traveling thousands of miles in an instant, and the chivalrousness of sacrificing one’s life to exorcise the devil.

But if adapted according to Kevin’s intention, this seems to be an ordinary Hollywood commercial film.

To be honest, from the bottom of my heart, Tsui Hark resisted.

Kevin smiled and explained:

“This is only the first one. My idea is to let Americans accept the fairy-tale scene presented in the story and understand the background of the story.”

“For example, you need to let Americans know what a fairy is, what the Shushan faction is, what a swordsman is, and what a man is.”

“If you say it, just follow your movie in 1983. With all due respect, the box office will only lose money.”

Kevin’s words left Tsui Hark speechless.

In fact, Kevin feels that the biggest factor in the film’s success if it is to be successful can only be the scenery it presents.

well known.

The United States is a country dominated by plain terrain, and sea views are commonplace.

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