After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 73

Chapter 73:

“I’ll be there on time.”

Hanging up the phone, Kevin notified Milla Jovovich again, and only hung up after getting an exact reply from Milla Jovovich.


The next day, in front of the Hollywood Chinese Theater, a long red carpet was spread directly from the door to the inner stage.

On both sides of the red carpet, there are fans of Batman, fans of Steve Kevin, and a large number of media reporters and photographers.

Hundreds of people crowded the interior space of the Grand Theater.

As the heart of Batman’s Dark Knight, Steve Kevin walked down the red carpet holding Milla Jovovich’s hand.

“Steve Kevin! Steve Kevin! I will always support your movie, come on!”

“Director Kevin, we love you!”

“Director Steve Kevin, you are the best!”


As a behind-the-scenes staff member, Steve Kevin finally has his own fan base under the fans accumulated in many movies.

This is the first time Kevin has felt the enthusiasm of the fans. I have to say that this feeling of being admired can easily make the admirers feel aloof.

No wonder in the past life, in Kevin’s memory, so many stars put their posture so high.

However, compared with those stars, Kevin, as a director, is more able to recognize his own identity, he is very clear.

These fans are all built on the movies he shoots.

Rather than the roles played by stars, as well as looks and personalities.

Therefore, fans don’t have much influence on him. What determines his status is the success of the movie, not the fans, as long as his movie is well-made.

It doesn’t matter if you have fans or not.

Of course, he is very happy to be liked by fans.

Kevin waved to the fans, and after a burst of screams from the fans, he walked right in.

A look of envy flashed in Milla Jovovich’s eyes on the side, but at the same time, she was very much looking forward to it in her heart.

As a small Hollywood role, she dreamed of this kind of scene.

But now that they have all starred in Steve Kevin’s latest masterpiece, a surge in fame has become inevitable.

This kind of scene, she will experience the same in the future.

Thinking of this, Milla Jovovich held Kevin’s hand tightly and stepped into the theater with a free expression.


“Kevin, here you are.”

Robinoff greeted Kevin with a smile.

Ordinary movies, of course, do not need his president to cooperate.

But this Steve Kevin movie is certainly different.

As DC’s largest IP, and an investment of 150 million US dollars, including an additional publicity fee of 20 million US dollars.

With a total of 170 million top-level productions, there is no room for mistakes.

As the president, at this time, he would naturally come out to help preside over the premiere to prevent any accidents.

Kevin nodded, with a confident smile on his face.

“Don’t worry, President Robinov, I promise that the Dark Knight will not have any accidents.”

“It’s bound to be a big hit at the box office.”

“It’s going to be one of my peaks, a movie that’s going to become a classic.”

American society advocates the strong.

When Kevin has such ability, he should not keep a low profile, so as to win the respect and attention of others.

Of course, Robinoff believed Kevin’s words.

However, hearing Kevin’s words, Robinov felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

When Kevin and Warner cooperated so happily, Warner actually moved his mind and wanted to eat the morning light film company founded by Kevin, which was totally inappropriate.

Of course, this kind of thought just flashed by.

If Kevin really made Huacheng a stock, Warner would definitely not mind and swallow Kevin’s Chenxi Film Company in one bite.

And, more than that, it is no problem to have Kevin and Warner sign a lifetime cooperation contract.

As for investment shares, it is naturally impossible to give, and being able to give high remuneration is already the only conscience of capital.

Of course, he never imagined that Kevin knew about their bad intentions long ago.

The dark knight’s counterattack for this will bring them a huge loss.

“Of course, with your ability, I have no doubts about the success of the Dark Knight.”

After a few words of courtesy, Robinov went to greet the guests.

Milla Jovovich took advantage of this rare opportunity to keep rolling around under various cameras on the edge of the venue.

Try to make your own photos appear more in the media.

As for Kevin, of course you don’t have to worry about this. Even if he stands in the center of the venue, it is difficult for these media to interview him, but he is still the center of the camera.

Countless media took pictures of him from a distance.

Wearing a white suit, he had a light beard on his face, which made him look more mature and matched with his appearance and status.

At the scene, it attracted the attention of countless media.

More than ten minutes later, Kevin, who was extremely bored, slipped behind the stage again.

Take a break for the time being.

“Hello, are you Director Steve Kevin?”

When Kevin was resting, a female reporter who sneaked to the backstage was very happy when she saw Kevin who was resting.

You know, in the outside world, Kevin rarely gives interviews in private.

And official interviews often have only those fixed questions and procedures.

This made countless reporters want to find Kevin for a private interview, but they have never been able to find the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, today, she boldly sneaked in and bumped into this opportunity.

Kevin rubbed his eyes, and was disturbed just after a break.

He was about to get angry, but when he opened his eyes, he saw the woman in front of him, and her D+ grade ominous omen.

Kevin’s anger suddenly decreased a lot.

“I am, who are you?”

The female reporter Gretel responded quickly:

“I’m a trainee reporter for the New York Daily, Gretel, can you give me a chance to interview you?”

“I will repay you.”

Gretel’s hand inadvertently touched his ominous omen, and the trembling trembling made Kevin unable to move his eyes.

To be honest, among so many of his female friends.

There really isn’t one like this, which makes him somewhat hesitant.

After hesitating for a while, Kevin handed out a business card, and then said:

“This is my personal business card. If there is time later, I will contact you.”

The female reporter immediately smiled.

I have to say that it’s really hard to say that she has suffered a loss after sleeping with a director like Kevin.

He is handsome, has status, and is rich. Sleep with him once.

I don’t know how many American women dream.

Chapter 118 The Premiere Begins

And she, not only had the opportunity to sleep, but also got the opportunity to interview him.

Therefore, it is very cost-effective to directly transfer to a major newspaper such as the New York Daily.

The waiting time passed quickly.

Kevin came to the stage for a formal interview.

Countless reporters could not wait to put the microphone into Kevin’s mouth, but Kevin’s expressionless attitude finally made these lawless reporters dare not take a step forward.

The microphone was crowded in front of him, but always kept a certain distance.

Among these reporters, Kevin saw the fierce female reporter, and then squeezed a smile from the corner of his mouth, pointed at her, and said:

“If you have any questions, just ask.”

Gretel suddenly became excited and asked in his mouth:

“Director Steve Kevin, do you have any expectations for the first-week box office of Batman The Dark Knight?”

Gretel’s eyes were full of expectations and hints.

Kevin smiled slightly, and declared unceremoniously in his mouth:

“Don’t talk about box office, just talk about ranking.”

“No. 1 at the North American box office in 1995 is my goal.”

The reporters on the side were suddenly excited, and Kevin’s words were so confident that there was news at all.

A reporter jumped out quickly.

“So, the movie Apollo 13 directed by Ron Howard, you don’t think so.”

“That’s why you chose to set the next Batman Dark Knight in July?”

“No, the matter of setting the file is decided by Warner Bros. As a director, this aspect is not up to me.”

Although the front is high-profile, Kevin is not a casual foe.

No one else has offended him, and he will definitely not take the initiative to provoke others.

Then another reporter asked:

“In the industry, I heard that you have a very bad relationship with Miramax’s boss, Harvey Weinstein. Is this true?”


Kevin made no secret of it.

Harvey Weinstein has so many Achilles’ heels that Kevin can deal with him without much effort.

If nothing else, Harvey Weinstein has too many prostitutes for female stars.

Promise to the female stars that they will play the film, so as to implement unspoken rules for these female stars.

With Miramax’s resume, this move was too effective.

Too bad Harvey Weinstein never delivered.

In the future, after the development of female boxing, Harvey Weinstein fell on it.

The reporter was preparing to ask other questions. Kevin no longer answered these troublesome questions, but responded in an official way.

Then, the premiere officially started. After Kevin went up and said some polite remarks, some stars that Kevin knew or didn’t know followed one after another and praised the Batman Dark Knight in the face of the media.

Obviously, in order to increase the attention of this premiere, Warner Bros. used its own connections to invite many stars to attend the premiere.

The biggest of them all is Tom Cruise.

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