After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 212

Chapter 212:

This proposal from Colombia immediately attracted the interest of many people.

As for the operation process, it is very simple.

As long as you can bribe the staff guarding the place where the tape is placed and let him quietly set the fire, everything will be done easily.

According to U.S. law, even if an employee makes a big mistake, as long as you can’t prove that he was intentional, you can only judge by work error.

In this case, at most, they will be fired immediately, and then compensate a certain amount of company losses.

However, this compensation is based on the salary of the employee, and it is generally not too outrageous.

As long as they offer a decent amount, it’s hard for the person in charge to resist the temptation.

Not going to jail.

One vote, and direct economic freedom, isn’t this a beautiful thing.

In the case that the public agrees, Robinov also echoed a few words and participated in the implementation of this plan.

No one would have thought that the leaders of this anti-morning meeting had planned to sell them from the very beginning.


The next day, early in the morning, Robinov couldn’t wait to send a request to Kevin to meet through Chenxi Film Company.

For Robinov’s request, Kevin did not refuse.

Although I don’t know what Robinov has done with him, at least on the surface, Robinov didn’t tear up with him.

As the president of a movie giant, he was rejected every time he met, and it was impossible to get there.

Skillfully came to Kevin’s office.

Looking at Kevin leaning on the sofa and closing his eyes, Robinoff greeted him warmly, as if all the previous displeasures did not exist.

“Director Kevin, long time no see.”

Hearing the sound, Kevin opened his eyes, looked at Robinoff, and smiled slightly:

“President Robinov, what’s the matter with me today?”

“Please sit down!”

While asking him why he was here, he asked him to sit down.

Robinov also sat down rudely, pretending to be mysterious:

“I came to you to help you.”

“Oh, how can you help me?”

Kevin just responded lightly.

He is human, not God, and cannot know what is going on outside.

What he can be sure of is that Robinov, who came to him, must be plotting something.

Looking at Kevin’s lukewarm attitude, Robinoff didn’t see it at all, but said solemnly:

“It’s like this. Yesterday, I was called over and held a small meeting. The people in the meeting were all the presidents of major film companies.”

“The main content of the meeting is to suppress the development of Chenxi Films.”

Robinoff’s tone paused, while observing Kevin’s expression, and after seeing that Kevin was really listening to him, he continued:

“After some discussion, they decided to buy off the film guards and burn the master tapes of the three hundred Spartan warriors and the world of Shushan at one time.”


Facing this kind of news, Kevin did not panic immediately, but thanked Robinoff very calmly.

“Thank you, President Robinoff, your news is very important to me.”

Although Kevin cheated on Warner, Kevin had no mercy, but he still had to accept favors.

But anyway, Warner didn’t know that he was cheated by him, so it can be said that he didn’t cheat Warner at all.

The mystery is actually the pit of the DC universe, which has just begun.

And everything is Warner’s own choice, so Warner has not realized that it has been led astray by Kevin.

At the same time, Harry Potter, a resource that belongs to Warner in the future, was also robbed by Kevin.

Just these two things have actually made Warner miserable, but Warner doesn’t know it yet.

Seeing that Kevin was favored by himself, Robinoff said eagerly:

“Director Kevin, are there any opportunities for us to cooperate in the future?”

For this, Kevin nodded.

“Of course, I’m looking forward to cooperating with you, and I have a very good project right away. I just don’t know if you Warners want to get involved.”

“Of course, I’m talking about Warner Times.”

In the face of Kevin’s response, Robinoff was overjoyed and was able to resolve the conflict with Kevin before. This is a great good thing. It is worthwhile for him to betray his teammates to be a favor to Kevin.

Chapter 313 Dawn Entertainment’s Listing Plan

But what projects need Time Warner to participate in.

Robinov asked with a little doubt:

“Kevin, what project requires Time Warner’s participation?”

What he wants to do is the cooperation between Warner Bros. and Chenxi Films, not the cooperation between Time Warner and Chenxi Films.

However, the words must be heard before they are finished.

Kevin said lightly:

“Hogwarts theme park, you know?”

Robinov nodded and said with a little envy:

“I heard that it has been full almost every day for the past six months?”

“Yes, it’s full every day.”

“The cost is about 100 million US dollars, and I made a profit of 30 million US dollars in half a year.”

Kevin revealed the real data a little bit.

The arrival of Robinov made him think about it and decided to be the first to pull Time Warner into the arena.

Everyone became a community of interests, and Kevin took the big bucks himself and used the connections of the Warner Times to reduce trouble.

That way you can go further.

In terms of money, billions of dollars, billions of dollars in cash flow that can be used at any time, this is an unusually large number.

Kevin was afraid that he slept well, and the FBI suddenly came to the door to ask for trouble, and then took his net worth away.

Without enough background, this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

After all, he was shot seventeen times in the back, and in the official announcement, it can be said that he committed suicide.

Kevin is not surprised at what the US government does.

Kevin’s current political capital is not enough to protect himself. The best way is to distribute the profits and use other people’s contacts to protect himself.

Moreover, it is best for multiple capitals to enter the market together and restrain each other to prevent any capital from unexpectedly wanting to eat it in one bite.

At the same time, in order to prevent multiple capitals from uniting, they want to jointly attack Kevin.

Kevin also took the lifeblood of Dawn Entertainment into his hands through authorization.

This series of actions gave Kevin a sense of security.

As for the reluctance of capital to settle in?

To be honest, with this investment and income ratio, they do not want to enter the market, fearing that there are a lot of people who want to enter the market.

To put it bluntly, Kevin took the money to buy contacts.

Who can refuse the business of sending money, and capital is not a fool.

Robinov gasped, frightened by the number.

This year, the profit of 60 million US dollars.

It will take two years to make a return. This terrifying revenue ratio is even terrifying than the film industry.

Robinov couldn’t help but ask:

“What does Director Kevin mean?”

“I’m going to list Dawn Entertainment. Among them, 40% of Dawn Entertainment’s shares will be released. Of these 40 shares, I can reserve 10% for Time Warner.”

“As a price, Time Warner will **** the listing of Dawn Entertainment.”

In a listed company, people will look at the future of a company. It does not mean that your current size is large, and your stock price is high.

In the future Internet era, the biggest reason why the market value of Internet companies is so terrifying is the common optimism of people.

To put it bluntly, it has countless leeks to cut.

The stock market is essentially taking other people’s money, doing their own thing, and taking other people’s money out of their pockets.

What matters is how to get others to pay.

That is, you have to describe a bright future to investors.

At this point, Kevin has absolute confidence in the Hogwarts theme park project.

With his reputation as Steve Kevin, and this terrifying profit figure, plus the introduction of several capitals.

Although it is not directly comparable to Disney, there is absolutely no problem with a small Disney.

Robinov didn’t reply immediately, but thought for a while, then raised his head and said:

“I will communicate with the senior management of Time Warner about this matter. After confirming the intention, they will arrange for a door-to-door negotiation.”

Kevin nodded and said:

“I will introduce two more capitals, but their shareholding ratio is only five percent at most.”

After the birth of a large company with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars, it is actually not low to give them the right to purchase 5% of the original shares.

It’s probably a multi-billion dollar business.

After all, based on Kevin’s current valuation of Dawn Entertainment, it is at most one billion.

Sending 20% of the shares at a low price on this condition, that is, funds as high as two or three billion US dollars, in exchange for their escort.

It’s a bit of a loss to say it’s a loss, but it’s a must.

Without their escort, it would not be so simple for Dawn Entertainment to go public. There are various procedures, and if something goes wrong, Kevin, who can get stuck, wants to die.

His power is more limited to Hollywood, and his power outside Hollywood is still too weak and needs to be developed with the help of external forces.

Robinov nodded, keeping the information firmly in his mind, ready to go back and repeat it.

However, his own purpose has not been achieved, Robinov confirmed again:

“Director Kevin, what about movies?”

“Next year, I will arrange a project to cooperate with you, but I can only give you 20% of the share at most.”

Robinoff’s face was overjoyed, he nodded, and approved the conditions given by Kevin.

It’s just the first step in the healing of a relationship, 20 percent is 20 percent.

Who doesn’t want to buy and sell money.

“I’ll go back now, and I’ll contact Time Warner’s executives later to give a reply as quickly as possible.”

Kevin nodded.

After receiving Robinov, he still has two people to receive.

Originally he thought it was something, but now he suspects that they are all fighting the same idea as Robinov.

Sure enough, the presidents of Paramount and Fox came to Chenxi Film Company one after the other.

The two who met at the door looked at each other and cursed the old fox in their hearts at the same time.

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