After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 64

Chapter 64:

In terms of comedy movies alone, he is already a well-deserved superstar.

Of course, playing a villain like the Joker in Batman is actually not a downgrade.

Unlike Tom Cruise’s entire series of movies, Jim Carrey is similar to a series star, which is similar to the later Captain Jack Sparrow to a certain extent.

Namely, Johnny Depp, as long as he is shooting Pirates of the Caribbean, he is a well-deserved superstar.

But if he leaves the Pirates of the Caribbean series, he may cut half of his salary directly and get the treatment of an A-list star.

In the same way, if Jim Carrey plays a comedy, he is greeted with superstar treatment.

It is said that for the sequel to the detective plane, Warners will pay him $20 million.

And, Jim Carrey has agreed.

However, the specific shooting was pushed to next year by Jim Carrey because of his love for the clown.

Faced with this situation, Warner is also very helpless, whether it is the detective plane head or Batman is their own thing.

And the drama of the detective plane head can’t change the actors.

I had no choice but to wait until Jim Carrey finished filming Batman before continuing the filming of the detective plane.

From this point, Christian Bale is very clear about his identity.

He is just a small actor and needs to put in more effort in the crew.

At the same time, his shape has not been completely completed, and he has to sacrifice sleep time to shape his body every day.

Kevin didn’t care about the comparison between the actors on the stage.

As long as it doesn’t affect the shooting of the movie, he can ignore it completely. Of course, if it affects the shooting of the movie, even if it is the heroine Milla Jovovich, he can still spray it.

On set, he was the king in control.

Even a superstar, with his current status, can be offended.


With an order, the crew immediately started filming.

Photography and lighting were in place one by one, and Kevin observed the world under the lens through the camera.

Under the lens of the camera, New York in the real world has turned into Gotham City with countless sins.

The dark and deep tones, gloomy like a cloudy day that may rain at any time, all indicate the dark nature of this movie.

Under the camera, the Dark Knight Batman is having an ideological battle with the Joker.

The Joker is expounding his own messy thoughts with his own mind, trying to get Batman to give up his principles and become a second him.

Yes, there is a special setting in the whole movie.

That is, Batman is the Joker who has a bottom line, and the Joker is a Batman who has given up the bottom line.

They are special beings with two sides to one person.

It is because of seeing this that the Joker feels that he has found his own kind. He wants Batman to completely give up the bottom line and become him.

Even at the cost of his own death.

Compared with the clown depicted in the comics, the dark knight has sublimated the role of the clown countless times.

Kevin can imagine that in the future, the role of the Joker in DC Comics, after the release of The Dark Knight, may be directly depicted in the template of Jim Carrey.

Just after the release of Marvel’s comic character Iron Man movie, the comic character looks more and more like Robert Downey Jr. In the wind and clouds, since the TV series and movies have become popular, the domineering in the comics has become more and more long. Like Chiba Shinichi is generally the same reason.

It can only be said that the role played by the actor is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Coupled with the film’s box office success, the influence it brings forced the revision of the comics.

Only then can people express the same emotion that the actor just walked out of the comics.

The clown played by Jim Carrey, with his invincible facial control, only slightly pulled the skin on his face, and with the scars on both sides of his mouth, he instantly formed a daunting smile.

Looking at Batman standing tall and high, he grinned and said:

“You are me, I am you…”

This large part of the plot, under the interpretation of Jim Carrey, is simply 0NG, which makes Kevin very satisfied.

This is a more perfect clown than Heath Ledger.

Here, though, what Kevin is talking about isn’t all about acting.

It’s an innate talent, Jim Carrey’s control over facial expressions, really doesn’t come just by learning.

Heath Ledger also needed to put on pale white makeup to add to that oozing feeling.

But in Kevin’s view, that kind of makeup gave him an inexplicable sense of play.

After changing to Jim Carrey, it only needs a little embellishment, no matter who, after seeing Jim Carrey in the Batman crew, he will not just regard him as a comedian.

This is an acting skill that is at the Oscar level.


Kevin frowned as he watched the two of them play against each other.

With Jim Carrey full of aura, Christian Bale, the Batman, has become completely less domineering.

This is something Kevin didn’t expect.

Christian Bale at this time was indeed still too young to be comparable to Jim Carrey.

Of course, it is not impossible.

Batman’s mask is actually the best cover.

When Kevin was shooting this movie, in order to increase Batman’s charm, he made a big concession to Batman’s face.

Based on commercial considerations, the occlusion of the face should be reduced as much as possible.

Allow the audience to observe more of Batman’s appearance through this relatively small mask.

To put it bluntly, it is selling face.

Christian Bale, being able to win the most popular Batman award other than the first Batman actor, is enough to show that people recognize his looks.

Even if the comics are not like it, the audience just likes it.

Sometimes it’s a compromise between cinematic art and reality.

However, Kevin gave Christian Bale a maximum of three chances.

After three times, if Christian Bale still can’t find his form, don’t blame him for wearing Christian Bale’s mask the most, showing only his lips and eyes.


Jim Carrey was giving full play to his acting skills when he suddenly heard Kevin say this, and was immediately stunned.

Chapter 104 Kevin’s next plan, steady and steady development

Is there something wrong with the acting he just played?

With this doubt, Jim Carrey looked at Kevin, but saw Kevin staring coldly at the Batman played by Christian Bale.

I understood in my heart that it turned out that the problem was not him.

Immediately relieved, he performed again.


Hearing the comeback of Christian Bale, he suddenly panicked. Before that, he always felt that his acting skills were very good.

But in front of Jim Carrey, he acted like a rookie who had just stepped into the actor’s ranks.

From the lines, to the acting, to the aura, he was crushed in all directions.

And Kevin didn’t swear, just repeated the cold sentence, which made him feel more fearful than scolding.

This made his next performance even worse.


Kevin said coldly again.

Jim Carrey is still playing steadily, and Christian Bale is still being crushed.

“Rest, props, bring Batman’s new mask here.”

Christian Bale’s face darkened suddenly, but it was true that he didn’t play well, and Kevin could not be blamed for reducing the difficulty of the opposite scene through props.

Of course, for him, it means reducing the number of scenes he shows his face.

Although unwilling, but obviously, he is not qualified to discuss with Kevin, he can only choose to act or not act.

Life on the set is very boring, after the actual shooting is over.

The crew also moved to Warner’s studio.

Everything is being filmed step by step.


The filming on the set cannot affect the development of time.

In a flash, two months passed, and the North American box office charts came out.

During the lunch break, when everyone else was resting, Ellie brought Kevin a professional film newspaper, while helping Kevin rub his head, which was aching from filming.

While reading the box office rankings for him.

“Tenth place, New Line Cinema’s geek in disguise, the actor is Jim Carrey.”

Kevin nodded, indicating that he received it, and at the same time, he smiled inwardly, Pulp Fiction, the top ten movie of the year, was pushed out because of his arrival.

He was still a little shy about this.

Quentin Tarantino, the director of Pulp Fiction, originally Kevin quite liked him.

Unfortunately, because of the various black Bruce Lee in the movie later, Kevin’s strong disgust was aroused.

It can only be said that this person is talented, but not virtuous.

“The ninth speed of life and death, produced by Fox.”

“The eighth place is in hot pursuit, produced by Paramount.”

“Seventh, Dumb and Dumb, one of the two leading actors is Jim Carrey, and the movie is distributed by New Line Cinema.”

“Sixth, Stone Family Paradise, Universal Pictures.”

“The fifth place, this year’s Christmas event, produced by BWE Films.”

“Fourth, True Lies, directed by James Cameron, produced by Fox.”

“The third place, The Lion King, produced by Bo Wei.”

“Second place, Forrest Gump, produced by Paramount.”

“First place, Pirates of the Caribbean, produced by MGM, Warner, and Dawn Films.”

When reading this, Ellie’s face couldn’t help showing a smile, looking at Kevin who was lying on the chair with his eyes closed, listening to her voice with adoring eyes.

No. 1 at the North American box office, this is no small honor.

You know, this ranking is only once a year.

So far, Hollywood has only developed for a few decades, and only a few dozen directors have won the first place.

Among them, excluding duplicate directors and directors who have passed away, there are only a dozen or so left.

And these people, now in Hollywood, have a pivotal position one by one.

Nicholas Kevin’s uncle Francis Ford Coppola, director of The Godfather, was one of them.

Knowing this, you will know what the gold content of this ranking is.

With Pirates of the Caribbean, Kevin can become a great director even if he mixes up his qualifications.

Of course, in terms of awards, and in terms of art.

Pirates of the Caribbean is indeed not as good as the godfather, even so, this is still a very precious resume.

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